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<title>Unresolved element interface must be SVGElement, if the namespace is SVG Namespace</title>
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<meta name="author" title="Vasiliy Degtyarev" href="">
<meta name="author" title="Aleksei Yu. Semenov" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="When an unresolved element is created, it's element interface must be SVGElement if the namespace is SVG Namespace">
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test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
var xsvg = doc.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, 'x-svg');
assert_class_string(xsvg, 'SVGElement', 'Unresolved custom element must be a SVG element');
}, 'Test interface of unresolved element with valid name, created by Document.createElementNS()');
test(function() {
var doc = newHTMLDocument();
doc.body.innerHTML =
'<svg xmlns=' + SVG_NAMESPACE + ' version="1.1">' +
'<x-svg-a id="x-svg"></x-svg-a>' +
var xsvg = doc.querySelector('#x-svg');
assert_class_string(xsvg, 'SVGElement', 'Unresolved custom element must be a SVG element');
}, 'Test interface of unresolved element with valid name, created via innerHTML property');
testInIFrame('../resources/x-svg-element.html', function(doc) {
var xsvg = doc.getElementById('x-svg-element');
assert_not_equals(xsvg, null, 'Unresolved custom element should not be null');
assert_class_string(xsvg, 'SVGElement',
'Unresolved custom element must be a SVG element');
}, 'Test interface of unresolved element in loaded HTML document with embedded SVG elements');