blob: 0e4f177d69e50d8776dfaa1099f5c463102877d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SurfaceImpl.h: Implementation methods of egl::Surface
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
#include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/FramebufferAttachmentObjectImpl.h"
namespace gl
class FramebufferState;
namespace egl
class Display;
struct Config;
struct SurfaceState;
namespace rx
class DisplayImpl;
class FramebufferImpl;
class SurfaceImpl : public FramebufferAttachmentObjectImpl
SurfaceImpl(const egl::SurfaceState &surfaceState);
virtual ~SurfaceImpl();
virtual void destroy(const DisplayImpl *displayImpl) {}
virtual egl::Error initialize(const DisplayImpl *displayImpl) = 0;
virtual FramebufferImpl *createDefaultFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) = 0;
virtual egl::Error swap(const DisplayImpl *displayImpl) = 0;
virtual egl::Error swapWithDamage(EGLint *rects, EGLint n_rects);
virtual egl::Error postSubBuffer(EGLint x, EGLint y, EGLint width, EGLint height) = 0;
virtual egl::Error querySurfacePointerANGLE(EGLint attribute, void **value) = 0;
virtual egl::Error bindTexImage(gl::Texture *texture, EGLint buffer) = 0;
virtual egl::Error releaseTexImage(EGLint buffer) = 0;
virtual egl::Error getSyncValues(EGLuint64KHR *ust, EGLuint64KHR *msc, EGLuint64KHR *sbc) = 0;
virtual void setSwapInterval(EGLint interval) = 0;
// width and height can change with client window resizing
virtual EGLint getWidth() const = 0;
virtual EGLint getHeight() const = 0;
virtual EGLint isPostSubBufferSupported() const = 0;
virtual EGLint getSwapBehavior() const = 0;
const egl::SurfaceState &mState;