blob: bf27f375561f321480d09c1ab15499e4db0f9fce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/egl/draw_rect_linear_gradient.h"
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "cobalt/math/transform_2d.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/backend/egl/utils.h"
#include "egl/generated_shader_impl.h"
#include "starboard/log.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace renderer {
namespace rasterizer {
namespace egl {
namespace {
const float kEpsilon = 0.001f;
size_t MaxVertsNeededForAlignedGradient(
const render_tree::LinearGradientBrush& brush) {
// Triangle strip for an axis-aligned rectangle. Two vertices are required
// per color stop in addition to possible start and/or end vertices.
return 4 + 2 * brush.color_stops().size();
DrawRectLinearGradient::DrawRectLinearGradient(GraphicsState* graphics_state,
const BaseState& base_state,
const math::RectF& rect,
const render_tree::LinearGradientBrush& brush)
: DrawDepthStencil(base_state),
gradient_angle_(0.0f) {
if (std::abs(brush.dest().y() - brush.source().y()) < kEpsilon) {
rect, brush.source(), brush.dest(), brush.color_stops());
} else if (std::abs(brush.dest().x() - brush.source().x()) < kEpsilon) {
rect, brush.source(), brush.dest(), brush.color_stops());
} else {
AddRectWithAngledGradient(rect, brush);
attributes_.size() * sizeof(VertexAttributes));
void DrawRectLinearGradient::ExecuteOnscreenRasterize(
GraphicsState* graphics_state,
ShaderProgramManager* program_manager) {
SetupShader(graphics_state, program_manager);
if (first_rect_vert_ > 0) {
// Draw using stencil.
// Update the transform for the shader to rotate the horizontal gradient
// into the desired angled gradient.
ShaderFragmentColor>* program;
SB_DCHECK(graphics_state->GetProgram() == program->GetHandle());
base_state_.transform * math::RotateMatrix(gradient_angle_));
GL_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, first_rect_vert_,
attributes_.size() - first_rect_vert_));
} else {
GL_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, attributes_.size()));
void DrawRectLinearGradient::AddRectWithHorizontalGradient(
const math::RectF& rect, const math::PointF& source,
const math::PointF& dest, const render_tree::ColorStopList& color_stops) {
SB_DCHECK(source.x() >= rect.x() - kEpsilon &&
source.x() <= rect.right() + kEpsilon &&
dest.x() >= rect.x() - kEpsilon &&
dest.x() <= rect.right() + kEpsilon);
size_t num_colors = color_stops.size();
float start = std::max(rect.x(), std::min(source.x(), rect.right()));
float length = std::max(rect.x(), std::min(dest.x(), rect.right())) - start;
float position = color_stops[0].position * length + start;
uint32_t color32 = GetGLColor(color_stops[0]);
// Draw a horizontal triangle strip.
if (length >= 0.0f) {
if (position > rect.x()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.bottom(), color32);
} else if (position < rect.right()) {
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.bottom(), color32);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) {
position = color_stops[i].position * length + start;
color32 = GetGLColor(color_stops[i]);
AddVertex(position, rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(position, rect.bottom(), color32);
if (length >= 0.0f) {
if (position < rect.right()) {
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.bottom(), color32);
} else if (position > rect.x()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.bottom(), color32);
void DrawRectLinearGradient::AddRectWithVerticalGradient(
const math::RectF& rect, const math::PointF& source,
const math::PointF& dest, const render_tree::ColorStopList& color_stops) {
SB_DCHECK(source.y() >= rect.y() - kEpsilon &&
source.y() <= rect.bottom() + kEpsilon &&
dest.y() >= rect.y() - kEpsilon &&
dest.y() <= rect.bottom() + kEpsilon);
size_t num_colors = color_stops.size();
float start = std::max(rect.y(), std::min(source.y(), rect.bottom()));
float length = std::max(rect.y(), std::min(dest.y(), rect.bottom())) - start;
float position = color_stops[0].position * length + start;
uint32_t color32 = GetGLColor(color_stops[0]);
// Draw a vertical triangle strip.
if (length >= 0) {
if (position > rect.y()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.y(), color32);
} else if (position < rect.bottom()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.bottom(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.bottom(), color32);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_colors; ++i) {
position = color_stops[i].position * length + start;
color32 = GetGLColor(color_stops[i]);
AddVertex(rect.x(), position, color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), position, color32);
if (length >= 0) {
if (position < rect.bottom()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.bottom(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.bottom(), color32);
} else if (position > rect.y()) {
AddVertex(rect.x(), rect.y(), color32);
AddVertex(rect.right(), rect.y(), color32);
void DrawRectLinearGradient::AddRectWithAngledGradient(
const math::RectF& rect, const render_tree::LinearGradientBrush& brush) {
// Use an inclusive scissor stencil to draw within the desired area. Then
// draw a rect with horizontal gradient that will be rotated to cover the
// desired rect with angled gradient. This is not as efficient as calculating
// a triangle strip to describe the rect with angled gradient, but is simpler.
attributes_.reserve(MaxVertsNeededForStencil() +
AddStencil(rect, math::RectF());
// Calculate the angle needed to rotate a horizontal gradient into the
// angled gradient. (Flip vertical distance because the input coordinate
// system's origin is at the top-left.)
gradient_angle_ = atan2(brush.source().y() - brush.dest().y(),
brush.dest().x() - brush.source().x());
// Calculate the endpoints for the horizontal gradient that, when rotated
// by gradient_angle_, will turn into the original angled gradient.
math::Matrix3F inverse_transform = math::RotateMatrix(-gradient_angle_);
math::PointF mapped_source(inverse_transform * brush.source());
math::PointF mapped_dest(inverse_transform * brush.dest());
SB_DCHECK(mapped_source.x() <= mapped_dest.x());
// Calculate a rect large enough that, when rotated by gradient_angle_, it
// will contain the original rect.
math::RectF mapped_rect = inverse_transform.MapRect(rect);
// Adjust the mapped_rect to include the gradient endpoints if needed.
float left = std::min(mapped_rect.x(), mapped_source.x());
float right = std::max(mapped_rect.right(), mapped_dest.x());
mapped_rect.SetRect(left, mapped_rect.y(),
right - left, mapped_rect.height());
first_rect_vert_ = attributes_.size();
AddRectWithHorizontalGradient(mapped_rect, mapped_source, mapped_dest,
uint32_t DrawRectLinearGradient::GetGLColor(
const render_tree::ColorStop& color_stop) {
const render_tree::ColorRGBA& color = color_stop.color;
float alpha = base_state_.opacity * color.a();
return GetGLRGBA(color.r() * alpha, color.g() * alpha, color.b() * alpha,
} // namespace egl
} // namespace rasterizer
} // namespace renderer
} // namespace cobalt