layout: doc title: “Starboard Module Reference: blitter.h”

The Blitter API provides support for issuing simple blit-style draw commands to either an offscreen surface or to a Starboard SbWindow object. Blitter is jargon that means “BLock Transfer,” which might be abbreviated as BLT and, hence, the word “blit.”

This API is designed to allow implementations make use of GPU hardware acceleration, if it is available. Draw commands exist for solid-color rectangles and rasterization/blitting of rectangular images onto rectangular target patches.

Threading Concerns

Note that in general the Blitter API is not thread safe, except for all SbBlitterDevice-related functions. All functions that are not required to internally ensure any thread safety guarantees are prefaced with a comment indicating that they are not thread safe.

Functions which claim to not be thread safe can still be used from multiple threads, but manual synchronization must be performed in order to ensure their parameters are not referenced at the same time on another thread by another function.


  • Multiple threads should not issue commands to the same SbBlitterContext object unless they are manually synchronized.

  • Multiple threads should not issue draw calls to the same render target, even if the draw calls are made within separate contexts. In this case, be sure to manually synchronize through the use of syncrhonization primitives and use of the SbBlitterFlushContext() command.

  • Multiple threads can operate on the swap chain, but they must perform manual synchronization.



Defines the set of pixel formats that can be used with the Blitter API SbBlitterPixelData objects. Note that not all of these formats are guaranteed to be supported by a particular device, so before using these formats in pixel data creation commands, it should be checked that they are supported first (e.g. via SbBlitterIsPixelFormatSupportedByPixelData()). SbBlitterPixelDataFormat specifies specific orderings of the color channels, and when doing so, byte- order is used, e.g. “RGBA” implies that a value for red is stored in the byte with the lowest memory address. All pixel values are assumed to be in premultiplied alpha format.


  • kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatARGB8

    32-bit pixels with 8-bits per channel, the alpha component in the byte with the lowest address and blue in the byte with the highest address.

  • kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatBGRA8

    32-bit pixels with 8-bits per channel, the blue component in the byte with the lowest address and alpha in the byte with the highest address.

  • kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatRGBA8

    32-bit pixels with 8-bits per channel, the red component in the byte with the lowest address and alpha in the byte with the highest address.

  • kSbBlitterPixelDataFormatA8

    8-bit pixels that contain only a single alpha channel. When rendered, surfaces in this format will have (R, G, B) values of (255, 255, 255).

  • kSbBlitterNumPixelDataFormats

    Constant that indicates how many unique pixel formats Starboard supports.

  • kSbBlitterInvalidPixelDataFormat


Enumeration that describes the color format of surfaces. Note that SbBlitterSurfaceFormat does not differentiate between permutations of the color channel ordering (e.g. RGBA vs ARGB) since client code will never be able to access surface pixels directly. This is the main difference between SbBlitterPixelDataFormat, which does explicitly dictate an ordering.


  • kSbBlitterSurfaceFormatRGBA8

    32-bit RGBA color, with 8 bits per channel.

  • kSbBlitterSurfaceFormatA8

    8-bit alpha-only color.

  • kSbBlitterNumSurfaceFormats

    Constant that indicates how many unique surface formats Starboard supports.

  • kSbBlitterInvalidSurfaceFormat



A simple 32-bit color representation that is a parameter to many Blitter functions.


typedef uint32_t SbBlitterColor



Defines a rectangle via a point (x, y) and a size (width, height). This structure is used as a parameter type in various blit calls.


  • int x
  • int y
  • int width
  • int height


SbBlitterSurfaceInfo collects information about surfaces that can be queried from them at any time.


  • int width
  • int height
  • SbBlitterSurfaceFormat format



Extract alpha from a SbBlitterColor object.


static uint8_t SbBlitterAFromColor(SbBlitterColor color)


Extract blue from a SbBlitterColor object.


static uint8_t SbBlitterBFromColor(SbBlitterColor color)


Issues a draw call on context that blits the area of source_surface specified by src_rect to context's current render target at dst_rect. The source rectangle must lie within the dimensions of source_surface. Note that the source_surface's alpha is modulated by opacity before being drawn. For opacity, a value of 0 implies complete invisibility, and a value of 255 implies complete opacity.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the draw call succeeded.

src_rect: The area to be block transferred (blitted).


bool SbBlitterBlitRectToRect(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterSurface source_surface, SbBlitterRect src_rect, SbBlitterRect dst_rect)


This function functions identically to SbBlitterBlitRectToRect(), except it permits values of src_rect outside the dimensions of source_surface. In those regions, the pixel data from source_surface will be wrapped. Negative values for src_rect.x and src_rect.y are allowed.

The output is all stretched to fit inside of dst_rect.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the draw call succeeded.


bool SbBlitterBlitRectToRectTiled(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterSurface source_surface, SbBlitterRect src_rect, SbBlitterRect dst_rect)


This function achieves the same effect as calling SbBlitterBlitRectToRect() num_rects times with each of the num_rects values of src_rects and dst_rects. This function allows for greater efficiency than looped calls to SbBlitterBlitRectToRect().

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the draw call succeeded.


bool SbBlitterBlitRectsToRects(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterSurface source_surface, const SbBlitterRect *src_rects, const SbBlitterRect *dst_rects, int num_rects)


A convenience function to return the number of bytes per pixel for a given pixel format.


static int SbBlitterBytesPerPixelForFormat(SbBlitterPixelDataFormat format)


A convenience function to create a SbBlitterColor object from separate 8-bit RGBA components.


static SbBlitterColor SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)


Creates an SbBlitterContext object on device. The returned context can be used to set up draw state and issue draw calls.

Note that there is a limit on the number of contexts that can exist simultaneously, which can be queried by calling SbBlitterGetMaxContexts(). (The limit is often 1.)

SbBlitterContext objects keep track of draw state between a series of draw calls. Please refer to the SbBlitterContext() definition for more information about contexts.

This function is thread-safe.

This function returns kSbBlitterInvalidContext upon failure. Note that the function fails if it has already been used to create the maximum number of contexts.

device: The SbBlitterDevice for which the SbBlitterContext object is created.


SbBlitterContext SbBlitterCreateContext(SbBlitterDevice device)


Creates and returns an SbBlitterDevice based on the Blitter API implementation's decision of which device should be the default. The returned SbBlitterDevice represents a connection to a device (like a GPU).

On many platforms there is always one single obvious choice for a device to use, and that is the one that this function will return. For example, if this is called on a platform that has a single GPU, this call should return an object that represents that GPU. On a platform that has no GPU, an object representing a software CPU implementation may be returned.

Only one default device can exist within a process at a time. This function is thread-safe.

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidDevice on failure.


SbBlitterDevice SbBlitterCreateDefaultDevice()


Allocates an SbBlitterPixelData object through device with width, height and pixel_format. pixel_format must be supported by device (see SbBlitterIsPixelFormatSupportedByPixelData()).

This function is thread-safe.

Calling this function results in the allocation of CPU-accessible (though perhaps blitter-device-resident) memory to store pixel data of the requested size/format. An SbBlitterPixelData object should eventually be passed either into a call to SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData() or into a call to SbBlitterDestroyPixelData().

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidPixelData upon failure.


SbBlitterPixelData SbBlitterCreatePixelData(SbBlitterDevice device, int width, int height, SbBlitterPixelDataFormat pixel_format)


Creates a new surface with undefined pixel data on device with the specified width, height and surface_format. One can set the pixel data on the resulting surface by getting its associated SbBlitterRenderTarget object and then calling SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSurface().

This function is thread-safe.

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidSurface upon failure.


SbBlitterSurface SbBlitterCreateRenderTargetSurface(SbBlitterDevice device, int width, int height, SbBlitterSurfaceFormat surface_format)


Creates an SbBlitterSurface object on device. Note that device must match the device that was used to create the SbBlitterPixelData object provided via the pixel_data parameter.

This function also destroys the input pixel_data object. As a result, pixel_data should not be accessed again after a call to this function.

The returned object cannot be used as a render target (e.g. calling SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSurface() on it will return kSbBlitterInvalidRenderTarget).

This function is thread-safe with respect to device, but pixel_data should not be modified on another thread while this function is called.

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidSurface in the event of an error.


SbBlitterSurface SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData(SbBlitterDevice device, SbBlitterPixelData pixel_data)


Creates and returns an SbBlitterSwapChain that can then be used to send graphics to the display. This function links device to window's output, and drawing to the returned swap chain will result in device being used to render to window.

This function must be called from the thread that called SbWindowCreate() to create window.

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidSwapChain on failure.


SbBlitterSwapChain SbBlitterCreateSwapChainFromWindow(SbBlitterDevice device, SbWindow window)


Destroys the specified context, freeing all its resources.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the destruction succeeded.

context: The object to be destroyed.


bool SbBlitterDestroyContext(SbBlitterContext context)


Destroys device, cleaning up all resources associated with it. This function is thread-safe, but it should not be called if device is still being accessed elsewhere.

The return value indicates whether the destruction succeeded.

device: The SbBlitterDevice object to be destroyed.


bool SbBlitterDestroyDevice(SbBlitterDevice device)


Destroys pixel_data. Note that this function does not need to be called and should not be called if SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData() has been called on pixel_data before.

This function is thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the destruction succeeded.

pixel_data: The object to be destroyed.


bool SbBlitterDestroyPixelData(SbBlitterPixelData pixel_data)


Destroys the surface object, cleaning up all resources associated with it.

This function is not thread safe.

The return value indicates whether the destruction succeeded.

surface: The object to be destroyed.


bool SbBlitterDestroySurface(SbBlitterSurface surface)


Destroys swap_chain, cleaning up all resources associated with it. This function is not thread-safe and must be called on the same thread that called SbBlitterCreateSwapChainFromWindow().

The return value indicates whether the destruction succeeded.

swap_chain: The SbBlitterSwapChain to be destroyed.


bool SbBlitterDestroySwapChain(SbBlitterSwapChain swap_chain)


Downloads surface pixel data into CPU memory pointed to by out_pixel_data, formatted according to the requested pixel_format and the requested pitch_in_bytes. Before calling this function, you can call SbBlitterIsPixelFormatSupportedByDownloadSurfacePixels() to confirm that pixel_format is, in fact, valid for surface.

When this function is called, it first waits for all previously flushed graphics commands to be executed by the device before downloading the data. Since this function waits for the pipeline to empty, it should be used sparingly, such as within in debug or test environments.

The return value indicates whether the pixel data was downloaded successfully.

The returned alpha format is premultiplied.

This function is not thread-safe.

out_pixel_data: A pointer to a region of memory with a size of surface_height

  • pitch_in_bytes bytes.


bool SbBlitterDownloadSurfacePixels(SbBlitterSurface surface, SbBlitterPixelDataFormat pixel_format, int pitch_in_bytes, void *out_pixel_data)


Issues a draw call on context that fills the specified rectangle rect. The rectangle's color is determined by the last call to SbBlitterSetColor().

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the draw call succeeded.

context: The context on which the draw call will operate. rect: The rectangle to be filled.


bool SbBlitterFillRect(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterRect rect)


Flips the swap_chain by making the buffer previously accessible to draw commands via SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSwapChain() visible on the display, while another buffer in an initially undefined state is set up as the new draw command target. Note that you do not need to call SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSwapChain() again after flipping, the swap chain's render target always refers to its current back buffer.

This function stalls the calling thread until the next vertical refresh. In addition, to ensure consistency with the Starboard Player API when rendering punch-out video, calls to SbPlayerSetBounds() do not take effect until this method is called.

The return value indicates whether the flip succeeded.

This function is not thread-safe.

swap_chain: The SbBlitterSwapChain to be flipped.


bool SbBlitterFlipSwapChain(SbBlitterSwapChain swap_chain)


Flushes all draw calls previously issued to context. Calling this function guarantees that the device processes all draw calls issued to this point on this context before processing any subsequent draw calls on any context.

Before calling SbBlitterFlipSwapChain(), it is often prudent to call this function to ensure that all draw calls are submitted before the flip occurs.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the flush succeeded.

context: The context for which draw calls are being flushed.


bool SbBlitterFlushContext(SbBlitterContext context)


Extract green from a SbBlitterColor object.


static uint8_t SbBlitterGFromColor(SbBlitterColor color)


Returns the maximum number of contexts that device can support in parallel. Note that devices often support only a single context.

This function is thread-safe.

This function returns -1 upon failure.

device: The SbBlitterDevice for which the maximum number of contexts is returned.


int SbBlitterGetMaxContexts(SbBlitterDevice device)


Retrieves the pitch (in bytes) for pixel_data. This indicates the number of bytes per row of pixel data in the image.

This function is not thread-safe.

Returns -1 in the event of an error.

pixel_data: The object for which you are retrieving the pitch.


int SbBlitterGetPixelDataPitchInBytes(SbBlitterPixelData pixel_data)


Retrieves a CPU-accessible pointer to the pixel data represented by pixel_data. This pixel data can be modified by the CPU to initialize it on the CPU before calling SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData().

Note that the pointer returned here is valid as long as pixel_data is valid, which means it is valid until either SbBlitterCreateSurfaceFromPixelData() or SbBlitterDestroyPixelData() is called.

This function is not thread-safe.

Returns NULL in the event of an error.


void* SbBlitterGetPixelDataPointer(SbBlitterPixelData pixel_data)


Returns the SbBlitterRenderTarget object owned by surface. The returned object can be used as a target for draw calls.

This function returns kSbBlitterInvalidRenderTarget if surface is not able to provide a render target or on any other error.

This function is not thread-safe.


SbBlitterRenderTarget SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSurface(SbBlitterSurface surface)


Returns the SbBlitterRenderTarget object that is owned by swap_chain. The returned object can be used to provide a target to blitter draw calls that draw directly to the display buffer. This function is not thread-safe.

Returns kSbBlitterInvalidRenderTarget on failure.

swap_chain: The SbBlitterSwapChain for which the target object is being retrieved.


SbBlitterRenderTarget SbBlitterGetRenderTargetFromSwapChain(SbBlitterSwapChain swap_chain)


Retrieves an SbBlitterSurfaceInfo structure, which describes immutable parameters of the surface, such as its width, height and pixel format. The results are set on the output parameter surface_info, which cannot be NULL.

The return value indicates whether the information was retrieved successfully.

This function is not thread-safe.


bool SbBlitterGetSurfaceInfo(SbBlitterSurface surface, SbBlitterSurfaceInfo *surface_info)


Checks whether a blitter context is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsContextValid(SbBlitterContext context)


Checks whether a blitter device is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsDeviceValid(SbBlitterDevice device)


Checks whether a pixel data object is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsPixelDataValid(SbBlitterPixelData pixel_data)


Indicates whether the combination of parameter values is valid for calls to SbBlitterDownloadSurfacePixels().

This function is not thread-safe.

surface: The surface being checked. pixel_format: The pixel format that would be used on the surface.


bool SbBlitterIsPixelFormatSupportedByDownloadSurfacePixels(SbBlitterSurface surface, SbBlitterPixelDataFormat pixel_format)


Indicates whether device supports calls to SbBlitterCreatePixelData with the specified pixel_format. This function is thread-safe.

device: The device for which compatibility is being checked. pixel_format: The SbBlitterPixelDataFormat for which compatibility is being checked.


bool SbBlitterIsPixelFormatSupportedByPixelData(SbBlitterDevice device, SbBlitterPixelDataFormat pixel_format)


Checks whether a render target is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsRenderTargetValid(SbBlitterRenderTarget render_target)


Indicates whether the device supports calls to SbBlitterCreateRenderTargetSurface() with surface_format.

This function is thread-safe.

device: The device being checked for compatibility. surface_format: The surface format being checked for compatibility.


bool SbBlitterIsSurfaceFormatSupportedByRenderTargetSurface(SbBlitterDevice device, SbBlitterSurfaceFormat surface_format)


Checks whether a surface is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsSurfaceValid(SbBlitterSurface surface)


Checks whether a swap chain is invalid.


static bool SbBlitterIsSwapChainValid(SbBlitterSwapChain swap_chain)


Convenience function to setup a rectangle with the specified parameters.


static SbBlitterRect SbBlitterMakeRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)


This function maps SbBlitterPixelDataFormat values to their corresponding SbBlitterSurfaceFormat value. Note that many SbBlitterPixelDataFormats correspond to the same SbBlitterSurfaceFormat, so this function is not invertible. When creating a SbBlitterSurface object from a SbBlitterPixelData object, the SbBlitterSurface's format will be computed from the SbBlitterPixelData object by using this function.


static SbBlitterSurfaceFormat SbBlitterPixelDataFormatToSurfaceFormat(SbBlitterPixelDataFormat pixel_format)


Extract red from a SbBlitterColor object.


static uint8_t SbBlitterRFromColor(SbBlitterColor color)


Sets the blending state for the specified context. By default, blending is disabled on a SbBlitterContext.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the blending state was set successfully.

context: The context for which the blending state is being set.

blending: The blending state for the context. If blending is true, the source alpha of subsequent draw calls is used to blend with the destination color. In particular,

Fc = Sc * Sa + Dc * (1 - Sa)


  • Fc is the final color.

  • Sc is the source color.

  • Sa is the source alpha.

  • Dc is the destination color.

If blending is false, the source color and source alpha overwrite the destination color and alpha.


bool SbBlitterSetBlending(SbBlitterContext context, bool blending)


Sets the context‘s current color. The current color’s default value is SbBlitterColorFromRGBA(255, 255, 255 255).

The current color affects the fill rectangle's color in calls to SbBlitterFillRect(). If SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor() has been called to enable blit color modulation, the source blit surface pixel color is also modulated by the color before being output.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the color was set successfully.

context: The context for which the color is being set. color: The context's new color, specified in unpremultiplied alpha format.


bool SbBlitterSetColor(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterColor color)


Sets whether or not blit calls should have their source pixels modulated by the current color, which is set using SbBlitterSetColor(), before being output. This function can apply opacity to blit calls, color alpha-only surfaces, and apply other effects.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the state was set successfully.

modulate_blits_with_color: Indicates whether to modulate source pixels in blit calls.


bool SbBlitterSetModulateBlitsWithColor(SbBlitterContext context, bool modulate_blits_with_color)


Sets up render_target as the render target that all subsequent draw calls made on context will use.

This function is not thread-safe.

The return value indicates whether the render target was set successfully.

context: The object for which the render target is being set. render_target: The target that the context should use for draw calls.


bool SbBlitterSetRenderTarget(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterRenderTarget render_target)


Sets the scissor rectangle, which dictates a visibility area that affects all draw calls. Only pixels within the scissor rectangle are rendered, and all drawing outside of that area is clipped.

When SbBlitterSetRenderTarget() is called, that function automatically sets the scissor rectangle to the size of the specified render target. If a scissor rectangle is specified outside of the extents of the current render target bounds, it will be intersected with the render target bounds.

This function is not thread-safe.

Returns whether the scissor was successfully set. It returns an error if it is called before a render target has been specified for the context.


bool SbBlitterSetScissor(SbBlitterContext context, SbBlitterRect rect)