| import pymake.data, pymake.parser, pymake.parserdata, pymake.functions |
| import unittest |
| import logging |
| |
| from cStringIO import StringIO |
| |
| def multitest(cls): |
| for name in cls.testdata.iterkeys(): |
| def m(self, name=name): |
| return self.runSingle(*self.testdata[name]) |
| |
| setattr(cls, 'test_%s' % name, m) |
| return cls |
| |
| class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): |
| def assertEqual(self, a, b, msg=""): |
| """Actually print the values which weren't equal, if things don't work out!""" |
| unittest.TestCase.assertEqual(self, a, b, "%s got %r expected %r" % (msg, a, b)) |
| |
| class DataTest(TestBase): |
| testdata = { |
| 'oneline': |
| ("He\tllo", "f", 1, 0, |
| ((0, "f", 1, 0), (2, "f", 1, 2), (3, "f", 1, 4))), |
| 'twoline': |
| ("line1 \n\tl\tine2", "f", 1, 4, |
| ((0, "f", 1, 4), (5, "f", 1, 9), (6, "f", 1, 10), (7, "f", 2, 0), (8, "f", 2, 4), (10, "f", 2, 8), (13, "f", 2, 11))), |
| } |
| |
| def runSingle(self, data, filename, line, col, results): |
| d = pymake.parser.Data(data, 0, len(data), pymake.parserdata.Location(filename, line, col)) |
| for pos, file, lineno, col in results: |
| loc = d.getloc(pos) |
| self.assertEqual(loc.path, file, "data file offset %i" % pos) |
| self.assertEqual(loc.line, lineno, "data line offset %i" % pos) |
| self.assertEqual(loc.column, col, "data col offset %i" % pos) |
| multitest(DataTest) |
| |
| class LineEnumeratorTest(TestBase): |
| testdata = { |
| 'simple': ( |
| 'Hello, world', [ |
| ('Hello, world', 1), |
| ] |
| ), |
| 'multi': ( |
| 'Hello\nhappy \n\nworld\n', [ |
| ('Hello', 1), |
| ('happy ', 2), |
| ('', 3), |
| ('world', 4), |
| ('', 5), |
| ] |
| ), |
| 'continuation': ( |
| 'Hello, \\\n world\nJellybeans!', [ |
| ('Hello, \\\n world', 1), |
| ('Jellybeans!', 3), |
| ] |
| ), |
| 'multislash': ( |
| 'Hello, \\\\\n world', [ |
| ('Hello, \\\\', 1), |
| (' world', 2), |
| ] |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| def runSingle(self, s, lines): |
| gotlines = [(d.s[d.lstart:d.lend], d.loc.line) for d in pymake.parser.enumeratelines(s, 'path')] |
| self.assertEqual(gotlines, lines) |
| |
| multitest(LineEnumeratorTest) |
| |
| class IterTest(TestBase): |
| testdata = { |
| 'plaindata': ( |
| pymake.parser.iterdata, |
| "plaindata # test\n", |
| "plaindata # test\n" |
| ), |
| 'makecomment': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = val # comment", |
| "VAR = val " |
| ), |
| 'makeescapedcomment': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = val \# escaped hash", |
| "VAR = val # escaped hash" |
| ), |
| 'makeescapedslash': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = val\\\\", |
| "VAR = val\\\\", |
| ), |
| 'makecontinuation': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = VAL \\\n continuation # comment \\\n continuation", |
| "VAR = VAL continuation " |
| ), |
| 'makecontinuation2': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = VAL \\ \\\n continuation", |
| "VAR = VAL \\ continuation" |
| ), |
| 'makeawful': ( |
| pymake.parser.itermakefilechars, |
| "VAR = VAL \\\\# comment\n", |
| "VAR = VAL \\" |
| ), |
| 'command': ( |
| pymake.parser.itercommandchars, |
| "echo boo # comment", |
| "echo boo # comment", |
| ), |
| 'commandcomment': ( |
| pymake.parser.itercommandchars, |
| "echo boo \# comment", |
| "echo boo \# comment", |
| ), |
| 'commandcontinue': ( |
| pymake.parser.itercommandchars, |
| "echo boo # \\\n\t command 2", |
| "echo boo # \\\n command 2" |
| ), |
| } |
| |
| def runSingle(self, ifunc, idata, expected): |
| d = pymake.parser.Data.fromstring(idata, 'IterTest data') |
| |
| it = pymake.parser._alltokens.finditer(d.s, 0, d.lend) |
| actual = ''.join( [c for c, t, o, oo in ifunc(d, 0, ('dummy-token',), it)] ) |
| self.assertEqual(actual, expected) |
| |
| if ifunc == pymake.parser.itermakefilechars: |
| print "testing %r" % expected |
| self.assertEqual(pymake.parser.flattenmakesyntax(d, 0), expected) |
| |
| multitest(IterTest) |
| |
| |
| # 'define': ( |
| # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, |
| # "endef", |
| # "" |
| # ), |
| # 'definenesting': ( |
| # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, |
| # """define BAR # comment |
| #random text |
| #endef not what you think! |
| #endef # comment is ok\n""", |
| # """define BAR # comment |
| #random text |
| #endef not what you think!""" |
| # ), |
| # 'defineescaped': ( |
| # pymake.parser.iterdefinechars, |
| # """value \\ |
| #endef |
| #endef\n""", |
| # "value endef" |
| # ), |
| |
| class MakeSyntaxTest(TestBase): |
| # (string, startat, stopat, stopoffset, expansion |
| testdata = { |
| 'text': ('hello world', 0, (), None, ['hello world']), |
| 'singlechar': ('hello $W', 0, (), None, |
| ['hello ', |
| {'type': 'VariableRef', |
| '.vname': ['W']} |
| ]), |
| 'stopat': ('hello: world', 0, (':', '='), 6, ['hello']), |
| 'funccall': ('h $(flavor FOO)', 0, (), None, |
| ['h ', |
| {'type': 'FlavorFunction', |
| '[0]': ['FOO']} |
| ]), |
| 'escapedollar': ('hello$$world', 0, (), None, ['hello$world']), |
| 'varref': ('echo $(VAR)', 0, (), None, |
| ['echo ', |
| {'type': 'VariableRef', |
| '.vname': ['VAR']} |
| ]), |
| 'dynamicvarname': ('echo $($(VARNAME):.c=.o)', 0, (':',), None, |
| ['echo ', |
| {'type': 'SubstitutionRef', |
| '.vname': [{'type': 'VariableRef', |
| '.vname': ['VARNAME']} |
| ], |
| '.substfrom': ['.c'], |
| '.substto': ['.o']} |
| ]), |
| 'substref': (' $(VAR:VAL) := $(VAL)', 0, (':=', '+=', '=', ':'), 15, |
| [' ', |
| {'type': 'VariableRef', |
| '.vname': ['VAR:VAL']}, |
| ' ']), |
| 'vadsubstref': (' $(VAR:VAL) = $(VAL)', 15, (), None, |
| [{'type': 'VariableRef', |
| '.vname': ['VAL']}, |
| ]), |
| } |
| |
| def compareRecursive(self, actual, expected, path): |
| self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expected), |
| "compareRecursive: %s %r" % (path, actual)) |
| for i in xrange(0, len(actual)): |
| ipath = path + [i] |
| |
| a, isfunc = actual[i] |
| e = expected[i] |
| if isinstance(e, str): |
| self.assertEqual(a, e, "compareRecursive: %s" % (ipath,)) |
| else: |
| self.assertEqual(type(a), getattr(pymake.functions, e['type']), |
| "compareRecursive: %s" % (ipath,)) |
| for k, v in e.iteritems(): |
| if k == 'type': |
| pass |
| elif k[0] == '[': |
| item = int(k[1:-1]) |
| proppath = ipath + [item] |
| self.compareRecursive(a[item], v, proppath) |
| elif k[0] == '.': |
| item = k[1:] |
| proppath = ipath + [item] |
| self.compareRecursive(getattr(a, item), v, proppath) |
| else: |
| raise Exception("Unexpected property at %s: %s" % (ipath, k)) |
| |
| def runSingle(self, s, startat, stopat, stopoffset, expansion): |
| d = pymake.parser.Data.fromstring(s, pymake.parserdata.Location('testdata', 1, 0)) |
| |
| a, t, offset = pymake.parser.parsemakesyntax(d, startat, stopat, pymake.parser.itermakefilechars) |
| self.compareRecursive(a, expansion, []) |
| self.assertEqual(offset, stopoffset) |
| |
| multitest(MakeSyntaxTest) |
| |
| class VariableTest(TestBase): |
| testdata = """ |
| VAR = value |
| $(VARNAME) = testvalue |
| $(VARNAME:VAR=VAL) = moretesting |
| IMM := $(VARNAME) # this is a comment |
| MULTIVAR = val1 \\ |
| val2 |
| VARNAME = newname |
| """ |
| expected = {'VAR': 'value', |
| 'VARNAME': 'newname', |
| 'TESTVAR': 'testvalue', |
| 'TESTVAL': 'moretesting', |
| 'IMM': 'TESTVAR ', |
| 'MULTIVAR': 'val1 val2', |
| 'UNDEF': None} |
| |
| def runTest(self): |
| stmts = pymake.parser.parsestring(self.testdata, 'VariableTest') |
| |
| m = pymake.data.Makefile() |
| stmts.execute(m) |
| for k, v in self.expected.iteritems(): |
| flavor, source, val = m.variables.get(k) |
| if val is None: |
| self.assertEqual(val, v, 'variable named %s' % k) |
| else: |
| self.assertEqual(val.resolvestr(m, m.variables), v, 'variable named %s' % k) |
| |
| class SimpleRuleTest(TestBase): |
| testdata = """ |
| VAR = value |
| TSPEC = dummy |
| all: TSPEC = myrule |
| all:: test test2 $(VAR) |
| echo "Hello, $(TSPEC)" |
| |
| %.o: %.c |
| $(CC) -o $@ $< |
| """ |
| |
| def runTest(self): |
| stmts = pymake.parser.parsestring(self.testdata, 'SimpleRuleTest') |
| |
| m = pymake.data.Makefile() |
| stmts.execute(m) |
| self.assertEqual(m.defaulttarget, 'all', "Default target") |
| |
| self.assertTrue(m.hastarget('all'), "Has 'all' target") |
| target = m.gettarget('all') |
| rules = target.rules |
| self.assertEqual(len(rules), 1, "Number of rules") |
| prereqs = rules[0].prerequisites |
| self.assertEqual(prereqs, ['test', 'test2', 'value'], "Prerequisites") |
| commands = rules[0].commands |
| self.assertEqual(len(commands), 1, "Number of commands") |
| expanded = commands[0].resolvestr(m, target.variables) |
| self.assertEqual(expanded, 'echo "Hello, myrule"') |
| |
| irules = m.implicitrules |
| self.assertEqual(len(irules), 1, "Number of implicit rules") |
| |
| irule = irules[0] |
| self.assertEqual(len(irule.targetpatterns), 1, "%.o target pattern count") |
| self.assertEqual(len(irule.prerequisites), 1, "%.o prerequisite count") |
| self.assertEqual(irule.targetpatterns[0].match('foo.o'), 'foo', "%.o stem") |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) |
| unittest.main() |