blob: 2ea2563dc236b862b66145c961fe1f28edfeccda [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static java.math.BigInteger.ONE;
import static java.math.BigInteger.ZERO;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Implements the Ed25519 twisted Edwards curve. See for more details.
public class Ed25519 {
// Don't instantiate
private Ed25519() { }
// Curve parameters (
private static final int HEX_RADIX = 16;
private static final BigInteger Ed25519_P =
private static final BigInteger Ed25519_D =
new BigInteger("52036CEE2B6FFE738CC740797779E89800700A4D4141D8AB75EB4DCA135978A3", HEX_RADIX);
// Helps to do fast addition k = 2*d
private static final BigInteger Ed25519_K =
new BigInteger("2406D9DC56DFFCE7198E80F2EEF3D13000E0149A8283B156EBD69B9426B2F159", HEX_RADIX);
// Identity point in extended representation (0, 1, 1, 0)
static final BigInteger[] IDENTITY_POINT = new BigInteger[] {ZERO, ONE, ONE, ZERO};
// Helps for reading coordinate type in point representation
private static final int X = 0;
private static final int Y = 1;
private static final int Z = 2;
private static final int T = 3;
// Number of bits that we need to represent a point. Realistically, we only need 255, but using
// 256 doesn't hurt.
private static final int POINT_SIZE_BITS = 256;
* Returns the result of multiplying point p by scalar k. A point is represented as a BigInteger
* array of length 2 where the first element (at index 0) is the X coordinate and the second
* element (at index 1) is the Y coordinate.
public static BigInteger[] scalarMultiplyAffinePoint(BigInteger[] p, BigInteger k)
throws Ed25519Exception {
return toAffine(scalarMultiplyExtendedPoint(toExtended(p), k));
* Returns the sum of two points in affine representation. A point is represented as a BigInteger
* array of length 2 where the first element (at index 0) is the X coordinate and the second
* element (at index 1) is the Y coordinate.
public static BigInteger[] addAffinePoints(BigInteger[] p1, BigInteger[] p2)
throws Ed25519Exception {
return toAffine(addExtendedPoints(toExtended(p1), toExtended(p2)));
* Returns the result of subtracting p2 from p1 (i.e., p1 - p2) in affine representation. A point
* is represented as a BigInteger array of length 2 where the first element (at index 0) is the X
* coordinate and the second element (at index 1) is the Y coordinate.
public static BigInteger[] subtractAffinePoints(BigInteger[] p1, BigInteger[] p2)
throws Ed25519Exception {
return toAffine(subtractExtendedPoints(toExtended(p1), toExtended(p2)));
* Validates that a given point in affine representation is on the curve and is positive.
* @throws Ed25519Exception if the point does not validate
public static void validateAffinePoint(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
BigInteger x = p[X];
BigInteger y = p[Y];
if (x.signum() != 1 || y.signum() != 1) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Point encoding must use only positive integers");
if ((x.compareTo(Ed25519_P) >= 0) || (y.compareTo(Ed25519_P) >= 0)) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Point lies outside of the expected field");
BigInteger xx = x.multiply(x);
BigInteger yy = y.multiply(y);
BigInteger lhs = xx.negate().add(yy).mod(Ed25519_P); // -x*x + y*y
BigInteger rhs = ONE.add(Ed25519_D.multiply(xx).multiply(yy)).mod(Ed25519_P); // 1 + d*x*x*y*y
if (!lhs.equals(rhs)) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Point does not lie on the expected curve");
* Returns the result of multiplying point p by scalar k
static BigInteger[] scalarMultiplyExtendedPoint(BigInteger[] p, BigInteger k)
throws Ed25519Exception {
if (k == null) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Can't multiply point by null");
if (k.bitLength() > POINT_SIZE_BITS) {
throw new Ed25519Exception(
"Refuse to multiply point by scalar with more than " + POINT_SIZE_BITS + " bits");
// Perform best effort time-constant accumulation
BigInteger[] q = IDENTITY_POINT;
BigInteger[] r = IDENTITY_POINT;
BigInteger[] doubleAccumulator = p;
for (int i = 0; i < POINT_SIZE_BITS; i++) {
if (k.testBit(i)) {
q = addExtendedPoints(q, doubleAccumulator);
} else {
r = addExtendedPoints(q, doubleAccumulator);
if (i < POINT_SIZE_BITS - 1) {
doubleAccumulator = doubleExtendedPoint(doubleAccumulator);
// Not needed, but we're just trying to fool the compiler into not optimizing away r
r = subtractExtendedPoints(r, r);
q = addExtendedPoints(q, r);
return q;
* Returns the doubling of a point in extended representation
private static BigInteger[] doubleExtendedPoint(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
// The Edwards curve is complete, so we can just add a point to itself.
// Note that the currently best known algorithms for doubling have the same order as addition.
BigInteger c = p[T].pow(2).multiply(Ed25519_K);
BigInteger d = p[Z].pow(2).shiftLeft(1);
BigInteger e = p[Y].multiply(p[X]).shiftLeft(2);
BigInteger f = d.subtract(c);
BigInteger g = d.add(c);
BigInteger h = p[Y].pow(2).add(p[X].pow(2)).shiftLeft(1);
return new BigInteger[] {
* Returns the result of subtracting p2 from p1 (p1 - p2)
static BigInteger[] subtractExtendedPoints(BigInteger[] p1, BigInteger[] p2)
throws Ed25519Exception {
return addExtendedPoints(p1, new BigInteger[] {p2[X].negate(), p2[Y], p2[Z], p2[T].negate()});
* Returns the sum of two points in extended representation
* Uses:
static BigInteger[] addExtendedPoints(BigInteger[] p1, BigInteger[] p2)
throws Ed25519Exception {
BigInteger a = p1[Y].subtract(p1[X]).multiply(p2[Y].subtract(p2[X]));
BigInteger b = p1[Y].add(p1[X]).multiply(p2[Y].add(p2[X]));
BigInteger c = p1[T].multiply(Ed25519_K).multiply(p2[T]);
BigInteger d = p1[Z].add(p1[Z]).multiply(p2[Z]);
BigInteger e = b.subtract(a);
BigInteger f = d.subtract(c);
BigInteger g = d.add(c);
BigInteger h = b.add(a);
return new BigInteger[] {
* Converts a point in affine representation to extended representation
static BigInteger[] toExtended(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
return new BigInteger[] {p[X], p[Y], ONE, p[X].multiply(p[Y]).mod(Ed25519_P)}; // x, y, 1, x*y
* Converts a point in extended representation to affine representation
static BigInteger[] toAffine(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
return new BigInteger[] {p[X].multiply(p[Z].modInverse(Ed25519_P)).mod(Ed25519_P), // x = X / Z
p[Y].multiply(p[Z].modInverse(Ed25519_P)).mod(Ed25519_P)}; // y = Y / Z
* Checks that a given point is in the extended representation
* @throws Ed25519Exception if the point is not in the extended representation
static void checkPointIsInExtendedRepresentation(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
if (p == null || p.length != 4 || p[X] == null || p[Y] == null || p[Z] == null
|| p[T] == null) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Point is not in extended representation");
* Checks that a given point is in the affine representation
* @throws Ed25519Exception if the point is not in the affine representation
static void checkPointIsInAffineRepresentation(BigInteger[] p) throws Ed25519Exception {
if (p == null || p.length != 2 || p[X] == null || p[Y] == null) {
throw new Ed25519Exception("Point is not in affine representation");
* Represents an unrecoverable error that has occurred while performing a curve operation.
public static class Ed25519Exception extends Exception {
public Ed25519Exception(String message) {
public Ed25519Exception(Exception e) {
public Ed25519Exception(String message, Exception e) {
super(message, e);