blob: 9d2ce468d1d3b21d0c95beef7dd962c393680ce0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview using private properties isn't a Closure violation in tests.
* @suppress {accessControls}
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshotMockFactories = function() {
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createJSHeapSnapshotMockObject = function() {
return {
_rootNodeIndex: 0,
_nodeTypeOffset: 0,
_nodeNameOffset: 1,
_nodeEdgeCountOffset: 2,
_nodeFieldCount: 3,
_edgeFieldsCount: 3,
_edgeTypeOffset: 0,
_edgeNameOffset: 1,
_edgeToNodeOffset: 2,
_nodeTypes: ['hidden', 'object'],
_edgeTypes: ['element', 'property', 'shortcut'],
_edgeShortcutType: -1,
_edgeHiddenType: -1,
_edgeElementType: 0,
_realNodesLength: 18,
nodes: new Uint32Array([0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, 5, 0]),
containmentEdges: new Uint32Array([2, 6, 3, 1, 7, 6, 0, 1, 6, 1, 8, 9, 1, 9, 9, 1, 10, 12, 1, 11, 15]),
strings: ['', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'a', 'b', 'ac', 'bc', 'bd', 'ce'],
_firstEdgeIndexes: new Uint32Array([0, 6, 12, 18, 21, 21, 21]),
createNode: HeapSnapshotWorker.JSHeapSnapshot.prototype.createNode,
createEdge: HeapSnapshotWorker.JSHeapSnapshot.prototype.createEdge,
createRetainingEdge: HeapSnapshotWorker.JSHeapSnapshot.prototype.createRetainingEdge
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshotMockRaw = function() {
return {
snapshot: {
meta: {
node_fields: ['type', 'name', 'id', 'self_size', 'retained_size', 'dominator', 'edge_count'],
node_types: [['hidden', 'object'], '', '', '', '', '', ''],
edge_fields: ['type', 'name_or_index', 'to_node'],
edge_types: [['element', 'property', 'shortcut'], '', '']
node_count: 6,
edge_count: 7
nodes: [
0, 0, 1, 0, 20, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 8, 0, 2,
1, 3, 4, 4, 10, 0, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 5, 14, 0, 1, 5, 6, 6, 6, 21, 0
edges: [1, 6, 7, 1, 7, 14, 0, 1, 14, 1, 8, 21, 1, 9, 21, 1, 10, 28, 1, 11, 35],
strings: ['', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'a', 'b', 'ac', 'bc', 'bd', 'ce']
HeapProfilerTestRunner._postprocessHeapSnapshotMock = function(mock) {
mock.nodes = new Uint32Array(mock.nodes);
mock.edges = new Uint32Array(mock.edges);
return mock;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshotMock = function() {
return HeapProfilerTestRunner._postprocessHeapSnapshotMock(HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshotMockRaw());
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshotMockWithDOM = function() {
return HeapProfilerTestRunner._postprocessHeapSnapshotMock({
snapshot: {
meta: {
node_fields: ['type', 'name', 'id', 'edge_count'],
node_types: [['hidden', 'object', 'synthetic'], '', '', ''],
edge_fields: ['type', 'name_or_index', 'to_node'],
edge_types: [['element', 'hidden', 'internal'], '', '']
node_count: 13,
edge_count: 13
nodes: [
2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 11, 2, 2, 1, 11, 3, 3, 2, 5, 4, 0, 2, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 6, 0, 1, 2,
7, 1, 1, 4, 8, 2, 1, 8, 9, 0, 1, 7, 10, 0, 1, 3, 11, 0, 1, 10, 12, 0, 1, 9, 13, 0
edges: [
0, 1, 4, 0, 2, 8, 0, 3, 12, 0, 4, 16, 0, 1, 20, 0, 2, 24, 0, 1,
24, 0, 2, 28, 1, 3, 32, 0, 1, 36, 0, 1, 40, 2, 12, 44, 2, 1, 48
strings: ['', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'M', 'N', 'Window', 'native']
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode = function(name, selfSize, type, id) {
this._type = type || HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode.Type.object;
this._name = name;
this._selfSize = selfSize || 0;
this._builder = null;
this._edges = {};
this._edgesCount = 0;
this._id = id;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode.Type = {
'hidden': 'hidden',
'array': 'array',
'string': 'string',
'object': 'object',
'code': 'code',
'closure': 'closure',
'regexp': 'regexp',
'number': 'number',
'native': 'native',
'synthetic': 'synthetic',
'bigint': 'bigint'
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode.prototype = {
linkNode: function(node, type, nameOrIndex) {
if (!this._builder)
throw new Error('parent node is not connected to a snapshot');
if (!node._builder)
if (nameOrIndex === undefined)
nameOrIndex = this._edgesCount;
if (nameOrIndex in this._edges) {
throw new Error(
'Can\'t add edge with the same nameOrIndex. nameOrIndex: ' + nameOrIndex +
' oldNodeName: ' + this._edges[nameOrIndex]._name + ' newNodeName: ' + node._name);
this._edges[nameOrIndex] = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge(node, type, nameOrIndex);
_setBuilder: function(builder) {
if (this._builder)
throw new Error('node reusing is prohibited');
this._builder = builder;
this._ordinal = this._builder._registerNode(this);
_serialize: function(rawSnapshot) {
rawSnapshot.nodes.push(this._id || this._ordinal * 2 + 1);
for (const i in this._edges)
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge = function(targetNode, type, nameOrIndex) {
this._targetNode = targetNode;
this._type = type;
this._nameOrIndex = nameOrIndex;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.prototype = {
_serialize: function(rawSnapshot) {
if (!this._targetNode._builder)
throw new Error('Inconsistent state of node: ' + this._name + ' no builder assigned');
const builder = this._targetNode._builder;
(typeof this._nameOrIndex === 'string' ? builder.lookupOrAddString(this._nameOrIndex) : this._nameOrIndex));
rawSnapshot.edges.push(this._targetNode._ordinal * builder.nodeFieldsCount);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type = {
'context': 'context',
'element': 'element',
'property': 'property',
'internal': 'internal',
'hidden': 'hidden',
'shortcut': 'shortcut',
'weak': 'weak'
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapSnapshotBuilder = function() {
this._nodes = [];
this._string2id = {};
this._strings = [];
this.nodeFieldsCount = 7;
this._nodeTypesMap = {};
this._nodeTypesArray = [];
for (const nodeType in HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode.Type) {
this._nodeTypesMap[nodeType] = this._nodeTypesArray.length;
this._edgeTypesMap = {};
this._edgeTypesArray = [];
for (const edgeType in HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type) {
this._edgeTypesMap[edgeType] = this._edgeTypesArray.length;
this.rootNode = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode('root', 0, 'object');
HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapSnapshotBuilder.prototype = {
generateSnapshot: function() {
const rawSnapshot = {
'snapshot': {
'meta': {
'node_fields': ['type', 'name', 'id', 'self_size', 'retained_size', 'dominator', 'edge_count'],
'node_types': [this._nodeTypesArray, 'string', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number'],
'edge_fields': ['type', 'name_or_index', 'to_node'],
'edge_types': [this._edgeTypesArray, 'string_or_number', 'node']
'nodes': [],
'edges': [],
'strings': []
for (let i = 0; i < this._nodes.length; ++i)
rawSnapshot.strings = this._strings.slice();
const meta = rawSnapshot.snapshot.meta;
rawSnapshot.snapshot.edge_count = rawSnapshot.edges.length / meta.edge_fields.length;
rawSnapshot.snapshot.node_count = rawSnapshot.nodes.length / meta.node_fields.length;
return rawSnapshot;
createJSHeapSnapshot: function() {
const parsedSnapshot = HeapProfilerTestRunner._postprocessHeapSnapshotMock(this.generateSnapshot());
return new HeapSnapshotWorker.JSHeapSnapshot(parsedSnapshot, new HeapSnapshotWorker.HeapSnapshotProgress());
_registerNode: function(node) {
return this._nodes.length - 1;
lookupNodeType: function(typeName) {
if (typeName === undefined)
throw new Error('wrong node type: ' + typeName);
if (!(typeName in this._nodeTypesMap))
throw new Error('wrong node type name: ' + typeName);
return this._nodeTypesMap[typeName];
lookupEdgeType: function(typeName) {
if (!(typeName in this._edgeTypesMap))
throw new Error('wrong edge type name: ' + typeName);
return this._edgeTypesMap[typeName];
lookupOrAddString: function(string) {
if (string in this._string2id)
return this._string2id[string];
this._string2id[string] = this._strings.length;
return this._strings.length - 1;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.createHeapSnapshot = function(instanceCount, firstId) {
let seed = 881669;
function pseudoRandom(limit) {
seed = seed * 355109 + 153763 >> 2 & 65535;
return seed % limit;
const builder = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapSnapshotBuilder();
const rootNode = builder.rootNode;
const gcRootsNode =
new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode('(GC roots)', 0, HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode.Type.synthetic);
rootNode.linkNode(gcRootsNode, HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type.element);
const windowNode = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode('Window', 20);
rootNode.linkNode(windowNode, HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type.shortcut);
gcRootsNode.linkNode(windowNode, HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type.element);
for (let i = 0; i < instanceCount; ++i) {
const sizeOfB = pseudoRandom(20) + 1;
const nodeB = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode('B', sizeOfB, undefined, firstId++);
windowNode.linkNode(nodeB, HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapEdge.Type.element);
const sizeOfA = pseudoRandom(50) + 1;
const nodeA = new HeapProfilerTestRunner.HeapNode('A', sizeOfA, undefined, firstId++);
nodeB.linkNode(nodeA,, 'a');
nodeA.linkNode(nodeA,, 'a');
return builder.generateSnapshot();
HeapProfilerTestRunner.startProfilerTest = function(callback) {
TestRunner.addResult('Profiler was enabled.');
HeapProfilerTestRunner._panelReset = TestRunner.override(UI.panels.heap_profiler, '_reset', function() {}, true);
TestRunner.addSniffer(UI.panels.heap_profiler, '_addProfileHeader', HeapProfilerTestRunner._profileHeaderAdded, true);
TestRunner.addSniffer(Profiler.ProfileView.prototype, 'refresh', HeapProfilerTestRunner._profileViewRefresh, true);
TestRunner.addSniffer(Profiler.HeapSnapshotView.prototype, 'show', HeapProfilerTestRunner._snapshotViewShown, true);
Profiler.HeapSnapshotContainmentDataGrid.prototype.defaultPopulateCount = function() {
return 10;
Profiler.HeapSnapshotConstructorsDataGrid.prototype.defaultPopulateCount = function() {
return 10;
Profiler.HeapSnapshotDiffDataGrid.prototype.defaultPopulateCount = function() {
return 5;
TestRunner.addResult('Detailed heap profiles were enabled.');
HeapProfilerTestRunner.completeProfilerTest = function() {
TestRunner.addResult('Profiler was disabled.');
HeapProfilerTestRunner.runHeapSnapshotTestSuite = function(testSuite) {
const testSuiteTests = testSuite.slice();
let completeTestStack;
function runner() {
if (!testSuiteTests.length) {
if (completeTestStack)
TestRunner.addResult('FAIL: test already completed at ' + completeTestStack);
completeTestStack = new Error().stack;
const nextTest = testSuiteTests.shift();
'Running: ' +
TestRunner.safeWrap(nextTest)(runner, runner);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.assertColumnContentsEqual = function(reference, actual) {
const length = Math.min(reference.length, actual.length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i)
TestRunner.assertEquals(reference[i], actual[i], 'row ' + i);
if (reference.length > length)
TestRunner.addResult('extra rows in reference array:\n' + reference.slice(length).join('\n'));
else if (actual.length > length)
TestRunner.addResult('extra rows in actual array:\n' + actual.slice(length).join('\n'));
HeapProfilerTestRunner.checkArrayIsSorted = function(contents, sortType, sortOrder) {
function simpleComparator(a, b) {
return (a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0));
function parseSize(size) {
return parseInt(size.replace(/[\xa0,]/g, ''), 10);
const extractor = {
text: function(data) {
number: function(data) {
return parseInt(data, 10);
size: parseSize,
name: function(data) {
return data;
id: function(data) {
return parseInt(data, 10);
if (!extractor) {
TestRunner.addResult('Invalid sort type: ' + sortType);
let acceptableComparisonResult;
if (sortOrder === DataGrid.DataGrid.Order.Ascending) {
acceptableComparisonResult = -1;
} else if (sortOrder === DataGrid.DataGrid.Order.Descending) {
acceptableComparisonResult = 1;
} else {
TestRunner.addResult('Invalid sort order: ' + sortOrder);
for (let i = 0; i < contents.length - 1; ++i) {
const a = extractor(contents[i]);
const b = extractor(contents[i + 1]);
const result = simpleComparator(a, b);
if (result !== 0 && result !== acceptableComparisonResult) {
'Elements ' + i + ' and ' + (i + 1) + ' are out of order: ' + a + ' ' + b + ' (' + sortOrder + ')');
HeapProfilerTestRunner.clickColumn = function(column, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const cell = this._currentGrid()._headerTableHeaders[];
const event = {
target: {
enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeName: function() {
return cell;
function sortingComplete() {
Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, this);
TestRunner.assertEquals(, this._currentGrid().sortColumnId(), 'unexpected sorting');
column.sort = this._currentGrid().sortOrder();
function callCallback() {
setTimeout(callCallback, 0);
Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, this);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.clickRowAndGetRetainers = function(row, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const event = {
target: {
enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeName: function() {
return row._element;
selectedNode: row
const rootNode = HeapProfilerTestRunner.currentProfileView()._retainmentDataGrid.rootNode();
rootNode.once(Profiler.HeapSnapshotGridNode.Events.PopulateComplete).then(() => callback(rootNode));
HeapProfilerTestRunner.clickShowMoreButton = function(buttonName, row, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const parent = row.parent;
parent.once(Profiler.HeapSnapshotGridNode.Events.PopulateComplete).then(() => setTimeout(() => callback(parent), 0));
HeapProfilerTestRunner.columnContents = function(column, row) {
const columnOrdinal = HeapProfilerTestRunner.viewColumns().indexOf(column);
const result = [];
const parent = row || this._currentGrid().rootNode();
for (let node = parent.children[0]; node; node = node.traverseNextNode(true, parent, true)) {
if (!node.selectable)
let content = node.element().children[columnOrdinal];
if (content.firstElementChild)
content = content.firstElementChild;
return result;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.countDataRows = function(row, filter) {
let result = 0;
filter = filter || function(node) {
return node.selectable;
for (let node = row.children[0]; node; node = node.traverseNextNode(true, row, true)) {
if (filter(node))
return result;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.expandRow = function(row, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
row.once(Profiler.HeapSnapshotGridNode.Events.PopulateComplete).then(() => setTimeout(() => callback(row), 0));
(function expand() {
if (row.hasChildren())
setTimeout(expand, 0);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.expandRowPromise = function(row) {
return new Promise(resolve => HeapProfilerTestRunner.expandRow(row, resolve));
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findAndExpandGCRoots = function(callback) {
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findAndExpandRow('(GC roots)', callback);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findAndExpandWindow = function(callback) {
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findAndExpandRow('Window', callback);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findAndExpandRow = async function(name, callback) {
const row = HeapProfilerTestRunner.findRow(name);
TestRunner.assertEquals(true, !!row, `"${name}" row`);
await HeapProfilerTestRunner.expandRowPromise(row);
return row;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findButtonsNode = function(row, startNode) {
for (let node = startNode || row.children[0]; node; node = node.traverseNextNode(true, row, true)) {
if (!node.selectable && node.showNext)
return node;
return null;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findRow = function(name, parent) {
return HeapProfilerTestRunner.findMatchingRow(node => node._name === name, parent);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.findMatchingRow = function(matcher, parent) {
parent = parent || this._currentGrid().rootNode();
for (let node = parent.children[0]; node; node = node.traverseNextNode(true, parent, true)) {
if (matcher(node))
return node;
return null;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.switchToView = function(title, callback) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const view = UI.panels.heap_profiler.visibleView;
HeapProfilerTestRunner._currentGrid() = '10000px';
HeapProfilerTestRunner.takeAndOpenSnapshot = async function(generator, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const snapshot = generator();
const profileType = Profiler.ProfileTypeRegistry.instance.heapSnapshotProfileType;
function pushGeneratedSnapshot(reportProgress) {
if (reportProgress) {
profileType._reportHeapSnapshotProgress({data: {done: 50, total: 100, finished: false}});
profileType._reportHeapSnapshotProgress({data: {done: 100, total: 100, finished: true}});
snapshot.snapshot.typeId = 'HEAP';
profileType._addHeapSnapshotChunk({data: JSON.stringify(snapshot)});
return Promise.resolve();
HeapProfilerTestRunner._takeAndOpenSnapshotCallback = callback;
TestRunner.override(TestRunner.HeapProfilerAgent, 'takeHeapSnapshot', pushGeneratedSnapshot);
if (!UI.context.flavor(SDK.HeapProfilerModel))
await new Promise(resolve => UI.context.addFlavorChangeListener(SDK.HeapProfilerModel, resolve));
* @return {!Promise<!Profiler.HeapProfileHeader>}
HeapProfilerTestRunner.takeSnapshotPromise = function() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const heapProfileType = Profiler.ProfileTypeRegistry.instance.heapSnapshotProfileType;
heapProfileType.addEventListener(Profiler.HeapSnapshotProfileType.SnapshotReceived, finishHeapSnapshot);
function finishHeapSnapshot() {
const profiles = heapProfileType.getProfiles();
if (!profiles.length)
throw 'FAILED: no profiles found.';
if (profiles.length > 1)
throw `FAILED: wrong number of recorded profiles was found. profiles.length = ${profiles.length}`;
const profile = profiles[0];
const dataGrid = HeapProfilerTestRunner.currentProfileView()._dataGrid;
dataGrid.addEventListener(Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, null);
function sortingComplete() {
Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, null);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.viewColumns = function() {
return HeapProfilerTestRunner._currentGrid()._columnsArray;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.currentProfileView = function() {
return UI.panels.heap_profiler.visibleView;
HeapProfilerTestRunner._currentGrid = function() {
return this.currentProfileView()._dataGrid;
HeapProfilerTestRunner._snapshotViewShown = function() {
if (HeapProfilerTestRunner._takeAndOpenSnapshotCallback) {
const callback = HeapProfilerTestRunner._takeAndOpenSnapshotCallback;
HeapProfilerTestRunner._takeAndOpenSnapshotCallback = null;
const dataGrid = this._dataGrid;
function sortingComplete() {
dataGrid.removeEventListener(Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, null);
dataGrid.addEventListener(Profiler.HeapSnapshotSortableDataGrid.Events.SortingComplete, sortingComplete, null);
HeapProfilerTestRunner.showProfileWhenAdded = function(title) {
HeapProfilerTestRunner._showProfileWhenAdded = title;
return new Promise(resolve => HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShown(title, resolve));
HeapProfilerTestRunner._profileHeaderAdded = function(profile) {
if (HeapProfilerTestRunner._showProfileWhenAdded === profile.title)
HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShown = function(title, callback) {
callback = TestRunner.safeWrap(callback);
const profilesPanel = UI.panels.heap_profiler;
if (profilesPanel.visibleView && profilesPanel.visibleView.profile &&
profilesPanel.visibleView._profileHeader.title === title)
HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShownCallback = {title: title, callback: callback};
HeapProfilerTestRunner._profileViewRefresh = function() {
if (HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShownCallback &&
HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShownCallback.title === this._profileHeader.title) {
const callback = HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShownCallback;
delete HeapProfilerTestRunner._waitUntilProfileViewIsShownCallback;
HeapProfilerTestRunner.startSamplingHeapProfiler = async function() {
if (!UI.context.flavor(SDK.HeapProfilerModel))
await new Promise(resolve => UI.context.addFlavorChangeListener(SDK.HeapProfilerModel, resolve));
HeapProfilerTestRunner.stopSamplingHeapProfiler = function() {