blob: c72e66b1e000ae32006ff0cf280527de2aa2a3a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Please don't directly include this file if you are building via gyp_cobalt,
# since gyp_cobalt is automatically forcing its inclusion.
# Variables expected to be overriden in the platform's gyp_configuration.gypi.
'variables': {
# Putting a variables dict inside another variables dict looks kind of
# weird. This is done so that 'host_arch', 'android_build_type', etc are
# defined as variables within the outer variables dict here. This is
# necessary to get these variables defined for the conditions within this
# variables dict that operate on these variables.
'variables': {
'variables': {
'variables': {
'<!(uname -m | sed -e "s/i.86/ia32/;s/x86_64/x64/;s/amd64/x64/;s/arm.*/arm/;s/i86pc/ia32/")',
# Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope.
'host_arch%': '<(host_arch)',
# Default architecture we're building for is the architecture we're
# building on.
'target_arch%': '<(host_arch)',
# Sets whether we're building with the Android SDK/NDK (and hence with
# Ant, value 0), or as part of the Android system (and hence with the
# Android build system, value 1).
'android_build_type%': 0,
# Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope.
'host_arch%': '<(host_arch)',
'target_arch%': '<(target_arch)',
'android_build_type%': '<(android_build_type)',
# Set to 1 to enable dcheck in release without having to use the flag.
'dcheck_always_on%': 0,
# Python version.
'python_ver%': '2.6',
# Set ARM-v7 compilation flags
'armv7%': 0,
# Set Neon compilation flags (only meaningful if armv7==1).
'arm_neon%': 1,
# The system root for cross-compiles. Default: none.
'sysroot%': '',
# Use libjpeg-turbo as the JPEG codec used by Chromium.
'use_libjpeg_turbo%': 1,
# Use system libjpeg. Note that the system's libjepg will be used even if
# use_libjpeg_turbo is set.
'use_system_libjpeg%': 0,
# Variable 'component' is for cases where we would like to build some
# components as dynamic shared libraries but still need variable
# 'library' for static libraries.
# By default, component is set to whatever library is set to and
# it can be overriden by the GYP command line or by ~/.gyp/include.gypi.
'component%': 'static_library',
# Enable building with ASAN (Clang's -fsanitize=address option).
# -fsanitize=address only works with clang, but asan=1 implies clang=1
# See
'asan%': 0,
# Enable building with TSAN (Clang's -fsanitize=thread option).
# -fsanitize=thread only works with clang, but tsan=1 implies clang=1
# See
'tsan%': 0,
# Use a modified version of Clang to intercept allocated types and sizes
# for allocated objects. clang_type_profiler=1 implies clang=1.
# See
# TODO(dmikurube): Support mac. See
'clang_type_profiler%': 0,
# Set to true to instrument the code with function call logger.
# See src/third_party/cygprofile/ for details.
'order_profiling%': 0,
# Set this to true when building with Clang.
# See for details.
'clang%': 0,
# Set to "tsan", "memcheck", or "drmemory" to configure the build to work
# with one of those tools.
'build_for_tool%': '',
'os_posix%': 0,
'os_bsd%': 0,
# Make sure that cobalt is defined. This is needed in
# the case where the code is built using Chromium stock
# build tools.
'cobalt%': 0,
# Copy conditionally-set variables out one scope.
'target_arch%': '<(target_arch)',
'host_arch%': '<(host_arch)',
'library%': 'static_library',
'os_bsd%': '<(os_bsd)',
'os_posix%': '<(os_posix)',
'dcheck_always_on%': '<(dcheck_always_on)',
'python_ver%': '<(python_ver)',
'armv7%': '<(armv7)',
'arm_neon%': '<(arm_neon)',
'sysroot%': '<(sysroot)',
'component%': '<(component)',
'asan%': '<(asan)',
'tsan%': '<(tsan)',
'clang_type_profiler%': '<(clang_type_profiler)',
'order_profiling%': '<(order_profiling)',
'use_libjpeg_turbo%': '<(use_libjpeg_turbo)',
'use_system_libjpeg%': '<(use_system_libjpeg)',
'android_build_type%': '<(android_build_type)',
# Use system protobuf instead of bundled one.
'use_system_protobuf%': 0,
# Whether proprietary audio/video codecs are assumed to be included with
# this build (only meaningful if branding!=Chrome).
'proprietary_codecs%': 0,
# TODO(sgk): eliminate this if possible.
# It would be nicer to support this via a setting in 'target_defaults'
# in chrome/app/locales/locales.gypi overriding the setting in the
# 'Debug' configuration in the 'target_defaults' dict below,
# but that doesn't work as we'd like.
'msvs_debug_link_incremental%': '2',
# Clang stuff.
'clang%': '<(clang)',
'make_clang_dir%': 'third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts',
# These two variables can be set in GYP_DEFINES while running
# |gclient runhooks| to let clang run a plugin in every compilation.
# Only has an effect if 'clang=1' is in GYP_DEFINES as well.
# Example:
# GYP_DEFINES='clang=1 clang_load=/abs/path/to/libPrintFunctionNames.dylib clang_add_plugin=print-fns' gclient runhooks
'clang_load%': '',
'clang_add_plugin%': '',
# Enable sampling based profiler.
# See
'profiling%': '0',
# Set Thumb compilation flags.
'arm_thumb%': 0,
# Set ARM fpu compilation flags (only meaningful if armv7==1 and
# arm_neon==0).
'arm_fpu%': 'vfpv3',
# Set ARM float abi compilation flag.
'arm_float_abi%': 'softfp',
# .gyp files or targets should set chromium_code to 1 if they build
# Chromium-specific code, as opposed to external code. This variable is
# used to control such things as the set of warnings to enable, and
# whether warnings are treated as errors.
'chromium_code%': 0,
'release_valgrind_build%': 0,
# TODO(thakis): Make this a blacklist instead,
'enable_wexit_time_destructors%': 0,
# Native Client is enabled by default.
'disable_nacl%': 0,
# Sets the default version name and code for Android app, by default we
# do a developer build.
'android_app_version_name%': 'Developer Build',
'android_app_version_code%': 0,
'windows_sdk_path%': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10',
'conditions': [
['target_arch=="android"', {
# Location of Android NDK.
'variables': {
'variables': {
'variables': {
'android_ndk_root%': '<!(/bin/echo -n $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)',
'android_ndk_root%': '<(android_ndk_root)',
'conditions': [
['target_arch == "ia32"', {
'android_app_abi%': 'x86',
'android_ndk_sysroot%': '<(android_ndk_root)/platforms/android-9/arch-x86',
['target_arch=="arm" or (OS=="lb_shell" and target_arch=="android")', {
'android_ndk_sysroot%': '<(android_ndk_root)/platforms/android-9/arch-arm',
'conditions': [
['armv7==0', {
'android_app_abi%': 'armeabi',
}, {
'android_app_abi%': 'armeabi-v7a',
'android_ndk_root%': '<(android_ndk_root)',
'android_app_abi%': '<(android_app_abi)',
'android_ndk_sysroot%': '<(android_ndk_sysroot)',
'android_ndk_root%': '<(android_ndk_root)',
'android_ndk_sysroot': '<(android_ndk_sysroot)',
'android_ndk_include': '<(android_ndk_sysroot)/usr/include',
'android_ndk_lib': '<(android_ndk_sysroot)/usr/lib',
'android_app_abi%': '<(android_app_abi)',
# Location of the "strip" binary, used by both gyp and scripts.
'android_strip%' : '<!(/bin/echo -n <(android_toolchain)/*-strip)',
# Provides an absolute path to PRODUCT_DIR (e.g. out/Release). Used
# to specify the output directory for Ant in the Android build.
'ant_build_out': '`cd <(PRODUCT_DIR) && pwd -P`',
'proprietary_codecs%': '<(proprietary_codecs)',
# Disable Native Client.
'disable_nacl%': 1,
# When building as part of the Android system, use system libraries
# where possible to reduce ROM size.
# TODO(steveblock): Investigate using the system version of sqlite.
'use_system_sqlite%': 0, # '<(android_build_type)',
'use_system_icu%': '<(android_build_type)',
'use_system_stlport%': '<(android_build_type)',
# Copy it out one scope.
'android_build_type%': '<(android_build_type)',
}], # target_arch=="android"
['use_system_libjpeg==1 or use_libjpeg_turbo==0', {
# Configuration for using the system libjeg is here.
'libjpeg_gyp_path': '../third_party/libjpeg/libjpeg.gyp',
}, {
'libjpeg_gyp_path': '../third_party/libjpeg_turbo/libjpeg.gyp',
['asan==1 and OS!="win"', {
'clang%': 1,
['tsan==1', {
'clang%': 1,
# On valgrind bots, override the optimizer settings so we don't inline too
# much and make the stacks harder to figure out.
# TODO(rnk): Kill off variables that no one else uses and just implement
# them under a build_for_tool== condition.
['build_for_tool=="memcheck" or build_for_tool=="tsan"', {
# gcc flags
'mac_debug_optimization': '1',
'mac_release_optimization': '1',
'release_optimize': '1',
'no_gc_sections': 1,
'debug_extra_cflags': '-g -fno-inline -fno-omit-frame-pointer '
'-fno-builtin -fno-optimize-sibling-calls',
'release_extra_cflags': '-g -fno-inline -fno-omit-frame-pointer '
'-fno-builtin -fno-optimize-sibling-calls',
# MSVS flags for TSan on Pin and Windows.
'win_debug_RuntimeChecks': '0',
'win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging': '1',
'win_debug_Optimization': '1',
'win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion': '0',
'win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion': '0',
'win_release_OmitFramePointers': '0',
'linux_use_tcmalloc': 1,
'release_valgrind_build': 1,
'werror': '',
'component': 'static_library',
'use_system_zlib': 0,
# Build tweaks for DrMemory.
# TODO(rnk): Combine with tsan config to share the builder.
['build_for_tool=="drmemory"', {
# These runtime checks force initialization of stack vars which blocks
# DrMemory's uninit detection.
'win_debug_RuntimeChecks': '0',
# Iterator debugging is slow.
'win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging': '1',
# Try to disable optimizations that mess up stacks in a release build.
# DrM-i#1054 (
# /O2 and /Ob0 (disable inline) cannot be used together because of a
# compiler bug, so we use /Ob1 instead.
'win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion': '1',
'win_release_OmitFramePointers': '0',
# Ditto for debug, to support bumping win_debug_Optimization.
'win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion': 0,
'win_debug_OmitFramePointers': 0,
# Keep the code under #ifndef NVALGRIND.
'release_valgrind_build': 1,
'target_defaults': {
'variables': {
# The condition that operates on chromium_code is in a target_conditions
# section, and will not have access to the default fallback value of
# chromium_code at the top of this file, or to the chromium_code
# variable placed at the root variables scope of .gyp files, because
# those variables are not set at target scope. As a workaround,
# if chromium_code is not set at target scope, define it in target scope
# to contain whatever value it has during early variable expansion.
# That's enough to make it available during target conditional
# processing.
'chromium_code%': '<(chromium_code)',
# See
'win_release_Optimization%': '2', # 2 = /Os
'win_debug_Optimization%': '0', # 0 = /Od
# See
# Tri-state: blank is default, 1 on, 0 off
'win_release_OmitFramePointers%': '0',
# Tri-state: blank is default, 1 on, 0 off
'win_debug_OmitFramePointers%': '',
# See
'win_debug_RuntimeChecks%': '3', # 3 = all checks enabled, 0 = off
# See
'win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion%': '', # empty = default, 0 = off,
'win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion%': '2', # 1 = only __inline, 2 = max
# VS inserts quite a lot of extra checks to algorithms like
# std::partial_sort in Debug build which make them O(N^2)
# instead of O(N*logN). This is particularly slow under memory
# tools like ThreadSanitizer so we want it to be disablable.
# See
'win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging%': '0',
'release_extra_cflags%': '',
'debug_extra_cflags%': '',
'release_valgrind_build%': '<(release_valgrind_build)',
# the non-qualified versions are widely assumed to be *nix-only
'win_release_extra_cflags%': '',
'win_debug_extra_cflags%': '',
# TODO(thakis): Make this a blacklist instead,
'enable_wexit_time_destructors%': '<(enable_wexit_time_destructors)',
# Only used by Windows build for now. Can be used to build into a
# differet output directory, e.g., a build_dir_prefix of VS2010_ would
# output files in src/build/VS2010_{Debug,Release}.
'build_dir_prefix%': '',
# Targets are by default not nacl untrusted code.
'nacl_untrusted_build%': 0,
'pnacl_compile_flags': [
# pnacl uses the clang compiler so we need to supress all the
# same warnings as we do for clang.
# TODO(sbc): Remove these if/when they are removed from the clang
# build.
# See
'win_release_RuntimeLibrary%': '0', # 0 = /MT (nondebug static)
'win_debug_RuntimeLibrary%': '1', # 1 = /MTd (debug static)
# See
'mac_release_optimization%': '3', # Use -O3 unless overridden
'mac_debug_optimization%': '0', # Use -O0 unless overridden
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['component=="shared_library"', {
'defines': ['COMPONENT_BUILD'],
['profiling==1', {
'defines': ['ENABLE_PROFILING=1'],
['proprietary_codecs==1', {
['dcheck_always_on!=0', {
'defines': ['DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON=1'],
}], # dcheck_always_on!=0
], # conditions for 'target_defaults'
'target_conditions': [
['enable_wexit_time_destructors==1', {
'conditions': [
[ 'clang==1', {
'cflags': [
'xcode_settings': {
['chromium_code!=0', {
'includes': [
# Rules for excluding e.g. from the build on non-Windows.
# In Chromium code, we define __STDC_foo_MACROS in order to get the
# C99 macros on Mac and Linux.
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['(OS == "win" or target_arch=="xb1") and component=="shared_library"', {
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [
4251, # class 'std::xx' needs to have dll-interface.
], # target_conditions for 'target_defaults'
'configurations': {
# VCLinkerTool LinkIncremental values below:
# 0 == default
# Debug links incremental, Release does not.
# Abstract base configurations to cover common attributes.
'Common_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_configuration_attributes': {
'OutputDirectory': '<(DEPTH)\\build\\<(build_dir_prefix)$(ConfigurationName)',
'IntermediateDirectory': '$(OutDir)\\obj\\$(ProjectName)',
'CharacterSet': '1',
'x86_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'TargetMachine': '1',
'msvs_configuration_platform': 'Win32',
'x64_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'msvs_configuration_platform': 'x64',
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'TargetMachine': '17', # x86 - 64
'VCLibrarianTool': {
'defines': [
# Not sure if tcmalloc works on 64-bit Windows.
'Debug_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '<(mac_debug_optimization)',
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'Optimization': '<(win_debug_Optimization)',
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
'BasicRuntimeChecks': '<(win_debug_RuntimeChecks)',
'RuntimeLibrary': '<(win_debug_RuntimeLibrary)',
'conditions': [
# According to MSVS, InlineFunctionExpansion=0 means
# "default inlining", not "/Ob0".
# Thus, we have to handle InlineFunctionExpansion==0 separately.
['win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion==0', {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Ob0'],
['win_debug_InlineFunctionExpansion!=""', {
['win_debug_disable_iterator_debugging==1', {
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0'],
# if win_debug_OmitFramePointers is blank, leave as default
['win_debug_OmitFramePointers==1', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
['win_debug_OmitFramePointers==0', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'false',
# The above is not sufficient ( it
# simply eliminates an explicit "/Oy", but both /O2 and /Ox
# perform FPO regardless, so we must explicitly disable.
# We still want the false setting above to avoid having
# "/Oy /Oy-" and warnings about overriding.
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Oy-'],
'AdditionalOptions': [ '<@(win_debug_extra_cflags)', ],
'VCLinkerTool': {
'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_incremental)',
# ASLR makes debugging with windbg difficult because Chrome.exe and
# Chrome.dll share the same base name. As result, windbg will
# name the Chrome.dll module like chrome_<base address>, where
# <base address> typically changes with each launch. This in turn
# means that breakpoints in Chrome.dll don't stick from one launch
# to the next. For this reason, we turn ASLR off in debug builds.
# Note that this is a three-way bool, where 0 means to pick up
# the default setting, 1 is off and 2 is on.
'RandomizedBaseAddress': 1,
'VCResourceCompilerTool': {
'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
'conditions': [
# Disabled on iOS because it was causing a crash on startup.
# TODO(michelea): investigate, create a reduced test and possibly
# submit a radar.
['release_valgrind_build==0 and OS!="ios"', {
'xcode_settings': {
'-fstack-protector-all', # Implies -fstack-protector
'Release_Base': {
'abstract': 1,
'defines': [
'xcode_settings': {
'DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING': 'YES', # -Wl,-dead_strip
'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '<(mac_release_optimization)',
'OTHER_CFLAGS': [ '<@(release_extra_cflags)', ],
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'RuntimeLibrary': '<(win_release_RuntimeLibrary)',
'Optimization': '<(win_release_Optimization)',
'conditions': [
# According to MSVS, InlineFunctionExpansion=0 means
# "default inlining", not "/Ob0".
# Thus, we have to handle InlineFunctionExpansion==0 separately.
['win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion==0', {
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Ob0'],
['win_release_InlineFunctionExpansion!=""', {
# if win_release_OmitFramePointers is blank, leave as default
['win_release_OmitFramePointers==1', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
['win_release_OmitFramePointers==0', {
'OmitFramePointers': 'false',
# The above is not sufficient ( it
# simply eliminates an explicit "/Oy", but both /O2 and /Ox
# perform FPO regardless, so we must explicitly disable.
# We still want the false setting above to avoid having
# "/Oy /Oy-" and warnings about overriding.
'AdditionalOptions': ['/Oy-'],
'AdditionalOptions': [ '<@(win_release_extra_cflags)', ],
'VCLinkerTool': {
# LinkIncremental is a tri-state boolean, where 0 means default
# (i.e., inherit from parent solution), 1 means false, and
# 2 means true.
'LinkIncremental': '1',
# This corresponds to the /PROFILE flag which ensures the PDB
# file contains FIXUP information (growing the PDB file by about
# 5%) but does not otherwise alter the output binary. This
# information is used by the Syzygy optimization tool when
# decomposing the release image.
'Profile': 'true',
'conditions': [
['release_valgrind_build==0 and tsan==0', {
'defines': [
}, {
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['clang==1', {
'conditions': [
['OS=="android"', {
# Android could use the goma with clang.
'make_global_settings': [
['CC', '<!(/bin/echo -n ${ANDROID_GOMA_WRAPPER} ${CHROME_SRC}/<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang)'],
['CXX', '<!(/bin/echo -n ${ANDROID_GOMA_WRAPPER} ${CHROME_SRC}/<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++)'],
['LINK', '<!(/bin/echo -n ${ANDROID_GOMA_WRAPPER} ${CHROME_SRC}/<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++)'],
['', '$(CC)'],
['', '$(CXX)'],
['', '$(LINK)'],
}, {
'make_global_settings': [
['CC', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang'],
['CXX', '<(make_clang_dir)/bin/clang++'],
['LINK', '$(CXX)'],
['', '$(CC)'],
['', '$(CXX)'],
['', '$(LINK)'],
'xcode_settings': {
# This block adds *project-wide* configuration settings to each project
# file. It's almost always wrong to put things here. Specify your
# custom xcode_settings in target_defaults to add them to targets instead.
# The Xcode generator will look for an xcode_settings section at the root
# of each dict and use it to apply settings on a file-wide basis. Most
# settings should not be here, they should be in target-specific
# xcode_settings sections, or better yet, should use non-Xcode-specific
# settings in target dicts. SYMROOT is a special case, because many other
# Xcode variables depend on it, including variables such as
# PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR. When a source group corresponding to something
# like PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR is added to a project, in order for the
# files to appear (when present) in the UI as actual files and not red
# red "missing file" proxies, the correct path to PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR,
# and therefore SYMROOT, needs to be set at the project level.
'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild',