blob: 7ff94334ecf3300e9d99dcf44270e7849a314b08 [file] [log] [blame]
NOTE: This file is automatically generated by running clang-tblgen
-gen-diag-docs. Do not edit this file by hand!!
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.. Roles generated by clang-tblgen.
.. role:: error
.. role:: warning
.. role:: remark
.. role:: diagtext
.. role:: placeholder(emphasis)
Diagnostic flags in Clang
.. contents::
This page lists the diagnostic flags currently supported by Clang.
Diagnostic flags
Synonym for `-Wextra`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
The text of this diagnostic is not controlled by Clang.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
The text of this diagnostic is not controlled by Clang.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Controls `-Wall`_, `-Wextra`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'objc\_independent\_class' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'objc\_independent\_class' attribute may be put on Objective-C object pointer type only; attribute is ignored`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'NSObject' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignored`|
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`absolute value function` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`given an argument of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`but has parameter of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`which may cause truncation of value`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`taking the absolute value of` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is suspicious`|
| ||:diagtext:`pointer` || |
| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`function`|| |
| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`array` || |
| |+--------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`taking the absolute value of unsigned type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`has no effect`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`using` |nbsp| |+--------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`absolute value function` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`when argument is of` |nbsp| |+--------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`type`|
| ||:diagtext:`integer` || ||:diagtext:`integer` || |
| |+--------------------------+| |+--------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`floating point`|| ||:diagtext:`floating point`|| |
| |+--------------------------+| |+--------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`complex` || ||:diagtext:`complex` || |
| |+--------------------------+| |+--------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`abstract class is marked '`|+------------------+|:diagtext:`'`|
| ||:diagtext:`final` || |
| |+------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`sealed`|| |
| |+------------------+| |
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initializer for virtual base class` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`of abstract class` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`will never be used`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Controls `-Wpointer-bool-conversion`_, `-Wstring-compare`_, `-Wtautological-pointer-compare`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`taking address of packed member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`of class or structure` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`may result in an unaligned pointer value`|
This diagnostic is an error by default, but the flag ``-Wno-address-of-temporary`` can be used to disable the error.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`taking the address of a temporary object of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Controls `-Wmost`_, `-Wparentheses`_, `-Wswitch`_, `-Wswitch-bool`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`second argument to \_\_builtin\_alloca\_with\_align is supposed to be in bits`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multiple suitable` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`functions for` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`; no 'operator delete' function will be invoked if initialization throws an exception`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'...' in this location creates a C-style varargs function`|+-------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`, not a function parameter pack`||
| |+-------------------------------------------+|
| || ||
| |+-------------------------------------------+|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ambiguous expansion of macro` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`lookup of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`checker plugin '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is not compatible with this version of the analyzer`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++11 requires a parenthesized pack declaration to have a name`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Controls `-Warc-non-pod-memaccess`_, `-Warc-retain-cycles`_, `-Warc-unsafe-retained-assign`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' casts have no effect when not using ARC`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`weak` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`may be accessed multiple times in this` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive`|
| ||:diagtext:`variable` || ||:diagtext:`function`|| |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`property` || ||:diagtext:`method` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`implicit property`|| ||:diagtext:`block` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`instance variable`|| ||:diagtext:`lambda` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+---------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`this` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`call is a pointer to ownership-qualified type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`|
| ||:diagtext:`destination for`|| |
| |+---------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`source of` || |
| |+---------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown`|
Also controls `-Warc-maybe-repeated-use-of-weak`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`weak` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is accessed multiple times in this` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alive`|
| ||:diagtext:`variable` || ||:diagtext:`function`|| |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`property` || ||:diagtext:`method` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`implicit property`|| ||:diagtext:`block` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`instance variable`|| ||:diagtext:`lambda` || |
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`capturing` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`assigning` |nbsp| |+-------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`to a weak` |nbsp| |+--------------------+|:diagtext:`; object will be released after assignment`|
| ||:diagtext:`array literal` || ||:diagtext:`property`|| |
| |+-------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`dictionary literal` || ||:diagtext:`variable`|| |
| |+-------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`numeric literal` || | | |
| |+-------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`boxed expression` || | | |
| |+-------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`<should not happen>`|| | | |
| |+-------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`block literal` || | | |
| |+-------------------------------+| | | |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`assigning retained object to` |nbsp| |+------------------------------+| |nbsp| |+--------------------+|:diagtext:`; object will be released after assignment`|
| ||:diagtext:`weak` || ||:diagtext:`property`|| |
| |+------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`unsafe\_unretained`|| ||:diagtext:`variable`|| |
| |+------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`assigning retained object to unsafe property; object will be released after assignment`|
This diagnostic is an error by default, but the flag ``-Wno-argument-outside-range`` can be used to disable the error.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`argument value` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is outside the valid range \[`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`,` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`:diagtext:`\]`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array index` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is past the end of the array (which contains` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`element`|+-------------+|:diagtext:`)`|
| || || |
| |+-------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`s`|| |
| |+-------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array index` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is before the beginning of the array`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array argument is too small; contains` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`elements, callee requires at least` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'static' has no effect on zero-length arrays`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`the pointer incremented by` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`refers past the end of the array (that contains` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`element`|+-------------+|:diagtext:`)`|
| || || |
| |+-------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`s`|| |
| |+-------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`the pointer decremented by` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`refers before the beginning of the array`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Controls `-Wasm-ignored-qualifier`_, `-Wasm-operand-widths`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ignored` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`qualifier on asm`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`meaningless 'volatile' on asm outside function`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`integer constant not in range of enumerated type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`the argument to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`has side effects that will be discarded`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`@protocol is using a forward protocol declaration of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of '@import' in framework header is discouraged, including this header requires -fmodules`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`misaligned or large atomic operation may incur significant performance penalty`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`memory order argument to atomic operation is invalid`|
Controls `-Wcustom-atomic-properties`_, `-Wimplicit-atomic-properties`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`writable atomic property` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot pair a synthesized` |nbsp| |+------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`with a user defined` |nbsp| |+------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`getter`|| ||:diagtext:`getter`||
| |+------------------+| |+------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`setter`|| ||:diagtext:`setter`||
| |+------------------+| |+------------------+|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'packed' attribute was ignored on bit-fields with single-byte alignment in older versions of GCC and Clang`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Controls `-Wignored-attributes`_, `-Wunknown-attributes`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicitly disabling vptr sanitizer because rtti wasn't enabled`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`treating #`|+-------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`as an import of module '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
| ||:diagtext:`include` || |
| |+-------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`import` || |
| |+-------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`include\_next` || |
| |+-------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`\_\_include\_macros`|| |
| |+-------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'auto' storage class specifier is not permitted in C++11, and will not be supported in future releases`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'auto' deduced as 'id' in declaration of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'unavailable' availability overrides all other availability information`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ignoring availability attribute` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`on '+load' method` ||
| |+--------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`with constructor attribute`||
| |+--------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`with destructor attribute` ||
| |+--------------------------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unknown platform` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in availability macro`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`feature cannot be` |nbsp| |+----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`version` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`before it was` |nbsp| |+----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in version` |nbsp| :placeholder:`E`:diagtext:`; attribute ignored`|
| ||:diagtext:`introduced`|| ||:diagtext:`introduced`|| |
| |+----------------------+| |+----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`deprecated`|| ||:diagtext:`deprecated`|| |
| |+----------------------+| |+----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`obsoleted` || ||:diagtext:`obsoleted` || |
| |+----------------------+| |+----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use same version number separators '\_' or '.'; as in 'major\[.minor\[.subminor\]\]'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`availability does not match previous declaration`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+------------------------------+|:diagtext:`method` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------+| |nbsp| |+---------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`on` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`(`:placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`vs.` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D`:diagtext:`)`|
| || || ||:diagtext:`introduced after` || ||:diagtext:`the protocol method it implements`|| |
| |+------------------------------+| |+-----------------------------+| |+---------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`overriding` |nbsp| || ||:diagtext:`deprecated before`|| ||:diagtext:`overridden method` || |
| |+------------------------------+| |+-----------------------------+| |+---------------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||:diagtext:`obsoleted before` || | | |
| | | |+-----------------------------+| | | |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+------------------------------+|:diagtext:`method cannot be unavailable on` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`when` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is available`|
| || || ||:diagtext:`the protocol method it implements`|| |
| |+------------------------------+| |+---------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`overriding` |nbsp| || ||:diagtext:`its overridden method` || |
| |+------------------------------+| |+---------------------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
The text of this diagnostic is not controlled by Clang.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`backslash and newline separated by space`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast from function call of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to non-matching type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
Controls `-Wc++14-binary-literal`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat-binary-literal`_, `-Wgnu-binary-literal`_.
Also controls `-Wc++98-compat-bind-to-temporary-copy`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`when binding a reference to a temporary; was` |nbsp| |+---------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`private` ||
| |+---------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`protected`||
| |+---------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`no viable constructor` |nbsp| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary`|
| ||:diagtext:`copying variable` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`copying parameter` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`returning object` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing statement expression result`|| |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`throwing object` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`copying member subobject` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`copying array element` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`allocating object` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`copying temporary` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing base subobject` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing vector element` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`capturing value` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++17 does not permit structured binding declaration in a condition`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit truncation from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to bit-field changes value from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bit-field` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is not wide enough to store all enumerators of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`signed bit-field` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`needs an extra bit to represent the largest positive enumerators of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`assigning value of signed enum type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to unsigned bit-field` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`; negative enumerators of enum` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`will be converted to positive values`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`width of anonymous bit-field (`:placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bits) exceeds width of its type; value will be truncated to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bit`|+-------------+|
| || ||
| |+-------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`s`||
| |+-------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`width of bit-field` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`(`:placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bits) exceeds the width of its type; value will be truncated to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bit`|+-------------+|
| || ||
| |+-------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`s`||
| |+-------------+|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' within '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`block captures an autoreleasing out-parameter, which may result in use-after-free bugs`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wpointer-bool-conversion`_, `-Wundefined-bool-conversion`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initialization of pointer of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to null from a constant boolean expression`|
Synonym for `-Wbool-conversion`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`braces around scalar initializer`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bridges to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`, not` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot bridge to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`redefining builtin macro`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`undefining builtin macro`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`will always overflow destination buffer`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration of built-in function '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' requires inclusion of the header <`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`>`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+-------------------------+|+------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`has size 0 in C,` |nbsp| |+-------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C++`|
| || |||:diagtext:`struct`|| ||:diagtext:`size 1` || |
| |+-------------------------+|+------------------+| |+-------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`empty` |nbsp| |||:diagtext:`union` || ||:diagtext:`non-zero size`|| |
| |+-------------------------+|+------------------+| |+-------------------------+| |
Synonym for `-Wc++11-compat`_.
Synonym for `-Wc++11-extensions`_.
Synonym for `-Wc++11-narrowing`_.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wc++11-compat-deprecated-writable-strings`_, `-Wc++11-compat-reserved-user-defined-literal`_, `-Wc++11-narrowing`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long' and is subject to undefined behavior under C++98, interpreting as 'unsigned long'; this literal will` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C++11 onwards`|
| ||:diagtext:`have type 'long long'`|| |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`be ill-formed` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`identifier after literal will be treated as a user-defined literal suffix in C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is a keyword in C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of right-shift operator ('>>') in template argument will require parentheses in C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit instantiation of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`must occur at global scope`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit instantiation of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`not in a namespace enclosing` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit instantiation of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`must occur in namespace` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C++98; this literal will` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C++11 onwards`|
| ||:diagtext:`have type 'long long'`|| |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`be ill-formed` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`conversion from string literal to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is deprecated`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Controls `-Wc++11-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat-pedantic`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`identifier after literal will be treated as a reserved user-defined literal suffix in C++11`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wc++11-extra-semi`_, `-Wc++11-inline-namespace`_, `-Wc++11-long-long`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`alias declarations are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion from array size expression of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++11 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`integral` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`enumeration`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`function definitions are a C++11 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`defaulted`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`deleted` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`befriending enumeration type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`extern templates are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`range-based for loop is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`generalized initializer lists are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of enumeration in a nested name specifier is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-class friend type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in-class initialization of non-static data member is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' keyword is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`reference qualifiers on functions are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`rvalue references are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`scoped enumerations are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`static data member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in union is a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-type template argument referring to` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`with internal linkage is a C++11 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`function`|| |
| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`object` || |
| |+--------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'template' keyword outside of a template`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'typename' occurs outside of a template`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify '`|+---------------------+|:diagtext:`' to befriend` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
| ||:diagtext:`struct` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`interface`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`union` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`class` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`enum` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variadic templates are a C++11 extension`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`extra ';' outside of a function is a C++11 extension`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`inline namespaces are a C++11 feature`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'long long' is a C++11 extension`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------------+| |nbsp| |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`case value` || ||+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||
| |+--------------------------------------+| |||:diagtext:`cannot be narrowed from type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D`| ||
| ||:diagtext:`enumerator value` || ||+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ||
| |+--------------------------------------+| |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`non-type template argument`|| ||+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+||
| |+--------------------------------------+| |||:diagtext:`evaluates to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`:diagtext:`, which cannot be narrowed to type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D`|||
| ||:diagtext:`array size` || ||+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+||
| |+--------------------------------------+| |+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`constexpr if condition` || | |
| |+--------------------------------------+| | |
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constant expression evaluates to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`which cannot be narrowed to type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot be narrowed to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in initializer list`|
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in initializer list`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constant expression evaluates to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`which cannot be narrowed to type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot be narrowed to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in initializer list in C++11`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in initializer list in C++11`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`binary integer literals are a C++14 extension`|
Controls `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat`_.
Controls `-Wc++14-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat-pedantic`_.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wc++14-binary-literal`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of this statement in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++14 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++14 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable declaration in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++14 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`type definition in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C++14 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of the` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attribute is a C++14 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'decltype(auto)' type specifier is a C++14 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initialized lambda captures are a C++14 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable templates are a C++14 extension`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Controls `-Wc++17-compat-mangling`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat`_, `-Wdeprecated-increment-bool`_, `-Wdeprecated-register`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`mangled name of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`will change in C++17 due to non-throwing exception specification in function signature`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Controls `-Wc++17-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat-pedantic`_.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++ standards before C++17 do not allow new expression for type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to use list-initialization`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constexpr if is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'constexpr' on lambda expressions is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of the` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attribute is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`decomposition declarations are a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`pack fold expression is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'begin' and 'end' returning different types (`:placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`and` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`) is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`hexadecimal floating literals are a C++17 feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+------------------+|:diagtext:`' initialization statements are a C++17 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`if` || |
| |+------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`switch`|| |
| |+------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`inline variables are a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`nested namespace definition is a C++17 extension; define each namespace separately`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attributes on` |nbsp| |+-------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration are a C++17 extension`|
| ||:diagtext:`a namespace` || |
| |+-------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`an enumerator`|| |
| |+-------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`capture of '\*this' by copy is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`static\_assert with no message is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`template template parameter using 'typename' is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default scope specifier for attributes is a C++17 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`pack expansion of using declaration is a C++17 extension`|
Synonym for `-Wc++14-extensions`_.
Synonym for `-Wc++17-compat`_.
Synonym for `-Wc++17-compat-mangling`_.
Synonym for `-Wc++17-extensions`_.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'<=>' is a single token in C++2a; add a space to avoid a change in behavior`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is a keyword in C++2a`|
Synonym for `-Wc++2a-compat`_.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default member initializer for bit-field is a C++2a extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is a C++2a extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is a C++2a extension`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default member initializer for bit-field is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'<=>' operator is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'char8\_t' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20`|
Also controls `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is incompatible with C++ standards before C++2a`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constexpr if is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constexpr on lambda expressions is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`decomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`pack fold expression is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`initialization statements are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
| ||:diagtext:`if` || |
| |+------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`switch`|| |
| |+------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`nested namespace definition is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`by value capture of '\*this' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`static\_assert with no message is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-type template parameters declared with` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`template template parameter using 'typename' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unicode literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default scope specifier for attributes is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of multiple declarators in a single using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`pack expansion using declaration is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'begin' and 'end' returning different types (`:placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`and` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
Also controls `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attributes on` |nbsp| |+-------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
| ||:diagtext:`a namespace` || |
| |+-------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`an enumerator`|| |
| |+-------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`hexadecimal floating literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of this statement in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable declaration in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`type definition in a constexpr` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'decltype(auto)' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`digit separators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`binary integer literals are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14`|
Controls `-Wc++98-c++11-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat-binary-literal`_.
Also controls `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat`_, `-Wc++98-compat-local-type-template-args`_, `-Wc++98-compat-unnamed-type-template-args`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`alias declarations are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'alignas' is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`C++11 attribute syntax is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`function definitions are incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`defaulted`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`deleted` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`befriending enumeration type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`jump from this indirect goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initialization of initializer\_list object is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '\[') followed by ':' in C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`literal operators are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`universal character name referring to a control character is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`specifying character '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' with a universal character name is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of non-static data member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-class friend type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+----------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`with a non-trivial` |nbsp| |+------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`anonymous struct`|| ||:diagtext:`default constructor` || |
| |+----------------------------+| |+------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`union` || ||:diagtext:`copy constructor` || |
| |+----------------------------+| |+------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||:diagtext:`move constructor` || |
| | | |+------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||:diagtext:`copy assignment operator`|| |
| | | |+------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||:diagtext:`move assignment operator`|| |
| | | |+------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||:diagtext:`destructor` || |
| | | |+------------------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' keyword is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`passing object of trivial but non-POD type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`through variadic` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`function` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`block` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`method` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`raw string literals are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`rvalue references are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`static\_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`static data member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`in union is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-type template argument referring to` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`function`|| |
| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`object` || |
| |+--------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`trailing return types are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >')`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`befriending` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`without '`|+---------------------+|:diagtext:`' keyword is incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`struct` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`interface`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`union` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`class` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`enum` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`using this character in an identifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unicode literals are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' type specifier is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variadic templates are incompatible with C++98`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`when binding a reference to a temporary would` |nbsp| |+----------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`copying variable` || ||:diagtext:`invoke an inaccessible constructor`|| |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |+----------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`copying parameter` || ||:diagtext:`find no viable constructor` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |+----------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`returning object` || ||:diagtext:`find ambiguous constructors` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |+----------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing statement expression result`|| ||:diagtext:`invoke a deleted constructor` || |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| |+----------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`throwing object` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`copying member subobject` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`copying array element` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`allocating object` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`copying temporary` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing base subobject` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`initializing vector element` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||:diagtext:`capturing value` || | | |
| |+----------------------------------------------------+| | | |
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`local type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`as template argument is incompatible with C++98`|
Also controls `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-c++17-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-c++14-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-c++11-compat-pedantic`_, `-Wc++98-compat`_, `-Wc++98-compat-bind-to-temporary-copy`_, `-Wc++98-compat-extra-semi`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion from array size expression of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C++98`|
| ||:diagtext:`integral` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`enumeration`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`empty macro arguments are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`extern templates are incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'long long' is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`C++98 requires newline at end of file`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`#line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variadic macros are incompatible with C++98`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`anonymous unions are a C11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a C11-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`anonymous structs are a C11 extension`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`generic selections are a C11-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`\_Noreturn functions are a C11-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`\_Static\_assert is a C11-specific feature`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is incompatible with C99`|
| ||:diagtext:`using this character in an identifier` || |
| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`starting an identifier with this character`|| |
| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unicode literals are incompatible with C99`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`integer literal is too large to be represented in type 'long', interpreting as 'unsigned long' per C89; this literal will` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`in C99 onwards`|
| ||:diagtext:`have type 'long long'`|| |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`be ill-formed` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initializer for aggregate is not a compile-time constant`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------+|:diagtext:`array size` |nbsp| |+---------------------+|:diagtext:`is a C99 feature`|
| ||:diagtext:`qualifier in` |nbsp| || || || |
| |+--------------------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`static` |nbsp| || || || |
| |+--------------------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| || || ||:diagtext:`'\[\*\] '`|| |
| |+--------------------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`compound literals are a C99-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`flexible array members are a C99 feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable declaration in for loop is a C99-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`designated initializers are a C99 feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`empty macro arguments are a C99 feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`commas at the end of enumerator lists are a C99-specific feature`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`hexadecimal floating constants are a C99 feature`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`increases required alignment from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast between incompatible calling conventions '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' and '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'; calls through this pointer may abort at runtime`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is deprecated; use sel\_getName instead`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`drops` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`const and volatile qualifiers`||
| |+-----------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`const qualifier` ||
| |+-----------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`volatile qualifier` ||
| |+-----------------------------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cast from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`must have all intermediate pointers const qualified to be safe`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++ does not allow` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`because it casts away qualifiers, even though the source and destination types are unrelated`|
| ||:diagtext:`const\_cast` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`static\_cast` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`reinterpret\_cast` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`dynamic\_cast` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`C-style cast` || |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`functional-style cast`|| |
| |+---------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array section` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`is of type 'char'`|
| ||:diagtext:`lower bound`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`length` || |
| |+-----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array subscript is of type 'char'`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`support for '/Yc' with more than one source file not implemented yet; flag ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`support for '/Yc' and '/Yu' with different filenames not implemented yet; flags ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`support for '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' without a filename not implemented yet; flag ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`support for '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' without a corresponding /FI flag not implemented yet; flag ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`definition of macro` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`does not match definition in precompiled header`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wnon-pod-varargs`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`passing object of class type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`through variadic` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+|+--------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`function` ||| ||
| |+-----------------------+|+--------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`block` |||+------------------------------------------------------------------+||
| |+-----------------------+|||:diagtext:`; did you mean to call '`:placeholder:`D`:diagtext:`'?`|||
| ||:diagtext:`method` |||+------------------------------------------------------------------+||
| |+-----------------------+|+--------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`constructor`|| |
| |+-----------------------+| |
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`possible misuse of comma operator here`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`escaped newline between \*/ characters at block comment end`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`// comments are not allowed in this language`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multi-line // comment`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'/\*' within block comment`|
Synonym for `-Wcomment`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`comparison of distinct pointer types`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extension`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`variable` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`may be uninitialized when` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`used here` ||
| |+-----------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`captured by block`||
| |+-----------------------------+|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`of configuration macro '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' has no effect on the import of '`:placeholder:`C`:diagtext:`'; pass '`|+------------------------------------------------+|:diagtext:`' on the command line to configure the module`|
| ||:diagtext:`definition`|| ||+----------------------------------------------+|| |
| |+----------------------+| |||:diagtext:`-D`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`=...`||| |
| ||:diagtext:`#undef` || ||+----------------------------------------------+|| |
| |+----------------------+| |+------------------------------------------------+| |
| | | ||+------------------------------+ || |
| | | |||:diagtext:`-U`:placeholder:`B`| || |
| | | ||+------------------------------+ || |
| | | |+------------------------------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wbitfield-constant-conversion`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D` |nbsp| :diagtext:`changes value from` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of logical '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' with constant operand`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'constexpr' non-static member function will not be implicitly 'const' in C++14; add 'const' to avoid a change in behavior`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`consumed analysis attribute is attached to member of class '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' which isn't marked as consumable`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`state of variable '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' must match at the entry and exit of loop`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`parameter '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' not in expected state when the function returns: expected '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`', observed '`:placeholder:`C`:diagtext:`'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`argument not in expected state; expected '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`', observed '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`return state set for an unconsumable type '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`return value not in expected state; expected '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`', observed '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`invalid invocation of method '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' on object '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' while it is in the '`:placeholder:`C`:diagtext:`' state`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`invalid invocation of method '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' on a temporary object while it is in the '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' state`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wbitfield-enum-conversion`_, `-Wbool-conversion`_, `-Wconstant-conversion`_, `-Wenum-conversion`_, `-Wfloat-conversion`_, `-Wint-conversion`_, `-Wliteral-conversion`_, `-Wnon-literal-null-conversion`_, `-Wnull-conversion`_, `-Wobjc-literal-conversion`_, `-Wshorten-64-to-32`_, `-Wsign-conversion`_, `-Wstring-conversion`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion discards imaginary component:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion loses floating-point precision:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion when assigning computation result loses floating-point precision:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion loses integer precision:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion turns vector to scalar:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-type template argument with value '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' converted to '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' for unsigned template parameter of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`non-type template argument value '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' truncated to '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' for template parameter of type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`C`|
Synonym for `-Wnull-conversion`_.
Synonym for `-Wcoroutine-missing-unhandled-exception`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is required to declare the member 'unhandled\_exception()' when exceptions are enabled`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`default label in switch which covers all enumeration values`|
Synonym for `-W#warnings`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`using` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`directive in` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`which is being passed as a formatting argument to the formatting` |nbsp| |+----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`NSString`|| ||:diagtext:`method` ||
| |+--------------------+| |+----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`CFString`|| ||:diagtext:`CFfunction`||
| |+--------------------+| |+----------------------+|
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attribute parameter` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is negative and will be ignored`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`nvcc does not allow '\_\_`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`\_\_' to appear after '()' in lambdas`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ignored 'inline' attribute on kernel function` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`kernel function` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is a member function; this may not be accepted by nvcc`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`argument to '#pragma unroll' should not be in parentheses in CUDA C/C++`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`atomic by default property` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`has a user defined` |nbsp| |+------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`(property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended)`|
| ||:diagtext:`getter`|| |
| |+------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`setter`|| |
| |+------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wdangling-field`_, `-Wdangling-initializer-list`_, `-Wreturn-stack-address`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| |+--------------------------+|:diagtext:`will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression`|
| ||+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+|| ||+------------------------+|| |
| |||:diagtext:`temporary` |nbsp| |+-------------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| |+----------------------------------------------------------------------+||| |||:placeholder:`D` |nbsp| ||| |
| ||| ||:diagtext:`whose address is used as value of` || ||+-------------------------------+------------------------------------+|||| ||+------------------------+|| |
| ||| |+-------------------------------------------------------+| |||+-----------------------------+|:diagtext:`member of local variable`||||| |+--------------------------+| |
| ||| ||+--------------------------------+--------------------+|| |||| || ||||| || || |
| ||| |||+------------------------------+|:diagtext:`bound to`||| |||+-----------------------------+| ||||| |+--------------------------+| |
| ||| |||| || ||| ||||:diagtext:`reference` |nbsp| || ||||| | | |
| ||| |||+------------------------------+| ||| |||+-----------------------------+| ||||| | | |
| ||| ||||:diagtext:`implicitly` |nbsp| || ||| ||+-------------------------------+------------------------------------+|||| | | |
| ||| |||+------------------------------+| ||| |+----------------------------------------------------------------------+||| | | |
| ||| ||+--------------------------------+--------------------+|| ||+-------------------------+-----------------------+ |||| | | |
| ||| |+-------------------------------------------------------+| |||:diagtext:`local` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |||| | | |
| ||| | | ||| ||:diagtext:`variable` || |||| | | |
| ||| | | ||| |+---------------------+| |||| | | |
| ||| | | ||| ||:diagtext:`reference`|| |||| | | |
| ||| | | ||| |+---------------------+| |||| | | |
| ||| | | ||+-------------------------+-----------------------+ |||| | | |
| ||| | | |+----------------------------------------------------------------------+||| | | |
| ||+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+|| | | |
| |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | | |
| ||+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ || | | |
| |||:diagtext:`array backing` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------------------------------+| || | | |
| ||| ||:diagtext:`initializer list subobject of local variable`|| || | | |
| ||| |+--------------------------------------------------------+| || | | |
| ||| ||:diagtext:`local initializer list` || || | | |
| ||| |+--------------------------------------------------------+| || | | |
| ||+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ || | | |
| |+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | | |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`sorry, lifetime extension of` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`created by aggregate initialization using default member initializer is not supported; lifetime of` |nbsp| |+-------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`will end at the end of the full-expression`|
| ||:diagtext:`temporary` || ||:diagtext:`temporary` || |
| |+---------------------------------------------+| |+-------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`backing array of initializer list`|| ||:diagtext:`backing array`|| |
| |+---------------------------------------------+| |+-------------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`add explicit braces to avoid dangling else`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`binding reference member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to stack allocated` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
| ||:diagtext:`variable` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`parameter`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| |+--------------------------------+|:diagtext:`member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| |+--------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`a temporary object whose lifetime is shorter than the lifetime of the constructed object`|
| ||:diagtext:`reference` || || || ||:diagtext:`binds to`|| |
| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |+--------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`backing array for 'std::initializer\_list'`|| ||:diagtext:`subobject of` |nbsp| || ||:diagtext:`is` || |
| |+------------------------------------------------------+| |+--------------------------------+| |+--------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`initializing pointer member` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`with the stack address of` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
| ||:diagtext:`variable` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`parameter`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`temporary bound to reference member of allocated object will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`array backing` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression`|
| ||:diagtext:`initializer list subobject of the allocated object`|| |
| |+--------------------------------------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`the allocated initializer list` || |
| |+--------------------------------------------------------------+| |
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`expansion of date or time macro is not reproducible`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`-dealloc is being overridden in a category`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot compress debug sections (zlib not installed)`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code`|
This diagnostic is an error by default, but the flag ``-Wno-delegating-ctor-cycles`` can be used to disable the error.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`constructor for` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`creates a delegation cycle`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`cannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`deleting pointer to incomplete type` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`may cause undefined behavior`|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`called on` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor`|
| ||:diagtext:`delete` || |
| |+----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`destructor`|| |
| |+----------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+----------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`called on non-final` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor`|
| ||:diagtext:`delete` || |
| |+----------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`destructor`|| |
| |+----------------------+| |
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wdeprecated-attributes`_, `-Wdeprecated-declarations`_, `-Wdeprecated-dynamic-exception-spec`_, `-Wdeprecated-increment-bool`_, `-Wdeprecated-register`_, `-Wdeprecated-this-capture`_, `-Wdeprecated-writable-strings`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`-O4 is equivalent to -O3`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`access declarations are deprecated; use using declarations instead`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`definition of implicit copy` |nbsp| |+-------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`for` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is deprecated because it has a user-declared` |nbsp| |+------------------------------------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`constructor` || ||+------------------------+---------------------------------+||
| |+-------------------------------+| |||:diagtext:`copy` |nbsp| |+-------------------------------+|||
| ||:diagtext:`assignment operator`|| ||| ||:diagtext:`assignment operator`||||
| |+-------------------------------+| ||| |+-------------------------------+|||
| | | ||| ||:diagtext:`constructor` ||||
| | | ||| |+-------------------------------+|||
| | | ||+------------------------+---------------------------------+||
| | | |+------------------------------------------------------------+|
| | | ||:diagtext:`destructor` ||
| | | |+------------------------------------------------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`out-of-line definition of constexpr static data member is redundant in C++17 and is deprecated`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`argument '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is deprecated, use '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' instead`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`treating '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' input as '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`OpenCL version` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`does not support the option '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`Use of 'long' with '\_\_vector' is deprecated`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`specifying vector types with the 'mode' attribute is deprecated; use the 'vector\_size' attribute instead`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`specifying 'uuid' as an ATL attribute is deprecated; use \_\_declspec instead`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`use of C-style parameters in Objective-C method declarations is deprecated`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is deprecated`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`may be deprecated because the receiver type is unknown`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is deprecated:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`property access is using` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`method which is deprecated`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`dynamic exception specifications are deprecated`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implementing deprecated` |nbsp| |+--------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`method` ||
| |+--------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`class` ||
| |+--------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`category`||
| |+--------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implementing unavailable method`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++17`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`assignment to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object\_setClass()`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object\_getClass()`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wdeprecated-objc-pointer-introspection-performSelector`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly discouraged`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`bitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly discouraged`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++17`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is deprecated`|
Synonym for `-Wc++11-compat-deprecated-writable-strings`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`instance variable` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is being directly accessed`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`disabled expansion of recursive macro`|
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in implementation of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
Synonym for `-Wdivision-by-zero`_.
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+---------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`by zero is undefined`|
| ||:diagtext:`remainder`|| |
| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`division` || |
| |+---------------------+| |
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`redeclaration of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`should not add` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`attribute`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`explicit instantiation declaration should not be 'dllexport'`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`definition of dllimport static field`|
Also controls `-Wdocumentation-deprecated-sync`_, `-Wdocumentation-html`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|+---------------------+|:diagtext:`' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-`|+---------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|||:diagtext:`class` || ||:diagtext:`class` || |
| |+--------------+|+---------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` |||:diagtext:`interface`|| ||:diagtext:`interface`|| |
| |+--------------+|+---------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`protocol` || ||:diagtext:`protocol` || |
| | |+---------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`struct` || ||:diagtext:`struct` || |
| | |+---------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`union` || ||:diagtext:`union` || |
| | |+---------------------+| |+---------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`duplicated command '`|+--------------+|:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`empty paragraph passed to '`|+--------------+|:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' command`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|+------------------------+|:diagtext:`' command should not be used in a comment attached to a non-container declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|||:diagtext:`classdesign` || |
| |+--------------+|+------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` |||:diagtext:`coclass` || |
| |+--------------+|+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`dependency` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`helper` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`helperclass` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`helps` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`instancesize`|| |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`ownership` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`performance` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`security` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`superclass` || |
| | |+------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|+-------------------------+|:diagtext:`' command should be used in a comment attached to` |nbsp| |+---------------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|||:diagtext:`function` || ||:diagtext:`a function` || |
| |+--------------+|+-------------------------+| |+---------------------------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` |||:diagtext:`functiongroup`|| ||:diagtext:`a function` || |
| |+--------------+|+-------------------------+| |+---------------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`method` || ||:diagtext:`an Objective-C method`|| |
| | |+-------------------------+| |+---------------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`methodgroup` || ||:diagtext:`an Objective-C method`|| |
| | |+-------------------------+| |+---------------------------------+| |
| | ||:diagtext:`callback` || ||:diagtext:`a pointer to function`|| |
| | |+-------------------------+| |+---------------------------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`expected quoted string after equals sign`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`parameter '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is already documented`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unrecognized parameter passing direction, valid directions are '\[in\]', '\[out\]' and '\[in,out\]'`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|:diagtext:`param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`parameter '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' not found in the function declaration`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' command used in a comment that is attached to a` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| ||:diagtext:`function returning void`||
| |+--------------+| |+-----------------------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`@` || ||:diagtext:`constructor` ||
| |+--------------+| |+-----------------------------------+|
| | | ||:diagtext:`destructor` ||
| | | |+-----------------------------------+|
| | | ||:diagtext:`method returning void` ||
| | | |+-----------------------------------+|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function or method declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`template parameter '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is already documented`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|:diagtext:`tparam' command used in a comment that is not attached to a template declaration`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`template parameter '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' not found in the template declaration`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`not a Doxygen trailing comment`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'`|+--------------+|:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`' command does not terminate a verbatim text block`|
| ||:diagtext:`\\`|| |
| |+--------------+| |
| ||:diagtext:`@` || |
| |+--------------+| |
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`declaration is marked with '\\deprecated' command but does not have a deprecation attribute`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`HTML end tag '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' is forbidden`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`HTML end tag does not match any start tag`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`HTML tag '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' requires an end tag`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`HTML start tag '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' closed by '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'`|
Also controls `-Wdocumentation-unknown-command`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unknown command tag name '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`'; did you mean '`:placeholder:`B`:diagtext:`'?`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`unknown command tag name`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`'$' in identifier`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`implicit conversion increases floating-point precision:` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`to` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`duplicate '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' declaration specifier`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multiple identical address spaces specified for type`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`duplicate '`:placeholder:`A`:diagtext:`' declaration specifier`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`element` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`has been implicitly assigned` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`which another element has been assigned`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`redeclaration of method parameter` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`multiple declarations of method` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`found and ignored`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`duplicate protocol definition of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`is ignored`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| |+-----------------------------+| |nbsp| :diagtext:`this` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`call is a pointer to` |nbsp| |+--------------------------------------+|:diagtext:`dynamic class` |nbsp| :placeholder:`D`:diagtext:`; vtable pointer will be` |nbsp| |+-----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`destination for` || || || ||:diagtext:`overwritten`||
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------------------------+| |+-----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`source of` || ||:diagtext:`class containing a` |nbsp| || ||:diagtext:`copied` ||
| |+-----------------------------+| |+--------------------------------------+| |+-----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`first operand of` || | | ||:diagtext:`moved` ||
| |+-----------------------------+| | | |+-----------------------+|
| ||:diagtext:`second operand of`|| | | ||:diagtext:`compared` ||
| |+-----------------------------+| | | |+-----------------------+|
Some of the diagnostics controlled by this flag are enabled by default.
Also controls `-Wdeprecated-dynamic-exception-spec`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:error:`error:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications`|
Synonym for `-Wnon-virtual-dtor`_.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`embedding a directive within macro arguments has undefined behavior`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`for loop has empty body`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`if statement has empty body`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`range-based for loop has empty body`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`switch statement has empty body`|
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`while loop has empty body`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C++17 does not allow a decomposition group to be empty`|
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`ISO C requires a translation unit to contain at least one declaration`|
This diagnostic is enabled by default.
**Diagnostic text:**
|:warning:`warning:` |nbsp| :diagtext:`encoding of` |nbsp| :placeholder:`A` |nbsp| :diagtext:`type is incomplete because` |nbsp| :placeholder:`B` |nbsp| :diagtext:`component has unknown encoding`|