
The purpose of TypedStatus is to provide a thin wrapper around return-value enums that support causality tracking, data attachment, and general assistance with debugging, without adding slowdowns due to returning large structs, pointers, or more complicated types.

TypedStatus should be specialized with a traits struct that defines:

Codes - enum (usually enum class) that would be the return type, if we weren‘t using TypedStatus. static constexpr StatusGroupType Group() { return “NameOfStatus”; } static constexpr absl::optional DefaultEnumValue() { return Codes::kCodeThatShouldBeSuperOptimizedEGSuccess; // Can return nullopt to optimize none of them. No idea why you’d do that. }

Typically one would:

struct MyStatusTraits { ... }; using MyStatus = TypedStatus;

Using an existing TypedStatus<T>

The current canonical TypedStatus is called Status for historical reasons, though that will soon change.

All TypedStatus specializations have the following common API:

// The underlying code value.
T::Codes code() const;

// The underlying message.
std::string& message() const;

// Adds the current file & line number to the trace.
TypedStatus<T>&& AddHere() &&;

// Adds some named data to the status, such as a platform
// specific error value, ie: HRESULT. This data is for human consumption only
// in a developer setting, and can't be extracted from the TypedStatus
// normally. The code value should be sufficiently informative between sender
// and reciever of the TypedStatus.
template<typename D>
TypedStatus<T>&& WithData(const char *key, const D& value) &&;
template<typename D>
void WithData(const char *key, const D& value) &;

// Adds a "causal" status to this one.
// The type `R` will not be retained, and similarly with the data methods,
// `cause` will only be used for human consumption, and cannot be extracted
// under normal circumstances.
template<typename R>
TypedStatus<T>&& AddCause(TypedStatus<R>&& cause) &&;
template<typename R>
void AddCause(TypedStatus<R>&& cause) &;

Quick usage guide

If you have an existing enum, and would like to wrap it:

enum class MyExampleEnum : StatusCodeType {
  kDefaultValue = 1,
  kThisIsAnExample = 2,
  kDontArgueInTheCommentSection = 3,

Define an |TypedStatusTraits|, picking a name for the group of codes: (copying the desciptive comments is not suggested)

struct MyExampleStatusTraits {
  // If you do not have an existing enum, you can `enum class Codes { ... };`
  // here, instead of `using`.
  using Codes = MyExampleEnum;
  static constexpr StatusGroupType Group() { return "MyExampleStatus"; }
  static constexpr absl::optional<Codes> { return Codes::kDefaultValue; }

Bind your typename:

using MyExampleStatus = media::TypedStatus<MyExampleStatusTraits>;

Use your new type:

MyExampleStatus Foo() {
  return MyExampleStatus::Codes::kThisIsAnExample;

int main() {
  auto result = Foo();
  switch(result.code()) {
    case MyExampleStatus::Codes::...:

For the common case where you‘d like to return some constructed thing OR an error type, we’ve also created TypedStatus<T>::Or<D>.

The TypedStatus<T>::Or<D> type can be constructed implicitly with either a TypedStatus<T>, a T, or a D.

This type has methods:

bool has_value() const;
bool has_error() const;

// Return the error, if we have one.
// Callers should ensure that this `has_error()`.
TypedStatus<T> error() &&;

// Return the value, if we have one.
// Callers should ensure that this `has_value()`.
OtherType value() &&;

// It is invalid to call `code()` on an `Or<D>` type when
// has_value() is true and TypedStatusTraits<T>::DefaultEnumValue is nullopt.
T::Codes code();

Example usage:

MyExampleStatus::Or<std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder>> CreateAndInitializeDecoder() {
  std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder> decoder = decoder_factory_->GiveMeYourBestDecoder();
  auto init_status = decoder->Initialize(init_args_);
  // If the decoder initialized successfully, then just return it.
  if (init_status == InitStatusCodes::kOk)
    return std::move(decoder);
  // Otherwise, return a MediaExampleStatus caused by the init status.
  return MyExampleStatus(MyExampleEnum::kDontArgueInTheCommentSection).AddCause(

int main() {
  auto result = CreateAndInitializeDecoder();
  if (result.has_value())

Additional setup for mojo

If you want to send a specialization of TypedStatus over mojo, add the following to media_types.mojom:

struct MyExampleEnum {
  StatusBase? internal;

And add the following to media/mojo/mojom/BUILD.gn near the StatusData type binding.

  mojom = "media.mojom.MyExampleEnum",
  cpp = "::media::MyExampleEnum"

Design decisions

See go/typedstatus for design decisions.