blob: ffb64e56e58e8efdad0350ba8c607916c519ae58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @implements {Common.Runnable}
WorkerMain.WorkerMain = class extends Common.Object {
* @override
run() {
const capabilities = SDK.Target.Capability.Browser | SDK.Target.Capability.Log | SDK.Target.Capability.Network |
SDK.Target.Capability.Target | SDK.Target.Capability.Inspector;
'main', Common.UIString('Main'), capabilities, this._createMainConnection.bind(this), null);
new MobileThrottling.NetworkPanelIndicator();
* @param {!Protocol.InspectorBackend.Connection.Params} params
* @return {!Protocol.InspectorBackend.Connection}
_createMainConnection(params) {
return SDK.createMainConnection(params, () => Components.TargetDetachedDialog.webSocketConnectionLost());
SDK.ChildTargetManager.install(({target, waitingForDebugger}) => {
const parentTarget = target.parentTarget();
// Only pause the new worker if debugging SW - we are going through the pause on start checkbox.
if (!parentTarget.parentTarget() && waitingForDebugger) {
const debuggerModel = target.model(SDK.DebuggerModel);
if (debuggerModel)