blob: 2a796439cfe4df99a8cb295ddd677e3bf7335f80 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "polly/Support/ISLTools.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace isl {
static bool operator==(const isl::basic_set &A, const isl::basic_set &B) {
return A.is_equal(B);
} // namespace isl
TEST(Support, isl_iterator) {
std::unique_ptr<isl_ctx, decltype(&isl_ctx_free)> RawCtx(isl_ctx_alloc(),
isl::ctx Ctx(RawCtx.get());
isl::basic_set A(
Ctx, "{ [x, y] : 0 <= x <= 5 and y >= 0 and x > 0 and 0 < y <= 5 }");
isl::basic_set B(
Ctx, "{ [x, y] : 0 <= x <= 5 and y >= 0 and x <= 4 and y <= 3 + x }");
isl::set S = A.unite(B);
ASSERT_EQ(S.n_basic_set(), 2);
std::vector<isl::basic_set> Sets;
for (auto BS : S.get_basic_set_list())
EXPECT_THAT(Sets, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(A, B));