blob: 07646b4f7f44c800f8b0ae04c28eb2e8c80623c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "experimental/graphite/src/geom/Shape.h"
#include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRRectPriv.h"
#include "src/utils/SkPolyUtils.h"
namespace skgpu {
Shape& Shape::operator=(const Shape& shape) {
switch (shape.type()) {
case Type::kEmpty: this->reset(); break;
case Type::kLine: this->setLine(shape.p0(), shape.p1()); break;
case Type::kRect: this->setRect(shape.rect()); break;
case Type::kRRect: this->setRRect(shape.rrect()); break;
case Type::kPath: this->setPath(shape.path()); break;
fInverted = shape.fInverted;
return *this;
bool Shape::conservativeContains(const Rect& rect) const {
switch (fType) {
case Type::kEmpty: return false;
case Type::kLine: return false;
case Type::kRect: return fRect.contains(rect);
case Type::kRRect: return fRRect.contains(rect.asSkRect());
case Type::kPath: return fPath.conservativelyContainsRect(rect.asSkRect());
bool Shape::conservativeContains(float2 point) const {
switch (fType) {
case Type::kEmpty: return false;
case Type::kLine: return false;
case Type::kRect: return fRect.contains(Rect::Point(point));
case Type::kRRect: return SkRRectPriv::ContainsPoint(fRRect, {point.x(), point.y()});
case Type::kPath: return fPath.contains(point.x(), point.y());
bool Shape::closed() const {
switch (fType) {
case Type::kEmpty: return true;
case Type::kLine: return false;
case Type::kRect: return true;
case Type::kRRect: return true;
case Type::kPath: return SkPathPriv::IsClosedSingleContour(fPath);
bool Shape::convex(bool simpleFill) const {
if (this->isPath()) {
// SkPath.isConvex() really means "is this path convex were it to be closed".
return (simpleFill || fPath.isLastContourClosed()) && fPath.isConvex();
} else {
// Every other shape type is convex by construction.
return true;
Rect Shape::bounds() const {
switch (fType) {
case Type::kEmpty: return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
case Type::kLine: return fRect.makeSorted(); // sorting corners computes bbox of segment
case Type::kRect: return fRect; // assuming it's sorted
case Type::kRRect: return fRRect.getBounds();
case Type::kPath: return fPath.getBounds();
SkPath Shape::asPath() const {
if (fType == Type::kPath) {
return fPath;
SkPathBuilder builder(this->fillType());
switch (fType) {
case Type::kEmpty: /* do nothing */ break;
case Type::kLine: builder.moveTo(fRect.left(),
.lineTo(fRect.right(),; break;
case Type::kRect: builder.addRect(fRect.asSkRect()); break;
case Type::kRRect: builder.addRRect(fRRect); break;
case Type::kPath: SkUNREACHABLE;
return builder.detach();
} // namespace skgpu