blob: 62a0cc31c3c34afd2b00bb8e09acc25d55277c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include 'src/builtins/builtins-data-view-gen.h'
namespace data_view {
macro MakeDataViewGetterNameString(kind: constexpr ElementsKind): String {
if constexpr (kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getUint8';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getInt8';
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getUint16';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getInt16';
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getUint32';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getInt32';
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getFloat32';
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getFloat64';
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getBigInt64';
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.getBigUint64';
} else {
macro MakeDataViewSetterNameString(kind: constexpr ElementsKind): String {
if constexpr (kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setUint8';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setInt8';
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setUint16';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setInt16';
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setUint32';
} else if constexpr (kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setInt32';
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setFloat32';
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setFloat64';
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setBigInt64';
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return 'DataView.prototype.setBigUint64';
} else {
macro WasNeutered(view: JSArrayBufferView): bool {
return IsDetachedBuffer(view.buffer);
macro ValidateDataView(context: Context, o: Object, method: String):
JSDataView {
try {
return Cast<JSDataView>(o) otherwise CastError;
label CastError {
ThrowTypeError(kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, method);
// ES6 section get DataView.prototype.buffer
javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer(
js-implicit context: Context,
receiver: Object)(...arguments): JSArrayBuffer {
const dataView: JSDataView =
ValidateDataView(context, receiver, 'get DataView.prototype.buffer');
return dataView.buffer;
// ES6 section get DataView.prototype.byteLength
javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Number {
const dataView: JSDataView = ValidateDataView(
context, receiver, 'get DataView.prototype.byte_length');
if (WasNeutered(dataView)) {
// TODO(bmeurer): According to the ES6 spec, we should throw a TypeError
// here if the JSArrayBuffer of the {dataView} was neutered.
return 0;
return Convert<Number>(dataView.byte_length);
// ES6 section get DataView.prototype.byteOffset
javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Number {
const dataView: JSDataView = ValidateDataView(
context, receiver, 'get DataView.prototype.byte_offset');
if (WasNeutered(dataView)) {
// TODO(bmeurer): According to the ES6 spec, we should throw a TypeError
// here if the JSArrayBuffer of the {dataView} was neutered.
return 0;
return Convert<Number>(dataView.byte_offset);
extern macro BitcastInt32ToFloat32(uint32): float32;
extern macro BitcastFloat32ToInt32(float32): uint32;
extern macro Float64ExtractLowWord32(float64): uint32;
extern macro Float64ExtractHighWord32(float64): uint32;
extern macro Float64InsertLowWord32(float64, uint32): float64;
extern macro Float64InsertHighWord32(float64, uint32): float64;
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::LoadUint8(RawPtr, uintptr): uint32;
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::LoadInt8(RawPtr, uintptr): int32;
macro LoadDataView8(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, signed: constexpr bool): Smi {
if constexpr (signed) {
return Convert<Smi>(LoadInt8(buffer.backing_store, offset));
} else {
return Convert<Smi>(LoadUint8(buffer.backing_store, offset));
macro LoadDataView16(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, requestedLittleEndian: bool,
signed: constexpr bool): Number {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
let b0: int32;
let b1: int32;
let result: int32;
// Sign-extend the most significant byte by loading it as an Int8.
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
b0 = Signed(LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset));
b1 = LoadInt8(dataPointer, offset + 1);
result = (b1 << 8) + b0;
} else {
b0 = LoadInt8(dataPointer, offset);
b1 = Signed(LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 1));
result = (b0 << 8) + b1;
if constexpr (signed) {
return Convert<Smi>(result);
} else {
// Bit-mask the higher bits to prevent sign extension if we're unsigned.
return Convert<Smi>(result & 0xFFFF);
macro LoadDataView32(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, requestedLittleEndian: bool,
kind: constexpr ElementsKind): Number {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset);
const b1: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 1);
const b2: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 2);
const b3: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 3);
let result: uint32;
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
result = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0;
} else {
result = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3;
if constexpr (kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
return Convert<Number>(Signed(result));
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
return Convert<Number>(result);
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
const floatRes: float64 = Convert<float64>(BitcastInt32ToFloat32(result));
return Convert<Number>(floatRes);
} else {
macro LoadDataViewFloat64(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr,
requestedLittleEndian: bool): Number {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset);
const b1: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 1);
const b2: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 2);
const b3: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 3);
const b4: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 4);
const b5: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 5);
const b6: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 6);
const b7: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 7);
let lowWord: uint32;
let highWord: uint32;
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
lowWord = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0;
highWord = (b7 << 24) | (b6 << 16) | (b5 << 8) | b4;
} else {
highWord = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3;
lowWord = (b4 << 24) | (b5 << 16) | (b6 << 8) | b7;
let result: float64 = 0;
result = Float64InsertLowWord32(result, lowWord);
result = Float64InsertHighWord32(result, highWord);
return Convert<Number>(result);
const kZeroDigitBigInt: constexpr int31 = 0;
const kOneDigitBigInt: constexpr int31 = 1;
const kTwoDigitBigInt: constexpr int31 = 2;
// Create a BigInt on a 64-bit architecture from two 32-bit values.
macro MakeBigIntOn64Bit(implicit context: Context)(
lowWord: uint32, highWord: uint32, signed: constexpr bool): BigInt {
// 0n is represented by a zero-length BigInt.
if (lowWord == 0 && highWord == 0) {
return Convert<BigInt>(bigint::AllocateBigInt(kZeroDigitBigInt));
let sign: uint32 = bigint::kPositiveSign;
const highPart: intptr = Signed(Convert<uintptr>(highWord));
const lowPart: intptr = Signed(Convert<uintptr>(lowWord));
let rawValue: intptr = (highPart << 32) + lowPart;
if constexpr (signed) {
if (rawValue < 0) {
sign = bigint::kNegativeSign;
// We have to store the absolute value of rawValue in the digit.
rawValue = 0 - rawValue;
// Allocate the BigInt and store the absolute value.
const result: MutableBigInt =
bigint::AllocateEmptyBigInt(sign, kOneDigitBigInt);
bigint::StoreBigIntDigit(result, 0, Unsigned(rawValue));
return Convert<BigInt>(result);
// Create a BigInt on a 32-bit architecture from two 32-bit values.
macro MakeBigIntOn32Bit(implicit context: Context)(
lowWord: uint32, highWord: uint32, signed: constexpr bool): BigInt {
// 0n is represented by a zero-length BigInt.
if (lowWord == 0 && highWord == 0) {
return Convert<BigInt>(bigint::AllocateBigInt(kZeroDigitBigInt));
// On a 32-bit platform, we might need 1 or 2 digits to store the number.
let needTwoDigits: bool = false;
let sign: uint32 = bigint::kPositiveSign;
// We need to do some math on lowWord and highWord,
// so Convert them to int32.
let lowPart: int32 = Signed(lowWord);
let highPart: int32 = Signed(highWord);
// If highWord == 0, the number is positive, and we only need 1 digit,
// so we don't have anything to do.
// Otherwise, all cases are possible.
if (highWord != 0) {
if constexpr (signed) {
// If highPart < 0, the number is always negative.
if (highPart < 0) {
sign = bigint::kNegativeSign;
// We have to compute the absolute value by hand.
// There will be a negative carry from the low word
// to the high word iff low != 0.
highPart = 0 - highPart;
if (lowPart != 0) {
highPart = highPart - 1;
lowPart = 0 - lowPart;
// Here, highPart could be 0 again so we might have 1 or 2 digits.
if (highPart != 0) {
needTwoDigits = true;
} else {
// In this case, the number is positive, and we need 2 digits.
needTwoDigits = true;
} else {
// In this case, the number is positive (unsigned),
// and we need 2 digits.
needTwoDigits = true;
// Allocate the BigInt with the right sign and length.
let result: MutableBigInt;
if (needTwoDigits) {
result = bigint::AllocateEmptyBigInt(sign, kTwoDigitBigInt);
} else {
result = bigint::AllocateEmptyBigInt(sign, kOneDigitBigInt);
// Finally, write the digit(s) to the BigInt.
bigint::StoreBigIntDigit(result, 0, Unsigned(Convert<intptr>(lowPart)));
if (needTwoDigits) {
bigint::StoreBigIntDigit(result, 1, Unsigned(Convert<intptr>(highPart)));
return Convert<BigInt>(result);
macro MakeBigInt(implicit context: Context)(
lowWord: uint32, highWord: uint32, signed: constexpr bool): BigInt {
// A BigInt digit has the platform word size, so we only need one digit
// on 64-bit platforms but may need two on 32-bit.
if constexpr (Is64()) {
return MakeBigIntOn64Bit(lowWord, highWord, signed);
} else {
return MakeBigIntOn32Bit(lowWord, highWord, signed);
macro LoadDataViewBigInt(implicit context: Context)(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, requestedLittleEndian: bool,
signed: constexpr bool): BigInt {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset);
const b1: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 1);
const b2: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 2);
const b3: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 3);
const b4: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 4);
const b5: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 5);
const b6: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 6);
const b7: uint32 = LoadUint8(dataPointer, offset + 7);
let lowWord: uint32;
let highWord: uint32;
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
lowWord = (b3 << 24) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 8) | b0;
highWord = (b7 << 24) | (b6 << 16) | (b5 << 8) | b4;
} else {
highWord = (b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3;
lowWord = (b4 << 24) | (b5 << 16) | (b6 << 8) | b7;
return MakeBigInt(lowWord, highWord, signed);
extern macro ToSmiIndex(Object, Context): Smi
labels RangeError;
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::DataViewElementSize(
constexpr ElementsKind): constexpr int31;
transitioning macro DataViewGet(
context: Context, receiver: Object, offset: Object,
requestedLittleEndian: Object, kind: constexpr ElementsKind): Numeric {
const dataView: JSDataView =
ValidateDataView(context, receiver, MakeDataViewGetterNameString(kind));
let getIndex: Number;
try {
getIndex = ToIndex(offset, context) otherwise RangeError;
label RangeError {
const littleEndian: bool = ToBoolean(requestedLittleEndian);
const buffer: JSArrayBuffer = dataView.buffer;
if (IsDetachedBuffer(buffer)) {
ThrowTypeError(kDetachedOperation, MakeDataViewGetterNameString(kind));
const getIndexFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(getIndex);
const getIndexWord: uintptr = Convert<uintptr>(getIndexFloat);
const viewOffsetWord: uintptr = dataView.byte_offset;
const viewSizeFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(dataView.byte_length);
const elementSizeFloat: float64 = DataViewElementSize(kind);
if (getIndexFloat + elementSizeFloat > viewSizeFloat) {
const bufferIndex: uintptr = getIndexWord + viewOffsetWord;
if constexpr (kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView8(buffer, bufferIndex, false);
} else if constexpr (kind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView8(buffer, bufferIndex, true);
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView16(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, false);
} else if constexpr (kind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView16(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, true);
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView32(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, kind);
} else if constexpr (kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView32(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, kind);
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataView32(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, kind);
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataViewFloat64(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian);
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataViewBigInt(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, false);
} else if constexpr (kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
return LoadDataViewBigInt(buffer, bufferIndex, littleEndian, true);
} else {
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetUint8(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(context, receiver, offset, Undefined, UINT8_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetInt8(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(context, receiver, offset, Undefined, INT8_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetUint16(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, UINT16_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetInt16(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, INT16_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetUint32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, UINT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetInt32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, INT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, FLOAT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, FLOAT64_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetBigUint64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeGetBigInt64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewGet(
context, receiver, offset, isLittleEndian, BIGINT64_ELEMENTS);
extern macro ToNumber(Context, Object): Number;
extern macro ToBigInt(Context, Object): BigInt;
extern macro TruncateFloat64ToWord32(float64): uint32;
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::StoreWord8(RawPtr, uintptr, uint32):
macro StoreDataView8(buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, value: uint32) {
StoreWord8(buffer.backing_store, offset, value & 0xFF);
macro StoreDataView16(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, value: uint32,
requestedLittleEndian: bool) {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = value & 0xFF;
const b1: uint32 = (value >>> 8) & 0xFF;
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b0);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b1);
} else {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b1);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b0);
macro StoreDataView32(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, value: uint32,
requestedLittleEndian: bool) {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = value & 0xFF;
const b1: uint32 = (value >>> 8) & 0xFF;
const b2: uint32 = (value >>> 16) & 0xFF;
const b3: uint32 = value >>> 24; // We don't need to mask here.
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b0);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b1);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 2, b2);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 3, b3);
} else {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b3);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b2);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 2, b1);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 3, b0);
macro StoreDataView64(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, lowWord: uint32, highWord: uint32,
requestedLittleEndian: bool) {
const dataPointer: RawPtr = buffer.backing_store;
const b0: uint32 = lowWord & 0xFF;
const b1: uint32 = (lowWord >>> 8) & 0xFF;
const b2: uint32 = (lowWord >>> 16) & 0xFF;
const b3: uint32 = lowWord >>> 24;
const b4: uint32 = highWord & 0xFF;
const b5: uint32 = (highWord >>> 8) & 0xFF;
const b6: uint32 = (highWord >>> 16) & 0xFF;
const b7: uint32 = highWord >>> 24;
if (requestedLittleEndian) {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b0);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b1);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 2, b2);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 3, b3);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 4, b4);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 5, b5);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 6, b6);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 7, b7);
} else {
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset, b7);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 1, b6);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 2, b5);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 3, b4);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 4, b3);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 5, b2);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 6, b1);
StoreWord8(dataPointer, offset + 7, b0);
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::DataViewDecodeBigIntLength(
BigIntBase): uint32;
extern macro DataViewBuiltinsAssembler::DataViewDecodeBigIntSign(BigIntBase):
// We might get here a BigInt that is bigger than 64 bits, but we're only
// interested in the 64 lowest ones. This means the lowest BigInt digit
// on 64-bit platforms, and the 2 lowest BigInt digits on 32-bit ones.
macro StoreDataViewBigInt(
buffer: JSArrayBuffer, offset: uintptr, bigIntValue: BigInt,
requestedLittleEndian: bool) {
const length: uint32 = DataViewDecodeBigIntLength(bigIntValue);
const sign: uint32 = DataViewDecodeBigIntSign(bigIntValue);
// The 32-bit words that will hold the BigInt's value in
// two's complement representation.
let lowWord: uint32 = 0;
let highWord: uint32 = 0;
// The length is nonzero if and only if the BigInt's value is nonzero.
if (length != 0) {
if constexpr (Is64()) {
// There is always exactly 1 BigInt digit to load in this case.
const value: uintptr = bigint::LoadBigIntDigit(bigIntValue, 0);
lowWord = Convert<uint32>(value); // Truncates value to 32 bits.
highWord = Convert<uint32>(value >>> 32);
} else { // There might be either 1 or 2 BigInt digits we need to load.
lowWord = Convert<uint32>(bigint::LoadBigIntDigit(bigIntValue, 0));
if (length >= 2) { // Only load the second digit if there is one.
highWord = Convert<uint32>(bigint::LoadBigIntDigit(bigIntValue, 1));
if (sign != 0) { // The number is negative, Convert it.
highWord = Unsigned(0 - Signed(highWord));
if (lowWord != 0) {
highWord = Unsigned(Signed(highWord) - 1);
lowWord = Unsigned(0 - Signed(lowWord));
StoreDataView64(buffer, offset, lowWord, highWord, requestedLittleEndian);
transitioning macro DataViewSet(
context: Context, receiver: Object, offset: Object, value: Object,
requestedLittleEndian: Object, kind: constexpr ElementsKind): Object {
const dataView: JSDataView =
ValidateDataView(context, receiver, MakeDataViewSetterNameString(kind));
let getIndex: Number;
try {
getIndex = ToIndex(offset, context) otherwise RangeError;
label RangeError {
const littleEndian: bool = ToBoolean(requestedLittleEndian);
const buffer: JSArrayBuffer = dataView.buffer;
// According to ES6 section SetViewValue, we must perform
// the conversion before doing the bounds check.
if constexpr (kind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS || kind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
const bigIntValue: BigInt = ToBigInt(context, value);
if (IsDetachedBuffer(buffer)) {
ThrowTypeError(kDetachedOperation, MakeDataViewSetterNameString(kind));
const getIndexFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(getIndex);
const getIndexWord: uintptr = Convert<uintptr>(getIndexFloat);
const viewOffsetWord: uintptr = dataView.byte_offset;
const viewSizeFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(dataView.byte_length);
const elementSizeFloat: float64 = DataViewElementSize(kind);
if (getIndexFloat + elementSizeFloat > viewSizeFloat) {
const bufferIndex: uintptr = getIndexWord + viewOffsetWord;
StoreDataViewBigInt(buffer, bufferIndex, bigIntValue, littleEndian);
} else {
const numValue: Number = ToNumber(context, value);
if (IsDetachedBuffer(buffer)) {
ThrowTypeError(kDetachedOperation, MakeDataViewSetterNameString(kind));
const getIndexFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(getIndex);
const getIndexWord: uintptr = Convert<uintptr>(getIndexFloat);
const viewOffsetWord: uintptr = dataView.byte_offset;
const viewSizeFloat: float64 = Convert<float64>(dataView.byte_length);
const elementSizeFloat: float64 = DataViewElementSize(kind);
if (getIndexFloat + elementSizeFloat > viewSizeFloat) {
const bufferIndex: uintptr = getIndexWord + viewOffsetWord;
const doubleValue: float64 = ChangeNumberToFloat64(numValue);
if constexpr (kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS || kind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
buffer, bufferIndex, TruncateFloat64ToWord32(doubleValue));
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS || kind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
buffer, bufferIndex, TruncateFloat64ToWord32(doubleValue),
} else if constexpr (kind == UINT32_ELEMENTS || kind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
buffer, bufferIndex, TruncateFloat64ToWord32(doubleValue),
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
const floatValue: float32 = TruncateFloat64ToFloat32(doubleValue);
buffer, bufferIndex, BitcastFloat32ToInt32(floatValue),
} else if constexpr (kind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
const lowWord: uint32 = Float64ExtractLowWord32(doubleValue);
const highWord: uint32 = Float64ExtractHighWord32(doubleValue);
StoreDataView64(buffer, bufferIndex, lowWord, highWord, littleEndian);
return Undefined;
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetUint8(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, Undefined, UINT8_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetInt8(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, Undefined, INT8_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetUint16(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, UINT16_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetInt16(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, INT16_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetUint32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, UINT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetInt32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, INT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, FLOAT32_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, FLOAT64_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetBigUint64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS);
transitioning javascript builtin DataViewPrototypeSetBigInt64(
js-implicit context: Context, receiver: Object)(...arguments): Object {
const offset: Object = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
const value: Object = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : Undefined;
const isLittleEndian: Object =
arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : Undefined;
return DataViewSet(
context, receiver, offset, value, isLittleEndian, BIGINT64_ELEMENTS);