blob: a45ada4878d6f1169a603b3657413043f20b4c59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Cache.h: Implements a cache for various commonly created objects.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include "compiler/translator/Types.h"
#include "compiler/translator/PoolAlloc.h"
namespace sh
class TCache
static void initialize();
static void destroy();
static const TType *getType(TBasicType basicType, TPrecision precision)
return getType(basicType, precision, EvqTemporary, 1, 1);
static const TType *getType(TBasicType basicType,
unsigned char primarySize = 1,
unsigned char secondarySize = 1)
return getType(basicType, EbpUndefined, EvqGlobal, primarySize, secondarySize);
static const TType *getType(TBasicType basicType,
TQualifier qualifier,
unsigned char primarySize = 1,
unsigned char secondarySize = 1)
return getType(basicType, EbpUndefined, qualifier, primarySize, secondarySize);
static const TType *getType(TBasicType basicType,
TPrecision precision,
TQualifier qualifier,
unsigned char primarySize,
unsigned char secondarySize);
TCache() {}
union TypeKey {
TypeKey(TBasicType basicType,
TPrecision precision,
TQualifier qualifier,
unsigned char primarySize,
unsigned char secondarySize);
typedef uint8_t EnumComponentType;
EnumComponentType basicType;
EnumComponentType precision;
EnumComponentType qualifier;
unsigned char primarySize;
unsigned char secondarySize;
} components;
uint64_t value;
bool operator<(const TypeKey &other) const { return value < other.value; }
typedef std::map<TypeKey, const TType *> TypeMap;
TypeMap mTypes;
TPoolAllocator mAllocator;
static TCache *sCache;
} // namespace sh