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<title>Shadow DOM Test: Distribution: Unordered list</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Lower-boundary Encapsulation: Each insertion point participates in distribution by providing a matching criteria for the child nodes. The matching criteria determines whether a given node could be distributed to a given insertion point.">
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You should see an unordered list below, consisting of ten elements
each of which contains a capital letter ranging from "A" to "J",
in alphabetical order.
<ul id="list">
<li class="first">B</li>
<li class="second">E</li>
<li class="first">C</li>
var shadowRoot = document.getElementById('list').createShadowRoot();
shadowRoot.innerHTML =
'<li>A</li>' +
'<content select=".first"></content>' +
'<li>D</li>' +
'<content select=".second"></content>' +
'<li>F</li>' +
'<content select="img"></content>' +
'<li>G</li>' +
'<content></content>' +