blob: 83007e610c55f4f03cd3f7d9f9be6ba6daeeb3fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module implements starboard's abstract toolchain for MSVC UWP."""
from difflib import get_close_matches
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
_COBALT_SRC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*([__file__] + 5 * [os.pardir])))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(_COBALT_SRC, 'starboard', 'tools'))
import gyp.MSVSVersion # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
# This tool_chain is starboard/build/
from import CompilerSettings
from import PrecompiledHeader
from import Toolchain
def _LanguageMatchesForPch(source_ext, pch_source_ext):
c_exts = ('.c',)
cc_exts = ('.cc', '.cxx', '.cpp')
return ((source_ext in c_exts and pch_source_ext in c_exts) or
(source_ext in cc_exts and pch_source_ext in cc_exts))
class MSVCPrecompiledHeader(PrecompiledHeader):
"""MSVC implementation of PrecompiledHeader interface."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.settings = kwargs['settings']
self.config = kwargs['config']
gyp_path_to_ninja = kwargs['gyp_path_to_ninja']
gyp_path_to_unique_output = kwargs['gyp_path_to_unique_output']
obj_ext = kwargs['obj_ext']
pch_source = self.settings.msvs_precompiled_source[self.config]
self.pch_source = gyp_path_to_ninja(pch_source)
filename, _ = os.path.splitext(pch_source)
self.output_obj = gyp_path_to_unique_output(filename + obj_ext).lower()
def GetFlagsModifications(self, input_flags, output, implicit, command,
cflags_c, cflags_cc, expand_special):
"""Get the modified cflags and implicit dependencies."""
if self.settings.UsesComponentExtensions(self.config):
# No-op if component extensions are used.
return [], output, []
if input_flags == self.pch_source:
pch_output = ['/Yc' + self._PchHeader()]
if command == 'cxx':
return ([('cflags_cc', map(expand_special, cflags_cc + pch_output))],
self.output_obj, [])
elif command == 'cc':
return ([('cflags_c', map(expand_special, cflags_c + pch_output))],
self.output_obj, [])
return [], output, implicit
def GetInclude(self):
def GetPchBuildCommands(self):
"""Not used on Windows as there are no additional build steps required
(instead, existing steps are modified in GetFlagsModifications below)."""
return []
def _PchHeader(self):
"""Get the header that will appear in an #include line for all source
return os.path.split(self.settings.msvs_precompiled_header[self.config])[1]
def GetObjDependencies(self, sources, output):
"""Given a list of sources files and the corresponding object files,
returns a list of the pch files that should be depended upon. The
additional wrapping in the return value is for interface compatability
with on Mac, and"""
if not self._PchHeader():
return []
pch_ext = os.path.splitext(self.pch_source)[1]
for source in sources:
if _LanguageMatchesForPch(os.path.splitext(source)[1], pch_ext):
return [(None, None, self.output_obj)]
return []
vs_version = None
def GetVSVersion(generator_flags):
global vs_version
if not vs_version:
vs_version = gyp.MSVSVersion.SelectVisualStudioVersion(
generator_flags.get('msvs_version', 'auto'))
return vs_version
def _GenericRetrieve(root, default, path):
"""Given a list of dictionary keys |path| and a tree of dicts |root|, find
value at path, or return |default| if any of the path doesn't exist."""
if not root:
return default
if not path:
return root
return _GenericRetrieve(root.get(path[0]), default, path[1:])
def _AddPrefix(element, prefix):
"""Add |prefix| to |element| or each subelement if element is iterable."""
if element is None:
return element
# Note, not Iterable because we don't want to handle strings like that.
if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
return [prefix + e for e in element]
return prefix + element
def _CallMap(map, element):
e = map(element)
if e is None:
raise Exception('Invalid element %s' % element)
return e
def _DoRemapping(element, map):
"""If |element| then remap it through |map|. If |element| is iterable then
each item will be remapped. Any elements not found will be removed."""
if map is not None and element is not None:
if not callable(map):
map = map.get # Assume it's a dict, otherwise a callable to do the remap.
if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
element = [_CallMap(map, elem) for elem in element]
element = _CallMap(map, element)
return element
def _AppendOrReturn(append, element):
"""If |append| is None, simply return |element|. If |append| is not None,
then add |element| to it, adding each item in |element| if it's a list or
if append is not None and element is not None:
if isinstance(element, list) or isinstance(element, tuple):
return element
class MsvsSettings(CompilerSettings):
"""A class that understands the gyp 'msvs_...' values (especially the
msvs_settings field). They largely correpond to the VS2008 IDE DOM. This
class helps map those settings to command line options."""
def __init__(self, spec, generator_flags):
self.spec = spec
self.vs_version = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
# Try to find an installation location for the Windows DDK by checking
# the WDK_DIR environment variable, may be None.
self.wdk_dir = os.environ.get('WDK_DIR')
supported_fields = [
('msvs_configuration_attributes', dict),
('msvs_settings', dict),
('msvs_system_include_dirs', list),
('msvs_disabled_warnings', list),
('msvs_precompiled_header', str),
('msvs_precompiled_source', str),
('msvs_configuration_platform', str),
('msvs_target_platform', str),
validators = {
'msvs_settings': self._SettingsValidator,
configs = spec['configurations']
for field, default in supported_fields:
setattr(self, field, {})
for configname, config in configs.iteritems():
getattr(self, field)[configname] = config.get(field, default())
if field in validators:
self.msvs_cygwin_dirs = spec.get('msvs_cygwin_dirs', ['.'])
def GetVSMacroEnv(self, base_to_build=None, config=None):
"""Get a dict of variables mapping internal VS macro names to their gyp
vs_path = self.vs_version.Path()
# Absolute paths in cygwin the path will start with /cygdrive/c/
# The MS compiler tools need
# TODO: this is getting generated from the vs install path
# need to pass this in, or fix earlier in generation
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
vs_path = cygpath.to_nt(vs_path)
target_platform = 'Win32' if self.GetArch(config) == 'x86' else 'x64'
vc_install_dir = os.path.join(vs_path, 'VC') + '\\'
except TypeError as te:
raise IOError('Error while constructing path, is vs_path (' + \
str(vs_path) + ') missing?')
replacements = {
'$(VSInstallDir)': vs_path,
'$(VCInstallDir)': vc_install_dir,
'$(OutDir)\\': base_to_build + '\\' if base_to_build else '',
'$(IntDir)': '$!INTERMEDIATE_DIR',
'$(InputPath)': '${source}',
'$(InputName)': '${root}',
'$(ProjectName)': self.spec['target_name'],
'$(PlatformName)': target_platform,
'$(ProjectDir)\\': '',
replacements['$(WDK_DIR)'] = self.wdk_dir if self.wdk_dir else ''
return replacements
def ConvertVSMacros(self, s, base_to_build=None, config=None):
"""Convert from VS macro names to something equivalent."""
env = self.GetVSMacroEnv(base_to_build, config=config)
return ToolchainImpl().ExpandEnvVars(s, env)
def ProcessLibraries(self, libraries):
"""Strip -l from library if it's specified with that."""
return [lib[2:] if lib.startswith('-l') else lib for lib in libraries]
def _GetAndMunge(self, field, path, default, prefix, append, map):
"""Retrieve a value from |field| at |path| or return |default|. If
|append| is specified, and the item is found, it will be appended to that
object instead of returned. If |map| is specified, results will be
remapped through |map| before being returned or appended."""
result = _GenericRetrieve(field, default, path)
result = _DoRemapping(result, map)
result = _AddPrefix(result, prefix)
return _AppendOrReturn(append, result)
class _GetWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, parent, field, base_path, append=None):
self.parent = parent
self.field = field
self.base_path = [base_path]
self.append = append
def __call__(self, name, map=None, prefix='', default=None):
return self.parent._GetAndMunge(
self.base_path + [name],
def GetArch(self, config):
"""Get architecture based on msvs_configuration_platform and
msvs_target_platform. Returns either 'x86' or 'x64'."""
configuration_platform = self.msvs_configuration_platform.get(config, '')
platform = self.msvs_target_platform.get(config, '')
if not platform: # If no specific override, use the configuration's.
platform = configuration_platform
# Map from platform to architecture.
return {'Win32': 'x86', 'x64': 'x64'}.get(platform, 'x86')
def _TargetConfig(self, config):
"""Returns the target-specific configuration."""
# On Cobalt, we're not using any suffix on config names like Win_Debug_x64.
# Cobalt on Windows is x64 only.
return config
def _Setting(self,
"""_GetAndMunge for msvs_settings."""
return self._GetAndMunge(self.msvs_settings[config], path, default, prefix,
append, map)
def _SettingsValidator(self, configname):
"""Validate msvs_settings."""
valid_fields = [
for field in self.msvs_settings[configname]:
if field not in valid_fields:
message = ('Invalid msvs_settings field: "%s", '
'config: "%s"' % (field, configname))
close_match = get_close_matches(field, valid_fields, 1)
if close_match:
message += '\nDid you mean %s?' % tuple(close_match)
raise Exception(message)
def _ConfigAttrib(self,
"""_GetAndMunge for msvs_configuration_attributes."""
return self._GetAndMunge(self.msvs_configuration_attributes[config], path,
default, prefix, append, map)
def ProcessIncludeDirs(self, include_dirs, config):
"""Updates include_dirs to expand VS specific paths, and adds the system
include dirs used for platform SDK and similar."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
includes = include_dirs + self.msvs_system_include_dirs[config]
('VCCLCompilerTool', 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories'),
return [self.ConvertVSMacros(p, config=config) for p in includes]
def GetDefines(self, config):
"""Returns the set of defines that are injected to the defines list based
on other VS settings."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
defines = []
if self._ConfigAttrib(['CharacterSet'], config) == '1':
defines.extend(('_UNICODE', 'UNICODE'))
if self._ConfigAttrib(['CharacterSet'], config) == '2':
('VCCLCompilerTool', 'PreprocessorDefinitions'), config,
return defines
def GetOutputName(self, config, expand_special):
"""Gets the explicitly overridden output name for a target or returns None
if it's not overridden."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
type = self.spec['type']
root = 'VCLibrarianTool' if type == 'static_library' else 'VCLinkerTool'
# TODO: Handle OutputDirectory without OutputFile.
output_file = self._Setting((root, 'OutputFile'), config)
if output_file:
output_file = expand_special(
self.ConvertVSMacros(output_file, config=config))
return output_file
def GetPDBName(self, config, expand_special):
"""Gets the explicitly overridden pdb name for a target or returns None
if it's not overridden."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
output_file = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'ProgramDatabaseFile'), config)
if output_file:
output_file = expand_special(
self.ConvertVSMacros(output_file, config=config))
return output_file
def GetCflags(self, config):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to .c and .cc compilations."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
cflags = []
cflags.extend(['/wd' + w for w in self.msvs_disabled_warnings[config]])
cl = self._GetWrapper(
self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCCLCompilerTool', append=cflags)
map={'0': 'd',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': 'x'},
cl('InlineFunctionExpansion', prefix='/Ob')
cl('OmitFramePointers', map={'false': '-', 'true': ''}, prefix='/Oy')
cl('FavorSizeOrSpeed', map={'1': 't', '2': 's'}, prefix='/O')
cl('WholeProgramOptimization', map={'true': '/GL'})
cl('WarningLevel', prefix='/W')
cl('WarnAsError', map={'false': '', 'true': '/WX'})
map={'1': '7',
'3': 'i',
'4': 'I'},
cl('RuntimeTypeInfo', map={'true': '/GR', 'false': '/GR-'})
cl('EnableFunctionLevelLinking', map={'true': '/Gy', 'false': '/Gy-'})
cl('MinimalRebuild', map={'true': '/Gm', 'false': '/Gm-'})
cl('BufferSecurityCheck', map={'true': '/GS', 'false': '/GS-'})
cl('BasicRuntimeChecks', map={'1': 's', '2': 'u', '3': '1'}, prefix='/RTC')
map={'0': 'T',
'1': 'Td',
'2': 'D',
'3': 'Dd'},
cl('ExceptionHandling', map={'1': 'sc', '2': 'a'}, prefix='/EH')
cl('EnablePREfast', map={'true': '/analyze'})
cl('AdditionalOptions', prefix='')
'/FI' + f
for f in self._Setting(
('VCCLCompilerTool', 'ForcedIncludeFiles'), config, default=[])
'/Zc:' + f
for f in self._Setting(
('VCCLCompilerTool', 'Conformance'), config, default=[])
# ninja handles parallelism by itself, don't have the compiler do it too.
cflags = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('/MP'), cflags)
return cflags
def GetCflagsObjectiveC(self):
def GetCflagsObjectiveCC(self):
def _GetPchFlags(self, config, extension):
"""Get the flags to be added to the cflags for precompiled header support.
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
# The PCH is only built once by a particular source file. Usage of PCH must
# only be for the same language (i.e. C vs. C++), so only include the pch
# flags when the language matches.
if self.msvs_precompiled_header[config]:
source_ext = os.path.splitext(self.msvs_precompiled_source[config])[1]
if _LanguageMatchesForPch(source_ext, extension):
pch = os.path.split(self.msvs_precompiled_header[config])[1]
return ['/Yu' + pch, '/FI' + pch, '/Fp${pchprefix}.' + pch + '.pch']
return []
def UsesComponentExtensions(self, config):
return self._Setting(
('VCCLCompilerTool', 'ComponentExtensions'), config, default=[])
def GetCflagsC(self, config):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to .c compilations."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
return self._GetPchFlags(config, '.c')
def GetCflagsCC(self, config):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to .cc compilations."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
ccflags = []
cl = self._GetWrapper(
self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCCLCompilerTool', append=ccflags)
cl('ComponentExtensions', map={'true': '/ZW'})
if self.UsesComponentExtensions(config):
# Disable PCH for libs compiled with /ZW, even if it was requested.
# Causes a fatal compiler error.
return ['/TP'] + ccflags
return ['/TP'] + self._GetPchFlags(config, '.cc') + ccflags
def _GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories(self, root, config, gyp_path_to_ninja):
"""Get and normalize the list of paths in AdditionalLibraryDirectories
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
libpaths = self._Setting(
(root, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories'), config, default=[])
libpaths = [
gyp_path_to_ninja(self.ConvertVSMacros(p, config=config)))
for p in libpaths
return ['/LIBPATH:"' + p + '"' for p in libpaths]
def GetLibFlags(self, config, gyp_path_to_ninja):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to lib commands."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
libflags = []
lib = self._GetWrapper(
self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCLibrarianTool', append=libflags)
self._GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories('VCLibrarianTool', config,
return libflags
def _GetDefFileAsLdflags(self, spec, ldflags, gyp_path_to_ninja):
""".def files get implicitly converted to a ModuleDefinitionFile for the
linker in the VS generator. Emulate that behaviour here."""
def_file = ''
if spec['type'] in ('shared_library', 'loadable_module', 'executable'):
def_files = [s for s in spec.get('sources', []) if s.endswith('.def')]
if len(def_files) == 1:
ldflags.append('/DEF:"%s"' % gyp_path_to_ninja(def_files[0]))
elif len(def_files) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple .def files')
def GetLdFlags(self, config, **kwargs):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to link commands, and the
manifest files."""
gyp_path_to_ninja = kwargs['gyp_path_to_ninja']
expand_special = kwargs['expand_special']
manifest_name = kwargs['manifest_name']
is_executable = kwargs['is_executable']
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
ldflags = []
ld = self._GetWrapper(
self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCLinkerTool', append=ldflags)
self._GetDefFileAsLdflags(self.spec, ldflags, gyp_path_to_ninja)
ld('GenerateDebugInformation', map={'true': '/DEBUG'})
ld('TargetMachine', map={'1': 'X86', '17': 'X64'}, prefix='/MACHINE:')
self._GetAdditionalLibraryDirectories('VCLinkerTool', config,
ld('DelayLoadDLLs', prefix='/DELAYLOAD:')
out = self.GetOutputName(config, expand_special)
if out:
ldflags.append('/OUT:' + out)
pdb = self.GetPDBName(config, expand_special)
if pdb:
ldflags.append('/PDB:' + pdb)
ld('AdditionalOptions', prefix='')
ld('SubSystem', map={'1': 'CONSOLE', '2': 'WINDOWS'}, prefix='/SUBSYSTEM:')
ld('LinkIncremental', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/INCREMENTAL')
ld('FixedBaseAddress', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/FIXED')
map={'1': ':NO',
'2': ''},
ld('DataExecutionPrevention', map={'1': ':NO', '2': ''}, prefix='/NXCOMPAT')
ld('OptimizeReferences', map={'1': 'NOREF', '2': 'REF'}, prefix='/OPT:')
ld('EnableCOMDATFolding', map={'1': 'NOICF', '2': 'ICF'}, prefix='/OPT:')
ld('LinkTimeCodeGeneration', map={'1': '/LTCG'})
ld('IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames', prefix='/NODEFAULTLIB:')
ld('ResourceOnlyDLL', map={'true': '/NOENTRY'})
ld('EntryPointSymbol', prefix='/ENTRY:')
ld('Profile', map={'true': '/PROFILE'})
# TODO: This should sort of be somewhere else (not really a flag).
ld('AdditionalDependencies', prefix='')
# If the base address is not specifically controlled, DYNAMICBASE should
# be on by default.
base_flags = filter(lambda x: 'DYNAMICBASE' in x or x == '/FIXED',
if not base_flags:
# If the NXCOMPAT flag has not been specified, default to on. Despite the
# documentation that says this only defaults to on when the subsystem is
# Vista or greater (which applies to the linker), the IDE defaults it on
# unless it's explicitly off.
if not filter(lambda x: 'NXCOMPAT' in x, ldflags):
have_def_file = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('/DEF:'), ldflags)
manifest_flags, intermediate_manifest_file = self._GetLdManifestFlags(
config, manifest_name, is_executable and not have_def_file)
manifest_files = self._GetAdditionalManifestFiles(config, gyp_path_to_ninja)
return ldflags, manifest_files
def _GetLdManifestFlags(self, config, name, allow_isolation):
"""Returns the set of flags that need to be added to the link to generate
a default manifest, as well as the name of the generated file."""
output_name = name + '.intermediate.manifest'
# Manifests are off for UWP. If needed by another target,
# please find a way to configure them per target.
flags = [
return flags, output_name
def _GetAdditionalManifestFiles(self, config, gyp_path_to_ninja):
"""Gets additional manifest files that are added to the default one
generated by the linker."""
files = self._Setting(
('VCManifestTool', 'AdditionalManifestFiles'), config, default=[])
if (self._Setting(('VCManifestTool', 'EmbedManifest'), config,
default='') == 'true'):
print 'gyp/ "EmbedManifest: true" not yet supported.'
if isinstance(files, str):
files = files.split(';')
return [
gyp_path_to_ninja(self.ConvertVSMacros(f, config=config)))
for f in files
def IsUseLibraryDependencyInputs(self, config):
"""Returns whether the target should be linked via Use Library Dependency
Inputs (using component .objs of a given .lib)."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
uldi = self._Setting(('VCLinkerTool', 'UseLibraryDependencyInputs'), config)
return uldi == 'true'
def GetRcFlags(self, config, gyp_to_ninja_path):
"""Returns the flags that need to be added to invocations of the resource
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
rcflags = []
rc = self._GetWrapper(
rc('AdditionalIncludeDirectories', map=gyp_to_ninja_path, prefix='/I')
rcflags.append('/I' + gyp_to_ninja_path('.'))
rc('PreprocessorDefinitions', prefix='/d')
# /l arg must be in hex without leading '0x'
rc('Culture', prefix='/l', map=lambda x: hex(int(x))[2:])
return rcflags
def BuildCygwinBashCommandLine(self, args, path_to_base):
"""Build a command line that runs args via cygwin bash. We assume that all
incoming paths are in Windows normpath'd form, so they need to be
converted to posix style for the part of the command line that's passed to
bash. We also have to do some Visual Studio macro emulation here because
various rules use magic VS names for things. Also note that rules that
contain ninja variables cannot be fixed here (for example ${source}), so
the outer generator needs to make sure that the paths that are written out
are in posix style, if the command line will be used here."""
cygwin_dir = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(path_to_base, self.msvs_cygwin_dirs[0]))
cd = ('cd %s' % path_to_base).replace('\\', '/')
args = [a.replace('\\', '/').replace('"', '\\"') for a in args]
args = ["'%s'" % a.replace("'", "'\\''") for a in args]
bash_cmd = ' '.join(args)
cmd = ('call "%s\\setup_env.bat" && set CYGWIN=nontsec && ' % cygwin_dir +
'bash -c "%s ; %s"' % (cd, bash_cmd))
return cmd
def IsRuleRunUnderCygwin(self, rule):
"""Determine if an action should be run under cygwin. If the variable is
unset, or set to 1 we use cygwin."""
return int(
rule.get('msvs_cygwin_shell', self.spec.get('msvs_cygwin_shell',
1))) != 0
def _HasExplicitRuleForExtension(self, spec, extension):
"""Determine if there's an explicit rule for a particular extension."""
for rule in spec.get('rules', []):
if rule['extension'] == extension:
return True
return False
def HasExplicitIdlRules(self, spec):
"""Determine if there's an explicit rule for idl files. When there isn't we
need to generate implicit rules to build MIDL .idl files."""
return self._HasExplicitRuleForExtension(spec, 'idl')
def HasExplicitAsmRules(self, spec):
"""Determine if there's an explicit rule for asm files. When there isn't we
need to generate implicit rules to assemble .asm files."""
return self._HasExplicitRuleForExtension(spec, 'asm')
def GetIdlBuildData(self, source, config):
"""Determine the implicit outputs for an idl file. Returns output
directory, outputs, and variables and flags that are required."""
config = self._TargetConfig(config)
midl_get = self._GetWrapper(self, self.msvs_settings[config], 'VCMIDLTool')
def midl(name, default=None):
return self.ConvertVSMacros(
midl_get(name, default=default), config=config)
# TODO: remove references to xb1 below.
if config.startswith('xb1'):
tlb = ''
header = midl('HeaderFileName', default='${root}.h')
dlldata = ''
iid = ''
proxy = ''
outdir = midl('OutputDirectory', default='')
tlb = midl('TypeLibraryName', default='${root}.tlb')
header = midl('HeaderFileName', default='${root}.h')
dlldata = midl('DLLDataFileName', default='dlldata.c')
iid = midl('InterfaceIdentifierFileName', default='${root}_i.c')
proxy = midl('ProxyFileName', default='${root}_p.c')
# Note that .tlb is not included in the outputs as it is not always
# generated depending on the content of the input idl file.
outdir = midl('OutputDirectory', default='')
if config.startswith('xb1'):
output = [header]
output = [header, dlldata, iid, proxy]
variables = [('tlb', tlb), ('h', header), ('dlldata', dlldata),
('iid', iid), ('proxy', proxy)]
if config.startswith('xb1'):
metadata_dir = '"%s%s"' % ('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\',
flags = [
'/env', 'x64', '/W1', '/char', 'signed', '/enum_class',
'/metadata_dir', metadata_dir, '/notlb', '/winrt'
# TODO: Are there configuration settings to set these flags?
flags = ['/char', 'signed', '/env', 'win32', '/Oicf']
return outdir, output, variables, flags
def _ExtractImportantEnvironment(output_of_set):
"""Extracts environment variables required for the toolchain to run from
a textual dump output by the cmd.exe 'set' command."""
envvars_to_save = (
'goma_.*', # TODO: This is ugly, but needed for goma.
env = {}
for line in output_of_set.splitlines():
for envvar in envvars_to_save:
if re.match(envvar + '=', line.lower()):
var, setting = line.split('=', 1)
if envvar == 'path':
# Our own rules (for running gyp-win-tool) and other actions in
# Chromium rely on python being in the path. Add the path to this
# python here so that if it's not in the path when ninja is run
# later, python will still be found.
setting = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + ';' + setting
env[var.upper()] = setting
for required in ('SYSTEMROOT', 'TEMP', 'TMP'):
if required not in env:
raise Exception('Environment variable "%s" '
'required to be set to valid path' % required)
return env
def _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(envvar_dict):
"""Format as an 'environment block' directly suitable for CreateProcess.
Briefly this is a list of key=value\0, terminated by an additional \0. See
CreateProcess documentation for more details."""
block = ''
nul = '\0'
for key, value in envvar_dict.iteritems():
block += key + '=' + value + nul
block += nul
return block
class MSVCUWPToolchain(Toolchain):
def __init__(self):
self.compiler_settings = None
def _escape(self, string):
"""Escape a string such that it can be embedded into a Ninja file without
further interpretation."""
assert '\n' not in string, 'Ninja syntax does not allow newlines'
# We only have one special metacharacter: '$'.
return string.replace('$', '$$')
def Define(self, d):
# cl.exe replaces literal # characters with = in preprocesor definitions for
# some reason. Octal-encode to work around that.
d = d.replace('#', '\\%03o' % ord('#'))
return '/D' + self.QuoteForRspFile(self._escape(d))
def EncodeRspFileList(self, args):
"""Process a list of arguments using QuoteForRspFile."""
# Note that the first argument is assumed to be the command. Don't add
# quotes around it because then built-ins like 'echo', etc. won't work.
# Take care to normpath only the path in the case of 'call ../x.bat' because
# otherwise the whole thing is incorrectly interpreted as a path and not
# normalized correctly.
if not args:
return ''
if args[0].startswith('call '):
call, program = args[0].split(' ', 1)
program = call + ' ' + os.path.normpath(program)
program = os.path.normpath(args[0])
return program + ' ' + ' '.join(
self.QuoteForRspFile(arg) for arg in args[1:])
def ExpandEnvVars(self, string, expansions):
"""Expand $(Variable) per expansions dict. See MsvsSettings.GetVSMacroEnv
for the canonical way to retrieve a suitable dict."""
if '$' in string:
for old, new in expansions.iteritems():
assert '$(' not in new, new
string = string.replace(old, new)
return string
def ExpandRuleVariables(self, path, root, dirname, source, ext, name):
path = self.compiler_settings.ConvertVSMacros(path, config=self.config_name)
path = path.replace(generator_default_variables['RULE_INPUT_ROOT'], root)
path = path.replace(generator_default_variables['RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME'],
path = path.replace(generator_default_variables['RULE_INPUT_PATH'], source)
path = path.replace(generator_default_variables['RULE_INPUT_EXT'], ext)
path = path.replace(generator_default_variables['RULE_INPUT_NAME'], name)
return path
def GenerateEnvironmentFiles(self, toplevel_build_dir, generator_flags,
"""It's not sufficient to have the absolute path to the compiler, linker,
etc. on Windows, as those tools rely on .dlls being in the PATH. Different
architectures require a different compiler binary, and different supporting
environment variables (INCLUDE, LIB, LIBPATH). So, we extract the
here, wrap all invocations of compiler tools (cl, link, lib, rc, midl, etc.)
via which sets up the environment, and then we do not prefix the
compiler with an absolute path, instead preferring something like "cl.exe"
the rule which will then run whichever the environment setup has put in the
arch = 'x64'
# Get the dos environment via set:
# Use cmd /c to execute under native windows command
args = 'set'
popen = subprocess.Popen(
args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
variables, _ = popen.communicate()
env = _ExtractImportantEnvironment(variables)
env_block = _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(env)
f = open_out(os.path.join(toplevel_build_dir, 'environment.' + arch), 'wb')
def GetCompilerSettings(self):
return self.compiler_settings
def GetPrecompiledHeader(self, **kwargs):
return MSVCPrecompiledHeader(**kwargs)
def InitCompilerSettings(self, spec, **kwargs):
self.compiler_settings = MsvsSettings(spec, kwargs['generator_flags'])
def SetAdditionalGypVariables(self, default_variables, **kwargs):
"""Calculate additional variables for use in the build (called by gyp)."""
default_variables.setdefault('OS', 'win')
default_variables['EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX'] = '.exe'
default_variables['STATIC_LIB_PREFIX'] = ''
default_variables['STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX'] = '.lib'
default_variables['SHARED_LIB_PREFIX'] = ''
default_variables['SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX'] = '.dll'
generator_flags = {}
# Copy additional generator configuration data from VS, which is shared
# by the Windows Ninja generator.
import gyp.generator.msvs as msvs_generator
generator_additional_non_configuration_keys = getattr(
msvs_generator, 'generator_additional_non_configuration_keys', [])
generator_additional_path_sections = getattr(
msvs_generator, 'generator_additional_path_sections', [])
# Set a variable so conditions can be based on msvs_version.
msvs_version = gyp.msvs_emulation.GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
default_variables['MSVS_VERSION'] = msvs_version.ShortName()
# To determine processor word size on Windows, in addition to checking
# PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE (which reflects the word size of the current
# process), it is also necessary to check PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (which
# contains the actual word size of the system when running thru WOW64).
if ('64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '') or
'64' in os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432', '')):
default_variables['MSVS_OS_BITS'] = 64
default_variables['MSVS_OS_BITS'] = 32
def VerifyMissingSources(self, sources, **kwargs):
"""Emulate behavior of msvs_error_on_missing_sources present in the msvs
generator: Check that all regular source files, i.e. not created at run
exist on disk. Missing files cause needless recompilation when building via
VS, and we want this check to match for people/bots that build using ninja,
so they're not surprised when the VS build fails.
build_dir = kwargs['build_dir']
generator_flags = kwargs['generator_flags']
gyp_path_to_ninja = kwargs['gyp_path_to_ninja']
if int(generator_flags.get('msvs_error_on_missing_sources', 0)):
no_specials = filter(lambda x: '$' not in x, sources)
relative = [
os.path.join(build_dir, gyp_path_to_ninja(s)) for s in no_specials
missing = filter(lambda x: not os.path.exists(x), relative)
if missing:
# They'll look like out\Release\..\..\stuff\, so normalize the
# path for a slightly less crazy looking output.
cleaned_up = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in missing]
raise Exception('Missing input files:\n%s' % '\n'.join(cleaned_up))
def QuoteForRspFile(self, arg):
"""Quote a command line argument so that it appears as one argument when
processed via cmd.exe and parsed by CommandLineToArgvW (as is typical for
Windows programs)."""
# See and including the comment
# threads. This is actually the quoting rules for CommandLineToArgvW, not
# for the shell, because the shell doesn't do anything in Windows. This
# works more or less because most programs (including the compiler, etc.)
# use that function to handle command line arguments.
# For a literal quote, CommandLineToArgvW requires 2n+1 backslashes
# preceding it, and results in n backslashes + the quote. So we substitute
# in 2* what we match, +1 more, plus the quote.
windows_quoter_regex = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
arg = windows_quoter_regex.sub(lambda mo: 2 * + '\\"', arg)
# %'s also need to be doubled otherwise they're interpreted as batch
# positional arguments. Also make sure to escape the % so that they're
# passed literally through escaping so they can be singled to just the
# original %. Otherwise, trying to pass the literal representation that
# looks like an environment variable to the shell (e.g. %PATH%) would fail.
arg = arg.replace('%', '%%')
# These commands are used in rsp files, so no escaping for the shell (via ^)
# is necessary.
# Finally, wrap the whole thing in quotes so that the above quote rule
# applies and whitespace isn't a word break.
return '"' + arg + '"'
def ToolchainImpl():
return MSVCUWPToolchain()