blob: fb3f4939df0499b2c6d8cc8f822f76259ed4f331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @implements {ProductRegistry.Registry}
ProductRegistryImpl.Registry = class {
constructor() {
* @override
* @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl
* @return {?string}
nameForUrl(parsedUrl) {
const entry = this.entryForUrl(parsedUrl);
if (entry)
return null;
* @override
* @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl
* @return {?ProductRegistry.Registry.ProductEntry}
entryForUrl(parsedUrl) {
if (parsedUrl.isDataURL() || !parsedUrl.isValid)
return null;
// TODO(allada) This should be expanded to allow paths as as well as domain to find a product.
const productsByDomainHash = ProductRegistryImpl._productsByDomainHash;
// Remove leading www. if it is the only subdomain.
const domain = parsedUrl.domain().replace(/^www\.(?=[^.]+\.[^.]+$)/, '');
let previousIndex = -1;
let index = -1;
// Ensure we loop with full domain first, but do not loop over last part (ie: ".com").
for (let nextIndex = domain.indexOf('.'); nextIndex !== -1; nextIndex = domain.indexOf('.', nextIndex + 1)) {
const previousSubdomain = domain.substring(previousIndex + 1, index);
const subDomain = domain.substring(index + 1);
const prefixes = productsByDomainHash.get(ProductRegistryImpl._hashForDomain(subDomain));
previousIndex = index;
index = nextIndex;
if (!prefixes)
// Exact match domains are always highest priority.
if ('' in prefixes && domain === subDomain)
return prefixes[''];
if (previousSubdomain) {
for (const prefix in prefixes) {
const domainPrefix = previousSubdomain.substr(0, prefix.length);
if (domainPrefix === prefix && prefix !== '')
return prefixes[prefix];
// Process wildcard subdomain if no better match found.
if (prefixes && '*' in prefixes)
return prefixes['*'];
return null;
* @override
* @param {!Common.ParsedURL} parsedUrl
* @return {?number}
typeForUrl(parsedUrl) {
const entry = this.entryForUrl(parsedUrl);
if (entry)
return entry.type;
return null;
* @param {string} domain
* @return {string}
ProductRegistryImpl._hashForDomain = function(domain) {
return ProductRegistryImpl.sha1(domain).substr(0, 16);
* @param {!Array<string>} productNames
* @param {!Array<!{hash: string, prefixes: !Object<string, !{product: number, type: (number|undefined)}>}>} data
ProductRegistryImpl.register = function(productNames, data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const entry = data[i];
const prefixes = {};
for (const prefix in entry.prefixes) {
const prefixEntry = entry.prefixes[prefix];
const type = prefixEntry.type !== undefined ? prefixEntry.type : null;
prefixes[prefix] = {name: productNames[prefixEntry.product], type: type};
ProductRegistryImpl._productsByDomainHash.set(entry.hash, prefixes);
/** @type {!Map<string, !Object<string, !ProductRegistry.Registry.ProductEntry>>}} */
ProductRegistryImpl._productsByDomainHash = new Map();