blob: cb74f56ceaaca9b321002bfd3089646746ea25b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# to add more browsers specify a [section header] with the name
# the 'browser' is currently required
# url and capabilities are optional
# url is the 'command_executor' argument passed in to the 'browser' class
# capabilities is the 'desired_capabilities' argument.
capabilities: {"browserName": "firefox"}
mode: compatibility
capabilities: {"platform": "ANDROID", "browserName": "android"}
mode: compatibility
url: http://localhost:9515
capabilities: {"browserName": "chrome"}
mode: compatibility
capabilities: {"browserName": "ie"}
mode: compatibility
capabilities: {"browserName": "edge"}
mode: compatibility
capabilities: {"browserName": "iphone"}
mode: compatibility
capabilities: {"browserName": "blackberry"}
mode: compatibility