| // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // This file contains a definition of CSS grammar. |
| |
| // A reentrant parser. |
| %pure_parser |
| |
| // yyparse()'s first and only parameter. |
| %parse-param { ParserImpl* parser_impl } |
| |
| %{ |
| // Specify how the location of an action should be calculated in terms |
| // of its children. |
| #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N) \ |
| if (N) { \ |
| Current.first_line = Rhs[1].first_line; \ |
| Current.first_column = Rhs[1].first_column; \ |
| Current.line_start = Rhs[1].line_start; \ |
| } else { \ |
| Current.first_line = Rhs[0].first_line; \ |
| Current.first_column = Rhs[0].first_column; \ |
| Current.line_start = Rhs[0].line_start; \ |
| } |
| |
| // yylex()'s third parameter. |
| #define YYLEX_PARAM &(parser_impl->scanner()) |
| %} |
| |
| // Token values returned by a scanner. |
| %union TokenValue { |
| float real; |
| int integer; |
| TrivialIntPair integer_pair; |
| TrivialStringPiece string; |
| } |
| |
| // |
| // Tokens returned by a scanner. |
| // |
| |
| // Entry point tokens, injected by the parser in order to choose the path |
| // within a grammar, never appear in the source code. |
| %token kMediaListEntryPointToken |
| %token kMediaQueryEntryPointToken |
| %token kStyleSheetEntryPointToken |
| %token kRuleEntryPointToken |
| %token kStyleDeclarationListEntryPointToken |
| %token kFontFaceDeclarationListEntryPointToken |
| %token kPropertyValueEntryPointToken |
| %token kPropertyIntoDeclarationDataEntryPointToken |
| |
| // Tokens without a value. |
| %token kEndOfFileToken 0 // null |
| %token kWhitespaceToken // tab, space, CR, LF |
| %token kSgmlCommentDelimiterToken // <!-- --> |
| %token kCommentToken // /* */ |
| %token kImportantToken // !important |
| |
| // Property name tokens. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new name token is introduced, it should be added |
| // to |identifier_token| rule below. |
| %token kAllToken // all |
| %token kAnimationDelayToken // animation-delay |
| %token kAnimationDirectionToken // animation-direction |
| %token kAnimationDurationToken // animation-duration |
| %token kAnimationFillModeToken // animation-fill-mode |
| %token kAnimationIterationCountToken // animation-iteration-count |
| %token kAnimationNameToken // animation-name |
| %token kAnimationTimingFunctionToken // animation-timing-function |
| %token kAnimationToken // animation |
| %token kBackgroundColorToken // background-color |
| %token kBackgroundImageToken // background-image |
| %token kBackgroundPositionToken // background-position |
| %token kBackgroundRepeatToken // background-repeat |
| %token kBackgroundSizeToken // background-size |
| %token kBackgroundToken // background |
| %token kBorderToken // border |
| %token kBorderBottomLeftRadiusToken // border-bottom-left-radius |
| %token kBorderBottomRightRadiusToken // border-bottom-right-radius |
| %token kBorderBottomToken // border-bottom |
| %token kBorderBottomColorToken // border-bottom-color |
| %token kBorderBottomStyleToken // border-bottom-style |
| %token kBorderBottomWidthToken // border-bottom-width |
| %token kBorderColorToken // border-color |
| %token kBorderLeftToken // border-left |
| %token kBorderLeftColorToken // border-left-color |
| %token kBorderLeftStyleToken // border-left-style |
| %token kBorderLeftWidthToken // border-left-width |
| %token kBorderRadiusToken // border-radius |
| %token kBorderRightToken // border-right |
| %token kBorderRightColorToken // border-right-color |
| %token kBorderRightStyleToken // border-right-style |
| %token kBorderRightWidthToken // border-right-width |
| %token kBorderStyleToken // border-style |
| %token kBorderTopToken // border-top |
| %token kBorderTopColorToken // border-top-color |
| %token kBorderTopLeftRadiusToken // border-top-left-radius |
| %token kBorderTopRightRadiusToken // border-top-right-radius |
| %token kBorderTopStyleToken // border-top-style |
| %token kBorderTopWidthToken // border-top-width |
| %token kBorderWidthToken // border-width |
| %token kBottomToken // bottom |
| %token kBoxShadowToken // box-shadow |
| %token kColorToken // color |
| %token kContentToken // content |
| %token kDisplayToken // display |
| %token kFilterToken // filter |
| %token kFontToken // font |
| %token kFontFamilyToken // font-family |
| %token kFontSizeToken // font-size |
| %token kFontStyleToken // font-style |
| %token kFontWeightToken // font-weight |
| %token kHeightToken // height |
| %token kLeftToken // left |
| %token kLineHeightToken // line-height |
| %token kMarginBottomToken // margin-bottom |
| %token kMarginLeftToken // margin-left |
| %token kMarginRightToken // margin-right |
| %token kMarginToken // margin |
| %token kMarginTopToken // margin-top |
| %token kMaxHeightToken // max-height |
| %token kMaxWidthToken // max-width |
| %token kMinHeightToken // min-height |
| %token kMinWidthToken // min-width |
| %token kOpacityToken // opacity |
| %token kOutlineToken // outline |
| %token kOutlineColorToken // outline-color |
| %token kOutlineStyleToken // outline-style |
| %token kOutlineWidthToken // outline-width |
| %token kOverflowToken // overflow |
| %token kOverflowWrapToken // overflow-wrap |
| %token kPaddingBottomToken // padding-bottom |
| %token kPaddingLeftToken // padding-left |
| %token kPaddingRightToken // padding-right |
| %token kPaddingToken // padding |
| %token kPaddingTopToken // padding-top |
| %token kPointerEventsToken // pointer-events |
| %token kPositionToken // position |
| %token kRightToken // right |
| %token kSrcToken // src |
| %token kTextAlignToken // text-align |
| %token kTextDecorationToken // text-decoration |
| %token kTextDecorationColorToken // text-decoration-color |
| %token kTextDecorationLineToken // text-decoration-line |
| %token kTextIndentToken // text-indent |
| %token kTextOverflowToken // text-overflow |
| %token kTextShadowToken // text-shadow |
| %token kTextTransformToken // text-transform |
| %token kTopToken // top |
| %token kTransformToken // transform |
| %token kTransformOriginToken // transform-origin |
| %token kTransitionDelayToken // transition-delay |
| %token kTransitionDurationToken // transition-duration |
| %token kTransitionPropertyToken // transition-property |
| %token kTransitionTimingFunctionToken // transition-timing-function |
| %token kTransitionToken // transition |
| %token kUnicodeRangePropertyToken // unicode-range |
| %token kVerticalAlignToken // vertical-align |
| %token kVisibilityToken // visibility |
| %token kWhiteSpacePropertyToken // white-space |
| %token kWidthToken // width |
| %token kZIndexToken // z-index |
| |
| // Property value tokens. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new name token is introduced, it should be added |
| // to |identifier_token| rule below. |
| %token kAbsoluteToken // absolute |
| %token kAlternateToken // alternate |
| %token kAlternateReverseToken // alternate-reverse |
| %token kAquaToken // aqua |
| %token kAtToken // at |
| %token kAutoToken // auto |
| %token kBackwardsToken // backwards |
| %token kBaselineToken // baseline |
| %token kBlackToken // black |
| %token kBlockToken // block |
| %token kBlueToken // blue |
| %token kBoldToken // bold |
| %token kBothToken // both |
| %token kBreakWordToken // break-word |
| %token kCenterToken // center |
| %token kCircleToken // circle |
| %token kClipToken // clip |
| %token kClosestCornerToken // closest-corner |
| %token kClosestSideToken // closest-side |
| %token kContainToken // contain |
| %token kCoverToken // cover |
| %token kCursiveToken // cursive |
| %token kEaseInOutToken // ease-in-out |
| %token kEaseInToken // ease-in |
| %token kEaseOutToken // ease-out |
| %token kEaseToken // ease |
| %token kEllipseToken // ellipse |
| %token kEllipsisToken // ellipsis |
| %token kEndToken // end |
| %token kEquirectangularToken // equirectangular |
| %token kFantasyToken // fantasy |
| %token kFarthestCornerToken // farthest-corner |
| %token kFarthestSideToken // farthest-side |
| %token kFixedToken // fixed |
| %token kForwardsToken // forwards |
| %token kFromToken // from |
| %token kFuchsiaToken // fuchsia |
| %token kGrayToken // gray |
| %token kGreenToken // green |
| %token kHiddenToken // hidden |
| %token kInfiniteToken // infinite |
| %token kInheritToken // inherit |
| %token kInitialToken // initial |
| %token kInlineBlockToken // inline-block |
| %token kInlineToken // inline |
| %token kInsetToken // inset |
| %token kItalicToken // italic |
| %token kLimeToken // lime |
| %token kLinearToken // linear |
| %token kLineThroughToken // line-through |
| // %token kLeftToken // left - also property name token |
| %token kMaroonToken // maroon |
| %token kMiddleToken // middle |
| %token kMonoscopicToken // monoscopic |
| %token kMonospaceToken // monospace |
| %token kNavyToken // navy |
| %token kNoneToken // none |
| %token kNoRepeatToken // no-repeat |
| %token kNormalToken // normal |
| %token kNoWrapToken // nowrap |
| %token kObliqueToken // oblique |
| %token kOliveToken // olive |
| %token kPreToken // pre |
| %token kPreLineToken // pre-line |
| %token kPreWrapToken // pre-wrap |
| %token kPurpleToken // purple |
| %token kRectangularToken // rectangular |
| %token kRedToken // red |
| %token kRepeatToken // repeat |
| %token kRepeatXToken // repeat-x |
| %token kRepeatYToken // repeat-y |
| %token kRelativeToken // relative |
| %token kReverseToken // reverse |
| // %token kRightToken // right - also property name token |
| %token kSansSerifToken // sans-serif |
| %token kSerifToken // serif |
| %token kSilverToken // silver |
| %token kSolidToken // solid |
| %token kStartToken // start |
| %token kStaticToken // static |
| %token kStepEndToken // step-end |
| %token kStepStartToken // step-start |
| %token kStereoscopicLeftRightToken // stereoscopic-left-right |
| %token kStereoscopicTopBottomToken // stereoscopic-top-bottom |
| %token kTealToken // teal |
| %token kToToken // to |
| // %token kTopToken // top - also property name token |
| %token kTransparentToken // transparent |
| %token kUppercaseToken // uppercase |
| %token kVisibleToken // visible |
| %token kWhiteToken // white |
| %token kYellowToken // yellow |
| |
| // Pseudo-class name tokens. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new name token is introduced, it should be added |
| // to |identifier_token| rule below. |
| %token kActiveToken // active |
| %token kEmptyToken // empty |
| %token kFocusToken // focus |
| %token kHoverToken // hover |
| |
| // Pseudo-element name tokens. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new name token is introduced, it should be added |
| // to |identifier_token| rule below. |
| %token kAfterToken // after |
| %token kBeforeToken // before |
| |
| // Attribute matching tokens. |
| %token kIncludesToken // ~= |
| %token kDashMatchToken // |= |
| %token kBeginsWithToken // ^= |
| %token kEndsWithToken // $= |
| %token kContainsToken // *= |
| |
| // "Media query" mode: Operator tokens. |
| %token kMediaAndToken // and |
| %token kMediaNotToken // not |
| %token kMediaOnlyToken // only |
| %token kMediaMinimumToken // min- |
| %token kMediaMaximumToken // max- |
| |
| // "Media query" mode: Media type tokens. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new media type token is introduced, it should be added |
| // to |media_type_known| rule below. |
| %token kAllMediaTypeToken // all |
| %token kTVMediaTypeToken // tv |
| %token kScreenMediaTypeToken // screen |
| |
| // "Media query" mode: Media feature type tokens. These tokens represent the |
| // value types of media features. The integer values of these tokens represent |
| // enum MediaFeatureName. |
| // WARNING: Every time a new media feature type token is introduced, it should |
| // be added to |media_type_unknown| rule below. |
| |
| %token <integer> kLengthMediaFeatureTypeToken // ...px, ...em, etc. |
| %token <integer> kOrientationMediaFeatureTypeToken // portrait, landscape |
| %token <integer> kRatioMediaFeatureTypeToken // ... / ... |
| %token <integer> kNonNegativeIntegerMediaFeatureTypeToken // 0, 1, 2, 3, ... |
| %token <integer> kResolutionMediaFeatureTypeToken // ...dpi, ...dpcm |
| %token <integer> kScanMediaFeatureTypeToken // progressive, |
| // interlace |
| %token <integer> kZeroOrOneMediaFeatureTypeToken // 0, 1 |
| |
| // "Media query" mode: Media feature value tokens. |
| %token kInterlaceMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken // interlace |
| %token kLandscapeMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken // landscape |
| %token kPortraitMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken // portrait |
| %token kProgressiveMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken // progressive |
| |
| // "Supports" mode tokens. |
| %token kSupportsAndToken // and (in "supports" mode) |
| %token kSupportsNotToken // not (in "supports" mode) |
| %token kSupportsOrToken // or (in "supports" mode) |
| |
| // @-tokens. |
| %token kImportToken // @import |
| %token kKeyframesToken // @keyframes |
| %token kPageToken // @page |
| %token kMediaToken // @media |
| %token kFontFaceToken // @font-face |
| %token kCharsetToken // @charset |
| %token kNamespaceToken // @namespace |
| %token kSupportsToken // @supports |
| |
| // Paged media tokens. |
| %token kTopLeftCornerToken // @top-left-corner |
| %token kTopLeftToken // @top-left |
| %token kTopCenterToken // @top-center |
| %token kTopRightToken // @top-right |
| %token kTopRightCornerToken // @top-right-corner |
| %token kBottomLeftCornerToken // @bottom-left-corner |
| %token kBottomLeftToken // @bottom-left |
| %token kBottomCenterToken // @bottom-center |
| %token kBottomRightToken // @bottom-right |
| %token kBottomRightCornerToken // @bottom-right-corner |
| %token kLeftTopToken // @left-top |
| %token kLeftMiddleToken // @left-middle |
| %token kLeftBottomToken // @left-bottom |
| %token kRightTopToken // @right-top |
| %token kRightMiddleToken // @right-middle |
| %token kRightBottomToken // @right-bottom |
| |
| // Function tokens. |
| %token kCalcFunctionToken // calc( |
| %token kCubicBezierFunctionToken // cubic-bezier( |
| %token kCueFunctionToken // cue( |
| %token kFormatFunctionToken // format( |
| %token kLinearGradientFunctionToken // linear-gradient( |
| %token kLocalFunctionToken // local( |
| %token kMapToMeshFunctionToken // map-to-mesh( |
| %token kMatrixFunctionToken // matrix( |
| %token kMatrix3dFunctionToken // matrix3d( |
| %token kNotFunctionToken // not( |
| %token kNthChildFunctionToken // nth-child( |
| %token kNthLastChildFunctionToken // nth-last-child( |
| %token kNthLastOfTypeFunctionToken // nth-last-of-type( |
| %token kNthOfTypeFunctionToken // nth-of-type( |
| %token kRotateFunctionToken // rotate( |
| %token kScaleFunctionToken // scale( |
| %token kScaleXFunctionToken // scaleX( |
| %token kScaleYFunctionToken // scaleY( |
| %token kStepsFunctionToken // steps( |
| %token kTranslateFunctionToken // translate( |
| %token kTranslateXFunctionToken // translateX( |
| %token kTranslateYFunctionToken // translateY( |
| %token kTranslateZFunctionToken // translateZ( |
| %token kRadialGradientFunctionToken // radial-gradient( |
| %token kRGBFunctionToken // rgb( |
| %token kRGBAFunctionToken // rgba( |
| %token kCobaltMtmFunctionToken // -cobalt-mtm( |
| |
| // Tokens with a string value. |
| %token <string> kStringToken // "...", '...' |
| %token <string> kIdentifierToken // ... |
| %token <string> kNthToken // an+b, where a, b - integers |
| %token <string> kHexToken // #... |
| %token <string> kIdSelectorToken // #... |
| %token <string> kUriToken // url(... |
| %token <string> kInvalidFunctionToken // ...( |
| %token <string> kInvalidNumberToken // ... (digits) |
| %token <string> kInvalidDimensionToken // XXyy, where XX - number, |
| // yy - identifier |
| %token <string> kInvalidAtBlockToken // @... { ... }, @... ... ; |
| %token <string> kOtherBrowserAtBlockToken // @-... { ... } |
| |
| // Tokens with an integer value. |
| // WARNING: Use |integer| rule if you want to handle the sign. |
| %token <integer> kIntegerToken // 123, for example |
| |
| // Tokens with a floating point value. |
| // WARNING: Remember to use |maybe_sign_token| rule with these tokens. |
| %token <real> kRealToken // 1.23, for example |
| %token <real> kPercentageToken // ...% |
| %token <real> kRootElementFontSizesAkaRemToken // ...rem |
| %token <real> kZeroGlyphWidthsAkaChToken // ...ch |
| %token <real> kFontSizesAkaEmToken // ...em |
| %token <real> kXHeightsAkaExToken // ...ex |
| %token <real> kPixelsToken // ...px |
| %token <real> kCentimetersToken // ...cm |
| %token <real> kMillimetersToken // ...mm |
| %token <real> kInchesToken // ...in |
| %token <real> kPointsToken // ...pt |
| %token <real> kPicasToken // ...pc |
| %token <real> kDegreesToken // ...deg |
| %token <real> kRadiansToken // ...rad |
| %token <real> kGradiansToken // ...grad |
| %token <real> kTurnsToken // ...turn |
| %token <real> kMillisecondsToken // ...ms |
| %token <real> kSecondsToken // ...s |
| %token <real> kHertzToken // ...hz |
| %token <real> kKilohertzToken // ...khz |
| %token <real> kViewportWidthPercentsAkaVwToken // ...vw |
| %token <real> kViewportHeightPercentsAkaVhToken // ...vh |
| %token <real> kViewportSmallerSizePercentsAkaVminToken // ...vmin |
| %token <real> kViewportLargerSizePercentsAkaVmaxToken // ...vmax |
| %token <real> kDotsPerPixelToken // ...dppx |
| %token <real> kDotsPerInchToken // ...dpi |
| %token <real> kDotsPerCentimeterToken // ...dpcm |
| %token <real> kFractionsToken // ...fr |
| |
| // Tokens with an integer pair value |
| %token <integer_pair> kUnicodeRangeToken // u+..., U+... |
| |
| // |
| // Rules and their types, sorted by type name. |
| // |
| |
| // A top-level rule. |
| %start entry_point |
| |
| %union { bool important; } |
| %type <important> maybe_important |
| |
| %type <integer> integer non_negative_integer positive_integer zero_or_one |
| |
| %union { cssom::RGBAColorValue* color; } |
| %type <color> color |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <color> |
| |
| %union { cssom::ColorStop* color_stop; } |
| %type <color_stop> color_stop |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <color_stop> |
| |
| %union { cssom::ColorStopList* color_stop_list; } |
| %type <color_stop_list> comma_separated_color_stop_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <color_stop_list> |
| |
| %union { cssom::PercentageValue* percentage; } |
| %type <percentage> percentage positive_percentage |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <percentage> |
| |
| %union { cssom::LengthValue* length; } |
| %type <length> length positive_length absolute_or_relative_length |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <length> |
| |
| %union { cssom::RatioValue* ratio; } |
| %type <ratio> ratio |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <ratio> |
| |
| %union { cssom::ResolutionValue* resolution; } |
| %type <resolution> resolution |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <resolution> |
| |
| %union { cssom::StringValue* string_value; } |
| %type <string_value> font_family_name_identifier_list |
| font_family_string_name |
| font_family_specific_name |
| font_family_specific_name_no_single_identifier |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <string_value> |
| |
| // base::TimeDelta's internal value. One can construct a base::TimeDelta from |
| // this value using the function base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(). We use |
| // it instead of base::TimeDelta because base::TimeDelta does not have a |
| // trivial constructor and thus cannot be used in a union. |
| %union { int64 time; } |
| %type <time> time time_with_units_required |
| |
| %union { PropertyDeclaration* property_declaration; } |
| %type <property_declaration> maybe_declaration |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <property_declaration> |
| |
| // To reduce the number of classes derived from cssom::PropertyValue, some |
| // semantic actions contain a value processing (such as opacity clamping |
| // or RGBA color resolution) that technically belongs to computed value |
| // resolution and as such should be done by layout engine. This is harmless |
| // as long as web app does not rely on literal preservation of property values |
| // exposed by cssom::CSSRuleStyleDeclaration (semantics is |
| // always preserved). |
| %union { cssom::PropertyValue* property_value; } |
| %type <property_value> animation_delay_property_value |
| animation_direction_list_element |
| animation_direction_property_value |
| animation_duration_property_value |
| animation_fill_mode_list_element |
| animation_fill_mode_property_value |
| animation_iteration_count_list_element |
| animation_iteration_count_property_value |
| animation_name_list_element |
| animation_name_property_value |
| animation_timing_function_property_value |
| auto |
| background_color_property_value |
| background_image_property_list_element |
| background_image_property_value |
| background_position_property_value |
| background_repeat_element |
| background_repeat_property_value |
| background_repeat_property_value_without_common_values |
| background_size_property_list_element |
| background_size_property_value |
| background_size_property_value_without_common_values |
| border_color_property_value |
| border_radius_element |
| border_radius_element_with_common_values |
| border_radius_property_value |
| border_style_property_value |
| border_width_element |
| border_width_element_with_common_values |
| border_width_property_value |
| box_shadow_property_value |
| color_property_value |
| common_values |
| common_values_without_errors |
| content_property_value |
| display_property_value |
| font_face_local_src |
| font_face_src_list_element |
| font_face_src_property_value |
| font_face_url_src |
| font_family_name |
| font_family_property_value |
| font_size_property_value |
| font_style_exclusive_property_value |
| font_style_property_value |
| font_weight_exclusive_property_value |
| font_weight_property_value |
| height_property_value |
| length_percent_property_value |
| line_height_property_value |
| line_style |
| line_style_with_common_values |
| linear_gradient_params |
| margin_side_property_value |
| margin_width |
| max_height_property_value |
| max_width_property_value |
| min_height_property_value |
| min_width_property_value |
| maybe_background_size_property_value |
| offset_property_value |
| opacity_property_value |
| orientation_media_feature_keyword_value |
| overflow_property_value |
| overflow_wrap_property_value |
| padding_side_property_value |
| pointer_events_property_value |
| position_list_element |
| position_property_value |
| positive_length_percent_property_value |
| radial_gradient_params |
| scan_media_feature_keyword_value |
| text_align_property_value |
| text_decoration_line_property_value |
| text_decoration_property_value |
| text_indent_property_value |
| text_overflow_property_value |
| text_shadow_property_value |
| text_transform_property_value |
| time_list_property_value |
| timing_function_list_property_value |
| transform_property_value |
| transform_origin_property_value |
| transition_delay_property_value |
| transition_duration_property_value |
| transition_property_property_value |
| transition_timing_function_property_value |
| unicode_range_property_value |
| url |
| validated_box_shadow_list |
| validated_text_shadow_list |
| vertical_align_property_value |
| visibility_property_value |
| white_space_property_value |
| width_property_value |
| z_index_property_value |
| filter_property_value |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <property_value> |
| |
| %union { std::vector<float>* number_matrix; } |
| %type <number_matrix> number_matrix |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <number_matrix> |
| |
| %union { glm::mat4* matrix4x4; } |
| %type <matrix4x4> cobalt_mtm_transform_function |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <matrix4x4> |
| |
| %union { MarginOrPaddingShorthand* margin_or_padding_shorthand; } |
| %type <margin_or_padding_shorthand> margin_property_value padding_property_value |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <margin_or_padding_shorthand> |
| |
| %union { SingleAnimationShorthand* single_animation; } |
| %type <single_animation> single_animation single_non_empty_animation |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <single_animation> |
| |
| %union { AnimationShorthandBuilder* animation_builder; } |
| %type <animation_builder> comma_separated_animation_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <animation_builder> |
| |
| %union { AnimationShorthand* animation; } |
| %type <animation> animation_property_value |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <animation> |
| |
| %union { FontShorthand* font; } |
| %type <font> font_property_value |
| optional_font_value_list |
| non_empty_optional_font_value_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <font> |
| |
| %union { TransitionShorthand* transition; } |
| %type <transition> transition_property_value |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <transition> |
| |
| %type <real> alpha angle non_negative_number number |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSStyleSheet* style_sheet; } |
| %type <style_sheet> style_sheet |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <style_sheet> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSRuleList* rule_list; } |
| %type <rule_list> rule_list rule_list_block |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <rule_list> |
| |
| %union { cssom::AttributeSelector::ValueMatchType attribute_match; } |
| %type <attribute_match> attribute_match |
| |
| %union { cssom::SimpleSelector* simple_selector; } |
| %type <simple_selector> attribute_selector_token |
| class_selector_token |
| id_selector_token |
| pseudo_class_token |
| pseudo_element_token |
| simple_selector_token |
| type_selector_token |
| universal_selector_token |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <simple_selector> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CompoundSelector* compound_selector; } |
| %type <compound_selector> compound_selector_token |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <compound_selector> |
| |
| %union { cssom::Combinator* combinator; } |
| %type <combinator> combinator |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <combinator> |
| |
| %union { cssom::ComplexSelector* complex_selector; } |
| %type <complex_selector> complex_selector |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <complex_selector> |
| |
| %union { cssom::Selectors* selectors; } |
| %type <selectors> selector_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <selectors> |
| |
| %union { cssom::LinearGradientValue::SideOrCorner side_or_corner; } |
| %type <side_or_corner> side side_or_corner |
| |
| %union { int sign; } |
| %type <sign> maybe_sign_token |
| |
| %type <string> identifier_token |
| |
| %union { cssom::PropertyKey property_key; } |
| %type <property_key> animatable_property_token |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSDeclaredStyleData* style_declaration_data; } |
| %type <style_declaration_data> style_declaration_list |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <style_declaration_data> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSRuleStyleDeclaration* style_declaration; } |
| %type <style_declaration> style_declaration_block |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <style_declaration> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSFontFaceRule* font_face_rule; } |
| %type <font_face_rule> at_font_face_rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <font_face_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSKeyframeRule* keyframe_rule; } |
| %type <keyframe_rule> keyframe_rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <keyframe_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSKeyframesRule* keyframes_rule; } |
| %type <keyframes_rule> at_keyframes_rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <keyframes_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSRuleList* keyframe_rule_list; } |
| %type <keyframe_rule_list> keyframe_rule_list |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <keyframe_rule_list> |
| |
| %union { float keyframe_offset; } |
| %type <keyframe_offset> keyframe_offset |
| |
| %union { std::vector<float>* keyframe_selector; } |
| %type <keyframe_selector> keyframe_selector; |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <keyframe_selector> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSFontFaceDeclarationData* font_face_declaration_data; } |
| %type <font_face_declaration_data> font_face_declaration_list |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <font_face_declaration_data> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSMediaRule* media_rule; } |
| %type <media_rule> at_media_rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <media_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::MediaList* media_list; } |
| %type <media_list> media_list |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <media_list> |
| |
| %union { cssom::MediaQuery* media_query; } |
| %type <media_query> media_query |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <media_query> |
| |
| %union { bool evaluated_media_type; } |
| %type <evaluated_media_type> evaluated_media_type media_type_specified |
| |
| %union { cssom::MediaFeatures* media_features; } |
| %type <media_features> media_feature_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <media_features> |
| |
| %union { cssom::MediaFeature* media_feature; } |
| %type <media_feature> media_feature media_feature_block |
| media_feature_with_value media_feature_without_value |
| media_feature_allowing_operator_with_value |
| |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <media_feature> |
| |
| %union { cssom::MediaFeatureOperator media_feature_operator; } |
| %type <media_feature_operator> media_feature_operator |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSStyleRule* style_rule; } |
| %type <style_rule> qualified_rule style_rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <style_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::CSSRule* css_rule; } |
| %type <css_rule> rule |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <css_rule> |
| |
| %union { cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder* property_list; } |
| %type <property_list> background_size_property_list |
| border_color_property_list |
| border_radius_property_list |
| border_style_property_list |
| border_width_property_list |
| comma_separated_animation_direction_list |
| comma_separated_animation_fill_mode_list |
| comma_separated_animation_iteration_count_list |
| comma_separated_animation_name_list |
| comma_separated_background_image_list |
| comma_separated_box_shadow_list |
| comma_separated_font_face_src_list |
| comma_separated_font_family_name_list |
| comma_separated_text_shadow_list |
| comma_separated_unicode_range_list |
| validated_two_position_list_elements |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <property_list> |
| |
| %union { cssom::PropertyListValue* property_list_value; } |
| %type <property_list_value> at_position |
| circle_with_positive_length |
| ellipse_with_2_positive_length_percents |
| maybe_at_position |
| validated_position_property |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <property_list_value> |
| |
| %union { cssom::TransformFunction* transform_function; } |
| %type <transform_function> scale_function_parameters |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <transform_function> |
| |
| %union { cssom::TransformFunctionListValue::Builder* transform_functions; } |
| %type <transform_functions> transform_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <transform_functions> |
| |
| %union { cssom::FilterFunction* filter_function; } |
| %type <filter_function> cobalt_mtm_filter_function |
| %type <filter_function> filter_function |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <filter_function> |
| |
| %union { cssom::FilterFunctionListValue::Builder* cobalt_mtm_filter_functions; } |
| %type <cobalt_mtm_filter_functions> filter_function_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <cobalt_mtm_filter_functions> |
| |
| %union { |
| cssom::MapToMeshFunction::MeshSpec* cobalt_map_to_mesh_spec; } |
| %type <cobalt_map_to_mesh_spec> cobalt_map_to_mesh_spec |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <cobalt_map_to_mesh_spec> |
| |
| %union { |
| cssom::MapToMeshFunction::ResolutionMatchedMeshListBuilder* cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_meshes; } |
| %type <cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_meshes> cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_mesh_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_meshes> |
| |
| %union { cssom::MapToMeshFunction::ResolutionMatchedMesh* cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_mesh; } |
| %type <cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_mesh> cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_mesh |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <cobalt_mtm_resolution_matched_mesh> |
| |
| %union { cssom::KeywordValue* stereo_mode; } |
| %type <stereo_mode> maybe_cobalt_mtm_stereo_mode; |
| %type <stereo_mode> cobalt_mtm_stereo_mode; |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <stereo_mode> |
| |
| %union { cssom::TimeListValue::Builder* time_list; } |
| %type <time_list> comma_separated_time_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <time_list> |
| |
| %union { cssom::PropertyKeyListValue::Builder* property_name_list; } |
| %type <property_name_list> comma_separated_animatable_property_name_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <property_name_list> |
| |
| %union { |
| cssom::SteppingTimingFunction::ValueChangeLocation |
| stepping_value_change_location; |
| } |
| %type <stepping_value_change_location> maybe_steps_start_or_end_parameter |
| |
| %union { cssom::TimingFunction* timing_function; } |
| %type <timing_function> single_timing_function |
| %destructor { SafeRelease($$); } <timing_function> |
| |
| %union { |
| cssom::TimingFunctionListValue::Builder* |
| timing_function_list; |
| } |
| %type <timing_function_list> |
| comma_separated_single_timing_function_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <timing_function_list> |
| |
| %union { SingleTransitionShorthand* single_transition; } |
| %type <single_transition> single_transition single_non_empty_transition |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <single_transition> |
| |
| %union { TransitionShorthandBuilder* transition_builder; } |
| %type <transition_builder> comma_separated_transition_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <transition_builder> |
| |
| %union { BackgroundShorthandLayer* background_shorthand_layer; } |
| %type <background_shorthand_layer> |
| background_position_and_size_shorthand_property_value |
| background_repeat_shorthand_property_value |
| background_position_and_repeat_combination |
| final_background_layer_without_position_and_repeat |
| final_background_layer |
| background_property_value |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <background_shorthand_layer> |
| |
| %union { PositionParseStructure* position_structure; } |
| %type <position_structure> position_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <position_structure> |
| |
| %union { BorderOrOutlineShorthand* border_or_outline_shorthand; } |
| %type <border_or_outline_shorthand> border_or_outline_property_value |
| border_or_outline_property_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <border_or_outline_shorthand> |
| |
| %union { ShadowPropertyInfo* shadow_info; } |
| %type <shadow_info> box_shadow_list text_shadow_list |
| %destructor { delete $$; } <shadow_info> |
| |
| %union { cssom::RadialGradientValue::SizeKeyword size_keyword; } |
| %type <size_keyword> circle_with_size_keyword |
| maybe_ellipse_with_size_keyword size_keyword |
| |
| %% |
| |
| // WARNING: Every rule, except the ones which end with "..._token", should |
| // consume trailing whitespace. |
| |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Common rules used across the grammar. |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| maybe_whitespace: |
| /* empty */ |
| | maybe_whitespace kWhitespaceToken |
| ; |
| |
| errors: |
| error |
| | errors error |
| ; |
| |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // @-rules. |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| // The @font-face rule consists of the @font-face at-keyword followed by a block |
| // of descriptor declarations. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-face-rule |
| at_font_face_rule: |
| kFontFaceToken maybe_whitespace '{' maybe_whitespace |
| font_face_declaration_list '}' maybe_whitespace { |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::CSSFontFaceRule> |
| font_face_rule( |
| new cssom::CSSFontFaceRule(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($5))); |
| if (font_face_rule->IsValid()) { |
| $$ = AddRef(font_face_rule.get()); |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "invalid font-face"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // The @media rule is a conditional group rule whose condition is a media query. |
| // It consists of the at-keyword '@media' followed by a (possibly empty) media |
| // query list, followed by a group rule body. The condition of the rule is the |
| // result of the media query. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-conditional/#at-media |
| at_media_rule: |
| // @media expr {} |
| kMediaToken maybe_whitespace media_list rule_list_block { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::CSSMediaRule(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3), |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4))); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Media Rule, Media Query, Media Type |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#media-queries |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/ |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| // Follow the syntax defined here: |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#syntax |
| |
| // Orientation value, landscale or portrait |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#orientation |
| orientation_media_feature_keyword_value: |
| kLandscapeMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::MediaFeatureKeywordValue::GetLandscape().get()); |
| } |
| | kPortraitMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::MediaFeatureKeywordValue::GetPortrait().get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Scan value, interlace or progressive |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#scan |
| scan_media_feature_keyword_value: |
| kInterlaceMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::MediaFeatureKeywordValue::GetInterlace().get()); |
| } |
| | kProgressiveMediaFeatureKeywordValueToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::MediaFeatureKeywordValue::GetProgressive().get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // 'min-' or 'max-' prefix for media feature name. |
| media_feature_operator: |
| kMediaMinimumToken { $$ = cssom::kMinimum; } |
| | kMediaMaximumToken { $$ = cssom::kMaximum; } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature: 'feature' only. |
| // (feature) will evaluate to true if (feature:x) will evaluate to true for a |
| // value x other than zero or zero followed by a unit identifier. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media1 |
| media_feature_without_value: |
| kLengthMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kOrientationMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kRatioMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kNonNegativeIntegerMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kResolutionMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kScanMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| | kZeroOrOneMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature: 'feature:value' for features that don't allow prefixes. |
| media_feature_with_value: |
| kOrientationMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon |
| orientation_media_feature_keyword_value { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, $4)); |
| } |
| | kScanMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon |
| scan_media_feature_keyword_value { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, $4)); |
| } |
| | kZeroOrOneMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon zero_or_one { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, new cssom::IntegerValue($4))); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature: 'feature:value' for features that allow min/max prefixes. |
| media_feature_allowing_operator_with_value: |
| kLengthMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon length { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4))); |
| } |
| | kNonNegativeIntegerMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon |
| non_negative_integer { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, new cssom::IntegerValue($4))); |
| } |
| | kRatioMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon ratio { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4))); |
| } |
| | kResolutionMediaFeatureTypeToken maybe_whitespace colon resolution { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaFeature($1, MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4))); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature: 'feature' or 'feature:value' or 'min-feature:value' or |
| // 'max-feature:value' |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media1 |
| media_feature: |
| media_feature_without_value |
| | media_feature_with_value |
| | media_feature_allowing_operator_with_value |
| | media_feature_operator media_feature_allowing_operator_with_value { |
| $$ = $2; |
| $$->set_operator($1); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature: '(name:value)' |
| media_feature_block: |
| '(' maybe_whitespace media_feature ')' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Media feature list: '(name:value) [ and (name:value) ]' |
| media_feature_list: |
| // (name:value) |
| media_feature_block { |
| $$ = new cssom::MediaFeatures(); |
| $$->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| } |
| // ... and (name:value) |
| | media_feature_list kMediaAndToken maybe_whitespace media_feature_block { |
| $$ = $1; |
| $$->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // All tokens representing unknown media types. |
| media_type_unknown: |
| kIdentifierToken |
| // "Media query" mode operator names. |
| | kMediaAndToken |
| | kMediaMinimumToken |
| | kMediaMaximumToken |
| // "Media query" mode media feature tokens |
| | kLengthMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kOrientationMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kRatioMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kNonNegativeIntegerMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kResolutionMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kScanMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| | kZeroOrOneMediaFeatureTypeToken |
| ; |
| |
| // All tokens representing media types that are true on this platform. |
| media_type_known: |
| kAllMediaTypeToken |
| | kTVMediaTypeToken |
| | kScreenMediaTypeToken |
| ; |
| |
| // Returns true for known specified media types, otherwise false. |
| media_type_specified: |
| media_type_unknown { |
| $$ = false; |
| } |
| | media_type_known { |
| $$ = true; |
| } |
| ; |
| // The names chosen for CSS media types reflect target devices for which the |
| // relevant properties make sense |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/media.html#media-types |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media0 |
| evaluated_media_type: |
| // @media [type]... |
| media_type_specified { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| // @media not [type]... |
| | kMediaNotToken kWhitespaceToken media_type_specified { |
| $$ = !$3; |
| } |
| // @media only [type]... |
| | kMediaOnlyToken kWhitespaceToken media_type_specified { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| // @media only not ... (special case) |
| | kMediaOnlyToken kWhitespaceToken kMediaNotToken { |
| $$ = false; |
| } |
| // @media not only ... (special case) |
| | kMediaNotToken kWhitespaceToken kMediaOnlyToken { |
| $$ = true; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A media query consists of a media type and zero or more expressions that |
| // check for the conditions of particular media features. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#media-queries |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media0 |
| media_query: |
| // @media {} |
| /* empty */ { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaQuery(true)); |
| } |
| // @media (name:value)... {} |
| | media_feature_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::MediaFeatures> media_features($1); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaQuery(true, media_features.Pass())); |
| } |
| // @media mediatype {} |
| | evaluated_media_type maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaQuery($1)); |
| } |
| // @media mediatype and (name:value)... {} |
| | evaluated_media_type maybe_whitespace kMediaAndToken maybe_whitespace |
| media_feature_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::MediaFeatures> media_features($5); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaQuery($1, media_features.Pass())); |
| } |
| // When an unknown media feature, an unknown media feature value, a malformed |
| // media query, or unexpected tokens is found, the media query must be |
| // represented as 'not all'. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#error-handling |
| | errors { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaQuery(true)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Several media queries can be combined in a media query list. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/#medialist |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media0 |
| media_list: |
| media_query { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::MediaList(parser_impl->css_parser())); |
| $$->Append(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| } |
| | media_list comma media_query { |
| $$ = $1; |
| $$->Append(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Keyframe Rule and Keyframes Rule |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-animations-20130219/#CSSKeyframeRule-interface |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-animations-20130219/#CSSKeyframesRule-interface |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| at_keyframes_rule: |
| kKeyframesToken maybe_whitespace kIdentifierToken maybe_whitespace '{' |
| maybe_whitespace keyframe_rule_list '}' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $7 ? AddRef( |
| new cssom::CSSKeyframesRule($3.ToString(), |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($7))) : NULL; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| keyframe_rule_list: |
| keyframe_rule { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::CSSRuleList()); |
| $$->AppendCSSRule(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| } |
| | error { |
| // The error message is logged by |keyframe_rule|, so it is not necessary to |
| // log it again. |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| | keyframe_rule_list keyframe_rule { |
| $$ = $1; |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::CSSKeyframeRule> keyframe_rule( |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2)); |
| if ($$) { |
| $$->AppendCSSRule(keyframe_rule); |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| keyframe_rule: |
| keyframe_selector style_declaration_block { |
| scoped_ptr<std::vector<float> > offsets($1); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::CSSRuleStyleDeclaration> style( |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2)); |
| const cssom::CSSDeclaredStyleData::PropertyValues& property_values = style->data()->declared_property_values(); |
| for (cssom::CSSDeclaredStyleData::PropertyValues::const_iterator |
| property_iterator = property_values.begin(); |
| property_iterator != property_values.end(); |
| ++property_iterator) { |
| if (property_iterator->second == cssom::KeywordValue::GetInherit() || |
| property_iterator->second == cssom::KeywordValue::GetInitial()) { |
| parser_impl->LogError( |
| @2, "keyframe properties with initial or inherit are not supported"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::CSSKeyframeRule(*offsets, style)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| keyframe_selector: |
| keyframe_offset { |
| $$ = new std::vector<float>(1, $1); |
| } |
| | keyframe_selector ',' maybe_whitespace keyframe_offset { |
| $$ = $1; |
| $$->push_back($4); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| keyframe_offset: |
| kFromToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = 0.0f; |
| } |
| | kToToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = 1.0f; |
| } |
| | kPercentageToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 / 100.0f; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Selectors. |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| // Some identifiers such as property names or values are recognized |
| // specifically by the scanner. We are merging those identifiers back together |
| // to allow their use in selectors. |
| identifier_token: |
| kIdentifierToken |
| // Property names. |
| | kAllToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAllProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationDelayToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationDelayProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationDirectionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationDirectionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationDurationToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationDurationProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationFillModeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationFillModeProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationIterationCountToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationIterationCountProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationNameToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationNameProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationTimingFunctionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationTimingFunctionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kAnimationToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kAnimationProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundImageToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundImageProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundPositionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundPositionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundRepeatToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundRepeatProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundSizeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundSizeProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBackgroundToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBackgroundProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomLeftRadiusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomLeftRadiusProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomRightRadiusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomRightRadiusProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderBottomWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderBottomWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderLeftToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderLeftProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderLeftColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderLeftColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderLeftStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderLeftStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderLeftWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderLeftWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderRadiusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderRadiusProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderRightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderRightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderRightColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderRightColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderRightStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderRightStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderRightWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderRightWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopLeftRadiusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopLeftRadiusProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopRightRadiusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopRightRadiusProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderTopWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderTopWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBorderWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBorderWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBottomToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBottomProperty)); |
| } |
| | kBoxShadowToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kBoxShadowProperty)); |
| } |
| | kColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kContentToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kContentProperty)); |
| } |
| | kDisplayToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kDisplayProperty)); |
| } |
| | kFilterToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kFilterProperty)); |
| } |
| | kFontToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kFontProperty)); |
| } |
| | kFontFamilyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kFontFamilyProperty)); |
| } |
| | kFontSizeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kFontSizeProperty)); |
| } |
| | kFontWeightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kFontWeightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kHeightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kHeightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kLeftToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kLeftProperty)); |
| } |
| | kLineHeightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kLineHeightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMarginBottomToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMarginBottomProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMarginLeftToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMarginLeftProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMarginRightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMarginRightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMarginToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMarginProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMarginTopToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMarginTopProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMaxHeightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMaxHeightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMaxWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMaxWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMinHeightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMinHeightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kMinWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kMinWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOpacityToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOpacityProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOutlineToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOutlineProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOutlineColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOutlineColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOutlineStyleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOutlineStyleProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOutlineWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOutlineWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOverflowToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOverflowProperty)); |
| } |
| | kOverflowWrapToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kOverflowWrapProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPaddingBottomToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPaddingBottomProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPaddingLeftToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPaddingLeftProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPaddingRightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPaddingRightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPaddingToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPaddingProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPaddingTopToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPaddingTopProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPointerEventsToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPointerEventsProperty)); |
| } |
| | kPositionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kPositionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kRightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kRightProperty)); |
| } |
| | kSrcToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kSrcProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextAlignToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextAlignProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextDecorationToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextDecorationProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextDecorationColorToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextDecorationColorProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextDecorationLineToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextDecorationLineProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextIndentToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextIndentProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextOverflowToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextOverflowProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTextTransformToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTextTransformProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTopToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTopProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransformToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransformProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransformOriginToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransformOriginProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransitionDelayToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransitionDelayProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransitionDurationToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransitionDurationProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransitionPropertyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransitionPropertyProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransitionTimingFunctionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransitionTimingFunctionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kTransitionToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kTransitionProperty)); |
| } |
| | kUnicodeRangePropertyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kUnicodeRangeProperty)); |
| } |
| | kVerticalAlignToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kVerticalAlignProperty)); |
| } |
| | kVisibilityToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kVisibilityProperty)); |
| } |
| | kWhiteSpacePropertyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kWhiteSpaceProperty)); |
| } |
| | kWidthToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kWidthProperty)); |
| } |
| | kZIndexToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::GetPropertyName(cssom::kZIndexProperty)); |
| } |
| // Property values. |
| | kAbsoluteToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAbsoluteKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kAlternateToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAlternateKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kAlternateReverseToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAlternateReverseKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kAquaToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAquaKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kAtToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAtKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kAutoToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAutoKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBackwardsToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBackwardsKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBaselineToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBaselineKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBlackToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBlackKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBlockToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBlockKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBlueToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBlueKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBoldToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBoldKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kBothToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBothKeywordName); |
| } |
| // A rule for kBottomToken is already defined for the matching property name. |
| | kBreakWordToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBreakWordKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kCenterToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kCenterKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kCircleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kCircleKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kClipToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kClipKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kClosestCornerToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kClosestCornerKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kClosestSideToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kClosestSideKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kContainToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kContainKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kCoverToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kCoverKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kCursiveToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kCursiveKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEaseInOutToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEaseInOutKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEaseInToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEaseInKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEaseOutToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEaseOutKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEaseToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEaseKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEllipseToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEllipseKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEllipsisToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEllipsisKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kEndToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEndKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFantasyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFantasyKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFarthestCornerToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFarthestCornerKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFarthestSideToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFarthestSideKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFixedToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFixedKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kForwardsToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kForwardsKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFromToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFromKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kFuchsiaToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFuchsiaKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kGrayToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kGrayKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kGreenToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kGreenKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kHiddenToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kHiddenKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInfiniteToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInfiniteKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInheritToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInheritKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInitialToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInitialKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInlineBlockToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInlineBlockKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInlineToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInlineKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kInsetToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kInsetKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kItalicToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kItalicKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kLimeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kLimeKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kLinearToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kLinearKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kLineThroughToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kLineThroughKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kMaroonToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kMaroonKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kMiddleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kMiddleKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kMonoscopicToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kMonoscopicKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kMonospaceToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kMonospaceKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kNavyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kNavyKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kNoneToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kNoneKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kNoRepeatToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kNoRepeatKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kNormalToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kNormalKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kNoWrapToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kNoWrapKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kObliqueToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kObliqueKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kOliveToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kOliveKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kPreToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kPreKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kPreLineToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kPreLineKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kPreWrapToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kPreWrapKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kPurpleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kPurpleKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kRedToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kRedKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kRepeatToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kRepeatKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kRepeatXToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kRepeatXKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kRepeatYToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kRepeatYKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kRelativeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kRelativeKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kReverseToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kReverseKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kSansSerifToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kSansSerifKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kSerifToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kSerifKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kSilverToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kSilverKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kSolidToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kSolidKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStartToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kStartKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStaticToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kStaticKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStepEndToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kStepEndKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStepStartToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kStepStartKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStereoscopicLeftRightToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::kStereoscopicLeftRightKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kStereoscopicTopBottomToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString( |
| cssom::kStereoscopicTopBottomKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kTealToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kTealKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kToToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kToKeywordName); |
| } |
| // A rule for kTopToken is already defined for the matching property name. |
| | kTransparentToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kTransparentKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kUppercaseToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kUppercaseKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kVisibleToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kVisibleKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kWhiteToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kWhiteKeywordName); |
| } |
| | kYellowToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kYellowKeywordName); |
| } |
| // Pseudo-class names. |
| | kActiveToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kActivePseudoClassName); |
| } |
| | kEmptyToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kEmptyPseudoClassName); |
| } |
| | kFocusToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kFocusPseudoClassName); |
| } |
| | kHoverToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kHoverPseudoClassName); |
| } |
| // Pseudo-element names. |
| | kAfterToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kAfterPseudoElementName); |
| } |
| | kBeforeToken { |
| $$ = TrivialStringPiece::FromCString(cssom::kBeforePseudoElementName); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // The universal selector represents an element with any name. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#universal-selector |
| universal_selector_token: |
| '*' { |
| $$ = new cssom::UniversalSelector(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A type selector represents an instance of the element type in the document |
| // tree. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#type-selector |
| type_selector_token: |
| identifier_token { |
| $$ = new cssom::TypeSelector($1.ToString()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| attribute_match: |
| '=' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kEquals; |
| } |
| | kIncludesToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kIncludes; |
| } |
| | kDashMatchToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kDashMatch; |
| } |
| | kBeginsWithToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kBeginsWith; |
| } |
| | kEndsWithToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kEndsWith; |
| } |
| | kContainsToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::AttributeSelector::kContains; |
| } |
| |
| // An attribute selector represents an element that has an attribute that |
| // matches the attribute represented by the attribute selector. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#attribute-selector |
| attribute_selector_token: |
| '[' maybe_whitespace identifier_token maybe_whitespace ']' { |
| $$ = new cssom::AttributeSelector($3.ToString()); |
| } |
| | '[' maybe_whitespace identifier_token maybe_whitespace |
| attribute_match kStringToken maybe_whitespace ']' { |
| $$ = new cssom::AttributeSelector($3.ToString(), $5, $6.ToString()); |
| } |
| | '[' maybe_whitespace identifier_token maybe_whitespace |
| attribute_match identifier_token maybe_whitespace ']' { |
| $$ = new cssom::AttributeSelector($3.ToString(), $5, $6.ToString()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // The class selector represents an element belonging to the class identified by |
| // the identifier. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#class-selector |
| class_selector_token: |
| '.' identifier_token { |
| $$ = new cssom::ClassSelector($2.ToString()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // An ID selector represents an element instance that has an identifier that |
| // matches the identifier in the ID selector. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#id-selector |
| id_selector_token: |
| kIdSelectorToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::IdSelector($1.ToString()); |
| } |
| | kHexToken { |
| if (IsAsciiDigit(*$1.begin)) { |
| } |
| $$ = new cssom::IdSelector($1.ToString()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // The pseudo-class concept is introduced to permit selection based on |
| // information that lies outside of the document tree or that can be awkward or |
| // impossible to express using the other simple selectors. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#pseudo-classes |
| pseudo_class_token: |
| // The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is being activated by the |
| // user. For example, between the times the user presses the mouse button and |
| // releases it. On systems with more than one mouse button, :active applies |
| // only to the primary or primary activation button (typically the "left" |
| // mouse button), and any aliases thereof. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#active-pseudo |
| ':' kActiveToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::ActivePseudoClass(); |
| } |
| // The :empty pseudo-class represents an element that has no children. In |
| // terms of the document tree, only element nodes and content nodes (such as |
| // DOM text nodes, CDATA nodes, and entity references) whose data has a |
| // non-zero length must be considered as affecting emptiness; comments, |
| // processing instructions, and other nodes must not affect whether an element |
| // is considered empty or not. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#empty-pseudo |
| | ':' kEmptyToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::EmptyPseudoClass(); |
| } |
| // The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts |
| // keyboard or mouse events, or other forms of input). |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#focus-pseudo |
| | ':' kFocusToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::FocusPseudoClass(); |
| } |
| // The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element with a |
| // pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. For example, a |
| // visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse |
| // pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. Interactive user |
| // agents that cannot detect hovering due to hardware limitations (e.g., a pen |
| // device that does not detect hovering) are still conforming. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#hover-pseudo |
| | ':' kHoverToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::HoverPseudoClass(); |
| } |
| // The negation pseudo-class, :not(), is a functional pseudo-class taking a |
| // selector list as an argument. It represents an element that is not |
| // represented by its argument. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#negation-pseudo |
| | ':' kNotFunctionToken compound_selector_token ')' { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::CompoundSelector> compound_selector($3); |
| if (compound_selector) { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::NotPseudoClass> not_pseudo_class(new |
| cssom::NotPseudoClass()); |
| not_pseudo_class->set_selector(compound_selector.Pass()); |
| $$ = not_pseudo_class.release(); |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "unsupported selector within :not()"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| | ':' kNotFunctionToken errors ')' { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "unsupported selector within :not()"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| | ':' errors { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "unsupported pseudo-class"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Pseudo-elements create abstractions about the document tree beyond those |
| // specified by the document language. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#pseudo-elements |
| pseudo_element_token: |
| // Authors specify the style and location of generated content with the |
| // :before and :after pseudo-elements. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#before-after-content |
| // User agents must also accept the previous one-colon notation for |
| // pseudo-elements introduced in CSS levels 1 and 2. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#pseudo-elements |
| ':' kAfterToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::AfterPseudoElement(); |
| } |
| | ':' kBeforeToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::BeforePseudoElement(); |
| } |
| | ':' ':' kAfterToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::AfterPseudoElement(); |
| } |
| | ':' ':' kBeforeToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::BeforePseudoElement(); |
| } |
| | ':' ':' errors { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "unsupported pseudo-element"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A simple selector represents an aspect of an element to be matched against. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#simple |
| simple_selector_token: |
| attribute_selector_token |
| | class_selector_token |
| | id_selector_token |
| | pseudo_class_token |
| | pseudo_element_token |
| | type_selector_token |
| | universal_selector_token |
| ; |
| |
| // A compound selector is a chain of simple selectors that are not separated by |
| // a combinator. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#compound |
| compound_selector_token: |
| simple_selector_token { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::SimpleSelector> simple_selector($1); |
| |
| if (simple_selector) { |
| $$ = new cssom::CompoundSelector(); |
| $$->AppendSelector(simple_selector.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| | compound_selector_token simple_selector_token { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::CompoundSelector> compound_selector($1); |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::SimpleSelector> simple_selector($2); |
| |
| if (compound_selector && simple_selector) { |
| $$ = compound_selector.release(); |
| $$->AppendSelector(simple_selector.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A combinator is punctuation that represents a particular kind of relationship |
| // between the selectors on either side. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#combinator |
| combinator: |
| kWhitespaceToken { |
| $$ = new cssom::DescendantCombinator(); |
| } |
| | '>' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = new cssom::ChildCombinator(); |
| } |
| | '+' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = new cssom::NextSiblingCombinator(); |
| } |
| | '~' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = new cssom::FollowingSiblingCombinator(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A complex selector is a chain of one or more compound selectors separated by |
| // combinators. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#complex |
| complex_selector: |
| compound_selector_token { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::CompoundSelector> compound_selector($1); |
| |
| if (compound_selector) { |
| $$ = new cssom::ComplexSelector(); |
| $$->AppendSelector(compound_selector.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| | complex_selector combinator compound_selector_token { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ComplexSelector> complex_selector($1); |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::Combinator> combinator($2); |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::CompoundSelector> compound_selector($3); |
| |
| if (complex_selector && compound_selector) { |
| $$ = complex_selector.release(); |
| $$->AppendCombinatorAndSelector(combinator.Pass(), |
| compound_selector.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| | complex_selector kWhitespaceToken |
| ; |
| |
| // A selector list is a comma-separated list of selectors. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#selector-list |
| selector_list: |
| complex_selector { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ComplexSelector> complex_selector($1); |
| |
| if (complex_selector) { |
| $$ = new cssom::Selectors(); |
| $$->push_back(complex_selector.release()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| | selector_list comma complex_selector { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::Selectors> selector_list($1); |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ComplexSelector> complex_selector($3); |
| |
| if (selector_list && complex_selector) { |
| $$ = selector_list.release(); |
| $$->push_back(complex_selector.release()); |
| } else { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Common rules used in property values. |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| auto: |
| kAutoToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetAuto().get()); |
| } |
| |
| // The scanner that we adopted from WebKit was built with assumption that sign |
| // is handled in the grammar. Practically this means that tokens of <number> |
| // and <real> types has to be prepended with this rule. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#consume-a-number |
| maybe_sign_token: |
| /* empty */ { $$ = 1; } |
| | '+' { $$ = 1; } |
| | '-' { $$ = -1; } |
| ; |
| |
| // This is for integers that can only have the values 0 or 1, including '-0'. |
| // As used in the 'grid' css media feature: |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#grid |
| zero_or_one: |
| integer { |
| if (($1 < 0) || ($1 > 1)) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "integer value must be 0 or 1"); |
| } |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // An integer is one or more decimal digits "0" through "9". The first digit |
| // of an integer may be immediately preceded by "-" or "+" to indicate the sign. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#integers |
| integer: |
| maybe_sign_token kIntegerToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 * $2; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Wrap the |integer| in order to validate if the integer is not negative |
| non_negative_integer: |
| integer { |
| if ($1 < 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "integer value must not be negative"); |
| } |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Wrap the |integer| in order to validate if the integer is positive |
| positive_integer: |
| integer { |
| if ($1 < 1) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "integer value must be positive"); |
| } |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // A number is either an |integer| or zero or more decimal digits followed |
| // by a dot followed by one or more decimal digits. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#numbers |
| number: |
| integer { $$ = $1; } |
| | maybe_sign_token kRealToken maybe_whitespace { $$ = $1 * $2; } |
| ; |
| |
| // Wrap |number| and validates that it is not negative. |
| non_negative_number: |
| number { |
| if ($1 < 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "number value must not be negative"); |
| } |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Percentage values are always relative to another value, for example a length. |
| // Each property that allows percentages also defines the value to which |
| // the percentage refers. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#percentages |
| percentage: |
| maybe_sign_token kPercentageToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PercentageValue($1 * $2 / 100)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Wrap the |percentage| in order to validate if the percentage is positive. |
| positive_percentage: |
| percentage { |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::PercentageValue> percentage = |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1); |
| if (percentage && percentage->value() < 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "negative values of percentage are illegal"); |
| } |
| $$ = AddRef(percentage.get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Opacity. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#alphavaluedt |
| alpha: |
| number { |
| // Any values outside the range 0.0 (fully transparent) |
| // to 1.0 (fully opaque) will be clamped to this range. |
| $$ = ClampToRange(0.0f, 1.0f, $1); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Distance units. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#lengths |
| length: |
| number { |
| if ($1 != 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError( |
| @1, "non-zero length is not allowed without unit identifier"); |
| } |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue(0, cssom::kPixelsUnit)); |
| } |
| | absolute_or_relative_length { $$ = $1; } |
| ; |
| |
| absolute_or_relative_length: |
| // Relative lengths. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#relative-lengths |
| maybe_sign_token kFontSizesAkaEmToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue($1 * $2, cssom::kFontSizesAkaEmUnit)); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kRootElementFontSizesAkaRemToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue($1 * $2, |
| cssom::kRootElementFontSizesAkaRemUnit)); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kViewportWidthPercentsAkaVwToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue($1 * $2, |
| cssom::kViewportWidthPercentsAkaVwUnit)); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kViewportHeightPercentsAkaVhToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue($1 * $2, |
| cssom::kViewportHeightPercentsAkaVhUnit)); |
| } |
| // Absolute lengths. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths |
| | maybe_sign_token kPixelsToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LengthValue($1 * $2, cssom::kPixelsUnit)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| positive_length: |
| length { |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::LengthValue> length(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| if (length && length->value() < 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "negative values of length are illegal"); |
| } |
| $$ = AddRef(length.get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Ratio units. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#values |
| ratio: |
| positive_integer '/' maybe_whitespace positive_integer { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RatioValue(math::Rational($1, $4))); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Resolution units. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#resolution0 |
| resolution: |
| maybe_sign_token kDotsPerInchToken maybe_whitespace { |
| float value = $1 * $2; |
| if (value <= 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "resolution value must be positive"); |
| } |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::ResolutionValue(value, cssom::kDPIUnit)); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kDotsPerCentimeterToken maybe_whitespace { |
| float value = $1 * $2; |
| if (value <= 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogError(@1, "resolution value must be positive"); |
| } |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::ResolutionValue(value, cssom::kDPCMUnit)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Angle units (returned synthetic value will always be in radians). |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#angles |
| angle: |
| maybe_sign_token kDegreesToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 * $2 * (2 * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 360.0f); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kGradiansToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 * $2 * (2 * static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 400.0f); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kRadiansToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 * $2; |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kTurnsToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1 * $2 * 2 * static_cast<float>(M_PI); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Time units (used by animations and transitions). |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#time |
| time: |
| number { |
| $$ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( |
| static_cast<int64>($1 * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond)). |
| ToInternalValue(); |
| if ($1 != 0) { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning( |
| @1, "non-zero time is not allowed without unit identifier"); |
| } |
| } |
| | time_with_units_required |
| ; |
| |
| time_with_units_required: |
| maybe_sign_token kSecondsToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( |
| static_cast<int64>($1 * $2 * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond)). |
| ToInternalValue(); |
| } |
| | maybe_sign_token kMillisecondsToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(static_cast<int64>($1 * $2)). |
| ToInternalValue(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| colon: ':' maybe_whitespace ; |
| comma: ',' maybe_whitespace ; |
| |
| // All properties accept the CSS-wide keywords. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#common-keywords |
| common_values: |
| common_values_without_errors |
| | errors { |
| // If a user agent does not support a particular value, it should ignore |
| // that value when parsing style sheets, as if that value was an illegal |
| // value. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#unsupported-values |
| // |
| // User agents must ignore a declaration with an illegal value. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#illegalvalues |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "unsupported value"); |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| common_values_without_errors: |
| kInheritToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetInherit().get()); |
| } |
| | kInitialToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetInitial().get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| color: |
| // Hexadecimal notation. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#numerical |
| kHexToken maybe_whitespace { |
| switch ($1.size()) { |
| // The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted into six-digit |
| // form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits. |
| case 3: { |
| uint32 rgb = ParseHexToken($1); |
| uint32 r = (rgb & 0xf00) >> 8; |
| uint32 g = (rgb & 0x0f0) >> 4; |
| uint32 b = (rgb & 0x00f); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RGBAColorValue((r << 28) | (r << 24) | |
| (g << 20) | (g << 16) | |
| (b << 12) | (b << 8) | |
| 0xff)); |
| break; |
| } |
| case 6: { |
| uint32 rgb = ParseHexToken($1); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RGBAColorValue((rgb << 8) | 0xff)); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| // RGB color model. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#rgb-color |
| | kRGBFunctionToken maybe_whitespace integer comma |
| integer comma integer ')' maybe_whitespace { |
| uint8 r = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $3)); |
| uint8 g = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $5)); |
| uint8 b = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $7)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RGBAColorValue(r, g, b, 0xff)); |
| } |
| // RGB color model with opacity. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#rgba-color |
| | kRGBAFunctionToken maybe_whitespace integer comma integer comma integer |
| comma alpha ')' maybe_whitespace { |
| uint8 r = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $3)); |
| uint8 g = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $5)); |
| uint8 b = static_cast<uint8>(ClampToRange(0, 255, $7)); |
| float a = $9; // Already clamped. |
| $$ = AddRef( |
| new cssom::RGBAColorValue(r, g, b, static_cast<uint8>(a * 0xff))); |
| } |
| | kAquaToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetAqua().get()); |
| } |
| | kBlackToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetBlack().get()); |
| } |
| | kBlueToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetBlue().get()); |
| } |
| | kFuchsiaToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetFuchsia().get()); |
| } |
| | kGrayToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetGray().get()); |
| } |
| | kGreenToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetGreen().get()); |
| } |
| | kLimeToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetLime().get()); |
| } |
| | kMaroonToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetMaroon().get()); |
| } |
| | kNavyToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetNavy().get()); |
| } |
| | kOliveToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetOlive().get()); |
| } |
| | kPurpleToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetPurple().get()); |
| } |
| | kRedToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetRed().get()); |
| } |
| | kSilverToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetSilver().get()); |
| } |
| | kTealToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetTeal().get()); |
| } |
| | kTransparentToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetTransparent().get()); |
| } |
| | kWhiteToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetWhite().get()); |
| } |
| | kYellowToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::RGBAColorValue::GetYellow().get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| url: |
| kUriToken ')' maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::URLValue($1.ToString())); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| // Property values. |
| // ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:. |
| |
| length_percent_property_value: |
| length { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| | percentage { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| positive_length_percent_property_value: |
| positive_length { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| | positive_percentage { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| background_property_element: |
| color { |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::PropertyValue> color(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| if (!$<background_shorthand_layer>0->background_color) { |
| $<background_shorthand_layer>0->background_color = color; |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogError( |
| @1, "background-color value declared twice in background."); |
| $<background_shorthand_layer>0->error = true; |
| } |
| } |
| | background_image_property_list_element { |
| scoped_refptr<cssom::PropertyValue> image(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| if (!$<background_shorthand_layer>0->background_image) { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> |
| background_image_builder(new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| background_image_builder->reserve(1); |
| background_image_builder->push_back(image); |
| $<background_shorthand_layer>0->background_image = |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue(background_image_builder.Pass()); |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogError( |
| @1, "background-image value declared twice in background."); |
| $<background_shorthand_layer>0->error = true; |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| maybe_background_size_property_value: |
| /* empty */ { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| | '/' maybe_whitespace background_size_property_value_without_common_values { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| background_position_and_size_shorthand_property_value: |
| validated_position_property |
| maybe_background_size_property_value { |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> shorthand_layer( |
| new BackgroundShorthandLayer()); |
| |
| shorthand_layer->background_position = MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1); |
| if ($2) { |
| shorthand_layer->background_size = MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2); |
| } |
| |
| $$ = shorthand_layer.release(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| background_repeat_shorthand_property_value: |
| background_repeat_property_value_without_common_values { |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> shorthand_layer( |
| new BackgroundShorthandLayer()); |
| shorthand_layer->background_repeat = MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1); |
| $$ = shorthand_layer.release(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| |
| // 'background-size' property should follow with 'background-position' property |
| // and a '/'. |
| background_position_and_repeat_combination: |
| background_position_and_size_shorthand_property_value |
| | background_repeat_shorthand_property_value |
| | background_position_and_size_shorthand_property_value |
| background_repeat_shorthand_property_value { |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> shorthand_layer($1); |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> non_overlapped($2); |
| shorthand_layer->IntegrateNonOverlapped(*non_overlapped); |
| $$ = shorthand_layer.release(); |
| } |
| | background_repeat_shorthand_property_value |
| background_position_and_size_shorthand_property_value { |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> shorthand_layer($1); |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> non_overlapped($2); |
| shorthand_layer->IntegrateNonOverlapped(*non_overlapped); |
| $$ = shorthand_layer.release(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| final_background_layer_without_position_and_repeat: |
| /* empty */ { |
| // Initialize the background shorthand which is to be filled in by |
| // subsequent reductions. |
| $$ = new BackgroundShorthandLayer(); |
| } |
| | final_background_layer background_property_element { |
| // Propagate the return value from the reduced list. |
| // Appending of the new background_property_element to the list is done |
| // within background_property_element's reduction. |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Only the final background layer is allowed to set the background color. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#ltfinal-bg-layergt |
| final_background_layer: |
| /* empty */ { |
| // Initialize the background shorthand which is to be filled in by |
| // subsequent reductions. |
| $$ = new BackgroundShorthandLayer(); |
| } |
| | final_background_layer_without_position_and_repeat |
| background_position_and_repeat_combination { |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> shorthand($1); |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> background_values($2); |
| if (!shorthand->IsBackgroundPropertyOverlapped(*background_values.get())) { |
| shorthand->IntegrateNonOverlapped(*background_values.get()); |
| $$ = shorthand.release(); |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogError( |
| @1, "background-position or background-repeat declared twice in " |
| "background."); |
| $$ = new BackgroundShorthandLayer(); |
| $$->error = true; |
| } |
| } |
| | final_background_layer background_property_element { |
| // Propagate the return value from the reduced list. |
| // Appending of the new background_property_element to the list is done |
| // within background_property_element's reduction. |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Shorthand property for setting most background properties at the same place. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background |
| background_property_value: |
| final_background_layer |
| | common_values { |
| // Replicate the common value into each of the properties that background |
| // is a shorthand for. |
| scoped_ptr<BackgroundShorthandLayer> background( |
| new BackgroundShorthandLayer()); |
| background->background_color = $1; |
| background->background_image = $1; |
| background->background_repeat = $1; |
| background->background_position = $1; |
| background->background_size = $1; |
| $$ = background.release(); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Background color of an element drawn behind any background images. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background-color |
| background_color_property_value: |
| color { $$ = $1; } |
| | common_values |
| ; |
| |
| color_stop: |
| color { |
| $$ = new cssom::ColorStop(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| } |
| | color length_percent_property_value { |
| $$ = new cssom::ColorStop(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1), |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Only 2 or more color stops can make a valid color stop list. |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list: |
| color_stop comma color_stop { |
| $$ = new cssom::ColorStopList(); |
| $$->push_back($1); |
| $$->push_back($3); |
| } |
| | comma_separated_color_stop_list comma color_stop { |
| $$ = $1; |
| $$->push_back($3); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| side: |
| kBottomToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottom; |
| } |
| | kLeftToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kLeft; |
| } |
| | kRightToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kRight; |
| } |
| | kTopToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTop; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| side_or_corner: |
| side |
| | side side { |
| if ($1 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottom) { |
| if($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kLeft) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottomLeft; |
| } else if ($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kRight) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottomRight; |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "Illegal corner value."); |
| } |
| } else if ($1 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kLeft) { |
| if($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottom) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottomLeft; |
| } else if ($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTop) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTopLeft; |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "Illegal corner value."); |
| } |
| } else if ($1 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kRight) { |
| if($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottom) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottomRight; |
| } else if ($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTop) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTopRight; |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "Illegal corner value."); |
| } |
| } else if ($1 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTop) { |
| if($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kLeft) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTopLeft; |
| } else if ($2 == cssom::LinearGradientValue::kRight) { |
| $$ = cssom::LinearGradientValue::kTopRight; |
| } else { |
| parser_impl->LogWarning(@1, "Illegal corner value."); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| linear_gradient_params: |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($1); |
| // If the first argument to the linear gradient function is omitted, it |
| // defaults to 'to bottom'. |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LinearGradientValue( |
| cssom::LinearGradientValue::kBottom, color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | angle comma comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($3); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LinearGradientValue($1, color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | kToToken kWhitespaceToken maybe_whitespace side_or_corner comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($6); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::LinearGradientValue($4, color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| size_keyword: |
| kClosestSideToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::RadialGradientValue::kClosestSide; |
| } |
| | kFarthestSideToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestSide; |
| } |
| | kClosestCornerToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::RadialGradientValue::kClosestCorner; |
| } |
| | kFarthestCornerToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestCorner; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| circle_with_size_keyword: |
| kCircleToken maybe_whitespace size_keyword { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| | size_keyword kCircleToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // If <shape> is specified as 'circle' or is omitted, the <size> may be |
| // given explicitly as a single <length> which gives the radius of the |
| // circle explicitly. Negative values are invalid. |
| circle_with_positive_length: |
| positive_length { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(1); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| | positive_length kCircleToken maybe_whitespace { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(1); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| | kCircleToken maybe_whitespace positive_length { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(1); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| maybe_ellipse_with_size_keyword: |
| kEllipseToken maybe_whitespace size_keyword { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| | size_keyword kEllipseToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| | size_keyword { |
| // If only a size keyword is specified, the ending shape defaults to an |
| // ellipse. |
| $$ = $1; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // If <shape> is specified as 'ellipse' or is omitted, the <size> may be |
| // given explicitly as [<length> | <percentage>]{2} which gives the size of |
| // the ellipse explicitly. Negative values are invalid. |
| ellipse_with_2_positive_length_percents: |
| positive_length_percent_property_value |
| positive_length_percent_property_value { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(2); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| | positive_length_percent_property_value |
| positive_length_percent_property_value kEllipseToken maybe_whitespace { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(2); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| | kEllipseToken maybe_whitespace positive_length_percent_property_value |
| positive_length_percent_property_value { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value( |
| new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder()); |
| property_value->reserve(2); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3)); |
| property_value->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($4)); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| at_position: |
| kAtToken maybe_whitespace validated_position_property { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| maybe_at_position: |
| /* empty */ { |
| $$ = NULL; |
| } |
| | at_position |
| ; |
| |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-images/#radial-gradients |
| radial_gradient_params: |
| circle_with_positive_length maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($4); |
| $$ = AddRef( |
| new cssom::RadialGradientValue(cssom::RadialGradientValue::kCircle, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1), |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | ellipse_with_2_positive_length_percents maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($4); |
| $$ = AddRef( |
| new cssom::RadialGradientValue(cssom::RadialGradientValue::kEllipse, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1), |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | circle_with_size_keyword maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($4); |
| $$ = AddRef( |
| new cssom::RadialGradientValue(cssom::RadialGradientValue::kCircle, |
| $1, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | maybe_ellipse_with_size_keyword maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($4); |
| $$ = AddRef( |
| new cssom::RadialGradientValue(cssom::RadialGradientValue::kEllipse, |
| $1, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($2), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | kCircleToken maybe_whitespace maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($5); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RadialGradientValue( |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kCircle, |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestCorner, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | kEllipseToken maybe_whitespace maybe_at_position comma |
| comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($5); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RadialGradientValue( |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kEllipse, |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestCorner, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | at_position comma comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| // If no size or shape is specified, the ending shape defaults to an ellipse |
| // and the size defaults to 'farthest-corner'. |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($3); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RadialGradientValue( |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kEllipse, |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestCorner, |
| MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1), |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| | comma_separated_color_stop_list { |
| // If position is omitted as well, it defaults to 'center', indicated by |
| // passing in NULL. |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::ColorStopList> color_stop_list($1); |
| $$ = AddRef(new cssom::RadialGradientValue( |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kEllipse, |
| cssom::RadialGradientValue::kFarthestCorner, |
| NULL, |
| color_stop_list->Pass())); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| background_image_property_list_element: |
| url { $$ = $1; } |
| | kLinearGradientFunctionToken maybe_whitespace linear_gradient_params ')' { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| | kRadialGradientFunctionToken maybe_whitespace radial_gradient_params ')' { |
| $$ = $3; |
| } |
| | kNoneToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetNone().get()); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| comma_separated_background_image_list: |
| background_image_property_list_element { |
| $$ = new cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder(); |
| $$->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($1)); |
| } |
| | comma_separated_background_image_list comma |
| background_image_property_list_element { |
| $$ = $1; |
| $$->push_back(MakeScopedRefPtrAndRelease($3)); |
| } |
| ; |
| |
| // Images are drawn with the first specified one on top (closest to the user) |
| // and each subsequent image behind the previous one. |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background-image |
| background_image_property_value: |
| comma_separated_background_image_list { |
| scoped_ptr<cssom::PropertyListValue::Builder> property_value($1); |
| $$ = property_value |
| ? AddRef(new cssom::PropertyListValue(property_value.Pass())) |
| : NULL; |
| } |
| | common_values |
| ; |
| |
| position_list_element: |
| kBottomToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetBottom().get()); |
| } |
| | kCenterToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetCenter().get()); |
| } |
| | kLeftToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetLeft().get()); |
| } |
| | kRightToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetRight().get()); |
| } |
| | kTopToken maybe_whitespace { |
| $$ = AddRef(cssom::KeywordValue::GetTop().get()); |
| } |
| | length_percent_property_value |
| ; |
| |
| position_list: |
| position_list_element { |
| scoped_ptr<PositionParseStructure> position_info( |
| new PositionParseStructure()); |