blob: 2ea3f8aab950c8675bca1ec6fa34de0974ac7c8c [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_VMFunctions_h
#define jit_VMFunctions_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "jit/CompileInfo.h"
#include "jit/JitFrames.h"
namespace js {
class DeclEnvObject;
class StaticWithObject;
class InlineTypedObject;
class GeneratorObject;
namespace jit {
enum DataType {
struct PopValues
uint32_t numValues;
explicit PopValues(uint32_t numValues)
: numValues(numValues)
{ }
enum MaybeTailCall {
// Contains information about a virtual machine function that can be called
// from JIT code. Functions described in this manner must conform to a simple
// protocol: the return type must have a special "failure" value (for example,
// false for bool, or nullptr for Objects). If the function is designed to
// return a value that does not meet this requirement - such as
// object-or-nullptr, or an integer, an optional, final outParam can be
// specified. In this case, the return type must be boolean to indicate
// failure.
// All functions described by VMFunction take a JSContext * as a first
// argument, and are treated as re-entrant into the VM and therefore fallible.
struct VMFunction
// Global linked list of all VMFunctions.
static VMFunction* functions;
VMFunction* next;
// Address of the C function.
void* wrapped;
// Number of arguments expected, excluding JSContext * as an implicit
// first argument and an outparam as a possible implicit final argument.
uint32_t explicitArgs;
enum ArgProperties {
WordByValue = 0,
DoubleByValue = 1,
WordByRef = 2,
DoubleByRef = 3,
// BitMask version.
Word = 0,
Double = 1,
ByRef = 2
// Contains properties about the first 16 arguments.
uint32_t argumentProperties;
// Which arguments should be passed in float register on platforms that
// have them.
uint32_t argumentPassedInFloatRegs;
// The outparam may be any Type_*, and must be the final argument to the
// function, if not Void. outParam != Void implies that the return type
// has a boolean failure mode.
DataType outParam;
// Type returned by the C function and used by the VMFunction wrapper to
// check for failures of the C function. Valid failure/return types are
// boolean and object pointers which are asserted inside the VMFunction
// constructor. If the C function use an outparam (!= Type_Void), then
// the only valid failure/return type is boolean -- object pointers are
// pointless because the wrapper will only use it to compare it against
// nullptr before discarding its value.
DataType returnType;
// Note: a maximum of seven root types is supported.
enum RootType {
RootNone = 0,
// Contains an combination of enumerated types used by the gc for marking
// arguments of the VM wrapper.
uint64_t argumentRootTypes;
// The root type of the out param if outParam == Type_Handle.
RootType outParamRootType;
// Number of Values the VM wrapper should pop from the stack when it returns.
// Used by baseline IC stubs so that they can use tail calls to call the VM
// wrapper.
uint32_t extraValuesToPop;
// On some architectures, called functions need to explicitly push their
// return address, for a tail call, there is nothing to push, so tail-callness
// needs to be known at compile time.
MaybeTailCall expectTailCall;
uint32_t argc() const {
// JSContext * + args + (OutParam? *)
return 1 + explicitArgc() + ((outParam == Type_Void) ? 0 : 1);
DataType failType() const {
return returnType;
ArgProperties argProperties(uint32_t explicitArg) const {
return ArgProperties((argumentProperties >> (2 * explicitArg)) & 3);
RootType argRootType(uint32_t explicitArg) const {
return RootType((argumentRootTypes >> (3 * explicitArg)) & 7);
bool argPassedInFloatReg(uint32_t explicitArg) const {
return ((argumentPassedInFloatRegs >> explicitArg) & 1) == 1;
// Return the stack size consumed by explicit arguments.
size_t explicitStackSlots() const {
size_t stackSlots = explicitArgs;
// Fetch all double-word flags of explicit arguments.
uint32_t n =
((1 << (explicitArgs * 2)) - 1) // = Explicit argument mask.
& 0x55555555 // = Mask double-size args.
& argumentProperties;
// Add the number of double-word flags. (expect a few loop
// iteration)
while (n) {
n &= n - 1;
return stackSlots;
// Double-size argument which are passed by value are taking the space
// of 2 C arguments. This function is used to compute the number of
// argument expected by the C function. This is not the same as
// explicitStackSlots because reference to stack slots may take one less
// register in the total count.
size_t explicitArgc() const {
size_t stackSlots = explicitArgs;
// Fetch all explicit arguments.
uint32_t n =
((1 << (explicitArgs * 2)) - 1) // = Explicit argument mask.
& argumentProperties;
// Filter double-size arguments (0x5 = 0b0101) and remove (& ~)
// arguments passed by reference (0b1010 >> 1 == 0b0101).
n = (n & 0x55555555) & ~(n >> 1);
// Add the number of double-word transfered by value. (expect a few
// loop iteration)
while (n) {
n &= n - 1;
return stackSlots;
size_t doubleByRefArgs() const {
size_t count = 0;
// Fetch all explicit arguments.
uint32_t n =
((1 << (explicitArgs * 2)) - 1) // = Explicit argument mask.
& argumentProperties;
// Filter double-size arguments (0x5 = 0b0101) and take (&) only
// arguments passed by reference (0b1010 >> 1 == 0b0101).
n = (n & 0x55555555) & (n >> 1);
// Add the number of double-word transfered by refference. (expect a
// few loop iterations)
while (n) {
n &= n - 1;
return count;
: wrapped(nullptr),
VMFunction(void* wrapped, uint32_t explicitArgs, uint32_t argumentProperties,
uint32_t argumentPassedInFloatRegs, uint64_t argRootTypes,
DataType outParam, RootType outParamRootType, DataType returnType,
uint32_t extraValuesToPop = 0, MaybeTailCall expectTailCall = NonTailCall)
: wrapped(wrapped),
// Check for valid failure/return type.
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(outParam != Type_Void, returnType == Type_Bool);
MOZ_ASSERT(returnType == Type_Bool ||
returnType == Type_Object);
VMFunction(const VMFunction& o) {
*this = o;
// Add this to the global list of VMFunctions.
void addToFunctions();
template <class> struct TypeToDataType { /* Unexpected return type for a VMFunction. */ };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<bool> { static const DataType result = Type_Bool; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<JSObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<NativeObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<PlainObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<InlineTypedObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<DeclEnvObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<ArrayObject*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<JSString*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<JSFlatString*> { static const DataType result = Type_Object; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandleObject> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandleString> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandlePropertyName> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandleFunction> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<NativeObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<InlineTypedObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<ArrayObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<GeneratorObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<PlainObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<StaticWithObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<Handle<StaticBlockObject*> > { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandleScript> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<HandleValue> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct TypeToDataType<MutableHandleValue> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
// Convert argument types to properties of the argument known by the jit.
template <class T> struct TypeToArgProperties {
static const uint32_t result =
(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*) ? VMFunction::Word : VMFunction::Double);
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<const Value&> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<Value>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleObject> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<JSObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleString> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<JSString*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandlePropertyName> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<PropertyName*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleFunction> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<JSFunction*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<NativeObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<NativeObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<InlineTypedObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<InlineTypedObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<ArrayObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<ArrayObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<GeneratorObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<GeneratorObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<PlainObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<PlainObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<StaticWithObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<StaticWithObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<Handle<StaticBlockObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<StaticBlockObject*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleScript> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<JSScript*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleValue> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<Value>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<MutableHandleValue> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<Value>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleShape> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<Shape*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
template <> struct TypeToArgProperties<HandleObjectGroup> {
static const uint32_t result = TypeToArgProperties<ObjectGroup*>::result | VMFunction::ByRef;
// Convert argument type to whether or not it should be passed in a float
// register on platforms that have them, like x64.
template <class T> struct TypeToPassInFloatReg {
static const uint32_t result = 0;
template <> struct TypeToPassInFloatReg<double> {
static const uint32_t result = 1;
// Convert argument types to root types used by the gc, see MarkJitExitFrame.
template <class T> struct TypeToRootType {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootNone;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleObject> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleString> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootString;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandlePropertyName> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootPropertyName;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleFunction> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootFunction;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleValue> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootValue;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<MutableHandleValue> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootValue;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleShape> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootCell;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleObjectGroup> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootCell;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<HandleScript> {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootCell;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<NativeObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<InlineTypedObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<ArrayObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<GeneratorObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<PlainObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<StaticBlockObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<StaticWithObject*> > {
static const uint32_t result = VMFunction::RootCell;
template <class T> struct TypeToRootType<Handle<T> > {
// Fail for Handle types that aren't specialized above.
template <class> struct OutParamToDataType { static const DataType result = Type_Void; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<Value*> { static const DataType result = Type_Value; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<int*> { static const DataType result = Type_Int32; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<uint32_t*> { static const DataType result = Type_Int32; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<uint8_t**> { static const DataType result = Type_Pointer; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<bool*> { static const DataType result = Type_Bool; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<double*> { static const DataType result = Type_Double; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<MutableHandleValue> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<MutableHandleObject> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <> struct OutParamToDataType<MutableHandleString> { static const DataType result = Type_Handle; };
template <class> struct OutParamToRootType {
static const VMFunction::RootType result = VMFunction::RootNone;
template <> struct OutParamToRootType<MutableHandleValue> {
static const VMFunction::RootType result = VMFunction::RootValue;
template <> struct OutParamToRootType<MutableHandleObject> {
static const VMFunction::RootType result = VMFunction::RootObject;
template <> struct OutParamToRootType<MutableHandleString> {
static const VMFunction::RootType result = VMFunction::RootString;
template <class> struct MatchContext { };
template <> struct MatchContext<JSContext*> {
static const bool valid = true;
template <> struct MatchContext<ExclusiveContext*> {
static const bool valid = true;
// Extract the last element of a list of types.
template <typename... ArgTypes>
struct LastArg;
template <>
struct LastArg<>
typedef void Type;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR size_t nbArgs = 0;
template <typename HeadType>
struct LastArg<HeadType>
typedef HeadType Type;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR size_t nbArgs = 1;
template <typename HeadType, typename... TailTypes>
struct LastArg<HeadType, TailTypes...>
typedef typename LastArg<TailTypes...>::Type Type;
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR size_t nbArgs = LastArg<TailTypes...>::nbArgs + 1;
// Construct a bit mask from a list of types. The mask is constructed as an OR
// of the mask produced for each argument. The result of each argument is
// shifted by its index, such that the result of the first argument is on the
// low bits of the mask, and the result of the last argument in part of the
// high bits of the mask.
template <template<typename> class Each, typename ResultType, size_t Shift,
typename... Args>
struct BitMask;
template <template<typename> class Each, typename ResultType, size_t Shift>
struct BitMask<Each, ResultType, Shift>
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ResultType result = ResultType();
template <template<typename> class Each, typename ResultType, size_t Shift,
typename HeadType, typename... TailTypes>
struct BitMask<Each, ResultType, Shift, HeadType, TailTypes...>
static_assert(ResultType(Each<HeadType>::result) < (1 << Shift),
"not enough bits reserved by the shift for individual results");
static_assert(LastArg<TailTypes...>::nbArgs < (8 * sizeof(ResultType) / Shift),
"not enough bits in the result type to store all bit masks");
static MOZ_CONSTEXPR_VAR ResultType result =
ResultType(Each<HeadType>::result) |
(BitMask<Each, ResultType, Shift, TailTypes...>::result << Shift);
// Extract VMFunction properties based on the signature of the function. The
// properties are used to generate the logic for calling the VM function, and
// also for marking the stack during GCs.
template <typename... Args>
struct FunctionInfo;
template <class R, class Context, typename... Args>
struct FunctionInfo<R (*)(Context, Args...)> : public VMFunction
typedef R (*pf)(Context, Args...);
static DataType returnType() {
return TypeToDataType<R>::result;
static DataType outParam() {
return OutParamToDataType<typename LastArg<Args...>::Type>::result;
static RootType outParamRootType() {
return OutParamToRootType<typename LastArg<Args...>::Type>::result;
static size_t NbArgs() {
return LastArg<Args...>::nbArgs;
static size_t explicitArgs() {
return NbArgs() - (outParam() != Type_Void ? 1 : 0);
static uint32_t argumentProperties() {
return BitMask<TypeToArgProperties, uint32_t, 2, Args...>::result;
static uint32_t argumentPassedInFloatRegs() {
return BitMask<TypeToPassInFloatReg, uint32_t, 2, Args...>::result;
static uint64_t argumentRootTypes() {
return BitMask<TypeToRootType, uint64_t, 3, Args...>::result;
explicit FunctionInfo(pf fun, PopValues extraValuesToPop = PopValues(0))
: VMFunction(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, fun), explicitArgs(),
argumentProperties(), argumentPassedInFloatRegs(),
argumentRootTypes(), outParam(), outParamRootType(),
returnType(), extraValuesToPop.numValues, NonTailCall)
static_assert(MatchContext<Context>::valid, "Invalid cx type in VMFunction");
explicit FunctionInfo(pf fun, MaybeTailCall expectTailCall,
PopValues extraValuesToPop = PopValues(0))
: VMFunction(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, fun), explicitArgs(),
argumentProperties(), argumentPassedInFloatRegs(),
argumentRootTypes(), outParam(), outParamRootType(),
returnType(), extraValuesToPop.numValues, expectTailCall)
static_assert(MatchContext<Context>::valid, "Invalid cx type in VMFunction");
class AutoDetectInvalidation
JSContext* cx_;
IonScript* ionScript_;
MutableHandleValue rval_;
bool disabled_;
void setReturnOverride();
AutoDetectInvalidation(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue rval, IonScript* ionScript)
: cx_(cx), ionScript_(ionScript), rval_(rval), disabled_(false)
AutoDetectInvalidation(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue rval);
void disable() {
disabled_ = true;
~AutoDetectInvalidation() {
if (!disabled_ && ionScript_->invalidated())
bool InvokeFunction(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj0, bool constructing, uint32_t argc,
Value* argv, MutableHandleValue rval);
bool InvokeFunctionShuffleNewTarget(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t numActualArgs,
uint32_t numFormalArgs, Value* argv, MutableHandleValue rval);
bool CheckOverRecursed(JSContext* cx);
bool CheckOverRecursedWithExtra(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame,
uint32_t extra, uint32_t earlyCheck);
bool DefVar(JSContext* cx, HandlePropertyName dn, unsigned attrs, HandleObject scopeChain);
bool DefLexical(JSContext* cx, HandlePropertyName dn, unsigned attrs, HandleObject scopeChain);
bool DefGlobalLexical(JSContext* cx, HandlePropertyName dn, unsigned attrs);
bool MutatePrototype(JSContext* cx, HandlePlainObject obj, HandleValue value);
bool InitProp(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name, HandleValue value,
jsbytecode* pc);
template<bool Equal>
bool LooselyEqual(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
template<bool Equal>
bool StrictlyEqual(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
bool LessThan(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
bool LessThanOrEqual(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
bool GreaterThan(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
bool GreaterThanOrEqual(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleValue lhs, MutableHandleValue rhs, bool* res);
template<bool Equal>
bool StringsEqual(JSContext* cx, HandleString left, HandleString right, bool* res);
bool ArrayPopDense(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue rval);
bool ArrayPushDense(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue v, uint32_t* length);
bool ArrayShiftDense(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue rval);
JSObject* ArrayConcatDense(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj1, HandleObject obj2, HandleObject res);
JSString* ArrayJoin(JSContext* cx, HandleObject array, HandleString sep);
bool CharCodeAt(JSContext* cx, HandleString str, int32_t index, uint32_t* code);
JSFlatString* StringFromCharCode(JSContext* cx, int32_t code);
bool SetProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandlePropertyName name, HandleValue value,
bool strict, jsbytecode* pc);
bool InterruptCheck(JSContext* cx);
void* MallocWrapper(JSRuntime* rt, size_t nbytes);
JSObject* NewCallObject(JSContext* cx, HandleShape shape, HandleObjectGroup group,
uint32_t lexicalBegin);
JSObject* NewSingletonCallObject(JSContext* cx, HandleShape shape, uint32_t lexicalBegin);
JSObject* NewStringObject(JSContext* cx, HandleString str);
bool OperatorIn(JSContext* cx, HandleValue key, HandleObject obj, bool* out);
bool OperatorInI(JSContext* cx, uint32_t index, HandleObject obj, bool* out);
bool GetIntrinsicValue(JSContext* cx, HandlePropertyName name, MutableHandleValue rval);
bool CreateThis(JSContext* cx, HandleObject callee, HandleObject newTarget, MutableHandleValue rval);
void GetDynamicName(JSContext* cx, JSObject* scopeChain, JSString* str, Value* vp);
void PostWriteBarrier(JSRuntime* rt, JSObject* obj);
void PostGlobalWriteBarrier(JSRuntime* rt, JSObject* obj);
uint32_t GetIndexFromString(JSString* str);
bool DebugPrologue(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc, bool* mustReturn);
bool DebugEpilogue(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc, bool ok);
bool DebugEpilogueOnBaselineReturn(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc);
void FrameIsDebuggeeCheck(BaselineFrame* frame);
JSObject* CreateGenerator(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool NormalSuspend(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc,
uint32_t stackDepth);
bool FinalSuspend(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc);
bool InterpretResume(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue val, HandlePropertyName kind,
MutableHandleValue rval);
bool DebugAfterYield(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool GeneratorThrowOrClose(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, Handle<GeneratorObject*> genObj,
HandleValue arg, uint32_t resumeKind);
bool GlobalNameConflictsCheckFromIon(JSContext* cx, HandleScript script);
bool InitGlobalOrEvalScopeObjects(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool InitFunctionScopeObjects(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool NewArgumentsObject(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, MutableHandleValue res);
JSObject* InitRestParameter(JSContext* cx, uint32_t length, Value* rest, HandleObject templateObj,
HandleObject res);
bool HandleDebugTrap(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, uint8_t* retAddr, bool* mustReturn);
bool OnDebuggerStatement(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc, bool* mustReturn);
bool GlobalHasLiveOnDebuggerStatement(JSContext* cx);
bool EnterWith(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, HandleValue val,
Handle<StaticWithObject*> templ);
bool LeaveWith(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool PushBlockScope(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, Handle<StaticBlockObject*> block);
bool PopBlockScope(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool DebugLeaveThenPopBlockScope(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc);
bool FreshenBlockScope(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool DebugLeaveThenFreshenBlockScope(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc);
bool DebugLeaveBlock(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, jsbytecode* pc);
bool InitBaselineFrameForOsr(BaselineFrame* frame, InterpreterFrame* interpFrame,
uint32_t numStackValues);
JSObject* CreateDerivedTypedObj(JSContext* cx, HandleObject descr,
HandleObject owner, int32_t offset);
bool ArraySpliceDense(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, uint32_t start, uint32_t deleteCount);
bool Recompile(JSContext* cx);
bool ForcedRecompile(JSContext* cx);
JSString* RegExpReplace(JSContext* cx, HandleString string, HandleObject regexp,
HandleString repl);
JSString* StringReplace(JSContext* cx, HandleString string, HandleString pattern,
HandleString repl);
bool SetDenseOrUnboxedArrayElement(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, int32_t index,
HandleValue value, bool strict);
void AssertValidObjectPtr(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
void AssertValidObjectOrNullPtr(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj);
void AssertValidStringPtr(JSContext* cx, JSString* str);
void AssertValidSymbolPtr(JSContext* cx, JS::Symbol* sym);
void AssertValidValue(JSContext* cx, Value* v);
void MarkValueFromIon(JSRuntime* rt, Value* vp);
void MarkStringFromIon(JSRuntime* rt, JSString** stringp);
void MarkObjectFromIon(JSRuntime* rt, JSObject** objp);
void MarkShapeFromIon(JSRuntime* rt, Shape** shapep);
void MarkObjectGroupFromIon(JSRuntime* rt, ObjectGroup** groupp);
// Helper for generatePreBarrier.
inline void*
IonMarkFunction(MIRType type)
switch (type) {
case MIRType_Value:
return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, MarkValueFromIon);
case MIRType_String:
return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, MarkStringFromIon);
case MIRType_Object:
return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, MarkObjectFromIon);
case MIRType_Shape:
return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, MarkShapeFromIon);
case MIRType_ObjectGroup:
return JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void*, MarkObjectGroupFromIon);
default: MOZ_CRASH();
bool ObjectIsCallable(JSObject* obj);
bool ThrowRuntimeLexicalError(JSContext* cx, unsigned errorNumber);
bool BaselineThrowUninitializedThis(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame);
bool ThrowBadDerivedReturn(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v);
bool ThrowObjectCoercible(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v);
bool BaselineGetFunctionThis(JSContext* cx, BaselineFrame* frame, MutableHandleValue res);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_VMFunctions_h */