blob: dc99ac44f3b3d8abf9f97b4835c6b7cd717e5151 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShaderD3D.h: Defines the rx::ShaderD3D class which implements rx::ShaderImpl.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/ShaderImpl.h"
#include <map>
namespace angle
struct CompilerWorkaroundsD3D;
struct WorkaroundsD3D;
namespace rx
class DynamicHLSL;
class RendererD3D;
struct D3DUniform;
class ShaderD3D : public ShaderImpl
ShaderD3D(const gl::ShaderState &data, const angle::WorkaroundsD3D &workarounds);
virtual ~ShaderD3D();
// ShaderImpl implementation
ShCompileOptions prepareSourceAndReturnOptions(std::stringstream *sourceStream,
std::string *sourcePath) override;
bool postTranslateCompile(gl::Compiler *compiler, std::string *infoLog) override;
std::string getDebugInfo() const override;
// D3D-specific methods
void uncompile();
bool hasUniform(const D3DUniform *d3dUniform) const;
// Query regular uniforms with their name. Query sampler fields of structs with field selection
// using dot (.) operator.
unsigned int getUniformRegister(const std::string &uniformName) const;
unsigned int getInterfaceBlockRegister(const std::string &blockName) const;
void appendDebugInfo(const std::string &info) const { mDebugInfo += info; }
void generateWorkarounds(angle::CompilerWorkaroundsD3D *workarounds) const;
bool usesMultipleRenderTargets() const { return mUsesMultipleRenderTargets; }
bool usesFragColor() const { return mUsesFragColor; }
bool usesFragData() const { return mUsesFragData; }
bool usesFragCoord() const { return mUsesFragCoord; }
bool usesFrontFacing() const { return mUsesFrontFacing; }
bool usesPointSize() const { return mUsesPointSize; }
bool usesPointCoord() const { return mUsesPointCoord; }
bool usesDepthRange() const { return mUsesDepthRange; }
bool usesFragDepth() const { return mUsesFragDepth; }
ShShaderOutput getCompilerOutputType() const;
bool mUsesMultipleRenderTargets;
bool mUsesFragColor;
bool mUsesFragData;
bool mUsesFragCoord;
bool mUsesFrontFacing;
bool mUsesPointSize;
bool mUsesPointCoord;
bool mUsesDepthRange;
bool mUsesFragDepth;
bool mUsesDiscardRewriting;
bool mUsesNestedBreak;
bool mRequiresIEEEStrictCompiling;
ShShaderOutput mCompilerOutputType;
mutable std::string mDebugInfo;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> mUniformRegisterMap;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> mInterfaceBlockRegisterMap;
ShCompileOptions mAdditionalOptions;
} // namespace rx