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<title>Shadow DOM Test: A_06_00_03</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="Styles: Each shadow root has an associated list of zero or more style sheets, named shadow root style sheets">
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test(unit(function (ctx) {
var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx);
var host = d.createElement('div');
//Shadow root to play with
var s = host.createShadowRoot();
assert_equals(s.styleSheets.length, 0, 'There should be no style sheets');
}), 'A_06_00_03_T01');
test(unit(function (ctx) {
var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx);
var host = d.createElement('div');
host.setAttribute('style', 'width:100px');
//Shadow root to play with
var s = host.createShadowRoot();
assert_equals(s.styleSheets.length, 0, 'There should be no style sheets');
}), 'A_06_00_03_T02');
//TODO Now this tests produces an error on Chromium because styleSheets.length
//returns 0 when the shadow root is orphaned.
//Tracking bug:
test(unit(function (ctx) {
var d = newRenderedHTMLDocument(ctx);
var host = d.createElement('div');
//Shadow root to play with
var s = host.createShadowRoot();
var style = d.createElement('style');
style.textContent = 'div {width: 50%;}';
// The following line fixes the issue on Chromium,
// d.body.appendChild(host);
assert_equals(s.styleSheets.length, 1, 'Style sheet is not accessible via styleSheets');
}), 'A_06_00_03_T03');