Cobalt Evergreen Raspi-2 Reference Port


  • Raspberry Pi 2 (image configured per instructions on

Build instructions

## Clone the repository
$ git clone

## Build the loader app (new entry point)
$ cd cobalt/src
$ cobalt/build/gyp_cobalt -v raspi-2-sbversion-12 -C qa
$ ninja -C out/raspi-2-sbversion-12_qa loader_app

## Create package directory for Cobalt Evergreen
$ export COEG_PATH=coeg
$ cp out/raspi-2-sbversion-12_qa/loader_app $COEG_PATH

## Create directory structure for the initial installation
[2-slot configuration]
$ mkdir -p  ~/.cobalt_storage/installation_0/
$ cd  ~/.cobalt_storage/installation_0/

[3-slot configuration]
$ mkdir -p $COEG_PATH/content/app/cobalt
$ cd $COEG_PATH/content/app/cobalt

## Download package
$ curl -L  -o

## Unpack content package
$ unzip
$ rm
$ cd -

The following are the steps to build the Cobalt content that’s contained in the crx package. Note you only need to do this if you want to build the Cobalt shared library and supplementary components.

## Build Cobalt core locally
$ cd cobalt/src
$ cobalt/build/gyp_cobalt -v evergreen-arm-hardfp-sbversion-12 -C qa
$ ninja -C out/evergreen-arm-hardfp-sbversion-12_qa cobalt

## Copy the generated files to the package directory for Cobalt Evergreen
$ cp -r out/evergreen-arm-hardfp-sbversion-12_qa/lib   $COEG_PATH/content/app/cobalt/
$ cp -r out/evergreen-arm-hardfp-sbversion-12_qa/content   $COEG_PATH/content/app/cobalt/

## Download the manifest file
$ curl -o $COEG_PATH/content/app/cobalt/manifest.json

Deployment instructions

Configure your Raspberry Pi 2 with the following steps from your Linux machine.

## Save the address of the device

## Remove old storage directory
$ rm -rf /home/pi/.cobalt_storage

## Copy the Evergreen contents to the device
$ rsync -arvp $COEG_PATH pi@$RASPI_ADDR:/home/pi

## Launch
$ ssh pi@$RASPI_ADDR  /home/pi/$COEG_PATH/loader_app

Run instructions

$ ssh pi@$RASPI_ADDR
$ cd coeg
$ ./loader_app

Cobalt should load and work as usual, but leveraging Evergreen. That’s it!


Certificate errors on execution of loader_app

Certificate issues may occur on certain network environments when launching loader_app via SSH. In this case, try launching with a keyboard directly connected to the device.

“Failed to load library at ” thrown on startup

The loader can’t find the file. Check that the path to completely matches the one in Deployment instructions.

“fatal error: “assert(sk_file)”” thrown on startup

The loader can’t find the content/data folder or it is malformed. Check that the path to this folder completely matches the one in Deployment instructions.

“Check failed: address. Failed to retrieve the address” thrown on startup

Ensure that being used is the correct version. For a rebuild, you may need to remove the old .cobalt_storage directory on your device.

## Remove old storage directory
$ rm -rf /home/pi/.cobalt_storage