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<title>Shadow DOM Test: A_04_09_01</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Rendering Shadow DOM Subtrees:rendering algorithm">
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test(unit(function (ctx) {
var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx);
var div = d.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '' +
'<ul id="host">' +
'<li id="li1" class="shadow">' +
'<a id="a11" class="cl1" href="#">Link11 Shadow</a>' +
'<a id="a12" class="cl2" href="#">Link12 Shadow</a>' +
'<a id="a13" class="cl1" href="#">Link13 Shadow</a>' +
'<a id="a14" class="cl3" href="#">Link14 Shadow</a>' +
'</li>' +
'<li id="li2">' +
'<a id="a21" href="#">Link21</a><a id="a22" href="#">Link22</a>' +
'</li>' +
'<li id="li3" class="shadow">' +
'<a id="a31" href="#">Link31 Shadow</a><a id="a32" href="#">Link32 Shadow</a>' +
'</li>' +
'<li id="li4" class="shadow2">' +
'<a id="a41" href="#">Link41 Shadow 2</a><a id="a42" href="#">Link22 Shadow 2</a>' +
'</li>' +
'<li id="li5" class="shadow2">' +
'<a id="a51" href="#">Link51 Shadow</a><a id="a52" href="#">Link52 Shadow 2</a>' +
'</li>' +
//make nested shadow tree to check the reprojection
var li1 = d.querySelector('#li1');
var s = li1.createShadowRoot();
var shadowLI1 = document.createElement('li');
shadowLI1.innerHTML = '<content select=".cl1"></content>';
//check the tree. a11 and a13 should be visible
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 1: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 2: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 3: Node that doesn\'t match insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 4: Node that doesn\'t match insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
var shadowLI2 = document.createElement('li');
shadowLI2.innerHTML = '<content select=".cl3"></content>';
//At this point a11, a13 and a14 should be visible
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 11: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 12: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop > d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop,
'Point 13: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 14: Node that doesn\'t match insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//Shadow root to play with
var ul = d.querySelector('#host');
//make an old shadow tree
var s2 = ul.createShadowRoot();
var div2 = d.createElement('div');
div2.innerHTML = '<ul><content select=".shadow"></content></ul>';
// At this point visible: li1 and li3
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 21: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 22: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 23: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 24: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 25: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 26: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 27: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop > d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop,
'Point 28: Node that matches insertion point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 29: Node that doesn\'t match insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//make a young shadow tree
var s3 = ul.createShadowRoot();
var div3 = d.createElement('div');
div3.innerHTML = '<ul><content select=".shadow2"></content></ul>';
//At this point: li4 and li5 visible, others not
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 31: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 32: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 33: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 34: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 35: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes (all invisible)
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 36: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 37: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 38: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 39: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
var shadow = d.createElement('shadow');
//At this point: li1, li3, li4 and li5 visible li2 not
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 41: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 42: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 43: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 44: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 45: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes (a11, a13, a14 visible, a12 not)
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 46: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 47: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 48: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 49: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
var shadow2 = d.createElement('shadow');
// Nothing should be changed
//At this point: li1, li3, li4 and li5 visible li2 not
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 51: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 52: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 53: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 54: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 55: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes (a11 and a13 visible, a12 not)
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 56: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 57: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 58: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 59: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
//replace the nested tree by younger one
var s4 = li1.createShadowRoot();
var shadowLI4 = document.createElement('li');
shadowLI4.innerHTML = '<content select=".cl2"></content>';
//At this point: li1, li3, li4 and li5 visible li2 not
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 61: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 62: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 63: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 64: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 65: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes (a12 visible, others not)
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 66: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 67: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 68: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 69: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
//Let's check that if we add a shadow insertion point to the tree nothing is
//changed in the nested three (old tree is still invisible)
var shadow3 = d.createElement('shadow');
//At this point: li1, li3, li4 and li5 visible li2 not
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li1').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 61: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li3').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 62: Node that match insertion ' +
'point criteria should be rendered');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#li2').offsetTop, 0, 'Point 63: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li4').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 64: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#li5').offsetTop > 0, 'Point 65: Node that doen\'t match ' +
'insertion point criteria shouldn\'t be rendered');
//check the reprojected nodes (a12 visible, others not)
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a11').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 66: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_true(d.querySelector('#a12').offsetTop > 0,
'Point 67: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a13').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 68: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
assert_equals(d.querySelector('#a14').offsetTop, 0,
'Point 69: Aleady distributed nodes should behave like a shadow host child nodes');
}), 'A_04_09_01_T01');