blob: 8e0f5605745b5d7e2cc9a535dba1f9ff3551d1a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
function DebugCommands(debugConsole) {
this.debugConsole = debugConsole;
this.consoleValues = debugConsole.consoleValues;
this.commandRegistry = {};
DebugCommands.prototype.addBuiltinCommands = function() {
this.commandRegistry.cvalList = () => {
let result = this.consoleValues.listAll();
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, result);
this.commandRegistry.cvalList.shortHelp =
'List all registered console values.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalList.longHelp =
'List all registered console values that can be displayed.\n' +
'You can change what subset is displayed in the HUD using ' +
'the cvalAdd and cvalRemove debug methods.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalAdd = (substringToMatch) => {
let result = this.consoleValues.addActive(substringToMatch);
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, result);
// After each change, save the active set with the default key.
this.commandRegistry.cvalAdd.shortHelp =
'Adds one or more consoles value to the HUD.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalAdd.longHelp =
'Adds any of the registered consolve values (displayed with cvalList) ' +
'to the HUD whose name matches one of the specified space-separated '
this.commandRegistry.cvalRemove = (substringToMatch) => {
let result = this.consoleValues.removeActive(substringToMatch);
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, result);
// After each change, save the active set with the default key.
this.commandRegistry.cvalRemove.shortHelp =
'Removes one or more consoles value from the HUD.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalRemove.longHelp =
'Removes any of the consolve values displayed in the HUD ' +
'whose name matches one of the specified space-separated prefixes.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalSave = (key) => {
let result = this.consoleValues.saveActiveSet(key);
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, result);
this.commandRegistry.cvalSave.shortHelp =
'Saves the current set of console values displayed in the HUD.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalSave.longHelp =
'Saves the set of console values currently displayed in the HUD ' +
'to web local storage using the specified key. Saved display sets can ' +
'be reloaded later using the cvalLoad debug method and the same key.\n' +
'If no key is specified, uses a default value.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalLoad = (key) => {
let result = this.consoleValues.loadActiveSet(key);
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, result);
this.commandRegistry.cvalLoad.shortHelp =
'Loads a previously stored set of console values displayed in the HUD.';
this.commandRegistry.cvalLoad.longHelp =
'Loads the set of console values currently displayed in the HUD ' +
'from a set previously saved in web local storage using the cvalSave ' +
'debug method and the same key.\n' +
'If no key is specified, uses a default value.';
this.commandRegistry.history = this.history.bind(this);
this.commandRegistry.history.shortHelp = 'Display command history.';
this.commandRegistry.history.longHelp =
'Display a list of all previously executed commands with an '+
'index. You can re-execute any of the commands from the ' +
'history by typing "!" followed by the index of that command.' =; =
'Display this message, or detail for a specific command.'; =
'With no arguments, displays a summary of all commands. If the name of ' +
'a command is specified, displays additional details about that command.';
this.commandRegistry.dir = this.dir.bind(this);
this.commandRegistry.dir.shortHelp =
'Lists the properties of an object in the main web module.';
this.commandRegistry.dir.longHelp =
'Lists the properties of the specified object in the main web module. ' +
'Remember to enclose the name of the object in quotes.';
this.commandRegistry.debugger = () => {
return this.debugConsole.debuggerClient;
this.commandRegistry.debugger.shortHelp =
'Get the debugger client';
this.commandRegistry.debugger.longHelp =
'Get the debugger client. The debugger client can be used to issue ' +
'JavaScript debugging commands to the main web module.';
} = function(command) {
let helpString = '';
if (command) {
// Detailed help on a specific command.
if (this.commandRegistry[command]) {
helpString = this.commandRegistry[command].longHelp;
} else {
helpString = 'Command "' + command + '" not found.';
} else {
// Summary help for all commands.
helpString = 'Cobalt Debug Console commands:\n\n';
for (cmd in this.commandRegistry) {
helpString += 'debug.' + cmd + '() - ';
helpString += this.commandRegistry[cmd].shortHelp + '\n';
helpString +=
'\nYou are entering JavaScript, so remember to use parentheses, ' +
'enclose string arguments in quotes, etc.\n' +
'You can use "d." as a shorthand for "debug."\n' +
'All other text will be executed as JavaScript in the main web ' +
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, helpString);
DebugCommands.prototype.history = function() {
let history = this.debugConsole.commandInput.getHistory();
for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i += 1) {
printToMessageLog(MessageLog.INTERACTIVE, i + ' ' + history[i]);
DebugCommands.prototype.dir = function(objectName) {
let js = '(function(obj) {' +
' let properties = obj + "\\n";' +
' for (p in obj) { properties += p + "\\n"; }' +
' return properties;' +
'}(' + objectName + '))';
DebugCommands.prototype.addConsoleCommands = function() {
let consoleCommands = window.debugHub.consoleCommands;
for (let i = 0; i < consoleCommands.length; i++) {
let c = consoleCommands[i];
this.addOneConsoleCommand(c.command, c.shortHelp, c.longHelp);
DebugCommands.prototype.addOneConsoleCommand = function(
command, shortHelp, longHelp) {
this.commandRegistry[command] = (message) => {
window.debugHub.sendConsoleCommand(command, message);
this.commandRegistry[command].shortHelp = shortHelp;
this.commandRegistry[command].longHelp = longHelp;
// Run a registered debugger command. If the command appears to be a method of
// the virtual "debug" (or shorthand "d") object it is run in the debug console
// web module and true is returned. Otherwise the command is not run and false
// is returned.
DebugCommands.prototype.executeCommand = function(command) {
if (command.trim().indexOf('debug.') == 0 ||
command.trim().indexOf('d.') == 0) {
// The "debug" and "d" objects exist only while evaluating the command.
let debug = this.commandRegistry;
let d = this.commandRegistry;
return true;
return false;