blob: b89a099c90b386a1cb969420cd99bd6819960c76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/egl/textured_mesh_renderer.h"
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "cobalt/math/size.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/backend/egl/utils.h"
#include "third_party/glm/glm/gtc/type_ptr.hpp"
namespace cobalt {
namespace renderer {
namespace rasterizer {
namespace egl {
backend::GraphicsContextEGL* graphics_context)
: graphics_context_(graphics_context) {}
TexturedMeshRenderer::~TexturedMeshRenderer() {
if (quad_vbo_) {
GL_CALL(glDeleteBuffers(1, &quad_vbo_.value()));
for (ProgramCache::iterator iter = blit_program_cache_.begin();
iter != blit_program_cache_.end(); ++iter) {
namespace {
void ConvertContentRegionToScaleTranslateVector(
const math::Rect* content_region, const math::Size& texture_size,
float* out_vec4) {
if (!content_region) {
// If no content region is provided, use the identity matrix.
out_vec4[0] = 1.0f;
out_vec4[1] = 1.0f;
out_vec4[2] = 0.0f;
out_vec4[3] = 0.0f;
float scale_x =
content_region->width() / static_cast<float>(texture_size.width());
float scale_y =
content_region->height() / static_cast<float>(texture_size.height());
float translate_x =
content_region->x() / static_cast<float>(texture_size.width());
float translate_y = (texture_size.height() - content_region->bottom()) /
out_vec4[0] = scale_x;
out_vec4[1] = scale_y;
out_vec4[2] = translate_x;
out_vec4[3] = translate_y;
// Used for RGB images.
const float kIdentityColorMatrix[16] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
// Used for YUV images.
const float kBT709ColorMatrix[16] = {
1.164f, 0.0f, 1.793f, -0.96925f, 1.164f, -0.213f, -0.533f, 0.30025f,
1.164f, 2.112f, 0.0f, -1.12875f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0};
const float* GetColorMatrixForImageType(
TexturedMeshRenderer::Image::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case TexturedMeshRenderer::Image::RGBA: {
return kIdentityColorMatrix;
} break;
case TexturedMeshRenderer::Image::YUV_2PLANE_BT709:
case TexturedMeshRenderer::Image::YUV_3PLANE_BT709:
case TexturedMeshRenderer::Image::YUV_UYVY_422_BT709: {
return kBT709ColorMatrix;
} break;
default: { NOTREACHED(); }
return NULL;
} // namespace
void TexturedMeshRenderer::RenderVBO(uint32 vbo, int num_vertices, uint32 mode,
const Image& image,
const glm::mat4& mvp_transform) {
ProgramInfo blit_program = GetBlitProgram(image);
GL_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo));
GL_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(kBlitPositionAttribute, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(float) * 5, 0));
GL_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(kBlitTexcoordAttribute, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE,
sizeof(float) * 5,
reinterpret_cast<GLvoid*>(sizeof(float) * 3)));
GL_CALL(glUniformMatrix4fv(blit_program.mvp_transform_uniform, 1, GL_FALSE,
for (int i = 0; i < image.num_textures(); ++i) {
GL_CALL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i));
if (image.type == Image::YUV_UYVY_422_BT709) {
// For UYVY, wrap mode is handled within the fragment shader, ensure here
// that it is always set to GL_REPEAT.
image.textures[0].texture->GetTarget(), GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,
GL_CALL(glUniform1i(blit_program.texture_uniforms[i], i));
if (blit_program.texture_size_uniforms[i] != -1) {
math::Size texture_size = image.textures[i].texture->GetSize();
int texture_sizes[2] = {texture_size.width(), texture_size.height()};
GL_CALL(glUniform2iv(blit_program.texture_size_uniforms[i], 1,
math::Size content_size = image.textures[i].texture->GetSize();
float scale_translate_vector[4];
&image.textures[i].content_region, content_size,
GL_CALL(glUniform4fv(blit_program.texcoord_scale_translate_uniforms[i], 1,
GL_CALL(glDrawArrays(mode, 0, num_vertices));
for (int i = 0; i < image.num_textures(); ++i) {
GL_CALL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i));
GL_CALL(glBindTexture(image.textures[i].texture->GetTarget(), 0));
void TexturedMeshRenderer::RenderQuad(const Image& image,
const glm::mat4& mvp_transform) {
RenderVBO(GetQuadVBO(), 4, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, image, mvp_transform);
uint32 TexturedMeshRenderer::GetQuadVBO() {
if (!quad_vbo_) {
// Setup a vertex buffer that can blit a quad with a full texture, to be
// used by Frame::BlitToRenderTarget().
struct QuadVertex {
float position_x;
float position_y;
float position_z;
float tex_coord_u;
float tex_coord_v;
const QuadVertex kBlitQuadVerts[4] = {
{-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
{1.0f, 1.0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
quad_vbo_ = 0;
GL_CALL(glGenBuffers(1, &quad_vbo_.value()));
GL_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, *quad_vbo_));
GL_CALL(glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(kBlitQuadVerts),
kBlitQuadVerts, GL_STATIC_DRAW));
return *quad_vbo_;
// static
uint32 TexturedMeshRenderer::CreateVertexShader(
const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures) {
uint32 blit_vertex_shader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
std::string blit_vertex_shader_source =
"attribute vec3 a_position;"
"attribute vec2 a_tex_coord;";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
blit_vertex_shader_source +=
StringPrintf("varying vec2 v_tex_coord_%s;", textures[i].name.c_str());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
blit_vertex_shader_source += StringPrintf(
"uniform vec4 scale_translate_%s;", textures[i].name.c_str());
blit_vertex_shader_source +=
"uniform mat4 model_view_projection_transform;"
"void main() {"
" gl_Position = model_view_projection_transform * "
" vec4(, 1.0);";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
const char* texture_name = textures[i].name.c_str();
blit_vertex_shader_source += StringPrintf(
" v_tex_coord_%s = "
" a_tex_coord * scale_translate_%s.xy +;",
texture_name, texture_name, texture_name);
blit_vertex_shader_source += "}";
int blit_vertex_shader_source_length = blit_vertex_shader_source.size();
const char* blit_vertex_shader_source_c_str =
GL_CALL(glShaderSource(blit_vertex_shader, 1,
return blit_vertex_shader;
namespace {
uint32 CompileShader(const std::string& shader_source) {
uint32 blit_fragment_shader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
int shader_source_length = shader_source.size();
const char* shader_source_c_str = shader_source.c_str();
GL_CALL(glShaderSource(blit_fragment_shader, 1, &shader_source_c_str,
GLint is_compiled = GL_FALSE;
GL_CALL(glGetShaderiv(blit_fragment_shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &is_compiled));
if (is_compiled != GL_TRUE) {
const GLsizei kMaxLogLength = 2048;
GLsizei log_length = 0;
GLchar log[kMaxLogLength];
glGetShaderInfoLog(blit_fragment_shader, kMaxLogLength, &log_length, log);
DLOG(ERROR) << "shader error: " << log;
DLOG(ERROR) << "shader source:\n" << shader_source;
CHECK_EQ(is_compiled, GL_TRUE);
return blit_fragment_shader;
struct SamplerInfo {
std::string type;
std::string preamble;
SamplerInfo GetSamplerInfo(uint32 texture_target) {
SamplerInfo sampler_info;
sampler_info.type = "sampler2D";
if (texture_target == GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES) {
sampler_info.type = "samplerExternalOES";
sampler_info.preamble = "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n";
return sampler_info;
} // namespace
// static
uint32 TexturedMeshRenderer::CreateFragmentShader(
uint32 texture_target, const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures) {
SamplerInfo sampler_info = GetSamplerInfo(texture_target);
std::string blit_fragment_shader_source = sampler_info.preamble;
blit_fragment_shader_source += "precision mediump float;";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
StringPrintf("varying vec2 v_tex_coord_%s;", textures[i].name.c_str());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
StringPrintf("uniform %s texture_%s;", sampler_info.type.c_str(),
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
"uniform mat4 to_rgb_color_matrix;"
"void main() {"
" vec4 untransformed_color = vec4(";
int components_used = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
blit_fragment_shader_source += ", ";
blit_fragment_shader_source += StringPrintf(
"texture2D(texture_%s, v_tex_coord_%s).%s", textures[i].name.c_str(),
textures[i].name.c_str(), textures[i].components.c_str());
components_used += textures[i].components.length();
if (components_used == 3) {
// Add an alpha component of 1.
blit_fragment_shader_source += ", 1.0";
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
" gl_FragColor = untransformed_color * to_rgb_color_matrix;"
return CompileShader(blit_fragment_shader_source);
// static
uint32 TexturedMeshRenderer::CreateUYVYFragmentShader(uint32 texture_target,
int32 texture_wrap_s) {
SamplerInfo sampler_info = GetSamplerInfo(texture_target);
std::string blit_fragment_shader_source = sampler_info.preamble;
blit_fragment_shader_source += "precision mediump float;";
blit_fragment_shader_source += "varying vec2 v_tex_coord_uyvy;";
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
StringPrintf("uniform %s texture_uyvy;", sampler_info.type.c_str());
// The fragment shader below manually performs horizontal linear interpolation
// filtering of color values. Specifically it needs to interpolate the UV
// values differently than Y values because UV values occur at half the
// frequency.
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
"uniform mat4 to_rgb_color_matrix;"
"uniform ivec2 texture_size_uyvy;"
"void main() {"
// Convert from normalized [0,1] texture coordinates into [0, width]
// texture space coordinates.
" float texture_space_x ="
" float(texture_size_uyvy.x) * v_tex_coord_uyvy.x;";
if (texture_wrap_s == GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) {
// We manually clamp our edges to 0.25 to ensure that the Y components are
// clamped properly. We let GL's standard texture wrapping flow take care
// of the UV clamping (i.e. at [0.5, float(texture_size_uyvy.x) - 0.5]).
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
" texture_space_x = clamp("
" texture_space_x, 0.25, float(texture_size_uyvy.x) - 0.25);";
blit_fragment_shader_source +=
" float texel_step_u = 1.0 / float(texture_size_uyvy.x);"
// As our first (left-most) sample, we choose the pixel that will be on
// the left side of the UV interpolation. We add 0.5 to the result in
// order to get a coordinate representing the center of the pixel.
" float sample_1_texture_space = floor(texture_space_x - 0.5) + 0.5;"
" float sample_1_normalized ="
" sample_1_texture_space * texel_step_u;"
" float sample_2_normalized = sample_1_normalized + texel_step_u;"
" vec4 sample_1 = texture2D("
" texture_uyvy, vec2(sample_1_normalized, v_tex_coord_uyvy.y));"
" vec4 sample_2 = texture2D("
" texture_uyvy, vec2(sample_2_normalized, v_tex_coord_uyvy.y));"
// Our lerp progress is how far away |texture_space_x| is from
// sample 1, or in other words how close it is to sample 2.
" float lerp_progress = texture_space_x - sample_1_texture_space;"
" vec2 uv_value = mix(sample_1.rb, sample_2.rb, lerp_progress);"
// Since |lerp_progress| represents progress from the center of the
// sample 1 pixel (uyvy group) to the center of the sample 2 pixel (uyvy)
// group, we need to determine whether to interpolate between the two
// y values within sample 1, the last y value of sample 1 and the first
// y value of sample 2, or the two y values within sample 2.
" float y_value;"
" if (lerp_progress < 0.25) {"
" y_value = mix(sample_1.g, sample_1.a, lerp_progress * 2.0 + 0.5);"
" } else if (lerp_progress < 0.75) {"
" y_value = mix(sample_1.a, sample_2.g, lerp_progress * 2.0 - 0.5);"
" } else {"
" y_value = mix(sample_2.g, sample_2.a, lerp_progress * 2.0 - 1.5);"
" }"
// Perform the YUV->RGB transform and output the color value.
" vec4 untransformed_color = vec4(y_value, uv_value.r, uv_value.g, 1.0);"
" gl_FragColor = untransformed_color * to_rgb_color_matrix;"
return CompileShader(blit_fragment_shader_source);
// static
TexturedMeshRenderer::ProgramInfo TexturedMeshRenderer::MakeBlitProgram(
const float* color_matrix, const std::vector<TextureInfo>& textures,
uint32 blit_fragment_shader) {
int total_components = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
total_components += textures[i].components.length();
DCHECK(total_components == 3 || total_components == 4);
ProgramInfo result;
// Create the blit program.
// Setup shaders used when blitting the current texture.
result.gl_program_id = glCreateProgram();
uint32 blit_vertex_shader = CreateVertexShader(textures);
GL_CALL(glAttachShader(result.gl_program_id, blit_vertex_shader));
GL_CALL(glAttachShader(result.gl_program_id, blit_fragment_shader));
GL_CALL(glBindAttribLocation(result.gl_program_id, kBlitPositionAttribute,
GL_CALL(glBindAttribLocation(result.gl_program_id, kBlitTexcoordAttribute,
result.mvp_transform_uniform = glGetUniformLocation(
result.gl_program_id, "model_view_projection_transform");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures.size(); ++i) {
std::string scale_translate_uniform_name =
StringPrintf("scale_translate_%s", textures[i].name.c_str());
result.texcoord_scale_translate_uniforms[i] = glGetUniformLocation(
result.gl_program_id, scale_translate_uniform_name.c_str());
std::string texture_uniform_name =
StringPrintf("texture_%s", textures[i].name.c_str());
result.texture_uniforms[i] = glGetUniformLocation(
result.gl_program_id, texture_uniform_name.c_str());
std::string texture_size_name =
StringPrintf("texture_size_%s", textures[i].name.c_str());
result.texture_size_uniforms[i] =
glGetUniformLocation(result.gl_program_id, texture_size_name.c_str());
// Upload the color matrix right away since it won't change from draw to draw.
uint32 to_rgb_color_matrix_uniform =
glGetUniformLocation(result.gl_program_id, "to_rgb_color_matrix");
GL_CALL(glUniformMatrix4fv(to_rgb_color_matrix_uniform, 1, GL_FALSE,
return result;
TexturedMeshRenderer::ProgramInfo TexturedMeshRenderer::GetBlitProgram(
const Image& image) {
Image::Type type = image.type;
uint32 texture_target = image.textures[0].texture->GetTarget();
base::optional<int32> texture_wrap_s;
if (type == Image::YUV_UYVY_422_BT709) {
texture_target, image.textures[0].texture->gl_handle()));
GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, &(*texture_wrap_s)));
GL_CALL(glBindTexture(texture_target, 0));
CacheKey key(texture_target, type, texture_wrap_s);
ProgramCache::iterator found = blit_program_cache_.find(key);
if (found == blit_program_cache_.end()) {
const float* color_matrix = GetColorMatrixForImageType(type);
ProgramInfo result;
switch (type) {
case Image::RGBA: {
std::vector<TextureInfo> texture_infos;
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("rgba", "rgba"));
result = MakeBlitProgram(
color_matrix, texture_infos,
CreateFragmentShader(texture_target, texture_infos));
} break;
case Image::YUV_2PLANE_BT709: {
std::vector<TextureInfo> texture_infos;
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("y", "a"));
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("uv", "ba"));
result = MakeBlitProgram(
color_matrix, texture_infos,
CreateFragmentShader(texture_target, texture_infos));
} break;
case Image::YUV_3PLANE_BT709: {
std::vector<TextureInfo> texture_infos;
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("y", "a"));
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("u", "a"));
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("v", "a"));
result = MakeBlitProgram(
color_matrix, texture_infos,
CreateFragmentShader(texture_target, texture_infos));
} break;
case Image::YUV_UYVY_422_BT709: {
std::vector<TextureInfo> texture_infos;
texture_infos.push_back(TextureInfo("uyvy", "rgba"));
result = MakeBlitProgram(color_matrix, texture_infos,
} break;
default: { NOTREACHED(); }
// Save our shader into the cache.
found = blit_program_cache_.insert(std::make_pair(key, result)).first;
return found->second;
} // namespace egl
} // namespace rasterizer
} // namespace renderer
} // namespace cobalt