| /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- |
| * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99: |
| * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public |
| * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this |
| * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ |
| |
| #ifndef jit_BaselineFrame_h |
| #define jit_BaselineFrame_h |
| |
| #include "jit/JitFrames.h" |
| #include "vm/Stack.h" |
| |
| namespace js { |
| namespace jit { |
| |
| struct BaselineDebugModeOSRInfo; |
| |
| // The stack looks like this, fp is the frame pointer: |
| // |
| // fp+y arguments |
| // fp+x JitFrameLayout (frame header) |
| // fp => saved frame pointer |
| // fp-x BaselineFrame |
| // locals |
| // stack values |
| |
| // Eval frames |
| // |
| // Like js::InterpreterFrame, every BaselineFrame is either a global frame |
| // or a function frame. Both global and function frames can optionally |
| // be "eval frames". The callee token for eval function frames is the |
| // enclosing function. BaselineFrame::evalScript_ stores the eval script |
| // itself. |
| class BaselineFrame |
| { |
| public: |
| enum Flags : uint32_t { |
| // The frame has a valid return value. See also InterpreterFrame::HAS_RVAL. |
| HAS_RVAL = 1 << 0, |
| |
| // A call object has been pushed on the scope chain. |
| HAS_CALL_OBJ = 1 << 2, |
| |
| // Frame has an arguments object, argsObj_. |
| HAS_ARGS_OBJ = 1 << 4, |
| |
| // See InterpreterFrame::PREV_UP_TO_DATE. |
| PREV_UP_TO_DATE = 1 << 5, |
| |
| // Frame has execution observed by a Debugger. |
| // |
| // See comment above 'isDebuggee' in jscompartment.h for explanation of |
| // invariants of debuggee compartments, scripts, and frames. |
| DEBUGGEE = 1 << 6, |
| |
| // Eval frame, see the "eval frames" comment. |
| EVAL = 1 << 7, |
| |
| // Frame has over-recursed on an early check. |
| OVER_RECURSED = 1 << 9, |
| |
| // Frame has a BaselineRecompileInfo stashed in the scratch value |
| // slot. See PatchBaselineFramesForDebugMode. |
| HAS_DEBUG_MODE_OSR_INFO = 1 << 10, |
| |
| // This flag is intended for use whenever the frame is settled on a |
| // native code address without a corresponding ICEntry. In this case, |
| // the frame contains an explicit bytecode offset for frame iterators. |
| // |
| // There can also be an override pc if the frame has had its scope chain |
| // unwound to a pc during exception handling that is different from its |
| // current pc. |
| // |
| // This flag should never be set when we're executing JIT code. |
| HAS_OVERRIDE_PC = 1 << 11, |
| |
| // If set, we're handling an exception for this frame. This is set for |
| // debug mode OSR sanity checking when it handles corner cases which |
| // only arise during exception handling. |
| |
| // If set, this frame has been on the stack when |
| // |js::SavedStacks::saveCurrentStack| was called, and so there is a |
| // |js::SavedFrame| object cached for this frame. |
| }; |
| |
| protected: // Silence Clang warning about unused private fields. |
| // We need to split the Value into 2 fields of 32 bits, otherwise the C++ |
| // compiler may add some padding between the fields. |
| |
| union { |
| struct { |
| uint32_t loScratchValue_; |
| uint32_t hiScratchValue_; |
| }; |
| BaselineDebugModeOSRInfo* debugModeOSRInfo_; |
| }; |
| uint32_t loReturnValue_; // If HAS_RVAL, the frame's return value. |
| uint32_t hiReturnValue_; |
| uint32_t frameSize_; |
| JSObject* scopeChain_; // Scope chain (always initialized). |
| JSScript* evalScript_; // If isEvalFrame(), the current eval script. |
| ArgumentsObject* argsObj_; // If HAS_ARGS_OBJ, the arguments object. |
| void* unused; // See static assertion re: sizeof, below. |
| uint32_t overrideOffset_; // If HAS_OVERRIDE_PC, the bytecode offset. |
| uint32_t flags_; |
| |
| public: |
| // Distance between the frame pointer and the frame header (return address). |
| // This is the old frame pointer saved in the prologue. |
| static const uint32_t FramePointerOffset = sizeof(void*); |
| |
| bool initForOsr(InterpreterFrame* fp, uint32_t numStackValues); |
| |
| uint32_t frameSize() const { |
| return frameSize_; |
| } |
| void setFrameSize(uint32_t frameSize) { |
| frameSize_ = frameSize; |
| } |
| inline uint32_t* addressOfFrameSize() { |
| return &frameSize_; |
| } |
| JSObject* scopeChain() const { |
| return scopeChain_; |
| } |
| void setScopeChain(JSObject* scopeChain) { |
| scopeChain_ = scopeChain; |
| } |
| inline JSObject** addressOfScopeChain() { |
| return &scopeChain_; |
| } |
| |
| inline Value* addressOfScratchValue() { |
| return reinterpret_cast<Value*>(&loScratchValue_); |
| } |
| |
| inline void pushOnScopeChain(ScopeObject& scope); |
| inline void popOffScopeChain(); |
| inline void replaceInnermostScope(ScopeObject& scope); |
| |
| inline void popWith(JSContext* cx); |
| |
| CalleeToken calleeToken() const { |
| uint8_t* pointer = (uint8_t*)this + Size() + offsetOfCalleeToken(); |
| return *(CalleeToken*)pointer; |
| } |
| void replaceCalleeToken(CalleeToken token) { |
| uint8_t* pointer = (uint8_t*)this + Size() + offsetOfCalleeToken(); |
| *(CalleeToken*)pointer = token; |
| } |
| bool isConstructing() const { |
| return CalleeTokenIsConstructing(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| JSScript* script() const { |
| if (isEvalFrame()) |
| return evalScript(); |
| return ScriptFromCalleeToken(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| JSFunction* fun() const { |
| return CalleeTokenToFunction(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| JSFunction* maybeFun() const { |
| return isFunctionFrame() ? fun() : nullptr; |
| } |
| JSFunction* callee() const { |
| return CalleeTokenToFunction(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| Value calleev() const { |
| return ObjectValue(*callee()); |
| } |
| size_t numValueSlots() const { |
| size_t size = frameSize(); |
| |
| MOZ_ASSERT(size >= BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset + BaselineFrame::Size()); |
| size -= BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset + BaselineFrame::Size(); |
| |
| MOZ_ASSERT((size % sizeof(Value)) == 0); |
| return size / sizeof(Value); |
| } |
| Value* valueSlot(size_t slot) const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(slot < numValueSlots()); |
| return (Value*)this - (slot + 1); |
| } |
| |
| Value& unaliasedFormal(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING) const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(i < numFormalArgs()); |
| MOZ_ASSERT_IF(checkAliasing, !script()->argsObjAliasesFormals() && |
| !script()->formalIsAliased(i)); |
| return argv()[i]; |
| } |
| |
| Value& unaliasedActual(unsigned i, MaybeCheckAliasing checkAliasing = CHECK_ALIASING) const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(i < numActualArgs()); |
| MOZ_ASSERT_IF(checkAliasing, !script()->argsObjAliasesFormals()); |
| MOZ_ASSERT_IF(checkAliasing && i < numFormalArgs(), !script()->formalIsAliased(i)); |
| return argv()[i]; |
| } |
| |
| Value& unaliasedLocal(uint32_t i) const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(i < script()->nfixed()); |
| return *valueSlot(i); |
| } |
| |
| unsigned numActualArgs() const { |
| return *(size_t*)(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + |
| BaselineFrame::Size() + |
| offsetOfNumActualArgs()); |
| } |
| unsigned numFormalArgs() const { |
| return script()->functionNonDelazifying()->nargs(); |
| } |
| Value& thisArgument() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(isNonEvalFunctionFrame()); |
| return *(Value*)(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + |
| BaselineFrame::Size() + |
| offsetOfThis()); |
| } |
| Value* argv() const { |
| return (Value*)(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + |
| BaselineFrame::Size() + |
| offsetOfArg(0)); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| Value* evalNewTargetAddress() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(isEvalFrame()); |
| MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); |
| return (Value*)(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + |
| BaselineFrame::Size() + |
| offsetOfEvalNewTarget()); |
| } |
| |
| public: |
| Value newTarget() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); |
| if (isEvalFrame()) |
| return *evalNewTargetAddress(); |
| if (fun()->isArrow()) |
| return fun()->getExtendedSlot(FunctionExtended::ARROW_NEWTARGET_SLOT); |
| if (isConstructing()) |
| return *(Value*)(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + |
| BaselineFrame::Size() + |
| offsetOfArg(Max(numFormalArgs(), numActualArgs()))); |
| return UndefinedValue(); |
| } |
| |
| bool copyRawFrameSlots(AutoValueVector* vec) const; |
| |
| bool hasReturnValue() const { |
| return flags_ & HAS_RVAL; |
| } |
| MutableHandleValue returnValue() { |
| if (!hasReturnValue()) |
| addressOfReturnValue()->setUndefined(); |
| return MutableHandleValue::fromMarkedLocation(addressOfReturnValue()); |
| } |
| void setReturnValue(const Value& v) { |
| returnValue().set(v); |
| flags_ |= HAS_RVAL; |
| } |
| inline Value* addressOfReturnValue() { |
| return reinterpret_cast<Value*>(&loReturnValue_); |
| } |
| |
| bool hasCallObj() const { |
| return flags_ & HAS_CALL_OBJ; |
| } |
| |
| inline CallObject& callObj() const; |
| |
| void setFlags(uint32_t flags) { |
| flags_ = flags; |
| } |
| uint32_t* addressOfFlags() { |
| return &flags_; |
| } |
| |
| inline bool pushBlock(JSContext* cx, Handle<StaticBlockObject*> block); |
| inline void popBlock(JSContext* cx); |
| inline bool freshenBlock(JSContext* cx); |
| |
| bool initStrictEvalScopeObjects(JSContext* cx); |
| bool initFunctionScopeObjects(JSContext* cx); |
| |
| void initArgsObjUnchecked(ArgumentsObject& argsobj) { |
| flags_ |= HAS_ARGS_OBJ; |
| argsObj_ = &argsobj; |
| } |
| void initArgsObj(ArgumentsObject& argsobj) { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(script()->needsArgsObj()); |
| initArgsObjUnchecked(argsobj); |
| } |
| bool hasArgsObj() const { |
| return flags_ & HAS_ARGS_OBJ; |
| } |
| ArgumentsObject& argsObj() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(hasArgsObj()); |
| MOZ_ASSERT(script()->needsArgsObj()); |
| return *argsObj_; |
| } |
| |
| bool prevUpToDate() const { |
| return flags_ & PREV_UP_TO_DATE; |
| } |
| void setPrevUpToDate() { |
| flags_ |= PREV_UP_TO_DATE; |
| } |
| void unsetPrevUpToDate() { |
| flags_ &= ~PREV_UP_TO_DATE; |
| } |
| |
| bool isDebuggee() const { |
| return flags_ & DEBUGGEE; |
| } |
| void setIsDebuggee() { |
| flags_ |= DEBUGGEE; |
| } |
| inline void unsetIsDebuggee(); |
| |
| bool isHandlingException() const { |
| return flags_ & HANDLING_EXCEPTION; |
| } |
| void setIsHandlingException() { |
| } |
| void unsetIsHandlingException() { |
| flags_ &= ~HANDLING_EXCEPTION; |
| } |
| |
| bool hasCachedSavedFrame() const { |
| return flags_ & HAS_CACHED_SAVED_FRAME; |
| } |
| void setHasCachedSavedFrame() { |
| } |
| |
| JSScript* evalScript() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(isEvalFrame()); |
| return evalScript_; |
| } |
| |
| bool overRecursed() const { |
| return flags_ & OVER_RECURSED; |
| } |
| |
| void setOverRecursed() { |
| flags_ |= OVER_RECURSED; |
| } |
| |
| BaselineDebugModeOSRInfo* debugModeOSRInfo() { |
| return debugModeOSRInfo_; |
| } |
| |
| BaselineDebugModeOSRInfo* getDebugModeOSRInfo() { |
| if (flags_ & HAS_DEBUG_MODE_OSR_INFO) |
| return debugModeOSRInfo(); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| void setDebugModeOSRInfo(BaselineDebugModeOSRInfo* info) { |
| flags_ |= HAS_DEBUG_MODE_OSR_INFO; |
| debugModeOSRInfo_ = info; |
| } |
| |
| void deleteDebugModeOSRInfo(); |
| |
| // See the HAS_OVERRIDE_PC comment. |
| bool hasOverridePc() const { |
| return flags_ & HAS_OVERRIDE_PC; |
| } |
| |
| jsbytecode* overridePc() const { |
| MOZ_ASSERT(hasOverridePc()); |
| return script()->offsetToPC(overrideOffset_); |
| } |
| |
| jsbytecode* maybeOverridePc() const { |
| if (hasOverridePc()) |
| return overridePc(); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| void setOverridePc(jsbytecode* pc) { |
| flags_ |= HAS_OVERRIDE_PC; |
| overrideOffset_ = script()->pcToOffset(pc); |
| } |
| |
| void clearOverridePc() { |
| flags_ &= ~HAS_OVERRIDE_PC; |
| } |
| |
| void trace(JSTracer* trc, JitFrameIterator& frame); |
| |
| bool isFunctionFrame() const { |
| return CalleeTokenIsFunction(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| bool isModuleFrame() const { |
| return CalleeTokenIsModuleScript(calleeToken()); |
| } |
| bool isGlobalFrame() const { |
| return !isFunctionFrame() && !isModuleFrame(); |
| } |
| bool isEvalFrame() const { |
| return flags_ & EVAL; |
| } |
| bool isStrictEvalFrame() const { |
| return isEvalFrame() && script()->strict(); |
| } |
| bool isNonStrictEvalFrame() const { |
| return isEvalFrame() && !script()->strict(); |
| } |
| bool isNonGlobalEvalFrame() const; |
| bool isNonStrictDirectEvalFrame() const { |
| return isNonStrictEvalFrame() && isNonGlobalEvalFrame(); |
| } |
| bool isNonEvalFunctionFrame() const { |
| return isFunctionFrame() && !isEvalFrame(); |
| } |
| bool isDebuggerEvalFrame() const { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| JitFrameLayout* framePrefix() const { |
| uint8_t* fp = (uint8_t*)this + Size() + FramePointerOffset; |
| return (JitFrameLayout*)fp; |
| } |
| |
| // Methods below are used by the compiler. |
| static size_t offsetOfCalleeToken() { |
| return FramePointerOffset + js::jit::JitFrameLayout::offsetOfCalleeToken(); |
| } |
| static size_t offsetOfThis() { |
| return FramePointerOffset + js::jit::JitFrameLayout::offsetOfThis(); |
| } |
| static size_t offsetOfEvalNewTarget() { |
| return FramePointerOffset + js::jit::JitFrameLayout::offsetOfEvalNewTarget(); |
| } |
| static size_t offsetOfArg(size_t index) { |
| return FramePointerOffset + js::jit::JitFrameLayout::offsetOfActualArg(index); |
| } |
| static size_t offsetOfNumActualArgs() { |
| return FramePointerOffset + js::jit::JitFrameLayout::offsetOfNumActualArgs(); |
| } |
| static size_t Size() { |
| return sizeof(BaselineFrame); |
| } |
| |
| // The reverseOffsetOf methods below compute the offset relative to the |
| // frame's base pointer. Since the stack grows down, these offsets are |
| // negative. |
| static int reverseOffsetOfFrameSize() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, frameSize_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfScratchValue() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, loScratchValue_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfScopeChain() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, scopeChain_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfArgsObj() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, argsObj_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfFlags() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, flags_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfEvalScript() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, evalScript_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfReturnValue() { |
| return -int(Size()) + offsetof(BaselineFrame, loReturnValue_); |
| } |
| static int reverseOffsetOfLocal(size_t index) { |
| return -int(Size()) - (index + 1) * sizeof(Value); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Ensure the frame is 8-byte aligned (required on ARM). |
| JS_STATIC_ASSERT(((sizeof(BaselineFrame) + BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset) % 8) == 0); |
| |
| } // namespace jit |
| } // namespace js |
| |
| #endif /* jit_BaselineFrame_h */ |