blob: c85b5c87f91ca013639ee49bf8f772291e5f84e5 [file] [log] [blame]
var geo;
setup(function() {
geo = navigator.geolocation;
}, {explicit_done: true});
// The spec states that an implementation SHOULD acquire user permission before
// beggining the position acquisition steps. If an implementation follows this
// advice, set the following flag to aid debugging.
var isUsingPreemptivePermission = false;
var dummyFunction = function() {};
var positionToString = function(pos) {
var c = pos.coords;
return '[lat: ' + c.latitude + ', lon: ' + c.longitude + ', acc: ' + c.accuracy + ']';
var errorToString = function(err) {
var codeString;
switch(err.code) {
case err.UNKNOWN_ERROR: codeString = 'UNKNOWN_ERROR'; break;
case err.PERMISSION_DENIED: codeString = 'PERMISSION_DENIED'; break;
case err.TIMEOUT: codeString = 'TIMEOUT'; break;
default: codeString = 'undefined error code'; break;
return '[code: ' + codeString + ' (' + err.code + '), message: ' + (err.message ? err.message : '(empty)') + ']';