blob: 71c7237f9572f1533e3d964602b4705cabd5f666 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* @unrestricted
SDK.FilmStripModel = class {
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel} tracingModel
* @param {number=} zeroTime
constructor(tracingModel, zeroTime) {
this.reset(tracingModel, zeroTime);
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel} tracingModel
* @param {number=} zeroTime
reset(tracingModel, zeroTime) {
this._zeroTime = zeroTime || tracingModel.minimumRecordTime();
this._spanTime = tracingModel.maximumRecordTime() - this._zeroTime;
/** @type {!Array<!SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame>} */
this._frames = [];
const browserMain = SDK.TracingModel.browserMainThread(tracingModel);
if (!browserMain)
const events =;
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) {
const event = events[i];
if (event.startTime < this._zeroTime)
if (!event.hasCategory(SDK.FilmStripModel._category))
if ( === SDK.FilmStripModel.TraceEvents.CaptureFrame) {
const data = event.args['data'];
if (data)
this._frames.push(SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame._fromEvent(this, event, this._frames.length));
} else if ( === SDK.FilmStripModel.TraceEvents.Screenshot) {
this, /** @type {!SDK.TracingModel.ObjectSnapshot} */ (event), this._frames.length));
* @return {!Array<!SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame>}
frames() {
return this._frames;
* @return {number}
zeroTime() {
return this._zeroTime;
* @return {number}
spanTime() {
return this._spanTime;
* @param {number} timestamp
* @return {?SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame}
frameByTimestamp(timestamp) {
const index = this._frames.upperBound(timestamp, (timestamp, frame) => timestamp - frame.timestamp) - 1;
return index >= 0 ? this._frames[index] : null;
SDK.FilmStripModel._category = 'disabled-by-default-devtools.screenshot';
SDK.FilmStripModel.TraceEvents = {
CaptureFrame: 'CaptureFrame',
Screenshot: 'Screenshot'
* @unrestricted
SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame = class {
* @param {!SDK.FilmStripModel} model
* @param {number} timestamp
* @param {number} index
constructor(model, timestamp, index) {
this._model = model;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.index = index;
/** @type {?string} */
this._imageData = null;
/** @type {?SDK.TracingModel.ObjectSnapshot} */
this._snapshot = null;
* @param {!SDK.FilmStripModel} model
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.Event} event
* @param {number} index
* @return {!SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame}
static _fromEvent(model, event, index) {
const frame = new SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame(model, event.startTime, index);
frame._imageData = event.args['data'];
return frame;
* @param {!SDK.FilmStripModel} model
* @param {!SDK.TracingModel.ObjectSnapshot} snapshot
* @param {number} index
* @return {!SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame}
static _fromSnapshot(model, snapshot, index) {
const frame = new SDK.FilmStripModel.Frame(model, snapshot.startTime, index);
frame._snapshot = snapshot;
return frame;
* @return {!SDK.FilmStripModel}
model() {
return this._model;
* @return {!Promise<?string>}
imageDataPromise() {
if (this._imageData || !this._snapshot)
return Promise.resolve(this._imageData);
return /** @type {!Promise<?string>} */ (this._snapshot.objectPromise());