blob: 44f3353e94105bd13d996bcc4b3b90866586aab0 [file] [log] [blame]
import pytest
from ..gitignore import fnmatch_translate, PathFilter
match_data = [
("foo", False, ["a/foo", "foo"]),
("*.a", False, ["foo.a", "a/foo.a", "a/b/foo.a", "a.a/foo.a"]),
("*.py[co]", False, ["a.pyc", "a.pyo", "a/b/c.pyc"]),
("\\#*", False, ["#a", "a/#b"]),
("*#", False, ["a#", "a/b#", "#a#"]),
("/*.c", False, ["a.c", ".c"]),
("**/b", False, ["a/b", "a/c/b"]),
("*b", True, ["ab"]),
("**/b", True, ["a/b"])
mismatch_data = [
("foo", False, ["foob", "afoo"]),
("*.a", False, ["a", "foo:a", "a.a/foo"]),
("*.py[co]", False, ["a.pyd", "pyo"]),
("/*.c", False, ["a/b.c"]),
("*b", True, ["a/b"]),
("**b", True, ["a/b"]),
("a[/]b", True, ["a/b"]),
("**/b", True, ["a/c/b"]),
invalid_data = [
filter_data = [
("foo", True),
("a", False),
("a/b", False),
("a/c", True),
("a/c/", False),
("c/b", True)
def expand_data(compact_data):
for pattern, path_name, inputs in compact_data:
for input in inputs:
yield pattern, input, path_name
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, input, path_name", expand_data(match_data))
def tests_match(pattern, input, path_name):
regexp = fnmatch_translate(pattern, path_name)
assert regexp.match(input) is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, input, path_name", expand_data(mismatch_data))
def tests_no_match(pattern, input, path_name):
regexp = fnmatch_translate(pattern, path_name)
assert regexp.match(input) is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", invalid_data)
def tests_invalid(pattern):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
fnmatch_translate(pattern, False)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
fnmatch_translate(pattern, True)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path, expected", filter_data)
def test_path_filter(path, expected):
extras = [
"a ",
f = PathFilter(None, extras)
assert f(path) == expected