blob: 97ac9faa685e0d5151d03b07a2f6988e6630c7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Configuration variables for bindings generation scripts.
_bindings_output_dir = "$root_gen_dir/bindings/browser"
_bindings_scripts_output_dir = "$_bindings_output_dir/scripts"
# Blink interface info is calculated in two stages. First at a per-component level
# (in Blink this is core or modules) and then these are combined. While Cobalt
# currently does not and may not need to distinguish between components, we adhere to
# Blink's process for simplicity.
_component_info_pickle = "$_bindings_scripts_output_dir/component_info.pickle"
_interfaces_info_individual_pickle =
_interfaces_info_combined_pickle =
_global_objects_pickle = "$_bindings_scripts_output_dir/GlobalObjects.pickle"
# Base directory into which generated bindings source files will be
# generated. Directory structure will mirror the directory structure
# that the .idl files came from.
_generated_source_output_dir = "$_bindings_output_dir/source"
# Directory containing generated IDL files.
_generated_idls_output_dir = "$_bindings_output_dir/idl"
# Array of all interfaces that need global constructors.
_global_constructor_interfaces = [
target(final_executable_type, "cobalt") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
data_deps = [
if (cobalt_font_package == "empty") {
data_deps += [ "//cobalt/content/fonts:copy_font_data" ]
} else {
data_deps += [
if (sb_is_evergreen) {
data_deps += [ "//cobalt/updater/version_manifest:copy_version_manifest" ]
if (!is_gold) {
data_deps += [
# Bindings generation targets.
config("bindings_includes") {
include_dirs = [ _generated_source_output_dir ]
source_set("browser_switches") {
has_pedantic_warnings = true
sources = [
public_deps = [ "//starboard:starboard_headers_only" ]
static_library("browser") {
has_pedantic_warnings = true
sources = [
public_deps = [ "//cobalt/dom" ]
deps = [
if (is_gold) {
defines = [ "COBALT_FORCE_HTTPS" ]
} else {
sources += [
defines = [ "ENABLE_ABOUT_SCHEME" ]
deps += [
if (sb_is_evergreen) {
deps += [ "//cobalt/updater" ]
} else {
deps += cobalt_platform_dependencies
target(gtest_target_type, "browser_test") {
testonly = true
has_pedantic_warnings = true
sources = [
deps = [
group("bindings") {
public_configs = [ ":bindings_includes" ]
deps = [
idl_compile("generated_bindings") {
sources = source_idl_files
cache_directory = _bindings_scripts_output_dir
component_info = _component_info_pickle
interfaces_info = _interfaces_info_combined_pickle
output_directory = _generated_source_output_dir
header_prefix = "${generated_bindings_prefix}"
# TODO(b/211055528): Missing deps from generated sources.
deps = [
public_deps = engine_dependencies
public_configs = [ ":bindings_includes" ]
source_set("generated_bindings_sources") {
sources = get_target_outputs(":generated_bindings")
public_deps = [ ":generated_bindings" ]
deps = [
# Ensure that all the files have been generated before trying to compile.
idl_compile("generated_types") {
sources = generated_header_idl_files
cache_directory = _bindings_scripts_output_dir
component_info = _component_info_pickle
interfaces_info = _interfaces_info_combined_pickle
output_directory = _generated_source_output_dir
# TODO(b/211055528): Missing deps from generated sources.
deps = [
public_deps = engine_dependencies
public_configs = [ ":bindings_includes" ]
source_set("generated_types_sources") {
sources = get_target_outputs(":generated_types")
public_deps = [ ":generated_types" ]
deps = [
# Ensure that all the files have been generated before trying to compile.
generate_type_conversion("generated_type_conversion") {
# TODO(b/211055528): Missing deps from generated sources.
deps = [
# Generated IDL files that define all the constructors that are on the global
# scope objects.
global_names_idl_path = _generated_idls_output_dir
interfaces = _global_constructor_interfaces
inputs = [ _interfaces_info_combined_pickle ]
inputs += source_idl_files
inputs += generated_header_idl_files
cache_directory = _bindings_scripts_output_dir
output_dir = _generated_source_output_dir
interfaces_info = _interfaces_info_combined_pickle
component_info = _component_info_pickle
compute_global_objects("global_objects") {
idl_files = source_idl_files + generated_header_idl_files
global_objects_file = _global_objects_pickle
compute_global_constructors_idls("global_constructors_idls") {
idl_files = source_idl_files
global_objects_file = _global_objects_pickle
# Generated IDL files that will define all the constructors that should be
# on the global scope objects.
global_names_idl_path = _generated_idls_output_dir
interfaces = _global_constructor_interfaces
deps = [ ":global_objects" ]
compute_interfaces_info_individual("interfaces_info_individual") {
idl_files =
source_idl_files + generated_header_idl_files + dependency_idl_files
# Generated IDL files that define all the constructors that are on the global
# scope objects.
global_names_idl_path = _generated_idls_output_dir
interfaces = _global_constructor_interfaces
component_info_file = _component_info_pickle
interfaces_info_file = _interfaces_info_individual_pickle
cache_directory = _bindings_scripts_output_dir
deps = [
generate_interfaces_info_overall("interfaces_info_overall") {
individual_interfaces_file = _interfaces_info_individual_pickle
combined_interfaces_file = _interfaces_info_combined_pickle
deps = [ ":interfaces_info_individual" ]
cache_lex_tables("cached_lex_yacc_tables") {
output_dir = _bindings_scripts_output_dir
cache_templates("cached_jinja_templates") {
output_dir = _bindings_scripts_output_dir