blob: 6dc8458accff7ffffc2f66d5d8e125d4940eadad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "common/event_tracer.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
namespace angle
const unsigned char *GetTraceCategoryEnabledFlag(const char *name)
auto *platform = ANGLEPlatformCurrent();
const unsigned char *categoryEnabledFlag =
platform->getTraceCategoryEnabledFlag(platform, name);
if (categoryEnabledFlag != nullptr)
return categoryEnabledFlag;
static unsigned char disabled = 0;
return &disabled;
angle::TraceEventHandle AddTraceEvent(char phase,
const unsigned char *categoryGroupEnabled,
const char *name,
unsigned long long id,
int numArgs,
const char **argNames,
const unsigned char *argTypes,
const unsigned long long *argValues,
unsigned char flags)
auto *platform = ANGLEPlatformCurrent();
double timestamp = platform->monotonicallyIncreasingTime(platform);
if (timestamp != 0)
angle::TraceEventHandle handle =
platform->addTraceEvent(platform, phase, categoryGroupEnabled, name, id, timestamp,
numArgs, argNames, argTypes, argValues, flags);
ASSERT(handle != 0);
return handle;
return static_cast<angle::TraceEventHandle>(0);
} // namespace angle