blob: 709d5736b50b4d9916b113eabeb584d33daefaf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/messages.h"
#include "src/parsing/scanner.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class DuplicateFinder;
#define ERROR_CODES(T) \
T(ExpressionProduction, 0) \
T(FormalParameterInitializerProduction, 1) \
T(BindingPatternProduction, 2) \
T(AssignmentPatternProduction, 3) \
T(DistinctFormalParametersProduction, 4) \
T(StrictModeFormalParametersProduction, 5) \
T(ArrowFormalParametersProduction, 6) \
T(LetPatternProduction, 7) \
T(AsyncArrowFormalParametersProduction, 8)
// Expression classifiers serve two purposes:
// 1) They keep track of error messages that are pending (and other
// related information), waiting for the parser to decide whether
// the parsed expression is a pattern or not.
// 2) They keep track of expressions that may need to be rewritten, if
// the parser decides that they are not patterns. (A different
// mechanism implements the rewriting of patterns.)
// Expression classifiers are used by the parser in a stack fashion.
// Each new classifier is pushed on top of the stack. This happens
// automatically by the class's constructor. While on top of the
// stack, the classifier records pending error messages and tracks the
// pending non-patterns of the expression that is being parsed.
// At the end of its life, a classifier is either "accumulated" to the
// one that is below it on the stack, or is "discarded". The former
// is achieved by calling the method Accumulate. The latter is
// achieved automatically by the destructor, but it can happen earlier
// by calling the method Discard. Both actions result in removing the
// classifier from the parser's stack.
template <typename Types>
class ExpressionClassifier {
enum ErrorKind : unsigned {
kUnusedError = 15 // Larger than error codes; should fit in 4 bits
struct Error {
V8_INLINE Error()
: location(Scanner::Location::invalid()),
arg(nullptr) {}
V8_INLINE explicit Error(Scanner::Location loc,
MessageTemplate::Template msg, ErrorKind k,
const char* a = nullptr,
ParseErrorType t = kSyntaxError)
: location(loc), message(msg), kind(k), type(t), arg(a) {}
Scanner::Location location;
MessageTemplate::Template message : 26;
unsigned kind : 4;
ParseErrorType type : 2;
const char* arg;
// clang-format off
enum TargetProduction : unsigned {
// clang-format on
enum FunctionProperties : unsigned {
NonSimpleParameter = 1 << 0
explicit ExpressionClassifier(typename Types::Base* base,
DuplicateFinder* duplicate_finder = nullptr)
: base_(base),
function_properties_(0) {
base->classifier_ = this;
reported_errors_begin_ = reported_errors_end_ = reported_errors_->length();
V8_INLINE ~ExpressionClassifier() {
if (base_->classifier_ == this) base_->classifier_ = previous_;
V8_INLINE bool is_valid(unsigned productions) const {
return (invalid_productions_ & productions) == 0;
V8_INLINE DuplicateFinder* duplicate_finder() const {
return duplicate_finder_;
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_expression() const {
return is_valid(ExpressionProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_formal_parameter_initializer() const {
return is_valid(FormalParameterInitializerProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_binding_pattern() const {
return is_valid(BindingPatternProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_assignment_pattern() const {
return is_valid(AssignmentPatternProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_arrow_formal_parameters() const {
return is_valid(ArrowFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_formal_parameter_list_without_duplicates() const {
return is_valid(DistinctFormalParametersProduction);
// Note: callers should also check
// is_valid_formal_parameter_list_without_duplicates().
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_strict_mode_formal_parameters() const {
return is_valid(StrictModeFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_valid_let_pattern() const {
return is_valid(LetPatternProduction);
bool is_valid_async_arrow_formal_parameters() const {
return is_valid(AsyncArrowFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& expression_error() const {
return reported_error(kExpressionProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& formal_parameter_initializer_error() const {
return reported_error(kFormalParameterInitializerProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& binding_pattern_error() const {
return reported_error(kBindingPatternProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& assignment_pattern_error() const {
return reported_error(kAssignmentPatternProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& arrow_formal_parameters_error() const {
return reported_error(kArrowFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& duplicate_formal_parameter_error() const {
return reported_error(kDistinctFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& strict_mode_formal_parameter_error() const {
return reported_error(kStrictModeFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& let_pattern_error() const {
return reported_error(kLetPatternProduction);
V8_INLINE const Error& async_arrow_formal_parameters_error() const {
return reported_error(kAsyncArrowFormalParametersProduction);
V8_INLINE bool is_simple_parameter_list() const {
return !(function_properties_ & NonSimpleParameter);
V8_INLINE void RecordNonSimpleParameter() {
function_properties_ |= NonSimpleParameter;
void RecordExpressionError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_expression()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= ExpressionProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kExpressionProduction, arg));
void RecordExpressionError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
ParseErrorType type, const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_expression()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= ExpressionProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kExpressionProduction, arg, type));
void RecordFormalParameterInitializerError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_formal_parameter_initializer()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= FormalParameterInitializerProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kFormalParameterInitializerProduction, arg));
void RecordBindingPatternError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_binding_pattern()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= BindingPatternProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kBindingPatternProduction, arg));
void RecordAssignmentPatternError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_assignment_pattern()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= AssignmentPatternProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kAssignmentPatternProduction, arg));
void RecordPatternError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
RecordBindingPatternError(loc, message, arg);
RecordAssignmentPatternError(loc, message, arg);
void RecordArrowFormalParametersError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_arrow_formal_parameters()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= ArrowFormalParametersProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kArrowFormalParametersProduction, arg));
void RecordAsyncArrowFormalParametersError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_async_arrow_formal_parameters()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= AsyncArrowFormalParametersProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kAsyncArrowFormalParametersProduction, arg));
void RecordDuplicateFormalParameterError(const Scanner::Location& loc) {
if (!is_valid_formal_parameter_list_without_duplicates()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= DistinctFormalParametersProduction;
Add(Error(loc, MessageTemplate::kParamDupe,
// Record a binding that would be invalid in strict mode. Confusingly this
// is not the same as StrictFormalParameterList, which simply forbids
// duplicate bindings.
void RecordStrictModeFormalParameterError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_strict_mode_formal_parameters()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= StrictModeFormalParametersProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kStrictModeFormalParametersProduction, arg));
void RecordLetPatternError(const Scanner::Location& loc,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = nullptr) {
if (!is_valid_let_pattern()) return;
invalid_productions_ |= LetPatternProduction;
Add(Error(loc, message, kLetPatternProduction, arg));
void Accumulate(ExpressionClassifier* inner, unsigned productions) {
DCHECK_EQ(inner->reported_errors_, reported_errors_);
DCHECK_EQ(inner->reported_errors_begin_, reported_errors_end_);
DCHECK_EQ(inner->reported_errors_end_, reported_errors_->length());
// Propagate errors from inner, but don't overwrite already recorded
// errors.
unsigned non_arrow_inner_invalid_productions =
inner->invalid_productions_ & ~ArrowFormalParametersProduction;
if (non_arrow_inner_invalid_productions) {
unsigned errors = non_arrow_inner_invalid_productions & productions &
// The result will continue to be a valid arrow formal parameters if the
// inner expression is a valid binding pattern.
bool copy_BP_to_AFP = false;
if (productions & ArrowFormalParametersProduction &&
is_valid_arrow_formal_parameters()) {
// Also copy function properties if expecting an arrow function
// parameter.
function_properties_ |= inner->function_properties_;
if (!inner->is_valid_binding_pattern()) {
copy_BP_to_AFP = true;
invalid_productions_ |= ArrowFormalParametersProduction;
// Traverse the list of errors reported by the inner classifier
// to copy what's necessary.
if (errors != 0 || copy_BP_to_AFP) {
invalid_productions_ |= errors;
int binding_pattern_index = inner->reported_errors_end_;
for (int i = inner->reported_errors_begin_;
i < inner->reported_errors_end_; i++) {
int k = reported_errors_->at(i).kind;
if (errors & (1 << k)) Copy(i);
// Check if it's a BP error that has to be copied to an AFP error.
if (k == kBindingPatternProduction && copy_BP_to_AFP) {
if (reported_errors_end_ <= i) {
// If the BP error itself has not already been copied,
// copy it now and change it to an AFP error.
reported_errors_->at(reported_errors_end_-1).kind =
} else {
// Otherwise, if the BP error was already copied, keep its
// position and wait until the end of the traversal.
DCHECK_EQ(reported_errors_end_, i+1);
binding_pattern_index = i;
// Do we still have to copy the BP error to an AFP error?
if (binding_pattern_index < inner->reported_errors_end_) {
// If there's still unused space in the list of the inner
// classifier, copy it there, otherwise add it to the end
// of the list.
if (reported_errors_end_ < inner->reported_errors_end_)
reported_errors_->at(reported_errors_end_-1).kind =
inner->reported_errors_begin_ = inner->reported_errors_end_ =
V8_INLINE void Discard() {
if (reported_errors_end_ == reported_errors_->length()) {
reported_errors_end_ = reported_errors_begin_;
DCHECK_EQ(reported_errors_begin_, reported_errors_end_);
ExpressionClassifier* previous() const { return previous_; }
V8_INLINE const Error& reported_error(ErrorKind kind) const {
if (invalid_productions_ & (1 << kind)) {
for (int i = reported_errors_begin_; i < reported_errors_end_; i++) {
if (reported_errors_->at(i).kind == kind)
return reported_errors_->at(i);
// We should only be looking for an error when we know that one has
// been reported. But we're not... So this is to make sure we have
// the same behaviour.
// Make MSVC happy by returning an error from this inaccessible path.
static Error none;
return none;
// Adds e to the end of the list of reported errors for this classifier.
// It is expected that this classifier is the last one in the stack.
V8_INLINE void Add(const Error& e) {
DCHECK_EQ(reported_errors_end_, reported_errors_->length());
reported_errors_->Add(e, zone_);
// Copies the error at position i of the list of reported errors, so that
// it becomes the last error reported for this classifier. Position i
// could be either after the existing errors of this classifier (i.e.,
// in an inner classifier) or it could be an existing error (in case a
// copy is needed).
V8_INLINE void Copy(int i) {
DCHECK_LT(i, reported_errors_->length());
if (reported_errors_end_ != i)
reported_errors_->at(reported_errors_end_) = reported_errors_->at(i);
typename Types::Base* base_;
ExpressionClassifier* previous_;
Zone* zone_;
ZoneList<Error>* reported_errors_;
DuplicateFinder* duplicate_finder_;
unsigned invalid_productions_ : 14;
unsigned function_properties_ : 2;
// The uint16_t for reported_errors_begin_ and reported_errors_end_ will
// not be enough in the case of a long series of expressions using nested
// classifiers, e.g., a long sequence of assignments, as in:
// literals with spreads, as in:
// var N=65536; eval("var x;" + "x=".repeat(N) + "42");
// This should not be a problem, as such things currently fail with a
// stack overflow while parsing.
uint16_t reported_errors_begin_;
uint16_t reported_errors_end_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8