blob: ca3abcf004a7a02d08fce9b7e070ae5aded21bcf [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
from common import gtest_utils
from slave import annotation_utils
from slave import slave_utils
MISSING_SHARDS_MSG = r"""Missing results from the following shard(s): %s
This can happen in following cases:
* Test failed to start (missing *.dll/*.so dependency for example)
* Test crashed or hung
* Task expired because there are not enough bots available and are all used
* Swarming service experienced problems
Please examine logs to figure out what happened.
def emit_warning(title, log=None):
print '@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@'
print title
if log:
slave_utils.WriteLogLines(title, log.split('\n'))
def merge_shard_results(summary_json, jsons_to_merge):
"""Reads JSON test output from all shards and combines them into one.
Returns dict with merged test output on success or None on failure. Emits
# summary.json is produced by itself. We are mostly interested
# in the number of shards.
with open(summary_json) as f:
summary = json.load(f)
except (IOError, ValueError):
'summary.json is missing or can not be read',
'Something is seriously wrong with swarming_client/ or the bot.')
return None
# Merge all JSON files together. Keep track of missing shards.
merged = {
'all_tests': set(),
'disabled_tests': set(),
'global_tags': set(),
'missing_shards': [],
'per_iteration_data': [],
'swarming_summary': summary,
for index, result in enumerate(summary['shards']):
if result is not None:
# Author note: this code path doesn't trigger convert_to_old_format() in
# client/, which means the state enum is saved in its string
# name form, not in the number form.
state = result.get('state')
if state == u'BOT_DIED':
emit_warning('Shard #%d had a Swarming internal failure' % index)
elif state == u'EXPIRED':
emit_warning('There wasn\'t enough capacity to run your test')
elif state == u'TIMED_OUT':
'Test runtime exceeded allocated time',
'Either it ran for too long (hard timeout) or it didn\'t produce '
'I/O for an extended period of time (I/O timeout)')
elif state == u'COMPLETED':
json_data, err_msg = load_shard_json(index, jsons_to_merge)
if json_data:
# Set-like fields.
for key in ('all_tests', 'disabled_tests', 'global_tags'):
merged[key].update(json_data.get(key), [])
# 'per_iteration_data' is a list of dicts. Dicts should be merged
# together, not the 'per_iteration_data' list itself.
merged['per_iteration_data'] = merge_list_of_dicts(
json_data.get('per_iteration_data', []))
emit_warning('Task ran but no result was found: %s' % err_msg)
emit_warning('Invalid Swarming task state: %s' % state)
# If some shards are missing, make it known. Continue parsing anyway. Step
# should be red anyway, since return non-zero exit code in that
# case.
if merged['missing_shards']:
as_str = ', '.join(map(str, merged['missing_shards']))
'some shards did not complete: %s' % as_str,
# Not all tests run, combined JSON summary can not be trusted.
# Convert to jsonish dict.
for key in ('all_tests', 'disabled_tests', 'global_tags'):
merged[key] = sorted(merged[key])
return merged
OUTPUT_JSON_SIZE_LIMIT = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100 MB
def load_shard_json(index, jsons_to_merge):
"""Reads JSON output of the specified shard.
output_dir: The directory in which to look for the JSON output to load.
index: The index of the shard to load data for.
Returns: A tuple containing:
* The contents of path, deserialized into a python object.
* An error string.
(exactly one of the tuple elements will be non-None).
# 'output.json' is set in swarming/, gtest_task method.
matching_json_files = [
j for j in jsons_to_merge
if (os.path.basename(j) == 'output.json'
and os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(j)) == str(index))]
if not matching_json_files:
print >> sys.stderr, 'shard %s test output missing' % index
return (None, 'shard %s test output was missing' % index)
elif len(matching_json_files) > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'duplicate test output for shard %s' % index
return (None, 'shard %s test output was duplicated' % index)
path = matching_json_files[0]
filesize = os.stat(path).st_size
print >> sys.stderr, 'output.json is %d bytes. Max size is %d' % (
return (None, 'shard %s test output exceeded the size limit' % index)
with open(path) as f:
return (json.load(f), None)
except (IOError, ValueError, OSError) as e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Missing or invalid gtest JSON file: %s' % path
print >> sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (type(e).__name__, e)
return (None, 'shard %s test output was missing or invalid' % index)
def merge_list_of_dicts(left, right):
"""Merges dicts left[0] with right[0], left[1] with right[1], etc."""
output = []
for i in xrange(max(len(left), len(right))):
left_dict = left[i] if i < len(left) else {}
right_dict = right[i] if i < len(right) else {}
merged_dict = left_dict.copy()
return output
def standard_gtest_merge(
output_json, summary_json, jsons_to_merge):
output = merge_shard_results(summary_json, jsons_to_merge)
with open(output_json, 'wb') as f:
json.dump(output, f)
return 0
def main(raw_args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-json', required=True)
parser.add_argument('jsons_to_merge', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args(raw_args)
return standard_gtest_merge(
args.output_json, args.summary_json, args.jsons_to_merge)
if __name__ == '__main__':