blob: 6d2d5e4ef447bb3a9cdda778cedca0d2a33f0ff4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Test stepping from JS through Wasm.
// A similar test exists as an inspector test already, but inspector tests are
// not run concurrently in multiple isolates (see ` --isolates`).
const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder();
const imp_fun = builder.addImport('imp', 'ort', kSig_i_v);
const sub_fun = builder.addFunction('sub', kSig_i_ii).addBody([
kExprLocalGet, 0, // local.get i0
kExprLocalGet, 1, // local.get i1
kExprI32Sub // i32.sub i0 i1
builder.addFunction('main', kSig_i_v)
kExprCallFunction, imp_fun, // call import
kExprI32Const, 3, // i32.const 3
kExprCallFunction, sub_fun.index // call 'sub'
// Compute the line number of the 'imported' function (to avoid hard-coding it).
const import_line_nr = parseInt((new Error()).stack.match(/:([0-9]+):/)[1]) + 1;
function imported() {
return 7;
const instance = builder.instantiate({imp: {ort: imported}});
Debug = debug.Debug;
const expected_breaks = [
`imported:${import_line_nr + 1}:2`, // debugger;
`imported:${import_line_nr + 2}:2`, // return 7;
`imported:${import_line_nr + 2}:11`, // return 7;
'sub:1:58', 'sub:1:60', 'sub:1:62', 'sub:1:63', 'main:1:72'
let error;
function onBreak(event, exec_state, data) {
try {
if (event != Debug.DebugEvent.Break) return;
if (error) return;
if (data.sourceLineText().indexOf('Main returned.') >= 0) {
assertEquals(0, expected_breaks.length, 'hit all expected breaks');
const pos =
[data.functionName(), data.sourceLine(), data.sourceColumn()].join(':');
const loc = [pos, data.sourceLineText()].join(':');
print(`Break at ${loc}`);
assertTrue(expected_breaks.length > 0, 'expecting more breaks');
const expected_pos = expected_breaks.shift();
assertEquals(expected_pos, pos);
} catch (e) {
if (!error) error = e;
print('Running main.');
const result = instance.exports.main();
print('Main returned.');
if (error) throw error;
assertEquals(4, result);