blob: 021222abe558b6ff869dd0d92de183d5be6c8d7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ast/ast.h"
#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-writer.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-flags.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register-allocator.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-source-info.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h"
#include "src/interpreter/constant-array-builder.h"
#include "src/interpreter/handler-table-builder.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Isolate;
namespace interpreter {
class BytecodeLabel;
class BytecodeNode;
class BytecodeRegisterOptimizer;
class BytecodeJumpTable;
class Register;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE BytecodeArrayBuilder final {
Zone* zone, int parameter_count, int locals_count,
FeedbackVectorSpec* feedback_vector_spec = nullptr,
SourcePositionTableBuilder::RecordingMode source_position_mode =
Handle<BytecodeArray> ToBytecodeArray(Isolate* isolate);
// Get the number of parameters expected by function.
int parameter_count() const {
DCHECK_GE(parameter_count_, 0);
return parameter_count_;
// Get the number of locals required for bytecode array.
int locals_count() const {
DCHECK_GE(local_register_count_, 0);
return local_register_count_;
// Returns the number of fixed (non-temporary) registers.
int fixed_register_count() const { return locals_count(); }
// Returns the number of fixed and temporary registers.
int total_register_count() const {
return register_allocator()->maximum_register_count();
Register Local(int index) const;
Register Parameter(int parameter_index) const;
Register Receiver() const;
// Constant loads to accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadConstantPoolEntry(size_t entry);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(v8::internal::Smi* value);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(double value);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(const AstRawString* raw_string);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(const Scope* scope);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(AstBigInt bigint);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLiteral(AstSymbol symbol);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadUndefined();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadNull();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadTheHole();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadTrue();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadFalse();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadBoolean(bool value);
// Global loads to the accumulator and stores from the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadGlobal(const AstRawString* name, int feedback_slot,
TypeofMode typeof_mode);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreGlobal(const AstRawString* name,
int feedback_slot);
// Load the object at |slot_index| at |depth| in the context chain starting
// with |context| into the accumulator.
enum ContextSlotMutability { kImmutableSlot, kMutableSlot };
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadContextSlot(Register context, int slot_index,
int depth,
ContextSlotMutability immutable);
// Stores the object in the accumulator into |slot_index| at |depth| in the
// context chain starting with |context|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreContextSlot(Register context, int slot_index,
int depth);
// Load from a module variable into the accumulator. |depth| is the depth of
// the current context relative to the module context.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadModuleVariable(int cell_index, int depth);
// Store from the accumulator into a module variable. |depth| is the depth of
// the current context relative to the module context.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreModuleVariable(int cell_index, int depth);
// Register-accumulator transfers.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadAccumulatorWithRegister(Register reg);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreAccumulatorInRegister(Register reg);
// Register-register transfer.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& MoveRegister(Register from, Register to);
// Named load property.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadNamedProperty(Register object,
const AstRawString* name,
int feedback_slot);
// Keyed load property. The key should be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadKeyedProperty(Register object, int feedback_slot);
// Named load property of the @@iterator symbol.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadIteratorProperty(Register object,
int feedback_slot);
// Named load property of the @@asyncIterator symbol.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadAsyncIteratorProperty(Register object,
int feedback_slot);
// Store properties. Flag for NeedsSetFunctionName() should
// be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreDataPropertyInLiteral(
Register object, Register name, DataPropertyInLiteralFlags flags,
int feedback_slot);
// Collect type information for developer tools. The value for which we
// record the type is stored in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CollectTypeProfile(int position);
// Store a property named by a property name. The value to be stored should be
// in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreNamedProperty(Register object,
const AstRawString* name,
int feedback_slot,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Store a property named by a constant from the constant pool. The value to
// be stored should be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreNamedProperty(Register object,
size_t constant_pool_entry,
int feedback_slot,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Store an own property named by a constant from the constant pool. The
// value to be stored should be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreNamedOwnProperty(Register object,
const AstRawString* name,
int feedback_slot);
// Store a property keyed by a value in a register. The value to be stored
// should be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreKeyedProperty(Register object, Register key,
int feedback_slot,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Store the home object property. The value to be stored should be in the
// accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreHomeObjectProperty(Register object,
int feedback_slot,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Store the class fields property. The initializer to be stored should
// be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreClassFieldsInitializer(Register constructor,
int feedback_slot);
// Load class fields property.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadClassFieldsInitializer(Register constructor,
int feedback_slot);
// Lookup the variable with |name|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLookupSlot(const AstRawString* name,
TypeofMode typeof_mode);
// Lookup the variable with |name|, which is known to be at |slot_index| at
// |depth| in the context chain if not shadowed by a context extension
// somewhere in that context chain.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLookupContextSlot(const AstRawString* name,
TypeofMode typeof_mode,
int slot_index, int depth);
// Lookup the variable with |name|, which has its feedback in |feedback_slot|
// and is known to be global if not shadowed by a context extension somewhere
// up to |depth| in that context chain.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LoadLookupGlobalSlot(const AstRawString* name,
TypeofMode typeof_mode,
int feedback_slot, int depth);
// Store value in the accumulator into the variable with |name|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StoreLookupSlot(
const AstRawString* name, LanguageMode language_mode,
LookupHoistingMode lookup_hoisting_mode);
// Create a new closure for a SharedFunctionInfo which will be inserted at
// constant pool index |shared_function_info_entry|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateClosure(size_t shared_function_info_entry,
int slot, int flags);
// Create a new local context for a |scope| and a closure which should be
// in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateBlockContext(const Scope* scope);
// Create a new context for a catch block with |exception|, |name|,
// |scope|, and the closure in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateCatchContext(Register exception,
const AstRawString* name,
const Scope* scope);
// Create a new context with size |slots|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateFunctionContext(int slots);
// Create a new eval context with size |slots|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateEvalContext(int slots);
// Creates a new context with the given |scope| for a with-statement
// with the |object| in a register and the closure in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateWithContext(Register object, const Scope* scope);
// Create a new arguments object in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateArguments(CreateArgumentsType type);
// Literals creation. Constant elements should be in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateRegExpLiteral(const AstRawString* pattern,
int literal_index, int flags);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateArrayLiteral(size_t constant_elements_entry,
int literal_index, int flags);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateEmptyArrayLiteral(int literal_index);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateObjectLiteral(size_t constant_properties_entry,
int literal_index, int flags,
Register output);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CreateEmptyObjectLiteral();
// Gets or creates the template for a TemplateObjectDescription which will
// be inserted at constant pool index |template_object_description_entry|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& GetTemplateObject(
size_t template_object_description_entry);
// Push the context in accumulator as the new context, and store in register
// |context|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& PushContext(Register context);
// Pop the current context and replace with |context|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& PopContext(Register context);
// Call a JS function which is known to be a property of a JS object. The
// JSFunction or Callable to be called should be in |callable|. The arguments
// should be in |args|, with the receiver in |args[0]|. The call type of the
// expression is in |call_type|. Type feedback is recorded in the
// |feedback_slot| in the type feedback vector.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallProperty(Register callable, RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call a JS function with an known undefined receiver. The JSFunction or
// Callable to be called should be in |callable|. The arguments should be in
// |args|, with no receiver as it is implicitly set to undefined. Type
// feedback is recorded in the |feedback_slot| in the type feedback vector.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallUndefinedReceiver(Register callable,
RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call a JS function with an any receiver, possibly (but not necessarily)
// undefined. The JSFunction or Callable to be called should be in |callable|.
// The arguments should be in |args|, with the receiver in |args[0]|. Type
// feedback is recorded in the |feedback_slot| in the type feedback vector.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallAnyReceiver(Register callable, RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Tail call into a JS function. The JSFunction or Callable to be called
// should be in |callable|. The arguments should be in |args|, with the
// receiver in |args[0]|. Type feedback is recorded in the |feedback_slot| in
// the type feedback vector.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& TailCall(Register callable, RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call a JS function. The JSFunction or Callable to be called should be in
// |callable|, the receiver in |args[0]| and the arguments in |args[1]|
// onwards. The final argument must be a spread.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallWithSpread(Register callable, RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call the Construct operator. The accumulator holds the |new_target|.
// The |constructor| is in a register and arguments are in |args|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Construct(Register constructor, RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call the Construct operator for use with a spread. The accumulator holds
// the |new_target|. The |constructor| is in a register and arguments are in
// |args|. The final argument must be a spread.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ConstructWithSpread(Register constructor,
RegisterList args,
int feedback_slot);
// Call the runtime function with |function_id| and arguments |args|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
RegisterList args);
// Call the runtime function with |function_id| with single argument |arg|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
Register arg);
// Call the runtime function with |function_id| with no arguments.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId function_id);
// Call the runtime function with |function_id| and arguments |args|, that
// returns a pair of values. The return values will be returned in
// |return_pair|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallRuntimeForPair(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
RegisterList args,
RegisterList return_pair);
// Call the runtime function with |function_id| with single argument |arg|
// that returns a pair of values. The return values will be returned in
// |return_pair|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallRuntimeForPair(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
Register arg,
RegisterList return_pair);
// Call the JS runtime function with |context_index| and arguments |args|,
// with no receiver as it is implicitly set to undefined.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CallJSRuntime(int context_index, RegisterList args);
// Operators (register holds the lhs value, accumulator holds the rhs value).
// Type feedback will be recorded in the |feedback_slot|
BytecodeArrayBuilder& BinaryOperation(Token::Value binop, Register reg,
int feedback_slot);
// Same as above, but lhs in the accumulator and rhs in |literal|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& BinaryOperationSmiLiteral(Token::Value binop,
Smi* literal,
int feedback_slot);
// Unary and Count Operators (value stored in accumulator).
// Type feedback will be recorded in the |feedback_slot|
BytecodeArrayBuilder& UnaryOperation(Token::Value op, int feedback_slot);
enum class ToBooleanMode {
kConvertToBoolean, // Perform ToBoolean conversion on accumulator.
kAlreadyBoolean, // Accumulator is already a Boolean.
// Unary Operators.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& LogicalNot(ToBooleanMode mode);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& TypeOf();
// Expects a heap object in the accumulator. Returns its super constructor in
// the register |out| if it passes the IsConstructor test. Otherwise, it
// throws a TypeError exception.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& GetSuperConstructor(Register out);
// Deletes property from an object. This expects that accumulator contains
// the key to be deleted and the register contains a reference to the object.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Delete(Register object, LanguageMode language_mode);
// Tests.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareOperation(Token::Value op, Register reg,
int feedback_slot);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareOperation(Token::Value op, Register reg);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareUndetectable();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareUndefined();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareNull();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareNil(Token::Value op, NilValue nil);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& CompareTypeOf(
TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal_flag);
// Converts accumulator and stores result in register |out|.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ToObject(Register out);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ToName(Register out);
// Converts accumulator and stores result back in accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ToNumber(int feedback_slot);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ToNumeric(int feedback_slot);
// Flow Control.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Bind(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Bind(const BytecodeLabel& target, BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Bind(BytecodeJumpTable* jump_table, int case_value);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Jump(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpLoop(BytecodeLabel* label, int loop_depth);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfTrue(ToBooleanMode mode, BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfFalse(ToBooleanMode mode, BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNotHole(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfJSReceiver(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNull(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNotNull(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfUndefined(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNotUndefined(BytecodeLabel* label);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNil(BytecodeLabel* label, Token::Value op,
NilValue nil);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& JumpIfNotNil(BytecodeLabel* label, Token::Value op,
NilValue nil);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& SwitchOnSmiNoFeedback(BytecodeJumpTable* jump_table);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& StackCheck(int position);
// Sets the pending message to the value in the accumulator, and returns the
// previous pending message in the accumulator.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& SetPendingMessage();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Throw();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ReThrow();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Abort(AbortReason reason);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Return();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole(const AstRawString* name);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole();
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole();
// Debugger.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Debugger();
// Increment the block counter at the given slot (block code coverage).
BytecodeArrayBuilder& IncBlockCounter(int slot);
// Complex flow control.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ForInEnumerate(Register receiver);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ForInPrepare(RegisterList cache_info_triple,
int feedback_slot);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ForInContinue(Register index, Register cache_length);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ForInNext(Register receiver, Register index,
RegisterList cache_type_array_pair,
int feedback_slot);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ForInStep(Register index);
// Generators.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& SuspendGenerator(Register generator,
RegisterList registers,
int suspend_id);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& RestoreGeneratorState(Register generator);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& ResumeGenerator(Register generator,
Register generator_state,
RegisterList registers);
// Exception handling.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& MarkHandler(int handler_id,
HandlerTable::CatchPrediction will_catch);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& MarkTryBegin(int handler_id, Register context);
BytecodeArrayBuilder& MarkTryEnd(int handler_id);
// Creates a new handler table entry and returns a {hander_id} identifying the
// entry, so that it can be referenced by above exception handling support.
int NewHandlerEntry() { return handler_table_builder()->NewHandlerEntry(); }
// Allocates a new jump table of given |size| and |case_value_base| in the
// constant pool.
BytecodeJumpTable* AllocateJumpTable(int size, int case_value_base);
// Gets a constant pool entry.
size_t GetConstantPoolEntry(const AstRawString* raw_string);
size_t GetConstantPoolEntry(AstBigInt bigint);
size_t GetConstantPoolEntry(const Scope* scope);
size_t GetConstantPoolEntry(double number);
#define ENTRY_GETTER(NAME, ...) size_t NAME##ConstantPoolEntry();
// Allocates a slot in the constant pool which can later be set.
size_t AllocateDeferredConstantPoolEntry();
// Sets the deferred value into an allocated constant pool entry.
void SetDeferredConstantPoolEntry(size_t entry, Handle<Object> object);
void InitializeReturnPosition(FunctionLiteral* literal);
void SetStatementPosition(Statement* stmt) {
if (stmt->position() == kNoSourcePosition) return;
void SetExpressionPosition(Expression* expr) {
void SetExpressionPosition(int position) {
if (position == kNoSourcePosition) return;
if (!latest_source_info_.is_statement()) {
// Ensure the current expression position is overwritten with the
// latest value.
void SetExpressionAsStatementPosition(Expression* expr) {
if (expr->position() == kNoSourcePosition) return;
void SetReturnPosition(int source_position, FunctionLiteral* literal) {
if (source_position != kNoSourcePosition) {
} else if (literal->return_position() != kNoSourcePosition) {
bool RequiresImplicitReturn() const { return !return_seen_in_block_; }
// Returns the raw operand value for the given register or register list.
uint32_t GetInputRegisterOperand(Register reg);
uint32_t GetOutputRegisterOperand(Register reg);
uint32_t GetInputRegisterListOperand(RegisterList reg_list);
uint32_t GetOutputRegisterListOperand(RegisterList reg_list);
// Outputs raw register transfer bytecodes without going through the register
// optimizer.
void OutputLdarRaw(Register reg);
void OutputStarRaw(Register reg);
void OutputMovRaw(Register src, Register dest);
// Accessors
BytecodeRegisterAllocator* register_allocator() {
return &register_allocator_;
const BytecodeRegisterAllocator* register_allocator() const {
return &register_allocator_;
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
friend class BytecodeRegisterAllocator;
template <Bytecode bytecode, AccumulatorUse accumulator_use,
OperandType... operand_types>
friend class BytecodeNodeBuilder;
const FeedbackVectorSpec* feedback_vector_spec() const {
return feedback_vector_spec_;
// Returns the current source position for the given |bytecode|.
INLINE(BytecodeSourceInfo CurrentSourcePosition(Bytecode bytecode));
#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_OUTPUT(Name, ...) \
template <typename... Operands> \
INLINE(BytecodeNode Create##Name##Node(Operands... operands)); \
template <typename... Operands> \
INLINE(void Output##Name(Operands... operands)); \
template <typename... Operands> \
INLINE(void Output##Name(BytecodeLabel* label, Operands... operands));
INLINE(void OutputSwitchOnSmiNoFeedback(BytecodeJumpTable* jump_table));
bool RegisterIsValid(Register reg) const;
bool RegisterListIsValid(RegisterList reg_list) const;
// Sets a deferred source info which should be emitted before any future
// source info (either attached to a following bytecode or as a nop).
void SetDeferredSourceInfo(BytecodeSourceInfo source_info);
// Either attach deferred source info to node, or emit it as a nop bytecode
// if node already have valid source info.
void AttachOrEmitDeferredSourceInfo(BytecodeNode* node);
// Write bytecode to bytecode array.
void Write(BytecodeNode* node);
void WriteJump(BytecodeNode* node, BytecodeLabel* label);
void WriteSwitch(BytecodeNode* node, BytecodeJumpTable* label);
// Not implemented as the illegal bytecode is used inside internally
// to indicate a bytecode field is not valid or an error has occurred
// during bytecode generation.
BytecodeArrayBuilder& Illegal();
template <Bytecode bytecode, AccumulatorUse accumulator_use>
void PrepareToOutputBytecode();
void LeaveBasicBlock() { return_seen_in_block_ = false; }
BytecodeArrayWriter* bytecode_array_writer() {
return &bytecode_array_writer_;
ConstantArrayBuilder* constant_array_builder() {
return &constant_array_builder_;
const ConstantArrayBuilder* constant_array_builder() const {
return &constant_array_builder_;
HandlerTableBuilder* handler_table_builder() {
return &handler_table_builder_;
Zone* zone_;
FeedbackVectorSpec* feedback_vector_spec_;
bool bytecode_generated_;
ConstantArrayBuilder constant_array_builder_;
HandlerTableBuilder handler_table_builder_;
bool return_seen_in_block_;
int parameter_count_;
int local_register_count_;
BytecodeRegisterAllocator register_allocator_;
BytecodeArrayWriter bytecode_array_writer_;
BytecodeRegisterOptimizer* register_optimizer_;
BytecodeSourceInfo latest_source_info_;
BytecodeSourceInfo deferred_source_info_;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const BytecodeArrayBuilder::ToBooleanMode& mode);
} // namespace interpreter
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8