blob: c123bc654d14c130d24930c0fcfa5ed2167f637c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
This file contains the Lex specification for GLSL ES.
Based on ANSI C grammar, Lex specification:
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is auto-generated by DO NOT EDIT!
/* clang-format off */
// Ignore errors in auto-generated code.
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable: 4005)
#pragma warning(disable: 4065)
#pragma warning(disable: 4189)
#pragma warning(disable: 4244)
#pragma warning(disable: 4505)
#pragma warning(disable: 4701)
#pragma warning(disable: 4702)
#include "compiler/translator/glslang.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ParseContext.h"
#include "compiler/preprocessor/Token.h"
#include "compiler/translator/util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/length_limits.h"
using namespace sh;
#include "glslang_tab.h"
/* windows only pragma */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4102)
// Workaround for flex using the register keyword, deprecated in C++11.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus > 199711L
#define register
#define YY_USER_ACTION \
yylloc->first_file = yylloc->last_file = yycolumn; \
yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = yylineno;
#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
result = string_input(buf, max_size, yyscanner);
static yy_size_t string_input(char* buf, yy_size_t max_size, yyscan_t yyscanner);
static int check_type(yyscan_t yyscanner);
static int reserved_word(yyscan_t yyscanner);
static int ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES2_keyword_ES3_reserved(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES2_and_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES2_and_ES3_ident_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token);
static int ES3_extension_keyword_else_ident(TParseContext *context, const char *extension, int token);
static int uint_constant(TParseContext *context);
static int int_constant(TParseContext *context);
static int float_constant(yyscan_t yyscanner);
static int floatsuffix_check(TParseContext* context);
static int yuvcscstandardext_constant(TParseContext *context);
%option noyywrap nounput never-interactive
%option yylineno reentrant bison-bridge bison-locations
%option extra-type="TParseContext*"
D [0-9]
L [a-zA-Z_]
H [a-fA-F0-9]
E [Ee][+-]?{D}+
O [0-7]
TParseContext* context = yyextra;
"invariant" { return INVARIANT; }
"highp" { return HIGH_PRECISION; }
"mediump" { return MEDIUM_PRECISION; }
"lowp" { return LOW_PRECISION; }
"precision" { return PRECISION; }
"attribute" { return ES2_keyword_ES3_reserved(context, ATTRIBUTE); }
"const" { return CONST_QUAL; }
"uniform" { return UNIFORM; }
"varying" { return ES2_keyword_ES3_reserved(context, VARYING); }
"break" { return BREAK; }
"continue" { return CONTINUE; }
"do" { return DO; }
"for" { return FOR; }
"while" { return WHILE; }
"if" { return IF; }
"else" { return ELSE; }
"switch" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, SWITCH); }
"case" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, CASE); }
"default" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, DEFAULT); }
"centroid" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, CENTROID); }
"flat" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, FLAT); }
"smooth" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, SMOOTH); }
"in" { return IN_QUAL; }
"out" { return OUT_QUAL; }
"inout" { return INOUT_QUAL; }
"shared" { return ES2_and_ES3_ident_ES3_1_keyword(context, SHARED); }
"float" { return FLOAT_TYPE; }
"int" { return INT_TYPE; }
"uint" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, UINT_TYPE); }
"void" { return VOID_TYPE; }
"bool" { return BOOL_TYPE; }
"true" { yylval->lex.b = true; return BOOLCONSTANT; }
"false" { yylval->lex.b = false; return BOOLCONSTANT; }
"discard" { return DISCARD; }
"return" { return RETURN; }
"mat2" { return MATRIX2; }
"mat3" { return MATRIX3; }
"mat4" { return MATRIX4; }
"mat2x2" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX2); }
"mat3x3" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX3); }
"mat4x4" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX4); }
"mat2x3" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX2x3); }
"mat3x2" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX3x2); }
"mat2x4" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX2x4); }
"mat4x2" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX4x2); }
"mat3x4" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX3x4); }
"mat4x3" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, MATRIX4x3); }
"vec2" { return VEC2; }
"vec3" { return VEC3; }
"vec4" { return VEC4; }
"ivec2" { return IVEC2; }
"ivec3" { return IVEC3; }
"ivec4" { return IVEC4; }
"bvec2" { return BVEC2; }
"bvec3" { return BVEC3; }
"bvec4" { return BVEC4; }
"uvec2" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, UVEC2); }
"uvec3" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, UVEC3); }
"uvec4" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, UVEC4); }
"sampler2D" { return SAMPLER2D; }
"samplerCube" { return SAMPLERCUBE; }
"samplerExternalOES" { return SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES; }
"sampler3D" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLER3D); }
"sampler3DRect" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLER3DRECT); }
"sampler2DRect" { return SAMPLER2DRECT; }
"sampler2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLER2DARRAY); }
"sampler2DMS" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, SAMPLER2DMS); }
"isampler2D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, ISAMPLER2D); }
"isampler3D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, ISAMPLER3D); }
"isamplerCube" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, ISAMPLERCUBE); }
"isampler2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, ISAMPLER2DARRAY); }
"isampler2DMS" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, ISAMPLER2DMS); }
"usampler2D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, USAMPLER2D); }
"usampler3D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, USAMPLER3D); }
"usamplerCube" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, USAMPLERCUBE); }
"usampler2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, USAMPLER2DARRAY); }
"usampler2DMS" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, USAMPLER2DMS); }
"sampler2DShadow" { return ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLER2DSHADOW); }
"samplerCubeShadow" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLERCUBESHADOW); }
"sampler2DArrayShadow" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, SAMPLER2DARRAYSHADOW); }
"__samplerExternal2DY2YEXT" { return ES3_extension_keyword_else_ident(context, "GL_EXT_YUV_target", SAMPLEREXTERNAL2DY2YEXT); }
"struct" { return STRUCT; }
"layout" { return ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(context, LAYOUT); }
"yuvCscStandardEXT" { return ES3_extension_keyword_else_ident(context, "GL_EXT_YUV_target", YUVCSCSTANDARDEXT); }
"itu_601" { return yuvcscstandardext_constant(context); }
"itu_601_full_range" { return yuvcscstandardext_constant(context); }
"itu_709" { return yuvcscstandardext_constant(context); }
"image2D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IMAGE2D); }
"iimage2D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IIMAGE2D); }
"uimage2D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, UIMAGE2D); }
"image2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IMAGE2DARRAY); }
"iimage2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IIMAGE2DARRAY); }
"uimage2DArray" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, UIMAGE2DARRAY); }
"image3D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IMAGE3D); }
"uimage3D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, UIMAGE3D); }
"iimage3D" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IIMAGE3D); }
"iimageCube" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IIMAGECUBE); }
"uimageCube" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, UIMAGECUBE); }
"imageCube" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, IMAGECUBE); }
"readonly" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, READONLY); }
"writeonly" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, WRITEONLY); }
"coherent" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, COHERENT); }
"restrict" { return ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, RESTRICT); }
"volatile" { return ES2_and_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(context, VOLATILE); }
/* Reserved keywords for GLSL ES 3.00 that are not reserved for GLSL ES 1.00 */
"resource" |
"atomic_uint" |
"noperspective" |
"patch" |
"sample" |
"subroutine" |
"common" |
"partition" |
"active" |
"filter" |
"image1D" |
"iimage1D" |
"uimage1D" |
"image1DArray" |
"iimage1DArray" |
"uimage1DArray" |
"image1DShadow" |
"image2DShadow" |
"image1DArrayShadow" |
"image2DArrayShadow" |
"imageBuffer" |
"iimageBuffer" |
"uimageBuffer" |
"sampler1DArray" |
"sampler1DArrayShadow" |
"isampler1D" |
"isampler1DArray" |
"usampler1D" |
"usampler1DArray" |
"isampler2DRect" |
"usampler2DRect" |
"samplerBuffer" |
"isamplerBuffer" |
"usamplerBuffer" |
"sampler2DMSArray" |
"isampler2DMSArray" |
"usampler2DMSArray" {
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300) {
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
/* Reserved keywords in GLSL ES 1.00 that are not reserved in GLSL ES 3.00 */
"packed" {
if (context->getShaderVersion() >= 300)
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
/* Reserved keywords */
"asm" |
"class" |
"union" |
"enum" |
"typedef" |
"template" |
"this" |
"goto" |
"inline" |
"noinline" |
"public" |
"static" |
"extern" |
"external" |
"interface" |
"long" |
"short" |
"double" |
"half" |
"fixed" |
"unsigned" |
"superp" |
"input" |
"output" |
"hvec2" |
"hvec3" |
"hvec4" |
"dvec2" |
"dvec3" |
"dvec4" |
"fvec2" |
"fvec3" |
"fvec4" |
"sampler1D" |
"sampler1DShadow" |
"sampler2DRectShadow" |
"sizeof" |
"cast" |
"namespace" |
"using" { return reserved_word(yyscanner); }
{L}({L}|{D})* {
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
0[xX]{H}+ { return int_constant(context); }
0{O}+ { return int_constant(context); }
{D}+ { return int_constant(context); }
0[xX]{H}+[uU] { return uint_constant(context); }
0{O}+[uU] { return uint_constant(context); }
{D}+[uU] { return uint_constant(context); }
{D}+{E} { return float_constant(yyscanner); }
{D}+"."{D}*({E})? { return float_constant(yyscanner); }
"."{D}+({E})? { return float_constant(yyscanner); }
{D}+{E}[fF] { return floatsuffix_check(context); }
{D}+"."{D}*({E})?[fF] { return floatsuffix_check(context); }
"."{D}+({E})?[fF] { return floatsuffix_check(context); }
"+=" { return ADD_ASSIGN; }
"-=" { return SUB_ASSIGN; }
"*=" { return MUL_ASSIGN; }
"/=" { return DIV_ASSIGN; }
"%=" { return MOD_ASSIGN; }
"<<=" { return LEFT_ASSIGN; }
">>=" { return RIGHT_ASSIGN; }
"&=" { return AND_ASSIGN; }
"^=" { return XOR_ASSIGN; }
"|=" { return OR_ASSIGN; }
"++" { return INC_OP; }
"--" { return DEC_OP; }
"&&" { return AND_OP; }
"||" { return OR_OP; }
"^^" { return XOR_OP; }
"<=" { return LE_OP; }
">=" { return GE_OP; }
"==" { return EQ_OP; }
"!=" { return NE_OP; }
"<<" { return LEFT_OP; }
">>" { return RIGHT_OP; }
";" { return SEMICOLON; }
("{"|"<%") { return LEFT_BRACE; }
("}"|"%>") { return RIGHT_BRACE; }
"," { return COMMA; }
":" { return COLON; }
"=" { return EQUAL; }
"(" { return LEFT_PAREN; }
")" { return RIGHT_PAREN; }
("["|"<:") { return LEFT_BRACKET; }
("]"|":>") { return RIGHT_BRACKET; }
"." { BEGIN(FIELDS); return DOT; }
"!" { return BANG; }
"-" { return DASH; }
"~" { return TILDE; }
"+" { return PLUS; }
"*" { return STAR; }
"/" { return SLASH; }
"%" { return PERCENT; }
"<" { return LEFT_ANGLE; }
">" { return RIGHT_ANGLE; }
"|" { return VERTICAL_BAR; }
"^" { return CARET; }
"&" { return AMPERSAND; }
"?" { return QUESTION; }
<FIELDS>{L}({L}|{D})* {
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
<FIELDS>[ \t\v\f\r] {}
yyextra->error(*yylloc, "Illegal character at fieldname start", yytext);
return 0;
[ \t\v\n\f\r] { }
<*><<EOF>> { yyterminate(); }
<*>. { assert(false); return 0; }
yy_size_t string_input(char* buf, yy_size_t max_size, yyscan_t yyscanner) {
pp::Token token;
yy_size_t len = token.type == pp::Token::LAST ? 0 : token.text.size();
if (len < max_size)
memcpy(buf, token.text.c_str(), len);
yyset_column(token.location.file, yyscanner);
yyset_lineno(token.location.line, yyscanner);
if (len >= max_size)
YY_FATAL_ERROR("Input buffer overflow");
else if (len > 0)
buf[len++] = ' ';
return len;
int check_type(yyscan_t yyscanner) {
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) yyscanner;
int token = IDENTIFIER;
TSymbol* symbol = yyextra->symbolTable.find(yytext, yyextra->getShaderVersion());
if (symbol && symbol->isVariable()) {
TVariable* variable = static_cast<TVariable*>(symbol);
if (variable->isUserType()) {
token = TYPE_NAME;
yylval->lex.symbol = symbol;
return token;
int reserved_word(yyscan_t yyscanner) {
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) yyscanner;
yyextra->error(*yylloc, "Illegal use of reserved word", yytext);
return 0;
int ES2_reserved_ES3_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token)
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300)
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES2_keyword_ES3_reserved(TParseContext *context, int token)
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() >= 300)
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES2_ident_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300)
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
else if (context->getShaderVersion() == 300)
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES2_ident_ES3_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
// not a reserved word in GLSL ES 1.00, so could be used as an identifier/type name
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300)
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES2_and_ES3_reserved_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token)
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 310)
return reserved_word(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES2_and_ES3_ident_ES3_1_keyword(TParseContext *context, int token)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
// not a reserved word in GLSL ES 1.00 and GLSL ES 3.00, so could be used as an identifier/type name
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 310)
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
return token;
int ES3_extension_keyword_else_ident(TParseContext *context, const char* extension, int token)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
// a reserved word in GLSL ES 3.00 with enabled extension, otherwise could be used as an identifier/type name
if (context->getShaderVersion() >= 300 && context->isExtensionEnabled(extension))
return token;
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
int uint_constant(TParseContext *context)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300)
context->error(*yylloc, "Unsigned integers are unsupported prior to GLSL ES 3.00", yytext);
return 0;
if (!atoi_clamp(yytext, &(yylval->lex.u)))
yyextra->error(*yylloc, "Integer overflow", yytext);
int floatsuffix_check(TParseContext* context)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
if (context->getShaderVersion() < 300)
context->error(*yylloc, "Floating-point suffix unsupported prior to GLSL ES 3.00", yytext);
return 0;
std::string text = yytext;
text.resize(text.size() - 1);
if (!strtof_clamp(text, &(yylval->lex.f)))
yyextra->warning(*yylloc, "Float overflow", yytext);
void yyerror(YYLTYPE* lloc, TParseContext* context, void *scanner, const char* reason) {
context->error(*lloc, reason, yyget_text(scanner));
int int_constant(TParseContext *context) {
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
unsigned int u;
if (!atoi_clamp(yytext, &u))
if (context->getShaderVersion() >= 300)
yyextra->error(*yylloc, "Integer overflow", yytext);
yyextra->warning(*yylloc, "Integer overflow", yytext);
yylval->lex.i = static_cast<int>(u);
int float_constant(yyscan_t yyscanner) {
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) yyscanner;
if (!strtof_clamp(yytext, &(yylval->lex.f)))
yyextra->warning(*yylloc, "Float overflow", yytext);
int yuvcscstandardext_constant(TParseContext *context)
struct yyguts_t* yyg = (struct yyguts_t*) context->getScanner();
yyscan_t yyscanner = (yyscan_t) context->getScanner();
// a reserved word in GLSL ES 3.00 with enabled extension, otherwise could be used as an identifier/type name
if (context->getShaderVersion() >= 300 && context->isExtensionEnabled("GL_EXT_YUV_target"))
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
yylval->lex.string = NewPoolTString(yytext);
return check_type(yyscanner);
int glslang_initialize(TParseContext* context) {
yyscan_t scanner = NULL;
if (yylex_init_extra(context, &scanner))
return 1;
return 0;
int glslang_finalize(TParseContext* context) {
yyscan_t scanner = context->getScanner();
if (scanner == NULL) return 0;
return 0;
int glslang_scan(size_t count, const char* const string[], const int length[],
TParseContext* context) {
yyrestart(NULL, context->getScanner());
yyset_column(0, context->getScanner());
yyset_lineno(1, context->getScanner());
// Initialize preprocessor.
pp::Preprocessor *preprocessor = &context->getPreprocessor();
if (!preprocessor->init(count, string, length))
return 1;
// Define extension macros.
const TExtensionBehavior& extBehavior = context->extensionBehavior();
for (TExtensionBehavior::const_iterator iter = extBehavior.begin();
iter != extBehavior.end(); ++iter) {
preprocessor->predefineMacro(iter->first.c_str(), 1);
if (context->getFragmentPrecisionHigh())
preprocessor->predefineMacro("GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH", 1);
return 0;