blob: 255de20cc366df8ca815192707c845fd00ad43eb [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jsatom_h
#define jsatom_h
#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "jsalloc.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jsprvtd.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "js/HashTable.h"
#include "vm/CommonPropertyNames.h"
struct JSIdArray {
int length;
js::HeapId vector[1]; /* actually, length jsid words */
namespace js {
JS_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(HashNumber) == 4);
static JS_ALWAYS_INLINE js::HashNumber
HashId(jsid id)
return mozilla::HashGeneric(JSID_BITS(id));
struct JsidHasher
typedef jsid Lookup;
static HashNumber hash(const Lookup &l) {
return HashNumber(JSID_BITS(l));
static bool match(const jsid &id, const Lookup &l) {
return id == l;
} /* namespace js */
* Return a printable, lossless char[] representation of a string-type atom.
* The lifetime of the result matches the lifetime of bytes.
extern const char *
js_AtomToPrintableString(JSContext *cx, JSAtom *atom, JSAutoByteString *bytes);
namespace js {
/* Compute a hash function from chars/length. */
inline uint32_t
HashChars(const jschar *chars, size_t length)
uint32_t h = 0;
for (; length; chars++, length--)
h = JS_ROTATE_LEFT32(h, 4) ^ *chars;
return h;
class AtomStateEntry
uintptr_t bits;
static const uintptr_t NO_TAG_MASK = uintptr_t(-1) - 1;
AtomStateEntry() : bits(0) {}
AtomStateEntry(const AtomStateEntry &other) : bits(other.bits) {}
AtomStateEntry(JSAtom *ptr, bool tagged)
: bits(uintptr_t(ptr) | uintptr_t(tagged))
JS_ASSERT((uintptr_t(ptr) & 0x1) == 0);
bool isTagged() const {
return bits & 0x1;
* Non-branching code sequence. Note that the const_cast is safe because
* the hash function doesn't consider the tag to be a portion of the key.
void setTagged(bool enabled) const {
const_cast<AtomStateEntry *>(this)->bits |= uintptr_t(enabled);
JSAtom *asPtr() const;
struct AtomHasher
struct Lookup
const jschar *chars;
size_t length;
const JSAtom *atom; /* Optional. */
Lookup(const jschar *chars, size_t length) : chars(chars), length(length), atom(NULL) {}
inline Lookup(const JSAtom *atom);
static HashNumber hash(const Lookup &l) { return HashChars(l.chars, l.length); }
static inline bool match(const AtomStateEntry &entry, const Lookup &lookup);
typedef HashSet<AtomStateEntry, AtomHasher, SystemAllocPolicy> AtomSet;
class PropertyName;
} /* namespace js */
extern bool
AtomIsInterned(JSContext *cx, JSAtom *atom);
/* Well-known predefined C strings. */
#define DECLARE_PROTO_STR(name,code,init) extern const char js_##name##_str[];
#define DECLARE_CONST_CHAR_STR(idpart, id, text) extern const char js_##idpart##_str[];
/* Constant strings that are not atomized. */
extern const char js_break_str[];
extern const char js_case_str[];
extern const char js_catch_str[];
extern const char js_class_str[];
extern const char js_const_str[];
extern const char js_continue_str[];
extern const char js_debugger_str[];
extern const char js_default_str[];
extern const char js_do_str[];
extern const char js_else_str[];
extern const char js_enum_str[];
extern const char js_export_str[];
extern const char js_extends_str[];
extern const char js_finally_str[];
extern const char js_for_str[];
extern const char js_getter_str[];
extern const char js_if_str[];
extern const char js_implements_str[];
extern const char js_import_str[];
extern const char js_in_str[];
extern const char js_instanceof_str[];
extern const char js_interface_str[];
extern const char js_let_str[];
extern const char js_new_str[];
extern const char js_package_str[];
extern const char js_private_str[];
extern const char js_protected_str[];
extern const char js_public_str[];
extern const char js_setter_str[];
extern const char js_static_str[];
extern const char js_super_str[];
extern const char js_switch_str[];
extern const char js_this_str[];
extern const char js_try_str[];
extern const char js_typeof_str[];
extern const char js_void_str[];
extern const char js_while_str[];
extern const char js_with_str[];
extern const char js_yield_str[];
extern const char js_close_str[];
extern const char js_send_str[];
namespace js {
extern const char * const TypeStrings[];
* Initialize atom state. Return true on success, false on failure to allocate
* memory. The caller must zero rt->atomState before calling this function and
* only call it after js_InitGC successfully returns.
extern JSBool
InitAtoms(JSRuntime *rt);
* Free and clear atom state including any interned string atoms. This
* function must be called before js_FinishGC.
extern void
FinishAtoms(JSRuntime *rt);
* Atom tracing and garbage collection hooks.
extern void
MarkAtoms(JSTracer *trc);
extern void
SweepAtoms(JSRuntime *rt);
extern bool
InitCommonNames(JSContext *cx);
extern void
FinishCommonNames(JSRuntime *rt);
/* N.B. must correspond to boolean tagging behavior. */
enum InternBehavior
DoNotInternAtom = false,
InternAtom = true
extern JSAtom *
Atomize(JSContext *cx, const char *bytes, size_t length,
js::InternBehavior ib = js::DoNotInternAtom);
template <AllowGC allowGC>
extern JSAtom *
AtomizeChars(JSContext *cx, const jschar *chars, size_t length,
js::InternBehavior ib = js::DoNotInternAtom);
template <AllowGC allowGC>
extern JSAtom *
AtomizeString(JSContext *cx, JSString *str, js::InternBehavior ib = js::DoNotInternAtom);
template <AllowGC allowGC>
extern JSAtom *
ToAtom(JSContext *cx, typename MaybeRooted<Value, allowGC>::HandleType v);
template<XDRMode mode>
XDRAtom(XDRState<mode> *xdr, js::MutableHandleAtom atomp);
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* jsatom_h */