blob: 576fa75b4067a11a290ec6ab42136364ecdd7da4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Extension_test.cpp
// Test that shaders need various extensions to be compiled.
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
static const char *FragDepthExtShdr[] =
// First string of the shader. The required pragma declaration.
"#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable\n",
// Second string of the shader. The rest of the shader body.
"void main() { gl_FragDepthEXT = 1.0; }\n"
static const char *StandDerivExtShdr[] =
// First string of the shader. The required pragma declaration.
"#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n",
// Second string of the shader. The rest of the shader body.
"precision mediump float;\n"
"varying vec2 texCoord;\n"
"void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(dFdx(texCoord.x), dFdy(texCoord.y), fwidth(texCoord.x), 1.0); }\n"
static const char *TextureLODShdr[] =
// First string of the shader. The required pragma declaration.
"#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable\n",
// Second string of the shader. The rest of the shader body.
"precision mediump float;\n"
"varying vec2 texCoord0v;\n"
"uniform float lod;\n"
"uniform sampler2D tex;\n"
"void main() { vec4 color = texture2DLodEXT(tex, texCoord0v, lod); }\n"
class ShaderExtensionTest : public testing::Test
ShaderExtensionTest() {}
virtual void SetUp()
mCompiler = nullptr;
virtual void TearDown()
void DestroyCompiler()
if (mCompiler)
mCompiler = nullptr;
void InitializeCompiler()
mCompiler = sh::ConstructCompiler(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, SH_WEBGL_SPEC,
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompiler != nullptr) << "Compiler could not be constructed.";
void TestShaderExtension(const char **shaderStrings, int stringCount, bool expectation)
bool success = sh::Compile(mCompiler, shaderStrings, stringCount, 0);
const std::string &compileLog = sh::GetInfoLog(mCompiler);
EXPECT_EQ(expectation, success) << compileLog;
ShBuiltInResources mResources;
ShHandle mCompiler;
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, FragDepthExtRequiresExt)
// Extension is required to compile properly.
mResources.EXT_frag_depth = 0;
TestShaderExtension(FragDepthExtShdr, 2, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, FragDepthExtRequiresPragma)
// Pragma is required to compile properly.
mResources.EXT_frag_depth = 1;
TestShaderExtension(&FragDepthExtShdr[1], 1, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, FragDepthExtCompiles)
// Test that it compiles properly with extension enabled.
mResources.EXT_frag_depth = 1;
TestShaderExtension(FragDepthExtShdr, 2, true);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, FragDepthExtResetsInternalStates)
// Test that extension internal states are reset properly between compiles.
mResources.EXT_frag_depth = 1;
TestShaderExtension(FragDepthExtShdr, 2, true);
TestShaderExtension(&FragDepthExtShdr[1], 1, false);
TestShaderExtension(FragDepthExtShdr, 2, true);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, StandDerivExtRequiresExt)
// Extension is required to compile properly.
mResources.OES_standard_derivatives = 0;
TestShaderExtension(StandDerivExtShdr, 2, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, StandDerivExtRequiresPragma)
// Pragma is required to compile properly.
mResources.OES_standard_derivatives = 1;
TestShaderExtension(&StandDerivExtShdr[1], 1, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, StandDerivExtCompiles)
// Test that it compiles properly with extension enabled.
mResources.OES_standard_derivatives = 1;
TestShaderExtension(StandDerivExtShdr, 2, true);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, StandDerivExtResetsInternalStates)
// Test that extension internal states are reset properly between compiles.
mResources.OES_standard_derivatives = 1;
TestShaderExtension(StandDerivExtShdr, 2, true);
TestShaderExtension(&StandDerivExtShdr[1], 1, false);
TestShaderExtension(StandDerivExtShdr, 2, true);
TestShaderExtension(&StandDerivExtShdr[1], 1, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, TextureLODExtRequiresExt)
// Extension is required to compile properly.
mResources.EXT_shader_texture_lod = 0;
TestShaderExtension(TextureLODShdr, 2, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, TextureLODExtRequiresPragma)
// Pragma is required to compile properly.
mResources.EXT_shader_texture_lod = 1;
TestShaderExtension(&TextureLODShdr[1], 1, false);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, TextureLODExtCompiles)
// Test that it compiles properly with extension enabled.
mResources.EXT_shader_texture_lod = 1;
TestShaderExtension(TextureLODShdr, 2, true);
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, TextureLODExtResetsInternalStates)
// Test that extension internal states are reset properly between compiles.
mResources.EXT_shader_texture_lod = 1;
TestShaderExtension(&TextureLODShdr[1], 1, false);
TestShaderExtension(TextureLODShdr, 2, true);
TestShaderExtension(&TextureLODShdr[1], 1, false);
TestShaderExtension(TextureLODShdr, 2, true);
// Test a bug where we could modify the value of a builtin variable.
TEST_F(ShaderExtensionTest, BuiltinRewritingBug)
mResources.MaxDrawBuffers = 4;
mResources.EXT_draw_buffers = 1;
const std::string &shaderString =
"#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require\n"
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main() {\n"
" gl_FragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers] = vec4(0.0);\n"
const char *shaderStrings[] = { shaderString.c_str() };
TestShaderExtension(shaderStrings, 1, false);
TestShaderExtension(shaderStrings, 1, false);