blob: 52f2e9f20dad988f804a52bd0ec20e165e6279bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function StoreToSuper () {
"use strict";
class A {
s() {
super.bla = 10;
let a = new A();
(new A);
assertEquals(10, a.bla);
assertThrows(function() { (new A); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { (new A); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { (new A); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { (new A)"abc"); }, TypeError);
(function LoadFromSuper () {
"use strict";
class A {
s() {
return super.bla;
let a = new A();
assertSame(undefined, (new A);
assertSame(undefined, (new A);
assertSame(undefined, (new A);
assertSame(undefined, (new A);
assertSame(undefined, (new A)"abc"));