blob: 544f9755b513146abf5a6f4325181ee51848d454 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/script/exception_message.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace script {
// Exception message contains an exception information. It includes a
// |message_type| which is the index of each exception message, a
// |exception_type| which is based on the spec. of simple exception, and a
// message |format|.
struct ExceptionMessage {
MessageType message_type;
SimpleExceptionType exception_type;
const char* message;
ExceptionMessage kMessages[kNumMessageTypes] = {
{kSimpleError, kError, " "},
{kSimpleTypeError, kTypeError, " "},
{kSimpleRangeError, kRangeError, " "},
{kSimpleReferenceError, kReferenceError, " "},
{kNotDateType, kTypeError, "Value is not a Date."},
{kNotNullableType, kTypeError, "Value is null but type is not nullable."},
{kNotObjectType, kTypeError, "Value is not an object."},
{kNotObjectOrFunction, kTypeError, "Value is not an object or function."},
{kNotInt64Type, kTypeError, "Value is not int64."},
{kNotUint64Type, kTypeError, "Value is not uint64."},
{kNotNumberType, kTypeError, "Value is not a number."},
{kNotIterableType, kTypeError, "Value is not iterable."},
{kDoesNotImplementInterface, kTypeError,
"Value does not implement the interface type."},
{kConvertToStringFailed, kTypeError,
"JS value cannot be converted to string."},
{kNotFinite, kTypeError, "Non-finite floating-point value."},
{kNotSupportedType, kTypeError, "Value is null but type is not nullable."},
{kConvertToUTF8Failed, kTypeError, "Failed to convert JS value to utf8."},
{kConvertToEnumFailed, kTypeError, "Failed to convert JS value to enum."},
{kStringifierProblem, kTypeError, "Stringifier problem."},
{kNotFunctionValue, kTypeError, "Value is not a function."},
{kInvalidNumberOfArguments, kTypeError, "Invalid number of arguments."},
{kNotUnionType, kTypeError, "Value is not a member of the union type."},
{kOutsideBounds, kRangeError, "Offset is outside the object's bounds."},
{kInvalidLength, kRangeError, "Invalid length."},
{kNotAnArrayBuffer, kTypeError, "Value is not an ArrayBuffer."},
const char* GetExceptionMessage(MessageType message_type) {
DCHECK_GT(message_type, kNoError);
DCHECK_LT(message_type, kNumMessageTypes);
return kMessages[message_type].message;
SimpleExceptionType GetSimpleExceptionType(MessageType message_type) {
DCHECK_GT(message_type, kNoError);
DCHECK_LT(message_type, kNumMessageTypes);
return kMessages[message_type].exception_type;
} // namespace script
} // namespace cobalt