blob: 934fbdea62f5e191e3046ad35582f3b9dcd7a174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/shared/starboard/player/video_frame_internal.h"
#include "starboard/log.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace shared {
namespace starboard {
namespace player {
namespace {
bool s_yuv_to_rgb_lookup_table_initialized = false;
int s_y_to_rgb[256];
int s_v_to_r[256];
int s_u_to_g[256];
int s_v_to_g[256];
int s_u_to_b[256];
uint8_t s_clamp_table[256 * 5];
void EnsureYUVToRGBLookupTableInitialized() {
if (s_yuv_to_rgb_lookup_table_initialized) {
// The YUV to RGBA conversion is based on
// The formula is:
// r = 1.164f * y + 1.793f * (v - 128);
// g = 1.164f * y - 0.213f * (u - 128) - 0.533f * (v - 128);
// b = 1.164f * y + 2.112f * (u - 128);
// And r/g/b has to be clamped to [0, 255].
// We optimize the conversion algorithm by creating two kinds of lookup
// tables. The color component table contains pre-calculated color component
// values. The clamp table contains a map between |v| + 512 to the clamped
// |v| to avoid conditional operation.
// The minimum value of |v| can be 2.112f * (-128) = -271, the maximum value
// of |v| can be 1.164f * 255 + 2.112f * 127 = 565. So we need 512 bytes at
// each side of the clamp buffer.
SbMemorySet(s_clamp_table, 0, 512);
SbMemorySet(s_clamp_table + 768, 0xff, 512);
uint8_t i = 0;
while (true) {
s_y_to_rgb[i] = static_cast<int>((i - 16) * 1.164f);
s_v_to_r[i] = static_cast<int>((i - 128) * 1.793f);
s_u_to_g[i] = static_cast<int>((i - 128) * -0.213f);
s_v_to_g[i] = static_cast<int>((i - 128) * -0.533f);
s_u_to_b[i] = static_cast<int>((i - 128) * 2.112f);
s_clamp_table[512 + static_cast<std::size_t>(i)] = i;
if (i == 255) {
s_yuv_to_rgb_lookup_table_initialized = true;
uint8_t ClampColorComponent(int component) {
return s_clamp_table[component + 512];
} // namespace
VideoFrame::VideoFrame() {
VideoFrame::VideoFrame(int width,
int height,
SbMediaTime pts,
void* native_texture,
void* native_texture_context,
FreeNativeTextureFunc free_native_texture_func) {
SB_DCHECK(native_texture != NULL);
SB_DCHECK(free_native_texture_func != NULL);
format_ = kNativeTexture;
width_ = width;
height_ = height;
pts_ = pts;
native_texture_ = native_texture;
native_texture_context_ = native_texture_context;
free_native_texture_func_ = free_native_texture_func;
VideoFrame::~VideoFrame() {
if (format_ == kNativeTexture) {
free_native_texture_func_(native_texture_context_, native_texture_);
int VideoFrame::GetPlaneCount() const {
SB_DCHECK(format_ != kInvalid);
SB_DCHECK(format_ != kNativeTexture);
return static_cast<int>(planes_.size());
const VideoFrame::Plane& VideoFrame::GetPlane(int index) const {
SB_DCHECK(format_ != kInvalid);
SB_DCHECK(format_ != kNativeTexture);
SB_DCHECK(index >= 0 && index < GetPlaneCount()) << "Invalid index: "
<< index;
return planes_[index];
void* VideoFrame::native_texture() const {
SB_DCHECK(format_ == kNativeTexture);
return native_texture_;
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VideoFrame::ConvertTo(Format target_format) const {
SB_DCHECK(format_ == kYV12);
SB_DCHECK(target_format == kBGRA32);
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> target_frame(new VideoFrame);
target_frame->format_ = target_format;
target_frame->width_ = width();
target_frame->height_ = height();
target_frame->pts_ = pts_;
target_frame->pixel_buffer_.reset(new uint8_t[width() * height() * 4]);
Plane(width(), height(), width() * 4, target_frame->pixel_buffer_.get()));
const uint8_t* y_data = GetPlane(0).data;
const uint8_t* u_data = GetPlane(1).data;
const uint8_t* v_data = GetPlane(2).data;
uint8_t* bgra_data = target_frame->pixel_buffer_.get();
int height = this->height();
int width = this->width();
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
const uint8_t* y = &y_data[row * GetPlane(0).pitch_in_bytes];
const uint8_t* u = &u_data[row / 2 * GetPlane(1).pitch_in_bytes];
const uint8_t* v = &v_data[row / 2 * GetPlane(2).pitch_in_bytes];
int v_to_r = 0;
int u_to_g = 0;
int v_to_g = 0;
int u_to_b = 0;
for (int column = 0; column < width; ++column) {
if (column % 2 == 0) {
v_to_r = s_v_to_r[*v];
u_to_g = s_u_to_g[*u];
v_to_g = s_v_to_g[*v];
u_to_b = s_u_to_b[*u];
} else {
++u, ++v;
int y_to_rgb = s_y_to_rgb[*y];
int r = y_to_rgb + v_to_r;
int g = y_to_rgb + u_to_g + v_to_g;
int b = y_to_rgb + u_to_b;
*bgra_data++ = ClampColorComponent(b);
*bgra_data++ = ClampColorComponent(g);
*bgra_data++ = ClampColorComponent(r);
*bgra_data++ = 0xff;
return target_frame;
// static
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VideoFrame::CreateEOSFrame() {
return new VideoFrame;
// static
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VideoFrame::CreateYV12Frame(int width,
int height,
int pitch_in_bytes,
SbMediaTime pts,
const uint8_t* y,
const uint8_t* u,
const uint8_t* v) {
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame(new VideoFrame);
frame->format_ = kYV12;
frame->width_ = width;
frame->height_ = height;
frame->pts_ = pts;
// U/V planes generally have half resolution of the Y plane. However, in the
// extreme case that any dimension of Y plane is odd, we want to have an
// extra pixel on U/V planes.
int uv_height = height / 2 + height % 2;
int uv_width = width / 2 + width % 2;
int uv_pitch_in_bytes = pitch_in_bytes / 2 + pitch_in_bytes % 2;
int y_plane_size_in_bytes = height * pitch_in_bytes;
int uv_plane_size_in_bytes = uv_height * uv_pitch_in_bytes;
new uint8_t[y_plane_size_in_bytes + uv_plane_size_in_bytes * 2]);
SbMemoryCopy(frame->pixel_buffer_.get(), y, y_plane_size_in_bytes);
SbMemoryCopy(frame->pixel_buffer_.get() + y_plane_size_in_bytes, u,
SbMemoryCopy(frame->pixel_buffer_.get() + y_plane_size_in_bytes +
v, uv_plane_size_in_bytes);
Plane(width, height, pitch_in_bytes, frame->pixel_buffer_.get()));
Plane(uv_width, uv_height, uv_pitch_in_bytes,
frame->pixel_buffer_.get() + y_plane_size_in_bytes));
frame->planes_.push_back(Plane(uv_width, uv_height, uv_pitch_in_bytes,
frame->pixel_buffer_.get() +
y_plane_size_in_bytes +
return frame;
// static
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VideoFrame::CreateEmptyFrame(SbMediaTime pts) {
VideoFrame* frame = new VideoFrame();
frame->pts_ = pts;
return frame;
void VideoFrame::InitializeToInvalidFrame() {
format_ = kInvalid;
width_ = 0;
height_ = 0;
pts_ = 0;
native_texture_ = NULL;
native_texture_context_ = NULL;
free_native_texture_func_ = NULL;
} // namespace player
} // namespace starboard
} // namespace shared
} // namespace starboard