blob: 05cf60aff355fe9f5e1bd4cd1b2d7fd20c6bc1ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* A stock watcher function. */
var watcherCount;
function watcher(id, oldval, newval) { watcherCount++; return newval; }
/* Create an object with a JavaScript setter. */
var setterCount;
var o = { w:2, set x(v) { setterCount++; } };
* Put the object in dictionary mode, so that JSObject::putProperty will
* mutate its shapes instead of creating new ones.
delete o.w;
* Place a watchpoint on the property. The watchpoint structure holds the
* original JavaScript setter, and a pointer to the shape.
*/'x', watcher);
* Replace the accessor property with a value property. The shape's setter
* should become a non-JS setter, js_watch_set, and the watchpoint
* structure's saved setter should be updated (in this case, cleared).
Object.defineProperty(o, 'x', { value:3,
configurable:true });
* Assign to the property. This should trigger js_watch_set, which should
* call the handler, and then see that there is no JS-level setter to pass
* control on to, and return.
watcherCount = setterCount = 0;
o.x = 3;
assertEq(watcherCount, 1);
assertEq(setterCount, 0);
reportCompare(true, true);