blob: a149c0e8e78ca96f761b3c23106f285c527580e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE: need to be careful about adding release notes early otherwise it'll
// be shown in Canary (e.g. make sure the release notes are accurate).
const continueToHereShortcut = Host.isMac() ? 'Command' : 'Control';
const networkSearchShortcut = Host.isMac() ? 'Command + F' : 'Control + F';
const commandMenuShortcut = Host.isMac() ? 'Command + Shift + P' : 'Control + Shift + P';
/** @type {!Array<!Help.ReleaseNote>} */
Help.releaseNoteText = [
version: 11,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 68 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Eager evaluation',
subtitle: 'Preview return values in the Console without explicitly executing expressions.',
link: '',
title: 'Argument hints',
subtitle: `View a function's expected arguments in the Console.`,
link: '',
title: 'Function autocompletion',
subtitle: 'View available properties and methods after calling a function in the Console.',
link: '',
title: 'Audits panel updates',
subtitle: 'Faster, more consisent audits, a new UI, and new audits, thanks to Lighthouse 3.0.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 10,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 67 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Search across all network headers',
subtitle: `Press ${networkSearchShortcut} in the Network panel to open the Network Search pane.`,
link: '',
title: 'CSS variable value previews in the Styles pane',
subtitle: 'When a property value is a CSS variable, DevTools now shows a color preview next to the variable.',
link: '',
title: 'Stop infinite loops',
subtitle: 'Pause JavaScript execution then select the new Stop Current JavaScript Call button.',
link: '',
title: 'Copy as fetch',
subtitle: 'Right-click a network request then select Copy > Copy as fetch.',
link: '',
title: 'More audits',
subtitle: 'Two new audits, desktop configuration options, and viewing traces.',
link: '',
title: 'User Timing in the Performance tabs',
subtitle: 'Click the User Timing section to view measures in the Summary, Bottom-Up, and Call Tree tabs.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 9,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 66 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Pretty-printing in the Preview and Response tabs',
subtitle: 'The Preview tab now pretty-prints by default, and you can force ' +
'pretty-printing in the Response tab via the new Format button.',
link: '',
title: 'Previewing HTML content in the Preview tab',
subtitle: 'The Preview tab now always does a basic rendering of HTML content.',
link: '',
title: 'Local Overrides with styles defined in HTML',
subtitle: 'Local Overrides now works with styles defined in HTML, with one exception.',
link: '',
title: 'Blackboxing in the Initiator column',
subtitle: 'Hide framework scripts in order to see the app code that caused a request.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 8,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 65 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Local overrides',
subtitle: 'Override network requests and serve local resources instead.',
link: '',
title: 'Changes tab',
subtitle: 'Track changes that you make locally in DevTools via the Changes tab.',
link: '',
title: 'New accessibility tools',
subtitle: 'Inspect the accessibility properties and contrast ratio of elements.',
link: '',
title: 'New audits',
subtitle: 'New performance audits, a whole new category of SEO audits, and more.',
link: '',
title: 'Code stepping updates',
subtitle: 'Reliably step into web worker and asynchronous code.',
link: '',
title: 'Multiple recordings in the Performance panel',
subtitle: 'Temporarily save up to 5 recordings.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 7,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 64 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Performance monitor',
subtitle: 'Get a real-time view of various performance metrics.',
link: '',
title: 'Console sidebar',
subtitle: 'Reduce console noise and focus on the messages that are important to you.',
link: '',
title: 'Group similar console messages',
subtitle: 'The Console now groups similar messages by default.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 6,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 63 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Multi-client remote debugging',
subtitle: 'Use DevTools while debugging your app from an IDE or testing framework.',
link: '',
title: 'Workspaces 2.0',
subtitle: 'Save changes made in DevTools to disk, now with more helpful UI and better auto-mapping.',
link: '',
title: 'Four new audits',
'Including "Appropriate aspect ratios for images", "Avoid JS libraries with known vulnerabilities", and more.',
link: '',
title: 'Custom push notifications',
subtitle: 'Simulate push notifications with custom data.',
link: '',
title: 'Custom background sync events',
subtitle: 'Trigger background sync events with custom tags.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 5,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 62 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Top-level await operators in the Console',
subtitle: 'Use await to conveniently experiment with asynchronous functions in the Console.',
link: '',
title: 'New screenshot workflows',
subtitle: 'Take screenshots of a portion of the viewport, or of specific HTML nodes.',
link: '',
title: 'CSS Grid highlighting',
subtitle: 'Hover over an element to see the CSS Grid that\'s affecting it.',
link: '',
title: 'A new Console API for querying objects',
subtitle: 'Call queryObjects(Constructor) to get an array of objects instantiated with that constructor.',
link: '',
title: 'New Console filters',
subtitle: 'Filter out logging noise with the new negative and URL filters.',
link: '',
title: 'HAR imports in the Network panel',
subtitle: 'Drag-and-drop a HAR file to analyze a previous network recording.',
link: '',
title: 'Previewable cache resources in the Application panel',
subtitle: 'Click a row in a Cache Storage table to see a preview of that resource.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 4,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 61 update',
highlights: [
title: 'Mobile device throttling',
subtitle: 'Simulate a mobile device\'s CPU and network throttling from Device Mode.',
link: '',
title: 'Storage usage',
subtitle: 'See how much storage (IndexedDB, local, session, cache, etc.) an origin is using.',
link: '',
title: 'Cache timestamps',
subtitle: 'View when a service worker cached a response.',
link: '',
title: 'ES6 Modules support',
subtitle: 'Debug ES6 Modules natively from the Sources panel.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 3,
header: 'Highlights from the Chrome 60 update',
highlights: [
title: 'New Audits panel, powered by Lighthouse',
'Find out whether your site qualifies as a Progressive Web App, measure the accessibility and performance of a page, and discover best practices.',
link: '',
title: 'Third-party badges',
'See what third-party entities are logging to the Console, making network requests, and causing work during performance recordings.',
link: '',
title: 'New "Continue to Here" gesture',
subtitle: 'While paused on a line of code, hold ' + continueToHereShortcut +
' and then click to continue to another line of code.',
link: '',
title: 'Step into async',
subtitle: 'Predictably step into a promise resolution or other asynchronous code with a single gesture.',
link: '',
title: 'More informative object previews',
subtitle: 'Get a better idea of the contents of objects when logging them to the Console.',
link: '',
title: 'Real-time Coverage tab updates',
subtitle: 'See what code is being used in real-time.',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 2,
header: 'Highlights from Chrome 59 update',
highlights: [
title: 'CSS and JS code coverage',
subtitle: 'Find unused CSS and JS with the new Coverage drawer.',
link: '',
title: 'Full-page screenshots',
subtitle: 'Take a screenshot of the entire page, from the top of the viewport to the bottom.',
link: '',
title: 'Block requests',
subtitle: 'Manually disable individual requests in the Network panel.',
link: '',
title: 'Step over async await',
subtitle: 'Step through async functions predictably.',
link: '',
title: 'Unified Command Menu',
subtitle: 'Execute commands and open files from the newly-unified Command Menu (' + commandMenuShortcut + ').',
link: '',
link: '',
version: 1,
header: 'Highlights from Chrome 58 update',
highlights: [
title: 'New Performance and Memory panels',
subtitle: 'Head to Performance for JavaScript profiling',
link: '',
title: 'Editable cookies',
subtitle: 'You can edit any existing cookies and create new ones in the Application panel',
link: '',
title: 'Console filtering & settings',
subtitle: 'Use the text filter or click the Console settings icon to touch up your preferences',
link: '',
title: 'Debugger catches out-of-memory errors',
subtitle: 'See the stack or grab a heap snapshot to see why the app may crash',
link: '',
link: '',