blob: 335501a6062eade343d0bc1844094ae6b9018881 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Support/GICHelper.h -- Helper functions for ISL --------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Helper functions for isl objects.
#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DiagnosticInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "isl/aff.h"
#include "isl/ctx.h"
#include "isl/isl-noexceptions.h"
#include "isl/map.h"
#include "isl/options.h"
#include "isl/set.h"
#include "isl/union_map.h"
#include "isl/union_set.h"
#include <functional>
#include <string>
struct isl_schedule;
struct isl_multi_aff;
namespace llvm {
class Value;
} // namespace llvm
namespace polly {
/// Translate an llvm::APInt to an isl_val.
/// Translate the bitsequence without sign information as provided by APInt into
/// a signed isl_val type. Depending on the value of @p IsSigned @p Int is
/// interpreted as unsigned value or as signed value in two's complement
/// representation.
/// Input IsSigned Output
/// 0 0 -> 0
/// 1 0 -> 1
/// 00 0 -> 0
/// 01 0 -> 1
/// 10 0 -> 2
/// 11 0 -> 3
/// 0 1 -> 0
/// 1 1 -> -1
/// 00 1 -> 0
/// 01 1 -> 1
/// 10 1 -> -2
/// 11 1 -> -1
/// @param Ctx The isl_ctx to create the isl_val in.
/// @param Int The integer value to translate.
/// @param IsSigned If the APInt should be interpreted as signed or unsigned
/// value.
/// @return The isl_val corresponding to @p Int.
__isl_give isl_val *isl_valFromAPInt(isl_ctx *Ctx, const llvm::APInt Int,
bool IsSigned);
/// Translate an llvm::APInt to an isl::val.
/// Translate the bitsequence without sign information as provided by APInt into
/// a signed isl::val type. Depending on the value of @p IsSigned @p Int is
/// interpreted as unsigned value or as signed value in two's complement
/// representation.
/// Input IsSigned Output
/// 0 0 -> 0
/// 1 0 -> 1
/// 00 0 -> 0
/// 01 0 -> 1
/// 10 0 -> 2
/// 11 0 -> 3
/// 0 1 -> 0
/// 1 1 -> -1
/// 00 1 -> 0
/// 01 1 -> 1
/// 10 1 -> -2
/// 11 1 -> -1
/// @param Ctx The isl_ctx to create the isl::val in.
/// @param Int The integer value to translate.
/// @param IsSigned If the APInt should be interpreted as signed or unsigned
/// value.
/// @return The isl::val corresponding to @p Int.
inline isl::val valFromAPInt(isl_ctx *Ctx, const llvm::APInt Int,
bool IsSigned) {
return isl::manage(isl_valFromAPInt(Ctx, Int, IsSigned));
/// Translate isl_val to llvm::APInt.
/// This function can only be called on isl_val values which are integers.
/// Calling this function with a non-integral rational, NaN or infinity value
/// is not allowed.
/// As the input isl_val may be negative, the APInt that this function returns
/// must always be interpreted as signed two's complement value. The bitwidth of
/// the generated APInt is always the minimal bitwidth necessary to model the
/// provided integer when interpreting the bit pattern as signed value.
/// Some example conversions are:
/// Input Bits Signed Bitwidth
/// 0 -> 0 0 1
/// -1 -> 1 -1 1
/// 1 -> 01 1 2
/// -2 -> 10 -2 2
/// 2 -> 010 2 3
/// -3 -> 101 -3 3
/// 3 -> 011 3 3
/// -4 -> 100 -4 3
/// 4 -> 0100 4 4
/// @param Val The isl val to translate.
/// @return The APInt value corresponding to @p Val.
llvm::APInt APIntFromVal(__isl_take isl_val *Val);
/// Translate isl::val to llvm::APInt.
/// This function can only be called on isl::val values which are integers.
/// Calling this function with a non-integral rational, NaN or infinity value
/// is not allowed.
/// As the input isl::val may be negative, the APInt that this function returns
/// must always be interpreted as signed two's complement value. The bitwidth of
/// the generated APInt is always the minimal bitwidth necessary to model the
/// provided integer when interpreting the bit pattern as signed value.
/// Some example conversions are:
/// Input Bits Signed Bitwidth
/// 0 -> 0 0 1
/// -1 -> 1 -1 1
/// 1 -> 01 1 2
/// -2 -> 10 -2 2
/// 2 -> 010 2 3
/// -3 -> 101 -3 3
/// 3 -> 011 3 3
/// -4 -> 100 -4 3
/// 4 -> 0100 4 4
/// @param Val The isl val to translate.
/// @return The APInt value corresponding to @p Val.
inline llvm::APInt APIntFromVal(isl::val V) {
return APIntFromVal(V.release());
/// Get c++ string from Isl objects.
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_map *map);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_union_map *umap);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_set *set);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_union_set *uset);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_schedule *schedule);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_multi_aff *maff);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_pw_multi_aff *pma);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_multi_pw_aff *mpa);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_union_pw_multi_aff *upma);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_aff *aff);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *pwaff);
std::string stringFromIslObj(__isl_keep isl_space *space);
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_union_map *Map) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Map);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_map *Map) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Map);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_set *Set) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Set);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_pw_aff *Map) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Map);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_pw_multi_aff *PMA) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(PMA);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_multi_aff *MA) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(MA);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_union_pw_multi_aff *UPMA) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(UPMA);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_schedule *Schedule) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Schedule);
return OS;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
__isl_keep isl_space *Space) {
OS << polly::stringFromIslObj(Space);
return OS;
/// Combine Prefix, Val (or Number) and Suffix to an isl-compatible name.
/// In case @p UseInstructionNames is set, this function returns:
/// @p Prefix + "_" + @p Val->getName() + @p Suffix
/// otherwise
/// @p Prefix + to_string(Number) + @p Suffix
/// We ignore the value names by default, as they may change between release
/// and debug mode and can consequently not be used when aiming for reproducible
/// builds. However, for debugging named statements are often helpful, hence
/// we allow their optional use.
std::string getIslCompatibleName(const std::string &Prefix,
const llvm::Value *Val, long Number,
const std::string &Suffix,
bool UseInstructionNames);
/// Combine Prefix, Name (or Number) and Suffix to an isl-compatible name.
/// In case @p UseInstructionNames is set, this function returns:
/// @p Prefix + "_" + Name + @p Suffix
/// otherwise
/// @p Prefix + to_string(Number) + @p Suffix
/// We ignore @p Name by default, as they may change between release
/// and debug mode and can consequently not be used when aiming for reproducible
/// builds. However, for debugging named statements are often helpful, hence
/// we allow their optional use.
std::string getIslCompatibleName(const std::string &Prefix,
const std::string &Middle, long Number,
const std::string &Suffix,
bool UseInstructionNames);
std::string getIslCompatibleName(const std::string &Prefix,
const std::string &Middle,
const std::string &Suffix);
inline llvm::DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase &
operator<<(llvm::DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase &OS,
const isl::union_map &Obj) {
OS << Obj.to_str();
return OS;
/// Scope guard for code that allows arbitrary isl function to return an error
/// if the max-operations quota exceeds.
/// This allows to opt-in code sections that have known long executions times.
/// code not in a hot path can continue to assume that no unexpected error
/// occurs.
/// This is typically used inside a nested IslMaxOperationsGuard scope. The
/// IslMaxOperationsGuard defines the number of allowed base operations for some
/// code, IslQuotaScope defines where it is allowed to return an error result.
class IslQuotaScope {
isl_ctx *IslCtx;
int OldOnError;
IslQuotaScope() : IslCtx(nullptr) {}
IslQuotaScope(const IslQuotaScope &) = delete;
IslQuotaScope(IslQuotaScope &&Other)
: IslCtx(Other.IslCtx), OldOnError(Other.OldOnError) {
Other.IslCtx = nullptr;
const IslQuotaScope &operator=(IslQuotaScope &&Other) {
std::swap(this->IslCtx, Other.IslCtx);
std::swap(this->OldOnError, Other.OldOnError);
return *this;
/// Enter a quota-aware scope.
/// Should not be used directly. Use IslMaxOperationsGuard::enter() instead.
explicit IslQuotaScope(isl_ctx *IslCtx, unsigned long LocalMaxOps)
: IslCtx(IslCtx) {
assert(isl_ctx_get_max_operations(IslCtx) == 0 && "Incorrect nesting");
if (LocalMaxOps == 0) {
this->IslCtx = nullptr;
OldOnError = isl_options_get_on_error(IslCtx);
isl_options_set_on_error(IslCtx, ISL_ON_ERROR_CONTINUE);
isl_ctx_set_max_operations(IslCtx, LocalMaxOps);
~IslQuotaScope() {
if (!IslCtx)
assert(isl_ctx_get_max_operations(IslCtx) > 0 && "Incorrect nesting");
assert(isl_options_get_on_error(IslCtx) == ISL_ON_ERROR_CONTINUE &&
"Incorrect nesting");
isl_ctx_set_max_operations(IslCtx, 0);
isl_options_set_on_error(IslCtx, OldOnError);
/// Return whether the current quota has exceeded.
bool hasQuotaExceeded() const {
if (!IslCtx)
return false;
return isl_ctx_last_error(IslCtx) == isl_error_quota;
/// Scoped limit of ISL operations.
/// Limits the number of ISL operations during the lifetime of this object. The
/// idea is to use this as an RAII guard for the scope where the code is aware
/// that ISL can return errors even when all input is valid. After leaving the
/// scope, it will return to the error setting as it was before. That also means
/// that the error setting should not be changed while in that scope.
/// Such scopes are not allowed to be nested because the previous operations
/// counter cannot be reset to the previous state, or one that adds the
/// operations while being in the nested scope. Use therefore is only allowed
/// while currently a no operations-limit is active.
class IslMaxOperationsGuard {
/// The ISL context to set the operations limit.
/// If set to nullptr, there is no need for any action at the end of the
/// scope.
isl_ctx *IslCtx;
/// Maximum number of operations for the scope.
unsigned long LocalMaxOps;
/// When AutoEnter is enabled, holds the IslQuotaScope object.
IslQuotaScope TopLevelScope;
/// Enter a max operations scope.
/// @param IslCtx The ISL context to set the operations limit for.
/// @param LocalMaxOps Maximum number of operations allowed in the
/// scope. If set to zero, no operations limit is enforced.
/// @param AutoEnter If true, automatically enters an IslQuotaScope such
/// that isl operations may return quota errors
/// immediately. If false, only starts the operations
/// counter, but isl does not return quota errors before
/// calling enter().
IslMaxOperationsGuard(isl_ctx *IslCtx, unsigned long LocalMaxOps,
bool AutoEnter = true)
: IslCtx(IslCtx), LocalMaxOps(LocalMaxOps) {
assert(isl_ctx_get_max_operations(IslCtx) == 0 &&
"Nested max operations not supported");
// Users of this guard may check whether the last error was isl_error_quota.
// Reset the last error such that a previous out-of-quota error is not
// mistaken to have occurred in the in this quota, even if the max number of
// operations is set to infinite (LocalMaxOps == 0).
if (LocalMaxOps == 0) {
// No limit on operations; also disable restoring on_error/max_operations.
this->IslCtx = nullptr;
TopLevelScope = enter(AutoEnter);
/// Enter a scope that can handle out-of-quota errors.
/// @param AllowReturnNull Whether the scoped code can handle out-of-quota
/// errors. If false, returns a dummy scope object that
/// does nothing.
IslQuotaScope enter(bool AllowReturnNull = true) {
return AllowReturnNull && IslCtx ? IslQuotaScope(IslCtx, LocalMaxOps)
: IslQuotaScope();
/// Return whether the current quota has exceeded.
bool hasQuotaExceeded() const {
if (!IslCtx)
return false;
return isl_ctx_last_error(IslCtx) == isl_error_quota;
} // end namespace polly