blob: f1751bdc0547ae6cf71bf80a00abbd47d757ece5 [file] [log] [blame]
load(libdir + 'asserts.js');
function test() {
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.Int64("0xfffffffffffffffffffffff"); },
"can't pass the string \"0xfffffffffffffffffffffff\" to argument 1 of Int64");
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.Int64.join("foo", 0); },
"can't pass the string \"foo\" to argument 1 of Int64.join");
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.Int64.join(0, "foo"); },
"can't pass the string \"foo\" to argument 2 of Int64.join");
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.UInt64("0xfffffffffffffffffffffff"); },
"can't pass the string \"0xfffffffffffffffffffffff\" to argument 1 of UInt64");
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.UInt64.join("foo", 0); },
"can't pass the string \"foo\" to argument 1 of UInt64.join");
assertTypeErrorMessage(() => { ctypes.UInt64.join(0, "foo"); },
"can't pass the string \"foo\" to argument 2 of UInt64.join");
if (typeof ctypes === "object")