blob: b8ac836f0a6c0692d1e3e109621971b273e88165 [file] [log] [blame]
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Specialized defines for porting V8 on top of Starboard. It would have been
// nice to have been able to use the shared poems, however they are too
// aggressive for V8 (such as grabbing identifiers that will come after std::).
#ifndef V8_SRC_POEMS_H_
#define V8_SRC_POEMS_H_
#if !defined(V8_OS_STARBOARD)
#error "Including V8 poems without V8_OS_STARBOARD defined."
// This file is deprecated, stop using poems and use wrapper functions in
// base/platform/wrappers.h instead.
// Currently only has trouble removing poems.h
// dependencies.
#include "starboard/memory.h"
#include "starboard/string.h"
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#define malloc(x) SbMemoryAllocate(x)
#define realloc(x, y) SbMemoryReallocate(x, y)
#define free(x) SbMemoryDeallocate(x)
#define calloc(x, y) SbMemoryCalloc(x, y)
#define strdup(s) SbStringDuplicate(s)
#define printf(x) SbLogRaw(x)
#define __builtin_abort SbSystemBreakIntoDebugger
// No-ops for now
#define fopen(x)
#define fclose(x)
#define feof(x) 1
#define fgets(x, y, z) nullptr
#define ferror(x) 1
#define fseek(x, y, z) 1
#define fread(x, y, z, q) 0
#define ftell(x) -1L
#define puts(x)
#define fputs(x)
#define fprintf(x, y, z)
static FILE* null_file_ptr = nullptr;
#undef stderr
#define stderr null_file_ptr
#undef stdout
#define stdout null_file_ptr
#define fflush(x)
#endif // V8_SRC_POEMS_H_