blob: 6c5b0434875d227bb6abc46ccdc70ad890778321 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/learning/impl/distribution_reporter.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_builders.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_recorder.h"
namespace media {
namespace learning {
// UMA histogram base names.
static const char* kAggregateBase = "Media.Learning.BinaryThreshold.Aggregate.";
static const char* kByTrainingWeightBase =
static const char* kByFeatureBase = "Media.Learning.BinaryThreshold.ByFeature.";
enum /* not class */ Bits {
// These are meant to be bitwise-or'd together, so both false cases just mean
// "don't set any bits".
PredictedFalse = 0x00,
ObservedFalse = 0x00,
ObservedTrue = 0x01,
PredictedTrue = 0x02,
// Special value to mean that no prediction was made.
PredictedNothing = 0x04,
// Low order bit is "observed", second bit is "predicted", third bit is
// "could not make a prediction".
enum class ConfusionMatrix {
TrueNegative = Bits::PredictedFalse | Bits::ObservedFalse,
FalseNegative = Bits::PredictedFalse | Bits::ObservedTrue,
FalsePositive = Bits::PredictedTrue | Bits::ObservedFalse,
TruePositive = Bits::PredictedTrue | Bits::ObservedTrue,
SkippedNegative = Bits::PredictedNothing | Bits::ObservedFalse,
SkippedPositive = Bits::PredictedNothing | Bits::ObservedTrue,
kMaxValue = SkippedPositive
// TODO(liberato): Currently, this implementation is a hack to collect some
// sanity-checking data for local learning with MediaCapabilities. We assume
// that the prediction is the "percentage of dropped frames".
class UmaRegressionReporter : public DistributionReporter {
UmaRegressionReporter(const LearningTask& task)
: DistributionReporter(task) {}
void OnPrediction(const PredictionInfo& info,
TargetHistogram predicted) override {
// As a complete hack, record accuracy with a fixed threshold. The average
// is the observed / predicted percentage of dropped frames.
bool observed_smooth = info.observed.value() <= task().smoothness_threshold;
// See if we made a prediction.
int prediction_bit_mask = Bits::PredictedNothing;
if (predicted.total_counts() != 0) {
bool predicted_smooth =
predicted.Average() <= task().smoothness_threshold;
DVLOG(2) << "Learning: " << task().name
<< ": predicted: " << predicted_smooth << " ("
<< predicted.Average() << ") observed: " << observed_smooth
<< " (" << info.observed.value() << ")";
prediction_bit_mask =
predicted_smooth ? Bits::PredictedTrue : Bits::PredictedFalse;
} else {
DVLOG(2) << "Learning: " << task().name
<< ": predicted: N/A observed: " << observed_smooth << " ("
<< info.observed.value() << ")";
// Figure out the ConfusionMatrix enum value.
ConfusionMatrix confusion_matrix_value = static_cast<ConfusionMatrix>(
(observed_smooth ? Bits::ObservedTrue : Bits::ObservedFalse) |
// |uma_bucket_number| is the bucket number that we'll fill in with this
// count. It ranges from 0 to |max_buckets-1|, inclusive. Each bucket is
// is separated from the start of the previous bucket by |uma_bucket_size|.
int uma_bucket_number = 0;
constexpr int matrix_size =
static_cast<int>(ConfusionMatrix::kMaxValue) + 1;
// The enum.xml entries separate the buckets by 10, to make it easy to see
// by inspection what bucket number we're in (e.g., x-axis position 23 is
// bucket 2 * 10 + PredictedTrue|ObservedTrue). The label in enum.xml for
// MegaConfusionMatrix also provides the bucket number for easy reading.
constexpr int uma_bucket_size = 10;
DCHECK_LE(matrix_size, uma_bucket_size);
// Maximum number of buckets defined in enums.xml, numbered from 0.
constexpr int max_buckets = 16;
// Sparse histograms can technically go past 100 exactly-stored elements,
// but we limit it anyway. Note that we don't care about |uma_bucket_size|,
// since it's a sparse histogram. Only |matrix_size| elements are used in
// each bucket.
DCHECK_LE(max_buckets * matrix_size, 100);
// If we're splitting by feature, then record it and stop. The others
// aren't meaningful to record if we're using random feature subsets.
if (task().uma_hacky_by_feature_subset_confusion_matrix &&
feature_indices() && feature_indices()->size() == 1) {
// The bucket number is just the feature number that was selected.
uma_bucket_number =
std::min(*feature_indices()->begin(), max_buckets - 1);
std::string base(kByFeatureBase);
base::UmaHistogramSparse(base + task().name,
static_cast<int>(confusion_matrix_value) +
uma_bucket_number * uma_bucket_size);
// Early return since no other measurements are meaningful when we're
// using feature subsets.
// If we're selecting a feature subset that's bigger than one but smaller
// than all of them, then we don't know how to report that.
if (feature_indices() &&
feature_indices()->size() != task().feature_descriptions.size()) {
// Do normal reporting.
// Record the aggregate confusion matrix.
if (task().uma_hacky_aggregate_confusion_matrix) {
std::string base(kAggregateBase);
base::UmaHistogramEnumeration(base + task().name, confusion_matrix_value);
if (task().uma_hacky_by_training_weight_confusion_matrix) {
// Adjust |uma_bucket_offset| by the training weight, and store the
// results in that bucket in the ByTrainingWeight histogram.
// This will bucket from 0 in even steps, with the last bucket holding
// |max_reporting_weight+1| and everything above it.
const int n_buckets = task().num_reporting_weight_buckets;
DCHECK_LE(n_buckets, max_buckets);
// If the max reporting weight is zero, then default to splitting the
// buckets evenly, with the last bucket being "completely full set".
const int max_reporting_weight = task().max_reporting_weight
? task().max_reporting_weight
: task().max_data_set_size - 1;
// We use one fewer buckets, to save one for the overflow. Buckets are
// numbered from 0 to |n_buckets-1|, inclusive. In other words, when the
// training weight is equal to |max_reporting_weight|, we still want to
// be in bucket |n_buckets - 2|. That's why we add one to the max before
// we divide; only things over the max go into the last bucket.
uma_bucket_number =
std::min<int>((n_buckets - 1) * info.total_training_weight /
(max_reporting_weight + 1),
n_buckets - 1);
std::string base(kByTrainingWeightBase);
base::UmaHistogramSparse(base + task().name,
static_cast<int>(confusion_matrix_value) +
uma_bucket_number * uma_bucket_size);
// Ukm-based reporter.
class UkmRegressionReporter : public DistributionReporter {
UkmRegressionReporter(const LearningTask& task)
: DistributionReporter(task) {}
void OnPrediction(const PredictionInfo& info,
TargetHistogram predicted) override {
DCHECK_NE(info.source_id, ukm::kInvalidSourceId);
ukm::UkmRecorder* ukm_recorder = ukm::UkmRecorder::Get();
if (!ukm_recorder)
ukm::builders::Media_Learning_PredictionRecord builder(info.source_id);
// TODO(liberato): we'd add feature subsets here.
// Scale and translate |value| from the range specified in the task to 0-100.
// We scale it so that the buckets have an equal amount of the input range in
// each of them.
int Bucketize(double value) {
const int output_min = 0;
const int output_max = 100;
// Scale it so that input_min -> output_min and input_max -> output_max.
// Note that the input width is |input_max - input_min|, but there are
// |output_max - output_min + 1| output buckets. That's why we don't
// add one to the denominator, but we do add one to the numerator.
double scaled_value =
((output_max - output_min + 1) * (value - task().ukm_min_input_value)) /
(task().ukm_max_input_value - task().ukm_min_input_value) +
// Clip to [0, 100] and truncate to an integer.
return base::clamp(static_cast<int>(scaled_value), output_min, output_max);
std::unique_ptr<DistributionReporter> DistributionReporter::Create(
const LearningTask& task) {
// We only know how to report regression tasks right now.
if (task.target_description.ordering != LearningTask::Ordering::kNumeric)
return nullptr;
// We can report hacky UMA or non-hacky UKM. We could report both if we had
// a DistributionReporter that forwarded predictions to each, but we don't.
if (task.uma_hacky_aggregate_confusion_matrix ||
task.uma_hacky_by_training_weight_confusion_matrix ||
task.uma_hacky_by_feature_subset_confusion_matrix) {
return std::make_unique<UmaRegressionReporter>(task);
} else if (task.report_via_ukm) {
return std::make_unique<UkmRegressionReporter>(task);
return nullptr;
DistributionReporter::DistributionReporter(const LearningTask& task)
: task_(task) {}
DistributionReporter::~DistributionReporter() = default;
Model::PredictionCB DistributionReporter::GetPredictionCallback(
const PredictionInfo& info) {
return base::BindOnce(&DistributionReporter::OnPrediction,
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), info);
void DistributionReporter::SetFeatureSubset(
const std::set<int>& feature_indices) {
feature_indices_ = feature_indices;
} // namespace learning
} // namespace media