blob: 956f0ec162d61179c45d8021fd999a5476da42a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include "src/base/flags.h"
#include "src/codegen/tick-counter.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph-reducer.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
#include "src/compiler/loop-variable-optimizer.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/operation-typer.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/type-cache.h"
#include "src/init/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class Typer::Decorator final : public GraphDecorator {
explicit Decorator(Typer* typer) : typer_(typer) {}
void Decorate(Node* node) final;
Typer* const typer_;
Typer::Typer(JSHeapBroker* broker, Flags flags, Graph* graph,
TickCounter* tick_counter)
: flags_(flags),
operation_typer_(broker, zone()),
tick_counter_(tick_counter) {
singleton_false_ = operation_typer_.singleton_false();
singleton_true_ = operation_typer_.singleton_true();
decorator_ = new (zone()) Decorator(this);
Typer::~Typer() {
class Typer::Visitor : public Reducer {
explicit Visitor(Typer* typer, LoopVariableOptimizer* induction_vars)
: typer_(typer),
remembered_types_(typer->zone()) {}
const char* reducer_name() const override { return "Typer"; }
Reduction Reduce(Node* node) override {
if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() == 0) return NoChange();
switch (node->opcode()) {
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, TypeBinaryOp(node, x##Typer));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, Type##x(node));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, TypeBinaryOp(node, x));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, TypeUnaryOp(node, x));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x:
return NoChange();
Type TypeNode(Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: return TypeBinaryOp(node, x##Typer);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x: return Type##x(node);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return TypeBinaryOp(node, x);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return TypeUnaryOp(node, x);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x:
Type TypeConstant(Handle<Object> value);
bool InductionVariablePhiTypeIsPrefixedPoint(
InductionVariable* induction_var);
Typer* typer_;
LoopVariableOptimizer* induction_vars_;
ZoneSet<NodeId> weakened_nodes_;
// TODO(tebbi): remove once chromium:906567 is resolved.
ZoneUnorderedMap<std::pair<Node*, int>, Type> remembered_types_;
#define DECLARE_METHOD(x) inline Type Type##x(Node* node);
Type TypeOrNone(Node* node) {
return NodeProperties::IsTyped(node) ? NodeProperties::GetType(node)
: Type::None();
Type Operand(Node* node, int i) {
Node* operand_node = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i);
return TypeOrNone(operand_node);
Type Weaken(Node* node, Type current_type, Type previous_type);
Zone* zone() { return typer_->zone(); }
Graph* graph() { return typer_->graph(); }
void SetWeakened(NodeId node_id) { weakened_nodes_.insert(node_id); }
bool IsWeakened(NodeId node_id) {
return weakened_nodes_.find(node_id) != weakened_nodes_.end();
using UnaryTyperFun = Type (*)(Type, Typer* t);
using BinaryTyperFun = Type (*)(Type, Type, Typer* t);
Type TypeUnaryOp(Node* node, UnaryTyperFun);
inline Type TypeBinaryOp(Node* node, BinaryTyperFun);
inline Type TypeBinaryOp(Type left, Type right, BinaryTyperFun);
static Type BinaryNumberOpTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t,
BinaryTyperFun f);
enum ComparisonOutcomeFlags {
kComparisonTrue = 1,
kComparisonFalse = 2,
kComparisonUndefined = 4
using ComparisonOutcome = base::Flags<ComparisonOutcomeFlags>;
static ComparisonOutcome Invert(ComparisonOutcome, Typer*);
static Type FalsifyUndefined(ComparisonOutcome, Typer*);
static Type BitwiseNot(Type, Typer*);
static Type Decrement(Type, Typer*);
static Type Increment(Type, Typer*);
static Type Negate(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToPrimitive(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToBoolean(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToInteger(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToLength(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToName(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToNumber(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToNumberConvertBigInt(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToNumeric(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToObject(Type, Typer*);
static Type ToString(Type, Typer*);
#define DECLARE_METHOD(Name) \
static Type Name(Type type, Typer* t) { \
return t->operation_typer_.Name(type); \
#define DECLARE_METHOD(Name) \
static Type Name(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) { \
return t->operation_typer_.Name(lhs, rhs); \
#define DECLARE_METHOD(Name) \
inline Type Type##Name(Type left, Type right) { \
return TypeBinaryOp(left, right, Name##Typer); \
#define DECLARE_METHOD(Name) \
inline Type Type##Name(Type left, Type right) { \
return TypeBinaryOp(left, right, Name); \
static Type ObjectIsArrayBufferView(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsBigInt(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsCallable(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsConstructor(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsDetectableCallable(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsMinusZero(Type, Typer*);
static Type NumberIsMinusZero(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsNaN(Type, Typer*);
static Type NumberIsNaN(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsNonCallable(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsNumber(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsReceiver(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsSmi(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsString(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsSymbol(Type, Typer*);
static Type ObjectIsUndetectable(Type, Typer*);
static ComparisonOutcome JSCompareTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static ComparisonOutcome NumberCompareTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
#define DECLARE_METHOD(x) static Type x##Typer(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type JSCallTyper(Type, Typer*);
static Type NumberEqualTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type NumberLessThanTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type NumberLessThanOrEqualTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type ReferenceEqualTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type SameValueTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type SameValueNumbersOnlyTyper(Type, Type, Typer*);
static Type StringFromSingleCharCodeTyper(Type, Typer*);
static Type StringFromSingleCodePointTyper(Type, Typer*);
Reduction UpdateType(Node* node, Type current) {
if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(node)) {
// Widen the type of a previously typed node.
Type previous = NodeProperties::GetType(node);
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi ||
node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInductionVariablePhi) {
// Speed up termination in the presence of range types:
current = Weaken(node, current, previous);
if (V8_UNLIKELY(!previous.Is(current))) {
AllowHandleDereference allow;
std::ostringstream ostream;
if (V8_UNLIKELY(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kNumberAdd)) {
ostream << "Previous UpdateType run (inputs first):";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
ostream << " ";
if (remembered_types_[{node, i}].IsInvalid()) {
ostream << "untyped";
} else {
remembered_types_[{node, i}].PrintTo(ostream);
ostream << "\nCurrent (output) type: ";
ostream << "\nThis UpdateType run (inputs first):";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
ostream << " ";
Node* input = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i);
if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(input)) {
} else {
ostream << "untyped";
ostream << " ";
ostream << "\n";
FATAL("UpdateType error for node %s", ostream.str().c_str());
if (V8_UNLIKELY(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kNumberAdd)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
Node* input = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i);
remembered_types_[{node, i}] = NodeProperties::IsTyped(input)
? NodeProperties::GetType(input)
: Type::Invalid();
remembered_types_[{node, 2}] = current;
NodeProperties::SetType(node, current);
if (!current.Is(previous)) {
// If something changed, revisit all uses.
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
} else {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kNumberAdd)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
Node* input = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i);
remembered_types_[{node, i}] = NodeProperties::IsTyped(input)
? NodeProperties::GetType(input)
: Type::Invalid();
remembered_types_[{node, 2}] = current;
// No previous type, simply update the type.
NodeProperties::SetType(node, current);
return Changed(node);
void Typer::Run() { Run(NodeVector(zone()), nullptr); }
void Typer::Run(const NodeVector& roots,
LoopVariableOptimizer* induction_vars) {
if (induction_vars != nullptr) {
Visitor visitor(this, induction_vars);
GraphReducer graph_reducer(zone(), graph(), tick_counter_);
for (Node* const root : roots) graph_reducer.ReduceNode(root);
if (induction_vars != nullptr) {
// Validate the types computed by TypeInductionVariablePhi.
for (auto entry : induction_vars->induction_variables()) {
InductionVariable* induction_var = entry.second;
if (induction_var->phi()->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInductionVariablePhi) {
void Typer::Decorator::Decorate(Node* node) {
if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() > 0) {
// Only eagerly type-decorate nodes with known input types.
// Other cases will generally require a proper fixpoint iteration with Run.
bool is_typed = NodeProperties::IsTyped(node);
if (is_typed || NodeProperties::AllValueInputsAreTyped(node)) {
Visitor typing(typer_, nullptr);
Type type = typing.TypeNode(node);
if (is_typed) {
type = Type::Intersect(type, NodeProperties::GetType(node),
NodeProperties::SetType(node, type);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions that lift a function f on types to a function on bounds,
// and uses that to type the given node. Note that f is never called with None
// as an argument.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeUnaryOp(Node* node, UnaryTyperFun f) {
Type input = Operand(node, 0);
return input.IsNone() ? Type::None() : f(input, typer_);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeBinaryOp(Node* node, BinaryTyperFun f) {
Type left = Operand(node, 0);
Type right = Operand(node, 1);
return TypeBinaryOp(left, right, f);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeBinaryOp(Type left, Type right, BinaryTyperFun f) {
return left.IsNone() || right.IsNone() ? Type::None()
: f(left, right, typer_);
Type Typer::Visitor::BinaryNumberOpTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t,
BinaryTyperFun f) {
lhs = ToNumeric(lhs, t);
rhs = ToNumeric(rhs, t);
bool lhs_is_number = lhs.Is(Type::Number());
bool rhs_is_number = rhs.Is(Type::Number());
if (lhs_is_number && rhs_is_number) {
return f(lhs, rhs, t);
// In order to maintain monotonicity, the following two conditions are
// intentionally asymmetric.
if (lhs_is_number) {
return Type::Number();
if (lhs.Is(Type::BigInt())) {
return Type::BigInt();
return Type::Numeric();
Typer::Visitor::ComparisonOutcome Typer::Visitor::Invert(
ComparisonOutcome outcome, Typer* t) {
ComparisonOutcome result(0);
if ((outcome & kComparisonUndefined) != 0) result |= kComparisonUndefined;
if ((outcome & kComparisonTrue) != 0) result |= kComparisonFalse;
if ((outcome & kComparisonFalse) != 0) result |= kComparisonTrue;
return result;
Type Typer::Visitor::FalsifyUndefined(ComparisonOutcome outcome, Typer* t) {
if (outcome == 0) return Type::None();
if ((outcome & kComparisonFalse) != 0 ||
(outcome & kComparisonUndefined) != 0) {
return (outcome & kComparisonTrue) != 0 ? Type::Boolean()
: t->singleton_false_;
DCHECK_NE(0, outcome & kComparisonTrue);
return t->singleton_true_;
Type Typer::Visitor::BitwiseNot(Type type, Typer* t) {
type = ToNumeric(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::Number())) {
return NumberBitwiseXor(type, t->cache_->kSingletonMinusOne, t);
return Type::Numeric();
Type Typer::Visitor::Decrement(Type type, Typer* t) {
type = ToNumeric(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::Number())) {
return NumberSubtract(type, t->cache_->kSingletonOne, t);
return Type::Numeric();
Type Typer::Visitor::Increment(Type type, Typer* t) {
type = ToNumeric(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::Number())) {
return NumberAdd(type, t->cache_->kSingletonOne, t);
return Type::Numeric();
Type Typer::Visitor::Negate(Type type, Typer* t) {
type = ToNumeric(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::Number())) {
return NumberMultiply(type, t->cache_->kSingletonMinusOne, t);
return Type::Numeric();
// Type conversion.
Type Typer::Visitor::ToPrimitive(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Primitive()) && !type.Maybe(Type::Receiver())) {
return type;
return Type::Primitive();
Type Typer::Visitor::ToBoolean(Type type, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer()->ToBoolean(type);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToInteger(Type type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.4 ToInteger ( argument )
type = ToNumber(type, t);
if (type.Is(t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZero)) return type;
if (type.Is(t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZeroOrNaN)) {
return Type::Union(
Type::Intersect(type, t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZero, t->zone()),
t->cache_->kSingletonZero, t->zone());
return t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZero;
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToLength(Type type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.15 ToLength ( argument )
type = ToInteger(type, t);
if (type.IsNone()) return type;
double min = type.Min();
double max = type.Max();
if (max <= 0.0) {
return Type::NewConstant(0, t->zone());
if (min >= kMaxSafeInteger) {
return Type::NewConstant(kMaxSafeInteger, t->zone());
if (min <= 0.0) min = 0.0;
if (max >= kMaxSafeInteger) max = kMaxSafeInteger;
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToName(Type type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey ( argument )
type = ToPrimitive(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::Name())) return type;
if (type.Maybe(Type::Symbol())) return Type::Name();
return ToString(type, t);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToNumber(Type type, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer_.ToNumber(type);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToNumberConvertBigInt(Type type, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer_.ToNumberConvertBigInt(type);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToNumeric(Type type, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer_.ToNumeric(type);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToObject(Type type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.13 ToObject ( argument )
if (type.Is(Type::Receiver())) return type;
if (type.Is(Type::Primitive())) return Type::OtherObject();
if (!type.Maybe(Type::OtherUndetectable())) {
return Type::DetectableReceiver();
return Type::Receiver();
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ToString(Type type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.12 ToString ( argument )
type = ToPrimitive(type, t);
if (type.Is(Type::String())) return type;
return Type::String();
// Type checks.
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsArrayBufferView(Type type, Typer* t) {
// TODO(turbofan): Introduce a Type::ArrayBufferView?
if (!type.Maybe(Type::OtherObject())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsBigInt(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::BigInt())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::BigInt())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsCallable(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Callable())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Callable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsConstructor(Type type, Typer* t) {
// TODO(turbofan): Introduce a Type::Constructor?
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Callable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsDetectableCallable(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::DetectableCallable())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::DetectableCallable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsMinusZero(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::MinusZero())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::MinusZero())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::NumberIsMinusZero(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::MinusZero())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::MinusZero())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsNaN(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::NumberIsNaN(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsNonCallable(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::NonCallable())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::NonCallable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsNumber(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Number())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Number())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsReceiver(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Receiver())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Receiver())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsSmi(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (!type.Maybe(Type::SignedSmall())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsString(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::String())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::String())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsSymbol(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Symbol())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Symbol())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsUndetectable(Type type, Typer* t) {
if (type.Is(Type::Undetectable())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type.Maybe(Type::Undetectable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Control operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStart(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeIfException(Node* node) { return Type::NonInternal(); }
// Common operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeParameter(Node* node) {
Node* const start = node->InputAt(0);
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStart, start->opcode());
int const parameter_count = start->op()->ValueOutputCount() - 4;
DCHECK_LE(1, parameter_count);
int const index = ParameterIndexOf(node->op());
if (index == Linkage::kJSCallClosureParamIndex) {
return Type::Function();
} else if (index == 0) {
if (typer_->flags() & Typer::kThisIsReceiver) {
return Type::Receiver();
} else {
// Parameter[this] can be the_hole for derived class constructors.
return Type::Union(Type::Hole(), Type::NonInternal(), typer_->zone());
} else if (index == Linkage::GetJSCallNewTargetParamIndex(parameter_count)) {
if (typer_->flags() & Typer::kNewTargetIsReceiver) {
return Type::Receiver();
} else {
return Type::Union(Type::Receiver(), Type::Undefined(), typer_->zone());
} else if (index == Linkage::GetJSCallArgCountParamIndex(parameter_count)) {
return Type::Range(0.0, FixedArray::kMaxLength, typer_->zone());
} else if (index == Linkage::GetJSCallContextParamIndex(parameter_count)) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
return Type::NonInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeOsrValue(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeRetain(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeRelocatableInt32Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeRelocatableInt64Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Constant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberConstant(Node* node) {
double number = OpParameter<double>(node->op());
return Type::NewConstant(number, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeHeapConstant(Node* node) {
return TypeConstant(HeapConstantOf(node->op()));
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCompressedHeapConstant(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeExternalConstant(Node* node) {
return Type::ExternalPointer();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePointerConstant(Node* node) {
return Type::ExternalPointer();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSelect(Node* node) {
return Type::Union(Operand(node, 1), Operand(node, 2), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePhi(Node* node) {
int arity = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
Type type = Operand(node, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < arity; ++i) {
type = Type::Union(type, Operand(node, i), zone());
return type;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeInductionVariablePhi(Node* node) {
int arity = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->op()->ControlInputCount();
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoop, NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->opcode());
DCHECK_EQ(2, NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->InputCount());
Type initial_type = Operand(node, 0);
Type increment_type = Operand(node, 2);
// Fallback to normal phi typing in a variety of cases:
// - when the induction variable is not initially of type Integer, because we
// want to work with ranges in the algorithm below.
// - when the increment is zero, because in that case normal phi typing will
// generally yield a more precise type.
// - when the induction variable can become NaN (through addition/subtraction
// of opposing infinities), because the code below can't handle that case.
if (initial_type.IsNone() ||
increment_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kSingletonZero) ||
!initial_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger) ||
!increment_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger) ||
increment_type.Min() == -V8_INFINITY ||
increment_type.Max() == +V8_INFINITY) {
// Unfortunately, without baking in the previous type, monotonicity might be
// violated because we might not yet have retyped the incrementing operation
// even though the increment's type might been already reflected in the
// induction variable phi.
Type type = NodeProperties::IsTyped(node) ? NodeProperties::GetType(node)
: Type::None();
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
type = Type::Union(type, Operand(node, i), zone());
return type;
auto res = induction_vars_->induction_variables().find(node->id());
DCHECK_NE(res, induction_vars_->induction_variables().end());
InductionVariable* induction_var = res->second;
InductionVariable::ArithmeticType arithmetic_type = induction_var->Type();
double min = -V8_INFINITY;
double max = V8_INFINITY;
double increment_min;
double increment_max;
if (arithmetic_type == InductionVariable::ArithmeticType::kAddition) {
increment_min = increment_type.Min();
increment_max = increment_type.Max();
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(arithmetic_type, InductionVariable::ArithmeticType::kSubtraction);
increment_min = -increment_type.Max();
increment_max = -increment_type.Min();
if (increment_min >= 0) {
// Increasing sequence.
min = initial_type.Min();
for (auto bound : induction_var->upper_bounds()) {
Type bound_type = TypeOrNone(bound.bound);
// If the type is not an integer, just skip the bound.
if (!bound_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger)) continue;
// If the type is not inhabited, then we can take the initial value.
if (bound_type.IsNone()) {
max = initial_type.Max();
double bound_max = bound_type.Max();
if (bound.kind == InductionVariable::kStrict) {
bound_max -= 1;
max = std::min(max, bound_max + increment_max);
// The upper bound must be at least the initial value's upper bound.
max = std::max(max, initial_type.Max());
} else if (increment_max <= 0) {
// Decreasing sequence.
max = initial_type.Max();
for (auto bound : induction_var->lower_bounds()) {
Type bound_type = TypeOrNone(bound.bound);
// If the type is not an integer, just skip the bound.
if (!bound_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger)) continue;
// If the type is not inhabited, then we can take the initial value.
if (bound_type.IsNone()) {
min = initial_type.Min();
double bound_min = bound_type.Min();
if (bound.kind == InductionVariable::kStrict) {
bound_min += 1;
min = std::max(min, bound_min + increment_min);
// The lower bound must be at most the initial value's lower bound.
min = std::min(min, initial_type.Min());
} else {
// If the increment can be both positive and negative, the variable can go
// arbitrarily far. Use the maximal range in that case. Note that this may
// be less precise than what ordinary typing would produce.
min = -V8_INFINITY;
max = +V8_INFINITY;
if (FLAG_trace_turbo_loop) {
StdoutStream{} << std::setprecision(10) << "Loop ("
<< NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->id()
<< ") variable bounds in "
<< (arithmetic_type ==
? "addition"
: "subtraction")
<< " for phi " << node->id() << ": (" << min << ", " << max
<< ")\n";
return Type::Range(min, max, typer_->zone());
bool Typer::Visitor::InductionVariablePhiTypeIsPrefixedPoint(
InductionVariable* induction_var) {
Node* node = induction_var->phi();
DCHECK_EQ(node->opcode(), IrOpcode::kInductionVariablePhi);
Type type = NodeProperties::GetType(node);
Type initial_type = Operand(node, 0);
Node* arith = node->InputAt(1);
Type increment_type = Operand(node, 2);
// Intersect {type} with useful bounds.
for (auto bound : induction_var->upper_bounds()) {
Type bound_type = TypeOrNone(bound.bound);
if (!bound_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger)) continue;
if (!bound_type.IsNone()) {
bound_type = Type::Range(
bound_type.Max() - (bound.kind == InductionVariable::kStrict),
type = Type::Intersect(type, bound_type, typer_->zone());
for (auto bound : induction_var->lower_bounds()) {
Type bound_type = TypeOrNone(bound.bound);
if (!bound_type.Is(typer_->cache_->kInteger)) continue;
if (!bound_type.IsNone()) {
bound_type = Type::Range(
bound_type.Min() + (bound.kind == InductionVariable::kStrict),
+V8_INFINITY, typer_->zone());
type = Type::Intersect(type, bound_type, typer_->zone());
// Apply ordinary typing to the "increment" operation.
// clang-format off
switch (arith->opcode()) {
#define CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
type = Type##x(type, increment_type); \
#undef CASE
// clang-format on
type = Type::Union(initial_type, type, typer_->zone());
return type.Is(NodeProperties::GetType(node));
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeEffectPhi(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoopExit(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoopExitValue(Node* node) { return Operand(node, 0); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoopExitEffect(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeEnsureWritableFastElements(Node* node) {
return Operand(node, 1);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeMaybeGrowFastElements(Node* node) {
return Operand(node, 1);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTransitionElementsKind(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckpoint(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeBeginRegion(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFinishRegion(Node* node) { return Operand(node, 0); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFrameState(Node* node) {
// TODO(rossberg): Ideally FrameState wouldn't have a value output.
return Type::Internal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStateValues(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTypedStateValues(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectId(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeArgumentsElementsState(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeArgumentsLengthState(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectState(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTypedObjectState(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCall(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCallWithCallerSavedRegisters(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeProjection(Node* node) {
Type const type = Operand(node, 0);
if (type.Is(Type::None())) return Type::None();
int const index = static_cast<int>(ProjectionIndexOf(node->op()));
if (type.IsTuple() && index < type.AsTuple()->Arity()) {
return type.AsTuple()->Element(index);
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeMapGuard(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTypeGuard(Node* node) {
Type const type = Operand(node, 0);
return typer_->operation_typer()->TypeTypeGuard(node->op(), type);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeDead(Node* node) { return Type::None(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeDeadValue(Node* node) { return Type::None(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeUnreachable(Node* node) { return Type::None(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStaticAssert(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
// JS comparison operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::JSEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
if (lhs.IsNone() || rhs.IsNone()) return Type::None();
if (lhs.Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs.Is(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs.Is(Type::NullOrUndefined()) && rhs.Is(Type::NullOrUndefined())) {
return t->singleton_true_;
if (lhs.Is(Type::Number()) && rhs.Is(Type::Number()) &&
(lhs.Max() < rhs.Min() || lhs.Min() > rhs.Max())) {
return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs.IsHeapConstant() && rhs.Is(lhs)) {
// Types are equal and are inhabited only by a single semantic value,
// which is not nan due to the earlier check.
return t->singleton_true_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::JSStrictEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer()->StrictEqual(lhs, rhs);
// The EcmaScript specification defines the four relational comparison operators
// (<, <=, >=, >) with the help of a single abstract one. It behaves like <
// but returns undefined when the inputs cannot be compared.
// We implement the typing analogously.
Typer::Visitor::ComparisonOutcome Typer::Visitor::JSCompareTyper(Type lhs,
Type rhs,
Typer* t) {
lhs = ToPrimitive(lhs, t);
rhs = ToPrimitive(rhs, t);
if (lhs.Maybe(Type::String()) && rhs.Maybe(Type::String())) {
return ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonTrue) |
lhs = ToNumeric(lhs, t);
rhs = ToNumeric(rhs, t);
if (lhs.Is(Type::Number()) && rhs.Is(Type::Number())) {
return NumberCompareTyper(lhs, rhs, t);
return ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonTrue) |
ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonFalse) |
Typer::Visitor::ComparisonOutcome Typer::Visitor::NumberCompareTyper(Type lhs,
Type rhs,
Typer* t) {
if (lhs.IsNone() || rhs.IsNone()) return {};
// Shortcut for NaNs.
if (lhs.Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs.Is(Type::NaN())) return kComparisonUndefined;
ComparisonOutcome result;
if (lhs.IsHeapConstant() && rhs.Is(lhs)) {
// Types are equal and are inhabited only by a single semantic value.
result = kComparisonFalse;
} else if (lhs.Min() >= rhs.Max()) {
result = kComparisonFalse;
} else if (lhs.Max() < rhs.Min()) {
result = kComparisonTrue;
} else {
return ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonTrue) |
ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonFalse) |
// Add the undefined if we could see NaN.
if (lhs.Maybe(Type::NaN()) || rhs.Maybe(Type::NaN())) {
result |= kComparisonUndefined;
return result;
Type Typer::Visitor::JSLessThanTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(JSCompareTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSGreaterThanTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(JSCompareTyper(rhs, lhs, t), t);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSLessThanOrEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(Invert(JSCompareTyper(rhs, lhs, t), t), t);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSGreaterThanOrEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(Invert(JSCompareTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t), t);
// JS bitwise operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseOrTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberBitwiseOr);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseAndTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberBitwiseAnd);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseXorTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberBitwiseXor);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSShiftLeftTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberShiftLeft);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSShiftRightTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberShiftRight);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSShiftRightLogicalTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return NumberShiftRightLogical(ToNumber(lhs, t), ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
// JS arithmetic operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::JSAddTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = ToPrimitive(lhs, t);
rhs = ToPrimitive(rhs, t);
if (lhs.Maybe(Type::String()) || rhs.Maybe(Type::String())) {
if (lhs.Is(Type::String()) || rhs.Is(Type::String())) {
return Type::String();
} else {
return Type::NumericOrString();
// The addition must be numeric.
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberAdd);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSSubtractTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberSubtract);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSMultiplyTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberMultiply);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSDivideTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberDivide);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSModulusTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return BinaryNumberOpTyper(lhs, rhs, t, NumberModulus);
Type Typer::Visitor::JSExponentiateTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
// TODO(neis): Refine using BinaryNumberOpTyper?
return Type::Numeric();
// JS unary operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSBitwiseNot(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, BitwiseNot);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSDecrement(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, Decrement);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSIncrement(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, Increment);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSNegate(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, Negate);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTypeOf(Node* node) {
return Type::InternalizedString();
// JS conversion operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeToBoolean(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToBoolean);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToLength(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToLength);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToName(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToName);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToNumberConvertBigInt(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumberConvertBigInt);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToNumeric(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumeric);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToObject(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToObject);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToString(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToString);
// JS object operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreate(Node* node) { return Type::Object(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArguments(Node* node) {
switch (CreateArgumentsTypeOf(node->op())) {
case CreateArgumentsType::kRestParameter:
return Type::Array();
case CreateArgumentsType::kMappedArguments:
case CreateArgumentsType::kUnmappedArguments:
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArray(Node* node) { return Type::Array(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArrayIterator(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateAsyncFunctionObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateCollectionIterator(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateBoundFunction(Node* node) {
return Type::BoundFunction();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateGeneratorObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateClosure(Node* node) {
return Type::Function();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateIterResultObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateStringIterator(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateKeyValueArray(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreatePromise(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateTypedArray(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralArray(Node* node) {
return Type::Array();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateEmptyLiteralArray(Node* node) {
return Type::Array();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArrayFromIterable(Node* node) {
return Type::Array();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateEmptyLiteralObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCloneObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralRegExp(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadProperty(Node* node) {
return Type::NonInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadNamed(Node* node) { return Type::NonInternal(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadGlobal(Node* node) {
return Type::NonInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSParseInt(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSRegExpTest(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
// Returns a somewhat larger range if we previously assigned
// a (smaller) range to this node. This is used to speed up
// the fixpoint calculation in case there appears to be a loop
// in the graph. In the current implementation, we are
// increasing the limits to the closest power of two.
Type Typer::Visitor::Weaken(Node* node, Type current_type, Type previous_type) {
static const double kWeakenMinLimits[] = {
0.0, -1073741824.0, -2147483648.0, -4294967296.0, -8589934592.0,
-17179869184.0, -34359738368.0, -68719476736.0, -137438953472.0,
-274877906944.0, -549755813888.0, -1099511627776.0, -2199023255552.0,
-4398046511104.0, -8796093022208.0, -17592186044416.0, -35184372088832.0,
-70368744177664.0, -140737488355328.0, -281474976710656.0,
static const double kWeakenMaxLimits[] = {
0.0, 1073741823.0, 2147483647.0, 4294967295.0, 8589934591.0,
17179869183.0, 34359738367.0, 68719476735.0, 137438953471.0,
274877906943.0, 549755813887.0, 1099511627775.0, 2199023255551.0,
4398046511103.0, 8796093022207.0, 17592186044415.0, 35184372088831.0,
70368744177663.0, 140737488355327.0, 281474976710655.0,
STATIC_ASSERT(arraysize(kWeakenMinLimits) == arraysize(kWeakenMaxLimits));
// If the types have nothing to do with integers, return the types.
Type const integer = typer_->cache_->kInteger;
if (!previous_type.Maybe(integer)) {
return current_type;
Type current_integer = Type::Intersect(current_type, integer, zone());
Type previous_integer = Type::Intersect(previous_type, integer, zone());
// Once we start weakening a node, we should always weaken.
if (!IsWeakened(node->id())) {
// Only weaken if there is range involved; we should converge quickly
// for all other types (the exception is a union of many constants,
// but we currently do not increase the number of constants in unions).
Type previous = previous_integer.GetRange();
Type current = current_integer.GetRange();
if (current.IsInvalid() || previous.IsInvalid()) {
return current_type;
// Range is involved => we are weakening.
double current_min = current_integer.Min();
double new_min = current_min;
// Find the closest lower entry in the list of allowed
// minima (or negative infinity if there is no such entry).
if (current_min != previous_integer.Min()) {
new_min = -V8_INFINITY;
for (double const min : kWeakenMinLimits) {
if (min <= current_min) {
new_min = min;
double current_max = current_integer.Max();
double new_max = current_max;
// Find the closest greater entry in the list of allowed
// maxima (or infinity if there is no such entry).
if (current_max != previous_integer.Max()) {
new_max = V8_INFINITY;
for (double const max : kWeakenMaxLimits) {
if (max >= current_max) {
new_max = max;
return Type::Union(current_type,
Type::Range(new_min, new_max, typer_->zone()),
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreProperty(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreNamed(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreGlobal(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreNamedOwn(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreDataPropertyInLiteral(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreInArrayLiteral(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSDeleteProperty(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSHasProperty(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
// JS instanceof operator.
Type Typer::Visitor::JSHasInPrototypeChainTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::JSInstanceOfTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::JSOrdinaryHasInstanceTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGetSuperConstructor(Node* node) {
return Type::Callable();
// JS context operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadContext(Node* node) {
ContextAccess const& access = ContextAccessOf(node->op());
switch (access.index()) {
case Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX:
case Context::SCOPE_INFO_INDEX:
return Type::OtherInternal();
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreContext(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateFunctionContext(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateCatchContext(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateWithContext(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateBlockContext(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
// JS other operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSConstructForwardVarargs(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSConstruct(Node* node) { return Type::Receiver(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSConstructWithArrayLike(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSConstructWithSpread(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSObjectIsArray(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeDateNow(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::JSCallTyper(Type fun, Typer* t) {
if (!fun.IsHeapConstant() || !fun.AsHeapConstant()->Ref().IsJSFunction()) {
return Type::NonInternal();
JSFunctionRef function = fun.AsHeapConstant()->Ref().AsJSFunction();
if (!function.shared().HasBuiltinId()) {
return Type::NonInternal();
switch (function.shared().builtin_id()) {
case Builtins::kMathRandom:
return Type::PlainNumber();
case Builtins::kMathFloor:
case Builtins::kMathCeil:
case Builtins::kMathRound:
case Builtins::kMathTrunc:
return t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZeroOrNaN;
// Unary math functions.
case Builtins::kMathAbs:
case Builtins::kMathExp:
return Type::Union(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::NaN(), t->zone());
case Builtins::kMathAcos:
case Builtins::kMathAcosh:
case Builtins::kMathAsin:
case Builtins::kMathAsinh:
case Builtins::kMathAtan:
case Builtins::kMathAtanh:
case Builtins::kMathCbrt:
case Builtins::kMathCos:
case Builtins::kMathExpm1:
case Builtins::kMathFround:
case Builtins::kMathLog:
case Builtins::kMathLog1p:
case Builtins::kMathLog10:
case Builtins::kMathLog2:
case Builtins::kMathSin:
case Builtins::kMathSqrt:
case Builtins::kMathTan:
return Type::Number();
case Builtins::kMathSign:
return t->cache_->kMinusOneToOneOrMinusZeroOrNaN;
// Binary math functions.
case Builtins::kMathAtan2:
case Builtins::kMathPow:
case Builtins::kMathMax:
case Builtins::kMathMin:
return Type::Number();
case Builtins::kMathImul:
return Type::Signed32();
case Builtins::kMathClz32:
return t->cache_->kZeroToThirtyTwo;
// Date functions.
case Builtins::kDateNow:
return t->cache_->kTimeValueType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetDate:
return t->cache_->kJSDateDayType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetDay:
return t->cache_->kJSDateWeekdayType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetFullYear:
return t->cache_->kJSDateYearType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetHours:
return t->cache_->kJSDateHourType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetMilliseconds:
return Type::Union(Type::Range(0.0, 999.0, t->zone()), Type::NaN(),
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetMinutes:
return t->cache_->kJSDateMinuteType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetMonth:
return t->cache_->kJSDateMonthType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetSeconds:
return t->cache_->kJSDateSecondType;
case Builtins::kDatePrototypeGetTime:
return t->cache_->kJSDateValueType;
// Symbol functions.
case Builtins::kSymbolConstructor:
return Type::Symbol();
case Builtins::kSymbolPrototypeToString:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kSymbolPrototypeValueOf:
return Type::Symbol();
// BigInt functions.
case Builtins::kBigIntConstructor:
return Type::BigInt();
// Number functions.
case Builtins::kNumberConstructor:
return Type::Number();
case Builtins::kNumberIsFinite:
case Builtins::kNumberIsInteger:
case Builtins::kNumberIsNaN:
case Builtins::kNumberIsSafeInteger:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kNumberParseFloat:
return Type::Number();
case Builtins::kNumberParseInt:
return t->cache_->kIntegerOrMinusZeroOrNaN;
case Builtins::kNumberToString:
return Type::String();
// String functions.
case Builtins::kStringConstructor:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeCharCodeAt:
return Type::Union(Type::Range(0, kMaxUInt16, t->zone()), Type::NaN(),
case Builtins::kStringCharAt:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeCodePointAt:
return Type::Union(Type::Range(0.0, String::kMaxCodePoint, t->zone()),
Type::Undefined(), t->zone());
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeConcat:
case Builtins::kStringFromCharCode:
case Builtins::kStringFromCodePoint:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeIndexOf:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeLastIndexOf:
return Type::Range(-1.0, String::kMaxLength, t->zone());
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeEndsWith:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeIncludes:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kStringRaw:
case Builtins::kStringRepeat:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeSlice:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeStartsWith:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeSubstr:
case Builtins::kStringSubstring:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToString:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToLowerCaseIntl:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToUpperCaseIntl:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToLowerCase:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeToUpperCase:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeTrim:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeTrimEnd:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeTrimStart:
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeValueOf:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kStringPrototypeIterator:
case Builtins::kStringIteratorPrototypeNext:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeEntries:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeKeys:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeValues:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeEntries:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeKeys:
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeValues:
case Builtins::kArrayIteratorPrototypeNext:
case Builtins::kMapIteratorPrototypeNext:
case Builtins::kSetIteratorPrototypeNext:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kTypedArrayPrototypeToStringTag:
return Type::Union(Type::InternalizedString(), Type::Undefined(),
// Array functions.
case Builtins::kArrayIsArray:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kArrayConcat:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kArrayEvery:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFill:
case Builtins::kArrayFilter:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeFindIndex:
return Type::Range(-1, kMaxSafeInteger, t->zone());
case Builtins::kArrayForEach:
return Type::Undefined();
case Builtins::kArrayIncludes:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kArrayIndexOf:
return Type::Range(-1, kMaxSafeInteger, t->zone());
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeJoin:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf:
return Type::Range(-1, kMaxSafeInteger, t->zone());
case Builtins::kArrayMap:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kArrayPush:
return t->cache_->kPositiveSafeInteger;
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeReverse:
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeSlice:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kArraySome:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kArrayPrototypeSplice:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kArrayUnshift:
return t->cache_->kPositiveSafeInteger;
// ArrayBuffer functions.
case Builtins::kArrayBufferIsView:
return Type::Boolean();
// Object functions.
case Builtins::kObjectAssign:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kObjectCreate:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kObjectIs:
case Builtins::kObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty:
case Builtins::kObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kObjectToString:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kPromiseAll:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kPromisePrototypeThen:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kPromiseRace:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kPromiseReject:
return Type::Receiver();
case Builtins::kPromiseResolveTrampoline:
return Type::Receiver();
// RegExp functions.
case Builtins::kRegExpPrototypeCompile:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kRegExpPrototypeExec:
return Type::Union(Type::Array(), Type::Null(), t->zone());
case Builtins::kRegExpPrototypeTest:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kRegExpPrototypeToString:
return Type::String();
// Function functions.
case Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeBind:
return Type::BoundFunction();
case Builtins::kFunctionPrototypeHasInstance:
return Type::Boolean();
// Global functions.
case Builtins::kGlobalDecodeURI:
case Builtins::kGlobalDecodeURIComponent:
case Builtins::kGlobalEncodeURI:
case Builtins::kGlobalEncodeURIComponent:
case Builtins::kGlobalEscape:
case Builtins::kGlobalUnescape:
return Type::String();
case Builtins::kGlobalIsFinite:
case Builtins::kGlobalIsNaN:
return Type::Boolean();
// Map functions.
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeClear:
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeForEach:
return Type::Undefined();
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeDelete:
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeHas:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeEntries:
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeKeys:
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeSet:
case Builtins::kMapPrototypeValues:
return Type::OtherObject();
// Set functions.
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeAdd:
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeEntries:
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeValues:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeClear:
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeForEach:
return Type::Undefined();
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeDelete:
case Builtins::kSetPrototypeHas:
return Type::Boolean();
// WeakMap functions.
case Builtins::kWeakMapPrototypeDelete:
case Builtins::kWeakMapPrototypeHas:
return Type::Boolean();
case Builtins::kWeakMapPrototypeSet:
return Type::OtherObject();
// WeakSet functions.
case Builtins::kWeakSetPrototypeAdd:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Builtins::kWeakSetPrototypeDelete:
case Builtins::kWeakSetPrototypeHas:
return Type::Boolean();
return Type::NonInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallForwardVarargs(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSCallTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCall(Node* node) {
// TODO(bmeurer): We could infer better types if we wouldn't ignore the
// argument types for the JSCallTyper above.
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSCallTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallWithArrayLike(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSCallTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallWithSpread(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSCallTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallRuntime(Node* node) {
switch (CallRuntimeParametersOf(node->op()).id()) {
case Runtime::kInlineIsJSReceiver:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsReceiver);
case Runtime::kInlineIsSmi:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsSmi);
case Runtime::kInlineIsArray:
case Runtime::kInlineIsRegExp:
return Type::Boolean();
case Runtime::kInlineCreateIterResultObject:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Runtime::kInlineToLength:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToLength);
case Runtime::kInlineToNumber:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
case Runtime::kInlineToObject:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToObject);
case Runtime::kInlineToStringRT:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToString);
case Runtime::kHasInPrototypeChain:
return Type::Boolean();
// TODO(turbofan): This should be Type::NonInternal(), but unfortunately we
// have a few weird runtime calls that return the hole or even FixedArrays;
// change this once those weird runtime calls have been removed.
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInEnumerate(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInNext(Node* node) {
return Type::Union(Type::String(), Type::Undefined(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInPrepare(Node* node) {
STATIC_ASSERT(Map::EnumLengthBits::kMax <= FixedArray::kMaxLength);
Type const cache_type =
Type::Union(Type::SignedSmall(), Type::OtherInternal(), zone());
Type const cache_array = Type::OtherInternal();
Type const cache_length = typer_->cache_->kFixedArrayLengthType;
return Type::Tuple(cache_type, cache_array, cache_length, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadMessage(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreMessage(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadModule(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreModule(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGeneratorStore(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGeneratorRestoreContinuation(Node* node) {
return Type::SignedSmall();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGeneratorRestoreContext(Node* node) {
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGeneratorRestoreRegister(Node* node) {
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSGeneratorRestoreInputOrDebugPos(Node* node) {
return Type::Any();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStackCheck(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSDebugger(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSAsyncFunctionEnter(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSAsyncFunctionReject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSAsyncFunctionResolve(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSFulfillPromise(Node* node) {
return Type::Undefined();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSPerformPromiseThen(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSPromiseResolve(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSRejectPromise(Node* node) {
return Type::Undefined();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeJSResolvePromise(Node* node) {
return Type::Undefined();
// Simplified operators.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeBooleanNot(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::NumberEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return JSEqualTyper(ToNumber(lhs, t), ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::NumberLessThanTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(
NumberCompareTyper(ToNumber(lhs, t), ToNumber(rhs, t), t), t);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::NumberLessThanOrEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(
Invert(JSCompareTyper(ToNumber(rhs, t), ToNumber(lhs, t), t), t), t);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberEqualTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberLessThan(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberLessThanTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberLessThanOrEqualTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSpeculativeNumberEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberEqualTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSpeculativeNumberLessThan(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberLessThanTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSpeculativeNumberLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, NumberLessThanOrEqualTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringConcat(Node* node) { return Type::String(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePlainPrimitiveToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePlainPrimitiveToWord32(Node* node) {
return Type::Integral32();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePlainPrimitiveToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::ReferenceEqualTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
if (lhs.IsHeapConstant() && rhs.Is(lhs)) {
return t->singleton_true_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeReferenceEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, ReferenceEqualTyper);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::SameValueTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer()->SameValue(lhs, rhs);
// static
Type Typer::Visitor::SameValueNumbersOnlyTyper(Type lhs, Type rhs, Typer* t) {
return t->operation_typer()->SameValueNumbersOnly(lhs, rhs);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSameValue(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, SameValueTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeSameValueNumbersOnly(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, SameValueNumbersOnlyTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberSameValue(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringEqual(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringLessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::StringFromSingleCharCodeTyper(Type type, Typer* t) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::StringFromSingleCodePointTyper(Type type, Typer* t) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringToLowerCaseIntl(Node* node) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringToUpperCaseIntl(Node* node) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringCharCodeAt(Node* node) {
return typer_->cache_->kUint16;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringCodePointAt(Node* node) {
return Type::Range(0.0, String::kMaxCodePoint, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringFromSingleCharCode(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, StringFromSingleCharCodeTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringFromSingleCodePoint(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, StringFromSingleCodePointTyper);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringFromCodePointAt(Node* node) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringIndexOf(Node* node) {
return Type::Range(-1.0, String::kMaxLength, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringLength(Node* node) {
return typer_->cache_->kStringLengthType;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStringSubstring(Node* node) { return Type::String(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypePoisonIndex(Node* node) {
return Type::Union(Operand(node, 0), typer_->cache_->kSingletonZero, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckBounds(Node* node) {
return typer_->operation_typer_.CheckBounds(Operand(node, 0),
Operand(node, 1));
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckHeapObject(Node* node) {
Type type = Operand(node, 0);
return type;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckIf(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckInternalizedString(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::InternalizedString(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckMaps(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCompareMaps(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckNumber(Node* node) {
return typer_->operation_typer_.CheckNumber(Operand(node, 0));
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckReceiver(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::Receiver(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckReceiverOrNullOrUndefined(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::ReceiverOrNullOrUndefined(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckSmi(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::SignedSmall(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckString(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::String(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckSymbol(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return Type::Intersect(arg, Type::Symbol(), zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckFloat64Hole(Node* node) {
return typer_->operation_typer_.CheckFloat64Hole(Operand(node, 0));
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckNotTaggedHole(Node* node) {
Type type = Operand(node, 0);
type = Type::Intersect(type, Type::NonInternal(), zone());
return type;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeConvertReceiver(Node* node) {
Type arg = Operand(node, 0);
return typer_->operation_typer_.ConvertReceiver(arg);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(Node* node) {
Type type = Operand(node, 0);
return typer_->operation_typer()->ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(type);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckEqualsInternalizedString(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckEqualsSymbol(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeAllocate(Node* node) {
return AllocateTypeOf(node->op());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeAllocateRaw(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadFieldByIndex(Node* node) {
return Type::NonInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadField(Node* node) {
return FieldAccessOf(node->op()).type;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadElement(Node* node) {
return ElementAccessOf(node->op()).type;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadFromObject(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadTypedElement(Node* node) {
switch (ExternalArrayTypeOf(node->op())) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(ElemType, type, TYPE, ctype) \
case kExternal##ElemType##Array: \
return typer_->cache_->k##ElemType;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadDataViewElement(Node* node) {
switch (ExternalArrayTypeOf(node->op())) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(ElemType, type, TYPE, ctype) \
case kExternal##ElemType##Array: \
return typer_->cache_->k##ElemType;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreField(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreElement(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreToObject(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTransitionAndStoreElement(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTransitionAndStoreNumberElement(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeTransitionAndStoreNonNumberElement(Node* node) {
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreSignedSmallElement(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreTypedElement(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreDataViewElement(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsArrayBufferView(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsArrayBufferView);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsBigInt(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsBigInt);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsCallable(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsCallable);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsConstructor(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsConstructor);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsDetectableCallable(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsDetectableCallable);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsMinusZero(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsMinusZero);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsMinusZero(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, NumberIsMinusZero);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsFloat64Hole(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsFinite(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsFiniteNumber(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsInteger(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsSafeInteger(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsSafeInteger(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsInteger(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsNaN(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsNaN);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsNaN(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, NumberIsNaN);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsNonCallable(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsNonCallable);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsNumber);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsReceiver(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsReceiver);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsSmi(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsSmi);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsString(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsString);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsSymbol(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsSymbol);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsUndetectable(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsUndetectable);
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeArgumentsLength(Node* node) {
return TypeCache::Get()->kArgumentsLengthType;
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeArgumentsFrame(Node* node) {
return Type::ExternalPointer();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNewDoubleElements(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNewSmiOrObjectElements(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNewArgumentsElements(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherInternal();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeNewConsString(Node* node) { return Type::String(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeDelayedStringConstant(Node* node) {
return Type::String();
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFindOrderedHashMapEntry(Node* node) {
return Type::Range(-1.0, FixedArray::kMaxLength, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeFindOrderedHashMapEntryForInt32Key(Node* node) {
return Type::Range(-1.0, FixedArray::kMaxLength, zone());
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeRuntimeAbort(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeAssertType(Node* node) { UNREACHABLE(); }
// Heap constants.
Type Typer::Visitor::TypeConstant(Handle<Object> value) {
return Type::NewConstant(typer_->broker(), value, zone());
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8